A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 203 Aurora Borealis

The carriages passed through the gate without any issues, and one by one, the girls began to wake up.

Archer leaned back in the plush carriage seat, feeling the gentle sway as the horses trotted along the cobblestone road.

Curiosity sparked within Archer as he peered out the window, captivated by the distant murmurs of a vibrant city. As they approached, the rolling hills unveiled a breathtaking sight.

Rounding a bend, Archer found himself immersed in a scene reminiscent of ancient Greece.

The city sprawled before him, its architecture a testament to the grandeur and artistry of a bygone era.

Marble columns proudly rose, adorned with intricate carvings of mythical figures. His eyes widened in wonder at the city's ethereal beauty.

Sunlight bathed the buildings, casting a warm golden glow that danced upon the gleaming marble structures.

Streets lined with olive trees stretched like leafy veins, bustling marketplaces filled with activity.

Merchants enthusiastically advertised their wares, enticing passersby with promises of exotic treasures. The colorful stalls created a kaleidoscope of sights.

Archer's gaze shifted upward, drawn to the magnificent acropolis majestically perched atop a hill.

The marble temples, dedicated to the ancient gods, stood proud and timeless. Archer almost imagined hearing echoes of ancient prayers and melodies of drifting flutes.

As the carriage approached the city, Archer spotted people strolling along the streets, their garments billowing in the wind.

Men and women dressed in flowing robes of white and gold, reminiscent of ancient Greeks. Some carried scrolls and engaged in animated discussions, while others held pottery or sculpting tools, revealing their artistic pursuits.

The air carried the fragrant aroma of olive oil and aromatic spices, mingling with distant sounds of lyres and laughter.

Archer found himself captivated by the city's central square, where performers enchanted the audience with a lively dance, accompanied by the enchanting tunes of a pan flute.

Ella, the first to awaken, rubbed her eyes and asked, "Good morning, Arch. Where are we?"

Archer glanced at the still-sleepy half-elf and replied, "We've just arrived in the capital."

With a faint smile, Ella nodded and sat up, while Sera and Nefertiti, still groggy, woke up with yawns and slid off Archer's lap.

They stretched and gave Archer a morning kiss before settling back down, and not long after, Hemera and Eleni woke up too.

Hemera greeted Archer with a big smile. "Morning, Archer. Did you sleep well?"

She looked at the girls with an amused smile, and Archer nodded. "It was really nice. I was really comfortable."

Archer, the girls, Hemera, and Eleni engaged in lively conversation as they journeyed toward the Solari Palace.

Their discussion flowed from recent adventures to tales of ancient legends, filling the carriage with shared laughter.

An hour after entering the city they approached the bustling noise of the palace, and the carriage came to a stop.

Hemera, sensing their arrival, stood up with a joyful sparkle in her eyes. She opened the door, revealing the palace's courtyard and numerous soldiers hurrying about with panicked looks on their faces.

When Hemera stepped out of the carriage, a woman who bore a striking resemblance to her but had green eyes rushed forward.

With a mix of happiness and exhaustion in her voice, she tightly embraced Hemera and expressed, "Hemi, I'm so relieved that you're safe. Nymphara Forest has become very dangerous lately. Pater has received reports of caravans going missing along the road."

Hemera nodded, comforting her by saying, "Mater, I'm fine. But what's happening in the city?"

Instead of replying, her mother fell silent when her eyes spotted Archer and the girls stepping out of the carriage, their attention captured by the breathtaking view around them.

Hemera saw her mother's look and giggled before introducing Archer and the girls. ''Mater, this is Archer, Ella, Teuila, Sera, and Nefertiti.''

The older woman smiled at the youngsters as she spoke in a welcoming voice. ''Welcome, everyone! I'm Empress Cassandra Helios. Come join us for breakfast.''

As she finished speaking, she spotted Nefertiti with her bright pink hair and light brown skin, which she instantly recognized. ''Hati, is that you?''

Nefertiti shook her head with a small smile on her face before answering. ''I am Nefertiti Sharifi, daughter of Hatshepsut Sharifi, Empress of the Zenia Empire.''

Cassandra's eyes widened, and a massive smile appeared on her face. She was about to speak when the chime of an ominous bell echoed throughout the city.

Archer's eyes widened in shock upon hearing it. He remembered a similar situation during the Doom of Frostholm.I think you should take a look at

He turned to the girls and urgently spoke, "They're going to attack the city. Be prepared."

While he conversed with the girls, the two elf women approached. Cassandra spoke first, "Archer, why do you believe an attack is imminent?"

He looked at her and proceeded to explain the story of Frostholm, recounting their encounters with Giants, Rat-lings, and other creatures.

When he finished, Cassandra looked shocked. Eleni stood there in silence, unable to utter a word.

That's when the bell started to chime again but didn't stop until the 12th chime caused a massive storm to appear over Ravenna.

Archer looked at the girls with a worried look and spoke. ''You girls stay in the palace and defend the walls. I'll clear up the storm and try to find out where they are coming from.''

As he addressed them, the Solari commander who had escorted them to Ravenna appeared and reported to the Empress.

He walked over and knelt down before speaking. "Empress, the Emperor has sent a messenger stating that the family isn't to leave the palace. Unknown creatures have appeared and started attacking the citizens in the south and west."

Cassandra looked at the man with concern, sighed, and nodded before turning to Hemera. "Your sisters are in the palace gardens, your father has gone with the Royal Guard to the Western gate, and your brothers are on a campaign against the pirates that infest the Phantom Sea."

Hemera nodded and wished Archer luck as she watched him walk up to each girl and give them a quick kiss before summoning his wings and flying out of the courtyard.

As she looked at the group of girls, they all smiled but kept their eyes on him as he vanished into the distance.

Hemera then approached the girls and decided to wait with them, but they insisted on waiting in the courtyard until he returned.

Archer flew over the city as dark clouds gathered overhead and the wind started getting stronger, he soon spotted a rooftop overlooking the city and landed on it.

He watched as the people ran to their homes guided by soldiers on nearly every corner waiting for the

Soon after that, the once lively streets now lay shrouded in an eerie gloom, as if the very essence of the city was being consumed by an encroaching shadow.

When the sky turned dark he raised his hands to the sky after deciding to cast a new spell.

''Aurora Borealis!''

Multiple orbs of dazzling light materialized around him, each one pulsating with beautiful colors.

With a forceful gesture, Archer released the orbs into the night sky. As they soared high above the city, they burst open in a glorious display of shimmering lights.

The spell ignited, casting a radiant glow that pushed back encroaching darkness. Mesmerizing lights danced and twirled, casting vivid colors upon buildings and streets below.

Inhabitants, initially gripped by fear, now looked up in shock and hope as darkness was momentarily held at bay.

Ethereal lights swirled and pulsed, fending off threatening shadows.

He continued casting the spell, and memories of Frosthelm's fall flashed in his mind. He read about the devastating power of the swarm.

Archer couldn't let Ravenna suffer the same fate. This time, he would fight to protect the city and its people for no other reason than he wanted to.

Darkness recoiled as his spells intensified, vibrant lights overpowering its grip. The city breathed again, reignited by the brilliance of his spells.

People watched from their windows, emboldened by glimmers of hope, but their hopes were soon shattered as the bell chimed repeatedly.

The dark clouds surged back with force, forcing him to cast the spell repeatedly, illuminating the city even more, and battling against the darkness.

After finishing casting the spells Archer swiftly made jumped off the roof and started to fly over Ravenna.

As he turned a corner, a commotion caught his attention. Fierce cries and the clash of metal echoed in the air, mingling with the panicked screams of the citizens who couldn't get home.

His eyes scanned the scene, and there, at the entrance to a narrow alley, he spotted a group of Solari soldiers engaged in a desperate battle.

The soldiers fought valiantly, their weapons raised against a horde of Rat-lings that had surged out of the sewers, launching surprise attacks on the patrolling soldiers and citizens.

Archer descended to the ground and cast a spell he learned in his spare time. ''Stone Wardens.''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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