A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 60: Should I seal it away? Or you would manage it?

Chapter 60: Should I seal it away? Or you would manage it?

Should I seal it away? Or you would manage it?

Many minutes later, Helena's eyes suddenly sprang open.

Then when she could not identify where she was at the moment that her eyes snapped, she wanted to jump off the bed and dash towards the door to leave wherever she was.

However, before she could do what she had in mind, a force suddenly came upon her, pressing her softly onto the bed.

"Helena, it's me. Relax" The middle-aged woman said with a smile in her face when she appeared before Helena

"Oh" Helena muttered.

Then she relaxed her taut nerves and calmed.

Immediately after her body relaxed, the force that came upon to press her onto the bed and prevent her from leaving the room instantly disappeared.

Then the bed disappeared while Helena appeared with her feet firmly on the floor.

"Come take your seat. We have important matters to discuss" The middle-aged woman said.

When Helena sat down, she asked "Is it about Jennifer?"

"Jennifer? You have settled her already. We don't have any problem with her. However, I would implore you that you should be careful. That girl and her mother are a duo that you should dread. Right now, I have a feeling that they could be making wicked schemes against you. However, if you are strong, you would be able to surmount every obstacle that would come your way. Strength and might would always prevail in the end." The middle-aged woman said.m while Helena who listened attentively nodded her head.

"So, to the important matter that I want to discuss with you. Many moments ago at the training ground, you were reported to have been behaving strangely. I have a strong feeling that something you couldn't quite comprehend came upon you at the training ground. But can you really describe what happened to you at the training ground?" The middle-aged woman, Roselyn, asked.

Helena then recalled all that happened before Deylina punched her in the face.

Then when she remembered the time that Deylina punched her in the face after ordering to stop what she was doing, she touched that part of her face where the punch was delivered to with the aim of knowing whether it was greatly swollen and still hurts badly.

But to her surprise, there was no swelling there. Neither was there any pain that could be felt at that area of her face.

'Why would my instructor do that to me?' She asked within.

Then she shrugged it off.

Although she feared her instructor, she was still going to ask her for the reason why she punched her in the face without her doing anything bad or infuriating.

"Yes ma'am, I can can describe what happened to me at the training ground." Helena said.

"Okay. Go on" Roselyn said.

"I was asked to do squats by my instructor. Then when I got to a particular number, my legs started shaking due to fatigue setting in. Then when I made up my mind to stop and tell my instructor that I wanted to relax for sometime and then continue again, a voice that sounded completely like my inner voice spoke to me. And one thing about this voice was that it was totally irresistible. I couldn't resist it persuasive voice that also compelled me to do things at the same time. And whenever it spoke to me with it dreamy enticing voice, I would feel warm currents of some indescribable sensation begin to course about in my body. This particular sensation that would flow to spread across my entire body has all the best sensations in the world. So, under the overpowering influence of this strange voice, I kept going. I continued the squats I was asked to do that I even surpassed the number of squats I was asked to do by Instructor Deylina. And despite my tiredness and the intense burning pain that flooded my thighs, I kept on going till instructor Deylina came forward and punched me in the face, instantly knocking me out. I guess she must have punched me hard in the face to put me out of my pain and misery" Helena said, recounting all that she felt many moments ago at the training ground to Roselyn.

It was now Helena understood why instructor Deylina did that.

Then she thanked her in her mind.

"Hmm" Roselyn uttered.

Then she looked at Helena who looked at the floor of her office.

"Helena, from all that you have said, I can confidently say that you have awakened a unique battle spirit. But this one is influencing your mind and forcing it to make you surpass your physical and mental limits. It is one that doesn't want you to be matched up to by your peers. It wants your prowesses in different areas or fields to be many times that of your fellow colleagues. It's preparing you to be unexcelled by anything" Roselyn said with a smile.

"Really?!" Helena asked loudly and with eyes that glowed in utter astonishment.

"Yes" Roselyn replied.

Then she continued "The spirit that you have awakened is called the Spirit of Universal Conquest. It's a spiritual entity that allows you to exercise dominion over all creations."

"Wow. How did I awaken such?" Helena asked in an excited tone.

"I don't really know. And that's something that we can't discover. Although, they have been said that they are the spiritual manifestations of one's will, determination and resolve to rule over everything in the world. But your reason for awakening such might be different. Therefore, only you should be able to find out how you were able to awaken it." Roselyn said.

"Alright ma'am. But this spirit, is it like the ones that dwell in the Calaendrian realm?" Helena asked to understand what kind of spirit she had awakened in her.

"No. They aren't alike at all. This one is different. And it only manifests in people who are special and have a powerful will to surmount all undefeatable odds in their paths." Roselyn said while Helena nodded her head in awe.

She had actually awakened such within her?

She became glad and blissful.

"Has it ever surfaced within any other person apart from me? You know, I can't be the only special girl in the world. There are more than ten thousand races in the world, and each race I believe, would surely produce a child that might be far stronger than all of them" Helena said.

Roselyn smiled.

She liked how Helena didn't see herself as the only special and strongest person in the world, even if she was the 'Chosen One'.

"Yes, fifteen of them in fact. So, that's how the world were able to come to an understanding of these powerful spirits that were seen as three-dimensional, juggernaut embodiments of one's sky-piercing will, unyielding determination and invincible resolve" Roselyn said.

"Okay. But why didn't these people put an end to the chaos and disorderliness in the world since they had this kind of spirit within them which would certainly help them exercise dominion over all things?" Helena asked in a curious tone.

"Well, having the Spirit of Universal Conquest doesn't mean that you can't be killed, or that you would be super-powerful than everyone in the world. So you may know, the ability to exercise dominion over all things in this context means that one would be able to overpower every living thing that's at one's level of power. Once one faces something that exceeds one's capability, one's life could be terminated. So, those people who were from different races and had the Spirit of Universal Conquest in them were probably killed or severely injured, never to rise again to their feet. And this could have been done by people who were totally envious of them because of what they had, or by their unforgiving enemies." Roselyn said.

Helena shook her head with an unhappy expression in her face.

She was really sorry for them.

She understood how hard it's to be special in a world that was full of one's enemies.

"So ma'am, why are you telling me all these?" Helena asked as she gazed strangely at Roselyn.

"Well, nothing really. You know, yours is kinda aggressive and controlling. It forces you to do things under it powerful mind-manipulating influence. And that could be really bad for you." Roselyn said while Helena shook her head with a lack of understanding in her eyes.

"Alright. As an example so you could understand what I mean. If you are involved in a battle to the death which you could try your best to run away from once it seems your adversary is starting to overpower you and then come back another day to fight, this spirit inside you might not allow that. It would force you to keep fighting and fighting until you become too weak to fight and then snap out in the heat of an intense deadly battle. That would surely result in your death. So, to stop it from interfering in your things until a later time that you would be able to bring yourself out of it strong subjective control, I want to ask, should I help you seal it away for sometime? Or you don't want that and would manage it?" Deylina asked and looked at Helena who began to think deeply of how to respond.

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