A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 213 Fury

The Neothelid dropped lifelessly to the ground. Archer glanced at the horde and took a deep breath before releasing a stream of fire.

The fiery torrent washed over the creatures like a tsunami, but his instincts kicked in just in time.

He swiftly cast Cosmic Shield as a large fist collided with it. The impact sent Archer skidding backward, but his shield remained intact.

Looking in the direction of the attack and spotted the giant he had seen earlier, but this time, it had a green glow.

The creature's eyes glared at him with hatred as it charged again and started trying to punch him.

Dodging to the side, Archer evaded the giant's fist, and with a swift movement of his tail, he slapped the creature away.

Sera appeared at that moment, ready to join the fight. They exchanged a quick look as they faced the colossal giant.

Together, they attacked the creature. Sera unleashed her breath while Archer lunged at the giant, biting into its neck and shaking his head to make it roar in pain.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Sera followed suit, her crimson-scaled body displaying remarkable agility as she weaved through the air.

With a graceful swoop, she struck the giant's legs with a forceful tail swipe. The giant bellowed in pain and fury, taken aback by the combined assault of the two dragons.

However, the giant quickly retaliated, swinging its massive fists in an attempt to crush them.

Archer saw it hurtling toward Sera and, without hesitation let go of the giant to intercept the punch himself, taking it head-on.

Seeing him defend her but taking the punch made her lose her temper and she lunged forward, slashing one of the giant's eyes.

Archer quickly recovered and cast Void Blaze straight at the creature. The violet flames washed over the giant.

He charged in, taking it down to the ground, while Sera attacked any vulnerable part she could find.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, they kept relentlessly attacking the giant. The swarm of creatures passed by, avoiding the ferocious trio, and now, the Solarians had joined the dragon-kin in the fight.

Sun elves led counterattacks atop griffins and hippogriffs, while Emperor Agamemnon himself spearheaded the assault, watching his youngest daughter fighting alongside the other girls.

Sun magic rained down upon the horde, but the large beasts proved immune to the attacks, crashing headfirst into the shield wall.

General Mohamet rallied the dragon-kin and initiated attacks on the massive beasts. They targeted the creatures' legs, bringing them down, and then swarmed over them like ants.

Teuila skillfully kept the girls safe, while Ella began using Mana arrows that exploded on impact, hitting Rat-lings and other creatures with deadly precision.

Nefertiti and Hemera, on the other hand, used their spells to hit dozens of creatures, thinning out the swarm.

As the defenders saw the tide turning, the city gates opened, and the Solari heavy Cavalry charged out, providing even more support to the dragon-kin.

The battle raged on, and despite the immense challenge, the combined efforts of Archer, the girls, and their allies began to make a significant impact on the battlefield.

The defenders held the line while Archer and Sera continued to battle the giant, and the foot soldiers successfully beat back the horde.

After the fighting subsided, everyone's attention turned to the two battling dragons, and they watched intently.

The giant tossed Archer aside, but he quickly bounced back and leaped into the air. With a flap of his wings, he shot forward and struck the giant.

In response, the colossal foe grabbed his front claws and threw him off again, Archer crashed into the ground but not before swiping at the creature.

Enraged, the giant ran up to him and unleashed a flurry of punches upon him, their immense force cracking his scales upon impact.

After loads of punches, it grabbed a hold of him and bit down causing Archer to roar out in pain and go into a frenzy, attacking with even greater ferocity.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, something within him snapped. The pain from the giant's bite and punches fueled a primal rage within him, awakening a side of him he hasn't seen.

His violet eyes glowed with an intense fury as he let out a thunderous roar that echoed across the battlefield.

Ignoring the giant's blows, Archer charged forward with reckless abandon. He slashed at the creature's legs, causing it to stumble, but he didn't stop there.

Lunging with all his might, he sank his sharp teeth into the giant's arm, eliciting a pained howl from the colossal foe.I think you should take a look at

The giant was surprised by his sudden ferocity. It tried to shake him off, but he held on tightly, fueled by the pain and driven by a relentless frenzy.

Each punch from the giant only seemed to fuel his madness further. His scales gleamed with an otherworldly radiance as if infused with pure rage.

With every ounce of strength, Archer continued his assault. He clawed and bit, tearing into the giant's thick hide.

Blood sprayed from the wounds, mingling with his own blood. But he was beyond feeling pain; all he could see was the giant before him, and all he could hear was the rush of blood in his ears.

The giant's attacks grew wilder as it struggled to defend itself from the maddened dragon.

But Archer's movements were swift and unpredictable, making it difficult for the giant to land a solid hit. Each time it tried, he evaded or countered with even greater fury.

The other defenders and creatures around them paused in terror as they witnessed this unhinged spectacle.

Even Sera, who had fought at his side countless times, could hardly believe her eyes. As the minutes stretched on, it became evident that his relentless onslaught was taking a toll on the creature.

The giant's movements slowed as its roars of anger turned into desperate bellows of pain. Yet, it refused to yield, determined to crush the dragon that had dared to challenge it.

But in his madness, he seemed unstoppable. With one final surge of strength, he lunged at the giant's throat, sinking his teeth deep into its vulnerable flesh.

The giant let out a guttural cry, and its colossal form trembled before finally collapsing to the ground.

Archer pulled away, panting heavily, his scales still radiating with an eerie glow. The battlefield fell into an eerie silence as everyone took in the aftermath of his fury.

The giant lay defeated, and he stood there, bloodied and breathing heavily, his eyes still burning with untamed rage.

He saw that the swarm was still attempting to assault the soldiers, so he charged forward and started delivering wide swipes with his claws and tail.

Archer took out hundreds of Rat-lings and Rat-Orges, causing blood to flow like a river. The swarm faltered and attempted to target him.

Sera witnessed this and charged forward, tearing into the fleeing Rat-lings. The two dragons responded by unleashing their breath attacks on the swarm.

The violet and red flames washed over the creatures, reducing them to ashes. After the swarm was dealt with, cheers erupted.

However, the nightmare was not yet over. Explosions erupted all over Ravenna, and green fire emerged from the ruined buildings and streets.

The Solarian soldiers rushed into the city to help the people and extinguish the fires. Archer returned to his humanoid form.

He stood there, his body covered in black bruises, but they were already beginning to heal. As he looked himself over, he made his way over to the girls.

When he approached the girls, Nefertiti hurriedly ran up to him and planted a passionate kiss. He reciprocated the gesture before they parted ways.

Archer looked into her pink eyes and smiled, that's when he noticed Ella, Teuila, Sera, and Hemera coming toward them.

Nefertiti gave him one last peck before begrudgingly backing off and letting the other girls get their kiss.

They each kissed him one by one. After they were done, Ella asked, "How are you feeling, Arch? The Emperor wants to meet you after you've rested."

Archer nodded and replied, "I feel fine, just a bit achy. But I'd love to rest and take a bath in the domain."

When he said that, he looked at Teuila with a grin when she saw that she looked away as her cheeks when red.

Nefertiti noticed and mumbled to herself, "Damn orders, I'll break them and make him take me to that place."

Archer affectionately blew her a kiss, making her smile. Then Heera asked, "Archer, what were those spells you used? Will you tell me after you get some rest?"

He looked at the golden-haired girl and spoke with a smile as he admired her beauty. ''Yeah of course Hemi, we will do it tomorrow as I show you my library.'' 

She nodded her head in agreement as General Mehamet approached the group with a big smile.

The man stopped in front of him and spoke. ''Your Majesty, today's fight was marvelous and the soldiers loved it. But unfortunately, we lost a little over 100 to the swarm but the rest are in good spirits.''

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