A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 58: Wings?!

Chapter 58: Wings?!

"How do you think our sister is faring over there at the training camp?" Alyssa asked Jessica who was in front of her.

"I don't know. But I believe she would fare well over there. She might even be a powerful spellcaster now. Just leave her to do her thing, while you do yours." Jessica said indifferently.

Alyssa looked at her sister and shook her head.

She really disliked this her sister. Always brushing her questions aside and treating her like they weren't sisters. Although she knew that her sister was trying to be strict, but she felt that her strictness was way over the top.

She however had a feeling that one day, the tides would turn in her favor. And by that time, all the anger she kept bottled up in her would be released that day.

'Just you wait' She said within.

"I guess my stay here is over. I have to leave now" Jessica said.

"Hmm" Alyssa nodded her head.

Then she said "I guess you are going back to your hero thing. Saving people and kingdoms here and there until you get terribly injured one day, or worst killed."

Jessica smiled.

"Why do we have the Hrithika gene flowing in our blood? I would simply borrow it immense calamitous power to come out of every problem that I put myself in." She said confidently.

Alyssa nodded.

"Just be careful. It's only you and Helena I have got left" She said.

Jessica broke a smile across her face.

"I am not ready to die yet. Besides, I don't just jump into every bad situation that I find people in, if that's what you are thinking. I first assess the situation. If it's something that I can control with my own strength, I would go in to help them. But if I see that's a situation way beyond my power, I would just turn a blind eye to them and move on." She said.

"Okay. You can go now, sis. I guess I would see you some other time in the future" Alyssa said.

"Yea. You too. Make sure you take good care of yourself. Bye for now" Jessica said and teleported away from the room to another region.

"Bye" Alyssa whispered softly.


"Father, see!" Eden's children ran to their father's front to show him what they discovered.

When Eden looked at his children, he was shocked to see what was behind them.

They each had a pair of wings at their backs which flapped slowly and generated small wind currents.

However, the shock that had appeared in his face didn't stay for too long as it vanished some moments later.

He understood that he had passed his genes down to his children.

"Are you scared of what's at your back?" Eden asked with a loving smile in his face.

"Yes father. I am scared. I have a feeling that we might turn to birds if the wings at our backs aren't cut off. They must have appeared due to a spell that was unleashed at me by a dreadful sorceress in my dream. I am sure it's that spell that I was hit with that caused the appearance of the wings at my back." The oldest of his two daughter, Lauren, said with tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"So, you want me to cut it off?" Eden asked with a smile.

"Father, I don't know anymore. It would be very painful if it's cut off. It's going to hurt so bad" Lauren replied.

Eden laughed.

His children were behaving funny to him. They were starting to show their cute side to him again.

"Okay. If you were hit by a magical spell in your dream, what about your sister who also has a pair of wings at her back. Was she also struck by the same magical spell that the sorceress in your dream sent at you?" Eden asked.

"Dad, I don't know. It's strange. Why would we have wings at our backs? It's not normal" Lauren said.

Eden laughed again.

"So, have you made up your mind that I should cut it off?" Eden asked.

"But it's going to hurt really bad if you cut them off. We are going to feel a lot of pain. Dad, I seriously don't know what I want to do anymore about the wings. And maybe we should leave them like that." Lauren said.

Then she continued "Since I don't have friends who would mock me and my sister and call us chickens, I think we should leave them. Although it looks beautiful on us, making us look like angels, I am just scared that when I grow up with it, wherever I go, I would be scornfully talked to and laughed at."

Eden smiled.

Then he said "Children, you are perfectly fine. Nothing is wrong with the both of you. You weren't hit by any any spell from any sorcerer or sorceress that may have appeared in your dream. Instead, it's a marveling gift from me to you, my sweet adorables."

Eden then stood to his feet from the chair.

"Let me show you what I mean by my last sentence." He said further.

Looking at his kids who also looked back at him with serious attentive eyes so they wouldn't miss a thing, Eden focused within himself to tap into that boundless power of his Dark Warrior Seraphim bloodline.

As soon as he did so, a pair of large, dark black wings suddenly spouted from his back.

His two daughters' eyes widened in shock.

Then to cause more amazement to appear in their hearts, he caused a second pair of wings to surface. Then a third, a fourth, a fifth, and up to the ninth one. He then stopped here.

He could cause the appearance of more wings as he was a twelve-winged dark warrior seraphim, but he didn't want to cause tremendous shock to the small hearts of his beautiful kids.

"So, what do you think?" He asked with a smile.

"Do I look like a nine-winged chicken to you?" Eden asked further with a smile in his face.

His children shook their head.

"No father. You look very amazing. How did you do it? Can we do it too?" The oldest who was Lauren asked with a bright glow of astonishment in her eyes.

"I don't know. You would have to discover that yourself." Eden said.

"Can mom also spout wings from her back too?" His second daughter, Deborah, asked.

Eden laughed.

"No. Your mom can't" He replied.

"Why? Isn't she gifted too? If you can produce wings from your back, same with us, she should also be able to spout wings from her back." Lauren stated seriously.

Their mother who was somewhere watching everything that was unfolding broke a smile. Then she shook her head.

"These kids... Now, they would see me their mother as someone devoid of any talent" She uttered in a displeased tone.

"Well, I don't blame them. If they know that their father isn't a human, they wouldn't speak like that." Selena said and a broad smile appeared in her face.

When Eden heard what they said, he smiled.

"Your mom can do way more than this in the past. She didn't need wings to fly. And she could turn the clouds into tall mountains with steps on it to climb to the heaven which was an infinitely vast dimension after the sky. Kids, do believe me when I say your mom is a goddess. She is very powerful. She once lived in that dimension beyond the sky. But when she left there to come dwell with me who is only a mere mortal, she sadly lost her power and became a normal human like us. So, I do my best to protect your mother. I help her surmount every obstacle that would prove insurmountable to her." He said.

"Wow!" Eden's kids exclaimed in shock.

Then they turned to look at their mother who had begun to cry where she was.

She couldn't believe Eden would utter such marveling things about her to her kids.

Although they weren't true, but it was something that made her really glad.

However, she made up her mind to tell her kids the truth when they were older and mature. She didn't want them to be carrying unreal fantasies about her as a goddess in their heads.

Her daughters approached her with radiant smiles in their faces. Then when they appeared in front of her at where she sat, one of them held her fingers and said "Mom, we are sorry that you lost your power and your title as a goddess. Thanks for being our mother. We promise to also do our best to take care of you and protect you from every harm that would come your way."

Selena laughed.

"Okay dearies. And I promise to always love you" She said and cackled again.

Then her daughters embraced her for sometime before returning to their father.

"Dad, teach us how bring out more wings and how to use them to fly? I have no idea on how to control it to produce flight" Lauren said.

Eden shook his head and grinned.

"Alright cuties. I would surely teach you. But you can't bring out more wings now at this stage. Besides, I don't know how many pairs of wings you can each produce. However, I can teach you how to use them to fly. But not today. That would be another time. You can go back to your rooms now and relax. I and your mother wants to discuss something very important." He said and winked at them with a smile in his face.

"Alright dad. We are going back to our rooms. Don't forget your promise. Or we would be mad at you" Deborah threatened and then left their parent's presence with Lauren to their rooms.

"What kids we have" Selena said and grinned.

"I know. They are something else. They didn't even think if their words were going to hurt you. They just said it as it came to their minds" Eden said and laughed. Same with Selena who also broke into laughter.

"Anyways, I love them like that. I wonder what I can do without them" Selena said.

"Same here" Eden said.

Then he sat beside his wife who rested her head on his shoulder and with her boobs pressing against his arm.


A few hours later, Helena stood up from the ground.

"Did I collapse to the ground when I was doing those squats? I guess I did. But that's weird and absurd. Why would I blank out from doing ordinary squats?" Helena questioned herself when she stood back to her feet from the floor of her room.

Then her eyes narrowed.

"I think I get it now. I kept pushing myself till I blanked out and then fell to the ground. But that's strange. Why would I keep pushing myself to complete my squats? Seriously, what came over me at that point in time?" Helena asked herself.

Then she felt her legs.

All the weakness and fatigue they had before had surprisingly disappeared without a trace. Besides, they felt stronger now. She could feel a slightly shocking degree of strength in her legs.

'What's going on with my body?' She asked within with shock in her tone.

Then she tried jumping.


Like an arrow, she jumped to a height of ten feet.

She had accomplished an height that only beginner-rank, low-level, jump-enhancing magical spells could achieve.

"Amazing!" She screamed out in shock and full delight after she landed back to the ground.

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