A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 91 The Savior Of Aquaria.

The wyverns were massive, measuring around three meters in length. Archer began outlining some rules to them.

"First, you will assist the domain and its inhabitants," Archer said. All the wyverns nodded in unison, indicating their approval.

"Secondly, you will fight alongside us if we ever require your assistance," he continued. Once again, the wyverns nodded their heads in agreement.

"Lastly, you must invite more wyverns to join us" Archer concluded. The final nods were ones of excitement before the leader spoke once more.

"Excellent...white...dragon," the wyvern leader remarked.

Archer nodded his head and spoke up.

"I will transport two of you with me. You will gather more of your kind and meet me where we met. You have two weeks," he declared.

Archer opened the portal and swiftly flew through it, followed by two wyverns. When they reappeared on the ledge, the wyverns flew off, and Archer watched them disappear into the distance.

Meanwhile, Sera chirped contentedly as he stroked her. Although the fog still lingered, it had thinned out.

Archer reached in his Item Box for a pasty, only to realize that he didn't have many left. Nevertheless, he began to eat it and kindly shared it with Sera.

They enjoyed their meal and watched the sunrise, noticing how the fog was slowly clearing up and revealing the lush jungle around them.

However, their peaceful moment was soon interrupted by the sounds of beasts in the distance.

Archer sat on the edge of the ledge, his legs dangling freely over the side, gazing out at the breathtaking view before him.

The lush jungle stretched out as far as the eye could see, with tall trees and vibrant foliage swaying gently in the breeze.

In the distance, he could make out the outline of a massive city. Its towering buildings and bustling streets were visible even from this far away.

Sitting there, Archer felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over him. The world seemed to slow down, and he could hear the soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds.

Taking a deep breath, he savored the fresh, clean air and closed his eyes for a moment, letting the moment wash over him.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a flock of colorful beasts flying overhead, their wings beating in perfect unison.

He smiled, feeling grateful for this moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of the world.

Archer sat there for a while, stroking Sera as he enjoyed the view. An hour later, he stood up, walked to the middle of the ledge, and changed into his dragon form.

As he transformed, a brilliant white light emanated from him, and four large limbs slammed onto the ground.

His wings stretched out, and he cracked his long neck.

Looking down, he saw Sera staring at him with wide eyes, and he could have sworn he saw hearts in them.

Shaking his head, he lowered it for her to climb on. She scrambled up and clung to his horns.

Archer started flapping his wings and took off, flying towards Aquaria City to get rid of the remaining invading soldiers.

[Teuila P.O.V]

Teuila stood on the palace walls, watching as her father and brothers led a counterattack against the Kagian soldiers who had overtaken the city walls.

She couldn't stay still and jumped over the wall, landing with a thud before sprinting towards the walls to help her kingdom in its time of need.

Noticing that the enemies were off the wall, pulling out her sword from her storage ring.

Teuila started ducking and weaving as she slashed, stabbed, and sliced enemies apart.

She spotted her father fighting by the stairway to the wall, but as she got closer, hundreds of enemy soldiers surged over the wall.

Her father cut down three soldiers and started shouting orders to the remaining troops.

"Retreat to the palace! There are too many!" he yelled.

Ignoring her father's orders, she began casting a spell she had recently learned. She closed her eyes, put her hands together, and started chanting.

"From the depths of the ocean blue,

I summon forth a watery hue.

With power and force, let it rain,

A swarm of bullets, a watery pain!"

With a smile on her face, she sent them forward, taking out every enemy soldier who dared to climb over the wall.

The water bullets hit their targets with deadly precision, knocking them off and sending them crashing to the ground below.

Teuila's powers were a force to be reckoned with, and the enemy soldiers soon learned to fear her.

The Aquarian soldiers started cheering for their princess, but their cheers were cut short when a shield appeared, defending the Kagians.

A loud boom echoed through the city, sending everyone to the floor. Teuila looked up and saw demi-giants smashing down the city gate with large, heavy clubs.

More soldiers swarmed in and started fighting the confused Aquarians. Soldiers began retreating to the palace in waves under the orders of the first Prince Maleko.

"Soldiers of Aquaria, retreat to the palace!" he shouted.

Thousands of soldiers lined the palace walls, covering the retreating soldiers.

One of the princes cast a large wave behind the soldiers, cutting off the Kagians' advance and buying time for the defenders to organize themselves in the palace.

Teuila made it to the palace walls and fired off more water bullets, mowing down the incoming enemies.

There were too many soldiers, she knew they couldn't hold out for much longer, her father was injured along with the first prince.

Just as the enemies reached the palace walls a loud and imposing roar could be heard, stopping everyone in their tracks, Teuila looked in the direction where the roar originated.

Teuila stood atop the palace walls, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the thing that roared. Suddenly, she saw movement in the distance.

A powerful white dragon was swooping down, its wings beating the air with incredible force. As it drew closer, Teuila could see the dragon's eyes fixed on the Kagian army below.

Without warning, the dragon released a stream of violet flames, raining destruction down upon the enemy ranks.

The flames engulfed the soldiers, incinerating them instantly. The dragon continued to unleash its fury, swooping down again and again.

As everyone cheered at the sight, the giants approached the palace, but their advance was interrupted by another loud roar.

Teuila's ears caught a thunderous roar, resonating with an overwhelming mix of fury and wrath.

Raising her gaze, she beheld the majestic white dragon, its piercing eyes locked onto a gathering of demi-giants.

The dragon flew directly at them, crashing into the giants with incredible force.

Teuila watched in horror as blood flew everywhere, the dragon started biting and ripping limbs off the giants.

The group of demi-giants was quickly wiped out, as the dragon pierced the chest of the last one.

The dragon stood over the dead giant and let out a mighty roar, putting an end to the siege of Aquaria City.

The remaining Aquarian soldiers charged out of the palace, filled with renewed strength and determination.

They quickly overpowered the Kagian soldiers, who stood shocked and rooted to the ground.

The enemy soldiers were no match for the fierce warriors of Aquaria City, who fought with a ferocity that could not be matched.

As the battle raged on, the dragon continued to watch over the city, its presence alone enough to strike fear into the hearts of the enemy.

With the siege now broken, the people of Aquaria City could finally breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that they were safe once again.

[Back to Archer]

Archer sat atop a tower, watching as the Aquarians finally put an end to the siege. Sera clung to him, sound asleep.

As he prepared to flap his wings and take off, a voice from below shouted up at him.

"Thank you, Archer! You saved my family and my people."

Looking down, Archer spotted Teuila and Triton standing there with big smiles on their faces. Teuila beamed with pride.

Archer nodded his massive head in acknowledgment before taking off into the sky. He flew towards the Verdant Wilds, a giant jungle/forest located in the south.

Teuila watched Archer fly off and wished he had stayed behind, but she knew they would meet again.

He flapped his wings to speed up and soon arrived at a massive jungle that stretched into the distance.

With a keen eye, Archer hovered in the air, scanning the area for any signs of life. His senses were sharp, and he used his nose to try to sniff out anything that might be of interest.

As luck would have it, he caught a scent that piqued his curiosity. Without hesitation, he flew towards the source of the scent and landed in front of a herd of Ironhide Behemoths.

These massive, hulking beasts had metallic-like skin that glinted in the sunlight.

Archer couldn't help but notice how they resembled elephants from Earth but with a more malicious appearance.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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