A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 227: Hero Hunt

Chapter 227: Hero Hunt

***Arc 10 One Who Doesn't Acknowledge, Chapter 227 Hero Hunt***

The two armies were separated by a distance of two ri.

That battle could truly be called the one that decided everything.

Against Alberan and its ally Gulshan, 13 countries from the Eastern Alliance participated in the battle.

The mountains were not the only reason why the eastern part, which had been divided into numerous territories and fought endless battles, was not conquered by Elsren.

This was because of the Vesalius Pact――to unite and stand up against foreign enemies that threatened the east.

Vesalius, the wise king of the small country of Current, gathered the countries that had been hostile to Alberan, which had once appeared in this region, and created the anti-Alberan alliance.

While ruling the strategic points connecting the East and West, he did not seek expansion.

The agreement he left behind, proclaiming perpetual neutrality in Eastern conflicts, still stood. Whenever the East was threatened by invasion from Elsren, the surrounding nations would cease their conflicts and cooperate, supporting the Current as an allied nation.

The eastern region was crowded with countless small nations.

Once a major power like Elsren enters the region, the balance of power in the east would be greatly disrupted, like a tsunami.

Therefore, such invasion must be prevented at the entrance.

That was the common view of all countries, and the threat this time was the greatest ever.

Their opponent was the Kingdom of Alberan, which had swallowed up Elsren, subduing half of the continent, and regaining its former glory.

Truly, a decisive battle for the fate of the world.

Heroes from various parts of the Eastern continent, regardless of being from small or large nations, gathered in this land, not losing their will to fight even after witnessing Alberan's technological prowess.

Alfmarz, the peerless war king who ruled Gerganik, one of the three major Eastern nations.

Nitrias, the undefeated god of war.

Rafale that destroyed hundreds of fortresses.

Shinfa, the demon of the battlefield.

Even though a great power like the West does not exist, the days of unending turmoil continue.

The quality of their soldiers and generals was not inferior to that of the West, and there were some who, based on experience alone, might surpass them.

Unknown heroes from the East, warriors without renown, were present in this land.

Compared to the 100,000 Alberan and Gulshan troops, the Eastern Allied Forces, made up of elite troops from 13 countries, numbered 170,000.

This was probably due to the fact that both countries have good ports and were located in a location with abundant logistics.

This was the largest single battle on the continent, and it was truly a battle of madness.

"Once again... God of War Nitrias, I appreciate your cooperation. Without it, we would not have been able to form such a coalition army."

"It's too early for thanks, King Gerganik. I merely shared the same opinion."

Two men riding horses.

The old general smiled as he wore armor modeled after a giant snake that he had once slain with his own hands.

"I've been on the battlefield for nearly a hundred years, and I've fought against many worthy opponents. But I haven't fought against you yet. If my prey is stolen now, I wouldn't be able to die without regrets."

"Haha, I'm honored that you think so. ...You are my idol."

Alfmarz lifted his cheeks saying ‘I resolved myself that I would kill you with my own hands someday’.

A piece of silver armor with the Gerganik kingdom crest, which depicted a sword and shield, engraved in the center.

There were countless names engraved all over the armor, and he pointed his finger at a spot on the empty left chest.

"I have dreamed of carving the name Nitrias here as the great enemy of King Alfmarz of Gerganik."

"Haha, you got a lot of spirit. However, that all will have to wait after this war ends."

"Of course...If we don't win this battle, everything will be but a dream."

In front of them, the armies of Alberan and Gulshan lined up, totaling hundreds of thousands.

In the forefront were countless beasts and a black iron giant.

It was a magical weapon called Jareia Gashea.

A murderous doll that was said to match 100 people each.

It was said to be one of the reasons why the mighty Elsren was defeated.

This was the first time they've actually seen it.

"Fighting a siege against 170,000 people head-on. If you think about it normally, it's insane. It's probably better to think that they have not only that iron doll, but also a siege weapon that can break through the walls of Gargain. right"

"I also think that siege warfare is a bad idea. Even that Elsren’s fortified cities fell within three days. We shouldn't rely on the castle walls."

"...If we defend, we'll lose."

“Yes, in order to wrest victory, we have no choice but to step forward and be prepared for sacrifice.”

Nitrias narrowed his eyes.

A small number of trebuchets were visible on the Gulshan side, but none were on the Alberan side.

What he saw earlier from the top of the fortress wall was something that looked like a siege bow.

However, it was not a bow, but the brilliance of a magic crystal.

"It was probably a special siege weapon that uses magic crystals――at least it's safe to assume it's powerful enough to destroy this fortress wall."

“...As I thought”

"Ah. Futalia's Great Eagle Cavalry should prioritize that."

As the two advance, two women cut through the line of battle in front of them.

One was a woman with golden hair who was riding a horse and wearing elegant armor.

The other one was wearing a cloak and was sitting on a huge green tiger.

She was more of a girl than a woman.

――They recognized the way her silver hair was pulled back.

“…Is that the rumored royal sister, Alberinea?”

"It seems so."

The smiling silver girl said something to the golden-haired woman, who glared at her exasperated and said something.

Even though they couldn't hear their voice, there was no sense of urgency in that exchange, and they couldn't even see any tension.

They must be underestimating them.

At least, it didn't look like it was moments before a war.

After a while, when they were about three ken apart, both stopped.

Alfmarz was the first to speak.

“I am Alfmarz Gerganik, leader of the Vesalius Alliance, King of Gerganik!”

Alfmarz glared at the two, making the atmosphere shake with a threatening voice.

"Selene Christand, Marshal of the Alberan Kingdom."

However, they showed no signs of being disturbed.

Golden hair――Selene Christand introduced her name in a cool voice.

Alfmarz lifted his cheek tauntingly.

"With two female representatives of the army, it seems that the men in the west are quite weak. Alberan conquered Elsre, just when I thought what kind of strong man would lead an army, this is a bit disappointing.”

"That's quite a greeting. I wonder if you choose the representatives through arm wrestling or something."

Selene smiled happily and gracefully.

And she continued, pressing her fingertips into her temple.

“Your words sound like you have muscles all the way up to your head, King Gerganik. I would appreciate it if you would stop making such pointless provocations, but…I think I’m going to become dumb listening to you.”

Then she held out her hands in dismay, as if making fun of him.

Alfmarz narrowed his eyes and laughed.

"...Hoo. Making fun of me like that, you’re quite gutsy."

"You are a representative of both armies, and your positions are equal. What are the reasons for me to be afraid of you? ...And against a king of a ruined country at that."

It was a cheap provocation.

However, in Alfmarz’s heart, there was an honest admiration.

Two people who each lead this big army.

However, there was no sign of nervousness in this woman, she didn't seem to be cowering or afraid.

She must have been through a fair amount of chaos.

It seems that she was not just an ornament for appearance.

"If you're going to go out of your way to say hello, is that an offer to surrender? If that's the case, I would think about it.”

"Ha, what a jester. I came here to correct your arrogance. With such a small group of people, are you really planning to take on this great wall head-on?"

He gestured to the line behind him, then to the walls of Garugain, then to the sea.

“I thought that an attack from the sea route would be the main reason, but with this situation, it seems like that’s not the case.… If that’s the case, I’m shocked at how reckless you are. It seems like there’s no one in Alberan who knows military strategy.”

Gulshan, Arna, and Alberan's allies have powerful navies.

It was predicted that they would seize the port by sea and use it as a beachhead to advance their invasion to the east, and an invasion from the western part of the continent-――considering the vast distance, that was the right way to attack.

If one thought about it normally, it would be ridiculous to break through this large wall from the front.

However, the enemy chose a frontal breakthrough on land.

Gulshan's navy had arrived, but there was still no sign of them moving.

"The Great Wall...Ah, is that what they call papier-mâché in the East? Fufu, I mistakenly thought it was just a checkpoint or something."

She said, looking at the ramparts that seemed to stretch to the horizon.

“If this is the great wall, then is that fortress made of wooden planks? I'm speechless.”

With a mocking chuckle.

The beautiful female marshal never loses her composure and shoots back a provocation.

"I'm sorry. You all seem to be thinking that this is a challenge to you, but that isn't the case. This isn't a battle, it's just a march. Well, I'm going to have you let us pass through the ‘checkpoint’, so maybe I should at least pay you some of the toll fee?”

"...I see. Both that, Kreschenta, and you, how far are you going to mock us."

“Oh, excuse me, could you please not just call the Queen of Alberan away? Unfortunately, there are only a limited number of people who can call her that.”

Selene said, controlling the reins and turning her back on him.

"There's no point in talking, let's go, Krische. ... Good luck to you all. I hope that even if it's just your feelings, you can be a warrior and be able to fall gloriously.''

And she went away first.

The girl sitting on the Suiko next to her looked at Alfmarz and Nitrias, her silver eyelashes flickering and narrowing.

"...Krische has remembered your faces. Krische will visit you two later."

‘See you soon’, with a beautiful and adorable smile.

Her horrifying purple eyes took on a cold glow.

“…we will turn the tables on you.”

Alfmarz felt a shiver run down his spine and clenched his fists as he returned the words.

The Heavenly Sword of Alberan――the Cursed Child, Krische

Headhunters, Grim Reapers, and mad murderers of the battlefield.

There were countless words to describe her.

Like two tails.

She swung her long pigtails, tied with red flower ornaments, and turned away, slapping the Suiko.

Not wearing any armor, exposing her long hair, and wearing her cloak.

She was a genius and an abnormal person who wore the same clothes on the battlefield as if she were walking around town, and achieved results.

At first glance, one can certainly recognize the madness in her.

At the very least, it was clear that she was a man of extraordinary prowess.

Alfmarz shook his reins, turned his back to them, and opened his mouth.

"When Alberan swallowed Elsren so easily... there was that kind of inexplicable anxiety, like fearing the sky would fall. She should never be underestimated."

“…It appears that those concerns are correct.”

Nitrias replied, and from then on, the two of them walked their horses in silence.

Alberinea was said to have even challenged the ancient dragons.

Something inside her body, which looked only like a girl, convinced them of the tall tale rumors.

A short time later, the two were in the line of battle in front of the fortress walls.

Without a sound, Alfmarz drew the long sword from his waist and swung it at the soldiers.

“――――! ! ! ”

That was all.

The shrill, frenzied voices filled the air and shook the earth.

The shouting soldiers had no fear.

The elites from each country were led by heroes and brave men who had made their names known in the surrounding country.

The most feared warriors of the enemy's country were now their allies fighting side by side.

Although they were a motley collection of people from thirteen countries, they were not a disordered mob.

They were led by the great warrior king, Alfmarz, and the undefeated god of war, Nitrias.

No one was intimidated in the face of the great general, who would even become a hero after his death, and at least for a moment, they were united as one.



What caused the cracks to appear in them were countless blue flashes running above their heads.

Behind them, there was the sound of the Garugain wall collapsing with a burst of flame.

Alberan center battle line, last row.

"No matter how you look at it, it's an unbelievable power. Even a fortress wall like that is nothing."

"...Really. The era of fortress walls is over."

Wearing a helmet with a tiger-face visor.

Kolkis Argand was playing with his graying stubble as if he was dismayed.

He straddles Burun, a large horse that looked a lot like the Bururun 2nd that Selene rode, and looked behind him.

What was there was a magic power projector called Pishune.

The base resembled a fixed floor bow without a bow, and the body resembles a tube.

Attached to the tip was a large high-purity magic crystal.

Behind him, the magician took command, and the soldiers loaded the next bullet――the magic crystal into the base of the tube.

The basic principle was the same as Baumje-Ira.

Disintegrates the magic crystal, collects its magical power in the magic crystal at the tip, gives it direction, and releases it forward as a magical beam.

It could be said to be a greatly improved version of what was called a magician's staff.

By utilizing the enormous magical power generated when the magic crystal collapsed, its power was greatly improved, and its range was up to 10 ri.

Its long range and accuracy set it apart from previous siege weapons.

It was unrivaled in terms of firing speed and delivery efficiency, and was truly a monster that rewrote the battlefield.

"Muu, 27th Pishons, lower the elevation angle. It's not hitting properly."

Beside the two.

Magic crystal earrings――While touching it, Krische pouted her lips and gave order.

"Magic crystals aren't cheap either, so be sure to aim for them carefully. For the 8th and 15th Pishuuns, just aim for the tower. The 5th and 22nd Pishuuns the castle gate. When it's ready, roll call from the 1st.”

The magicians with the designated numbers raised their voices and issued instructions, and the soldiers hurriedly made repeated fine adjustments.

"Five, four, three, two, one, pishuun."

A blue flash of light ran overhead, along with a loud shout, shaking the air with a ‘pishuun’.

Explosive flames rose on the fortress walls, and then, a beat later, a roar and a scream were heard.

Alberan's soldiers raised their fists and cheered.

"Hey, centurion over there. Please keep your soldiers quiet. They're making a lot of noise."

"H-ha! 1st squad, be quiet! I can't hear Alberinea's instructions!"

Krische looked annoyed and called out to the centurion in front of her, puffing out her cheeks as she looked at the fortress wall.

Air cavalry soars into the sky from the castle walls over there.

It was probably intended to disrupt the rear.

"Preparing to launch anti-aircraft Pishuuns. After the first salvo, Krische will leave the overall command to anti-aircraft Pishuun commander Koza. From then on, fire freely until receive further instructions."

After a short pause, a countdown again.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, a blue flash was emitted matching the signal.

Unlike the previous one, the flash that was emitted was scattered.

It sends out countless streaks of light into the sky above the enemy, and shoots down more than half of the enemy's elite air cavalry that flew up in the air.

The Blue Eagle Cavalries, which had a huge blue eagle as their mount, died without being able to demonstrate their trained abilities.

"Oh, that's pretty good."

"Even though it's a war, what can I say..."

Kolkis looked at them with pitying eyes and looked at the girl beside him.

In thirty years at most, warfare had changed.

The battlefield where Kolkis ran with Bogan was no longer there.

In the future, technology and equipment would be needed more than heroes.

Many heroic stories built with swords, spears, and the blood of warriors.

The age of heroes, spanning thousands of years, would end with the name of the last hero.

"...But, well, guess this is how it is.."

There was sadness and acceptance.

His good fortune was that he was able to witness the end of the era built by these warriors.

In front of them――the enemy was making an assault.

They must have realized that there was no way they could win in this situation if they became defensive.

Judging from the fact that their force was deployed from the beginning with emphasis on field battles rather than sieges, they must have thought that a siege battle against Alberan would be difficult.

Alfmarz Gerganik, the leader of the Vesalius Alliance, was an excellent general, as rumored.

Even though he had numerical superiority, he never let his guard down, and without clinging to the geographical advantage of the fortress walls, he launched an assault.

He had good judgment, decisiveness, and courage.

If this had been a battle a hundred years ago, the outcome of this battle would have been uncertain.

“Jaragasha has started moving, and Krische will also go forward. Selene, please keep an eye on Gururun so she doesn’t go and take a walk.”

"...Yes, yes. Be careful."

“Ehehe, yes.”

Krische jumped off the Suiko and looked up at Kolkis.

"Meow Meow, shall we go?"


Krische looked behind her, at the soldiers wearing black armor.

Along with the Wolf Pack of Alberan, the warriors of the Black Flag were also famous.

She looked at the old soldier and the female commander who were at the front of the group, thought about it for a moment, and called out to them.

“Bald Eagle”

Hearing this, the old soldier's eyes widened, then he paused and gave a full-hearted salute.

Then he raised his voice.

“Black Flag Special Forces Company!! The last great war of the continent, our Alberinea, as always, has entrusted you with the task of clearing the way! Your duty is to cut through the enemy, embrace the filth. Soak in as much enemy blood as you can! Know that your duty is to keep our Heavenly Sword pure and untarnished!"

The old soldier trembled with great honor and drew his sword.

"Depart——raise the Black Flag!"

In response to the old soldier’s voice, a frenzied war cry erupted.

Everyone took up their swords, spears, and axes and thrusted them into the heavens.

As if dedicating them to Krische or Dagra.

The black flag with the crescent moon skull was raised at the main camp, and in response, the front line divided left and right.

Krische covered her ears in annoyance, looking like she was about to say something.

Kalua held up her finger in front of her mouth, gesturing to Krische.

Mia chuckled at that and held her right hand up.

She made a fist from her open hand and stopped her voice.

Krische said to Dagra, as she pouted her lips.

"Listen okay? Bald Eagles are on duty as Selene's escorts, alright?"

"Yes, Krische-sama... From now on, I'll often remember the final battle."

"It's fine if you understand."

‘Really geez’ Krische putting both of her hands on her hips., as if dealing with a troublesome child, then waved her hand to signal Selena forward.

The girl walked along the path made by the battle line, followed by a large warrior, and behind her were a group of black warriors.

The soldiers who saw this salute as if in unison.

――As if to witness the end of the heroic tale.

The head of the third iron doll was smashed open.

There, the jeweled sword of the Gerganik royal family was broken.

Taking away the sword held by a dead hero, Alfmarz cuts through the arrow rain from above while breathing heavily.

The constant rain of arrows caused a tremendous amount of blood to flow just by traveling ten ken.

“Your Majesty, stand back!! We will be your shield!!”

The soldiers danced in front of Alhumaz, who was at the forefront of the battle line, and raised large shields over their heads against the arrow rain.

Building an improvised roof over Alfmarz’s head.

Alfmarz spat and looked to his left and right.

Nitrias had also defeated his second iron doll――but the situation was bad.

Gulshan's vanguard on the left wing was a monster beast, and Alberan's vanguard on the right wing was an iron doll that could mow down dozens of soldiers with a single machine.

The line of battle was greatly disrupted just by being hit by it.

Their vanguard was thrown into a state of panic by the enemy's initial attack, and was rendered useless in an instant.

It was not surprising.

The mysterious flash had shattered Garugain's wall and easily shot down the formidable Futalia’s great eagle cavalry before engaging in combat.

Strong fortress walls and the deaths of heroes.

There was no way the severely demoralized soldiers could stand against the iron dolls or beasts.

Moreover, taking advantage of the fact that it was unmanned, the enemy was raining down arrows with the force of shooting down every iron doll.

It is not easy even for Alfmarz to defeat this iron doll in the rain of arrows.

Even more so for the soldiers――in fact, their vanguard had suffered a devastating blow in a short period of time.

If Alfmarz and the others hadn't come forward, this main army's vanguard would have collapsed.

Alfmarz and Nitrias finally managed to take down five.

However, Alberan brought hundreds of iron dolls to this battlefield.

He could see some elite troops and famous warriors defeating the Iron Dolls, but it was just a drop in a bucket――some of the Iron Dolls had already cut their line into pieces.

A hero even among magic possessed.

For example, it would be like hundreds of warriors like him throwing their lives on the line and launching a desperate suicide attack.

It was not something that could be overcome through control or tactics.

A fight between a child and an adult――this was a violent fight where one stomped on the opponent's head.

“――Fufu, well, if you're foolish enough to challenge Alberan, I'm sure you'll understand right away. ...There won't ever be a fight for Alberan anymore.”

Remembering the mocking words from the other day, Alfmarz looked at the current situation and clenched his fist.

Still, they would not end without a fight.

“That… Alberinea is in front――”

"I can't see in front of me! Move aside――"

The moment he said that, there was the sound of metal and flesh cracking.

The escort’s body, which had turned into a lump of flesh, knocked him away and he fell onto his back..

"――! wha...t?"

In shock, Alfmarz pressed his head from above his helmet, trying to stand up.

Scattered around were the offal.

Half a ri away, was a shadow with silver hair and a black cloak standing while holding a spear in their hand.

Behind her, a large group of black soldiers led by a tiger-faced warrior, the girl appeared majestically.

With her long silver hair swinging like two tails, she twirled and played with her spear in her right hand――swaying in front of him.

"――Protect His Majesty!!"

The voices of the soldiers echoed, and a wall was built to protect Alfmarz――the next moment, the wall collapsed again.

The soldier in front turned into a lump of flesh with a popping sound.

The soldiers around him died as their armor was pierced by the roaring spear.

When Alhumaz raised his body the surrounding area had become sparse.

In front of them, Alberinea sprinted forward, followed by the tiger-faced warriors, and the black soldiers ' followed’ them.

He quickly realized what was causing the discomfort.

The speed of Alberinea, who possesses magical power, and the soldiers who could accompany her.

There were hundreds of people visible, all of them magic possessor.

What pierces the soldier's corpse is not a throwing javelin, but a melee spear――the impact just now was just a spear.

Elites in black armor made up only of magic possessors.

He had heard that Alberinea was led by a monster that raised a black flag.

However, this fact was beyond Alfmarz's imagination.

Their magic spears could easily pierce the walls made by elites directly in front of him.

In front, Alberinea was running, receiving a spear from a soldier beside her.

She held it backhanded, stepped forward, and flexed her slender body.

Her figure was so beautiful that it was almost mystical, and all of her movements were flowing and lean, as if he were looking at a painting.

As if time had stopped, everything seemed to slow down for her――and as if he suddenly remembered something, he used his whole body as a spring, and instantly jumped aside.

――At that moment, what was released from the girl's hand was the embodiment of death.

The abnormal spear pierced through the space where Alfmarz had been just a moment ago. A spear that was out of the ordinary pierced the space where Alfmarz had just been, crushing the battle line behind it and turning it into a mass of flesh.

"...So, this is Alberinea's throwing spear?"

He had heard many rumors about Alberinea's prowess.

But none of these rumors could compare to this fact.

The girl spun around, took a pass, and began to run.

“――King Gerganik, she’s coming!!”

Alfmarz also regained his strength at the voice of Nitrias, at his left.

The sound of the wind echoed――he received Nitrias's beloved sword that was thrown at him and shouted.

"Don't be afraid!! In this war, the biggest general's head is right here!! If you kill her, the war will be over!!"

And so did Nitrias.

Even in this situation, the men mustered up their courage and moved forward as if to protect them.

Nitrias stood in front of Alfmarz, holding a large spear.

"I will stop her with my body. Cut and kill us together."

"...I understand. If it becomes the other way around, I'll leave it to you."

Both of them had given up on living beyond this point.

If they didn't have that determination, they would never be able to defeat her.

Alberinea, who came into contact with their vanguard, swung her left and right curved swords and sliced their neck without any effort.

Alfmarz and Nitrias, just right below them. The best warriors of each country.

However, far from injuring Alberinea, they were unable to stop her.

Even against the black warriors led by her.

The warriors led by Alberinea took advantage of their superiority in numbers and reduced their numbers without any danger.

When it comes to a fight between two, three, or five people of magic possessors against one, there was no difference in physical ability. Without overwhelming military force, the superiority of numbers would have been absolute.

It was probably a unit that specializes in hunting magic possessors.

Alberinea, second in rank to marshal, raised numerous heads with her own hands.

This was something that would normally be unthinkable.

Alfmarz sometimes takes the lead.

However, it was to boost morale and break out of a predicament.

Physical strength was not infinite. It was just a gamble for the general himself to head towards the enemy's main camp, where the elite were gathered, but attacking there would inevitably mean a desperate battle.

It would be foolish to launch a suicide attack there from the front――but she had made that possible.

A black flag with a crescent skull.

They were a unit created solely to protect the general and hunt down the elite.

Leading a small force, she single-handedly slashed into the enemy's main camp, captured the general’s head, and ended the battle.

There was a trick to making this crazy strategy work.

“Fight me, Alberinea!!”

Alberinea was now right in front of him.

Even though she slaughtered more than ten people in the blink of an eye, she still had a beautiful face without any stains and was not exposed to even a single drop of blood.

An inorganic, jewel-like purple color directed towards Nitrias.

"Meow meow"

――She bent her body.

While Nitrias held up his great spear, a tiger-faced warrior jumped out from behind Alberinea.

Swinging out his war spear made entirely of steel, Nitrias instantly jumped backwards.

"Yes, yes, you’re blocking Usa-chan."

Then, a female warrior's great curved sword appeared from the side and cut the old general's torso in half, including his armor.


Alfmarz was momentarily distracted by the sight, and that was a fatal gap.

――Alberinea was already out of sight, and fresh blood gushed from Alfmarz' neck.

He knelt down, holding his neck, and looked back behind him.

Alberinea, holding a blood-soaked curved sword in both hands, was smiling.

"Goodbye... Kalua."

The girl no longer had any interest in Alfmarz.

When the girl removed her gaze, Alfmarz’s head rolled to the ground.

The surrounding allied soldiers were speechless and lost their will to fight at the death of their general.

“Let's go to the left side one by one as planned. Bagil takes care of the rest here, and Krische will help Orugan-san and General Garhka. Krische would like to get rid of the renown who are likely to become rebels later on, as much as possible here.''

"Understood. Let's go back for now."

"Yes. Mia, the signal."


――Year 485 of the Kingdom Calendar.

The battle between the two armies at Vesalius' Fang was so one-sided that it could hardly be called a battle.

Many of the main faction, including the leader Alfmarz Gerganik, died in this battle.

The alliance formed by the Vesalius Pact collapsed, and many countries became vassals of Alberan after this war.

Although there were skirmishes, the eastern continent, which had lost many generals, no longer had the strength to resist Alberan, and Alberan's war to unify the continent came to an end in less than a year.

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