A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 93 The Start Of Something New.

Archer was perched on a branch when he heard a loud roar emanating from Aquaria City. Reacting quickly, he leaped to his feet and addressed his trusty dragon companion.

"Sera, return to the domain. I'll be fighting again." Sera nodded and vanished from his shoulder.

He had crafted small bracelets that only trusted members of his domain could wield.

He had recently acquired 20 more wyverns to add to his ranks, thanks to the two he had previously sent out to search for more.

Archer whispered as he jumped off the branch.


He transformed into his massive 10-meter dragon form in an instant, flapping his wings and quickly flying toward the city.

His speed was so great that trees and other jungle debris were sent flying as he flew overhead.

It didn't take long for him to reach the city, he slowed down to avoid damaging the city's buildings.

Flying over the city, he quickly spotted the source of the roar, a large sea serpent swimming toward the city.

With a mighty roar of his own, he charged forward, his massive white wings beating the air as he closed in on the serpent.

Dodging the serpent's first attack, Archer swiftly slammed into the beast with full force. The collision sent ripples through the water as the two clashed, their teeth and claws flashing in the sunlight.

Archer's jaws snapped shut on the serpent's neck, tearing at its scales with his powerful bites.

With a writhing and twisting motion, the serpent attempted to shake off the white dragon that was clinging to him, but he held on firmly, using his razor-sharp claws to slash at its body.

The battle raged on, each creature determined to emerge victorious. Archer's scales glinted in the sunlight as he continued to bite and slash at the serpent.

While the beast's body coiled around him and thrashed at him, its tail hit his white scales causing sparks to fly off them.

Despite his valiant efforts, the serpent managed to inflict serious damage, leaving deep slashes all over his body and a broken right back leg that dangled helplessly in the air.

Adding insult to injury, his once-pristine white scales were now stained a deep crimson red.

The battle continued, the serpent threw Archer into the sea with a thunderous crash and closely followed behind him.

However, he quickly regained his composure and prepared to face his opponent once again.

As the serpent crashed into him, Archer fought back with all his might. With a mighty roar, he landed a final blow, sinking his teeth deep into the serpent's neck and tearing it apart.

It let out a final, pitiful cry before succumbing to its wounds. Exhausted but victorious, he grabbed hold of the serpent's body and flew higher.

He opened a portal below him and released the serpent's body, dropping it through the portal. It crashed into the clearing below, causing the ground to shake.

Exhausted, Archer dropped from the sky and deactivated his dragon form, crashing into the ocean. His body slowly began to repair itself as he sunk into the sea.

Suddenly, he felt someone grab hold of him. He turned his head to see Teuila, the girl he had met two years ago, face-to-face with him. Her beautiful smile was a welcoming sight.

"You saved us again, Archer. Thank you," she said.

"Archer smiled at Teuila, feeling grateful for her presence. However, as he began to lose consciousness, she swiftly swam back to the surface, pulling him along with her.

A while later he woke up, as he opened his eyes he saw a beautifully decorated ceiling, looking to the side he saw her.

Teuila was sitting in a chair, still dressed in her training gear. Archer noticed that she looked different.

She appeared older, her light-blue hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her brown complexion had a soft glow.

Despite being lean and slightly smaller than him, Archer couldn't help but notice her large chest.

"She's beautiful," he thought to himself.

Shaking his head as he sat up scratching his head. He looked around the finely decorated room, noticing the expensive decorations that littered the room.

'Am I in a palace?' He thought to himself.

His eyes caught sight of a balcony door, and he got out of bed to walk over to it. As he walked onto the balcony, he was hit by the smell of seawater in the air.

Archer leaned against the railings and checked his status.


[Experience: 10350/15000]

[Strength: 4000>4050]

Seeing that he hadn't gained anything apart from 8000 experience for defeating the Sea Serpent, Archer called for a brownie to bring him some food.

Suddenly, one appeared out of nowhere, holding a plate full of meat. The little creature smiled at Archer and handed over the food.

"Here, master. It's the meat from the iron tiger you hunted," the brownie said.

Archer thanked the brownie and looked around, spotting a bench. He made his way over to it, sat down, and started eating as the sun rose in the sky.

A little while later, he heard some footsteps and looked up to see Teuila standing there, looking at him.

She saw the plate of food, then looked back at him before asking, "Where did you get the food from?"

Looking at her with a smile, while holding the plate out. "Do you want some?" he asked.

Teuila walked over to Archer, sat down next to him, and started eating a piece of meat. As she finished, she turned to him with a smile.

"That was nice, thank you. Now, where did you get it from? No one has come to the room," Teuila asked.

Archer finished the food in his mouth before speaking. "A Tinnin brought it. They are helpful little creatures," he said.

Teuila's eyes widened, and she shook her head. "Tinnin's? How and why do you have them?" she asked.

He smiled before speaking. "Maybe one day I'll tell you," he said.

She pouted but changed the subject. "Father wishes that you attend the celebrations tomorrow. He wants to meet the boy who saved our kingdom twice now."

Archer stared at the girl before replying with a cheeky grin. "I'll come if you agree to go on a date with me?" he said.

Her eyes opened wide, but she soon regained her composure and smiled.

"Okay," she said.

She left him to get ready and told him to meet her outside the palace. When she left, he jumped into his domain.

He entered the bath. Sera appeared out of nowhere and lunged at him, sitting on his shoulder while sniffing him.

When she smelled a certain girl's scent on him, Sera growled and bit his cheek. He laughed at her actions and started washing her, then washed himself.

After getting out, he dried himself off and put on a pair of loose white pants, a tunic, and his long boots.

Brushing his scruffy hair as he walked out of the bath chamber, Sera gave him loads of affectionate licks and then flew off.

Leaving the cottage behind as he walked through the portal, finding himself back in the bedroom where he had woken up.

He exited the room and saw a maid standing outside. When she saw him, a smile appeared on her face as she spoke.

"Mr. White Dragon, thank you for saving my brother. If not for your actions at Sunhaven City, he would have been lost," the maid said.

Archer smiled. "That's alright. Anyone would have done the same thing. Could you tell me where the palace entrance is?"

The maid quickly nodded and pointed in the direction he needed to go. Archer thanked the woman and left.

As he walked away, the maid whispered to herself, "No one would have risked their lives for a foreign kingdom they have no connection to. But I do hope the rumors are true."

The maid got back to work before she got in trouble. Archer walked through the palace, and when he passed the guards, they all bowed their heads.

A few minutes later, he arrived at the entrance and saw Teuila standing there, wearing a loose dress and gladiator sandals.

'She is really pretty,' Archer thought to himself.

Teuila looked at him with a smile before speaking. "I want to show you something. I hope you don't mind getting wet."

He raised his eyebrow at her, making her laugh. She reached out and grabbed hold of his hand.

"Come on, let's go to the port. We can travel from there."

She dragged Archer along with her without asking for his opinion on the matter but as they traveled he decided to create a spell he would need very soon.

Closing his eyes as he brought up the spell he needed.

[Spell Creation activated]

Archer imagined the spell he needed, he remembered seeing a certain one in an anime he watched back on Earth that would allow him to travel anywhere he had been before.

[Gate created]

[Gate: Allows the user to travel to places they have been before. 5000 mana per use]

They arrived at the port, and Teuila stepped onto the edge of a dock, holding her hand out to him.

He approached slowly and grabbed hold of it. She smiled as she jumped into the water, pulling him in with her.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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