A Nascent Kaleidoscope

Chapter 562: + Looking Glass Part 9

Chapter 562: + Looking Glass Part 9

For some strange reason the Viking didn't believe me. He looked at me strangely for a moment, then let out a laugh and patted me on the shoulder.

"Thank ya lad, been awhile since I've had someone get a laugh out of me like that." Unnulf replied.

I just smiled wryly because I really couldn't prove it to him, and maybe I even shouldn't. For me, Gods weren't some unreachable vestiges that I could only look up. Nor were they the subject of my worship and admiration like many people.

To most 'mortals' Gods were something spoke about, but not really as a fact that you could point to.

They wouldn't ever know if Odin just dropped in and stood next to them.

Maybe I could have proven myself with an ample display of might, however…..we didn't actually want to destroy all the ships. All the damage we've done so far, well, it could be repaired without too much hassle.

Regardless, the tide turned with our arrival rather quickly.

"Hey Old Man, how long have you been fighting these Fae?" I ducked under a blade, casually countering with a flick of my wrist and piercing ones neck.

The Viking head butted one rather brutally, then bashed his head in with the hilt of his blade. "We don't really keep track of time these days, lad." He replied good naturedly, despite being soaked in blood. "But we got enough experience. These ones aren't their best, seems like they sent out a group for their own training."

Ah, that makes sense. They seemed a bit less experienced than they probably should be.

"I see." I frowned, catching his meaning. "They're treating you like a whetstone then?"

"Aye, that's about right. Using us to sharpen their blades, that's a good way to put it." Though his face darkened. "Though they had a few of their stronger ones hiding."

There was still enough fighting going on that it was going to take awhile to finish up even as the remainder of the ships came to assist and it became a much more chaotic fight.

And despite helping, Unnulf still kept a weary guard up against me.

I couldn't fault him, how long had he been in the Fae Realm? It was only the smart thing to be cautious against anything and everything they come across.

"Give me a moment, I'll end things."

Unnulf merely lifted an eyebrow from below his helmet, very clearly skeptical.

My Reiatsu spread out, but I held back on using it to press down, which was more tiring and difficult than I imagined.

I could almost verify that they were all in fact human, despite the oddities in their existence here, and their different seeming origins.

But I didn't focus on that, I felt every Fae in the vicinity when I focused. I can admit that my ability to sense people through my Spiritual Power was not up to par compared to the likes of Yoruichi and the Shinigami due to them basically living in these conditions, but when focusing for several moments, I could manage somewhat.

Pinpointing their exact signatures, their location, their auras were remembered by me as I ran some mental calculations.

And I took a deep breath.

"Zun Haal Viik!"

The words bellowed out, overcoming all other noise, even shaking the boats, causing the waves we rested upon to kick up in response.

However, nearly every Fae in the vicinity had their weapons flying from their hands with such force that the vast majority landed into the ocean below.

Easily one of my favorite Dragon Shouts.

It was just so…. versatile.

However, I noticed a trickle of blood down my nose, which I quickly wiped away. A smidgen of a headache was coming on from doing that just as well.

Hmm, I never modified a Shout to that degree before, marking so many targets all at once with such precision.

"Well…..that'll do it I suppose." Unnulf muttered, sheathing his weapons.

Not every Fae lost their weapon, some I didn't notice, or my use of the Dragon Words didn't reach a high enough realm to precisely hit every single target. But out of the thousands present, 99% were now without their weapons and they were quickly overrun by the humans who attacked without hesitation. Especially with the Iron Weapons I gave out, it was a slaughter at this point.

My own ship along with the Youkai cut a swathy swath through their end, slowly making their way towards where I was.

Gradually, this spot became the center of the ensuing conclusion of the fight. I was thankful that even the other people here didn't seem intent on sinking the enemies' ships. Well, there were a couple that erupted in flames, and suffered enough damage that they collapsed into themselves and slowly sank, but there were still about a dozen whole and healthy ships remaining.

My ships approached, anchoring right next to the Fae ship I was standing on.

It seemed like Unnulf was acting as an unofficial liaison as he stayed within reach of me as the ships from the human side approached, getting close enough that everyone could see each other.

Nurarihyon silently stepped to meet me? along with a good handful of the Youkai while most remained on the ship.

On the opposite end of the current ship we were standing on, many more humans joined at Unnulf's side wearing all different sorts of clothes and armor.

They were understandably weary, but doubly so because it became rather obvious to them that our group wasn't human.

Ancient Greeks, Europeans of various assortments, Japanese, Scandinavian. It was a whole small United Nations right here from different time periods.

Though the awkward silence made things difficult.

I gave them a once over and I revised my earlier assessment of them. They were far stronger than they realistically should be for 'normal' humans.

That was to say, yes Humans in earlier years were innately stronger, not just in my home, but in my birth world. But just existing did not bring about this degree of strength. The average seemed to be about Mid-class in scope, but I noticed several High-Class among them.

Both sides were sizing each other up.

"At the risk of dragging this awkward atmosphere out, how about introductions?" I offered.

No one immediately stepped forward, so Unnulf spoke up. "At the least, they helped."

They looked between themselves, a silent agreement it seemed.

"Aye, Unnulf speaks the truth." Another viking, he seemed to like their 'leader', spoke up in Unnulf's defense.

"It's not the first time they tried to gain our trust through despicable means. Let the Lord sort them out." A Knight wearing a cross on his armor harrumphed with a few nods of agreement.

"English?" I spoke up, looking at him. "I was in London a few weeks ago." I smiled good naturedly, trying to ease the clear tension.

The Knight blinked in surprise. "…..you know of my homeland?" He muttered.

I also realized something, I perfectly understood them and it wasn't because of my Devil Heritage. The way they spoke, they were all magically speaking fluently in a way that was understood.

I looked at the others. "Forgive me for guessing, but…" I pointed to another. "Italian? And Spanish? You….French?" Of course, there weren't simply a handful of each nationality, and it took everything inside of me not to poke at the Frenchman.

That seemed to genuinely surprise them.

Ever so slightly, the weariness alleviated.

"To my friends in the back." I looked at the handful of Samurai and few dozen soldiers wearing older style Japanese arms and armor. "I hail from Japan in the modern day, but I'm not quite sure what time period you come from. Perhaps you recognize Nippon, Nihon, Yamato?"

A flash of realization dawned on the Japanese people's faces.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg." I politely bowed. "I understand your weariness, but we mean you no harm. These are my companions." I gestured to Nurarihyon.

"Surprised to see a group of humans in this place." He grunted. "Especially some from our homeland." His eyes flashed across the Japanese lot. "I'm Nurarihyon, I rule over half the Youkai of Japan." He gestured to the group.

Realization dawned on the Japanese.

"Youkai?" The Samurai at the front, the one wearing, well the most prestigious looking armor, he pushed forward. "You claim to be Youkai?"

"Brother Goro, what are these 'Youkai'?" One of the Greek's asked, look at the Samurai.

A surprising bit of camaraderie between them considering the social and cultural differences.

"I don't mind answering, we don't have anything to hide." I volunteered as their gazes turned to me. "Some cultural differences, but you can vaguely consider Youkai to be a term for all 'Demons' 'Monsters' and 'Ghosts' that come from Japan."

The aforementioned 'Goro' nodded as his fellows looked to him, not adding anything. Maybe he also felt it wasn't worth going into further details.

"Well, they ain't the fuckers from this place." Unnulf grunted. "If yer some kind of monsters or spirits, how'd you come to this place?"

Well, he took it in stride. I suppose it was easier when it was 'monsters' from another part of the world you knew nothing about.

"We were attacked, so in response, we launched an invasion of our own." Nurarihyon said bluntly. "We didn't expect the need for a….naval presence, so we're rounding up some ships in anticipation of our people marching this far. We already established a foothold and they should be slowly pushing out from there."

A few eyes widened, perhaps in disbelief. I'm pretty sure these were mostly mundane humans before whatever happened to them to end up here.

"We received a little bit of help as well." I added, looking back at the knights of varying nationalities. "The Church helped us establish a foothold."

"The Church still stands?" One of them asked, only to receive a smack upside the head from his fellow knight.

"Of course it stands, the Lord's might can't be questioned by these heretical monsters!" He harrumphed.

"Perhaps introductions?" I offered again, steering it back towards coming to a peaceful conclusion.

Once more, they looked between themselves before starting. "I suppose we have you to thank for the help. And these weapons…" One of the Knights held up one of the Iron weapons I deposited. "You have questions, I assume, but we do as well. If the Church had assisted you, as you claim, then regardless of your origins, you bring the work of the Lord. Sir Aiken Harforde." The English Knight seemed to be the leader of the ones bearing the cross. "I command the Lord's Wrath – the Vessel over yonder and the group you see before you." He pointed back. "All of the Lord's children are welcome under my banner."

Probably a bad idea to mention my heritage in front of them for the moment.

The Samurai took off his helmet, revealing a weathered face, but one that seemed about middle aged. He performed an older and proper Japanese greeting. "Yoshimura Goro, third son of the Yoshimura clan. It is not what I expected, but seeing comrades from my home, it brings this old man happiness."

"You've met Unnulf, one of my finest warriors. They all call me Chief, name's Tollak." The leader of the Viking gave a big grin, caring less about our 'origins.

One of the Greek's at the front also took off his helmet, his age appeared about the same as everyone else. Something I noticed, they all looked about middle age despite coming from obviously different eras.

"I'm Kallon, commander of the ships and warriors here." He gestured to the other Greeks. "I thank you for your assistance, and I don't care much about anything else if you're not enemies."

Straight and to the point.

"Forgive me for being blunt, but how did you all come to be here?" I was honestly confused at their presence.

"A freak storm…"

"We got lost."

"A strange creature dragged us off our ship…."

"A mist suddenly surrounded us."

"A damned witch!"

"Woke up here randomly."

Many different answers, pretty much all by happenstance and none intentionally.

"You all are aware that you come from far different eras, right?" I didn't feel the need to tip toe around the issue.

"We're not daft, boy." Tollak snorted. "We each speak of places and people we've never heard of before. Odin's beard, these ones won't shut up about their God that I've never heard in my life." He jerked his thumb at the Knights.

"Hmph, heretics." One snorted in response, but it definitely lacked the usual heat that one would say that with.

"Bah." The Viking dismissed it.

"You claim to come here willingly, what year is it on the Lord's Calendar?" Sir Harforde asked.

The Gregorian Calendar, coined due to it being invented by Pope Greogry XIII.

And it seemed like a question they all wanted an answer to, leaning in.

"By the Calendar you're familiar with, it should be about 2007." I wasn't entirely sure their years matched up with ours, but it's thereabouts anyways.

My words were met with silence.

"Ah, it's been that long eh?" Unnulf looked wistful.

"You know your time period based on that?" I asked.

"Aye, we figured out enough to get an estimate." He nodded, crestfallen.

Really, the only ones that were sort of…oblivious were the Japanese. Which made sense, they adopted the Gregorian Calendar around the start of the 1900s.

"Would you perhaps know….what period of time that correlates to for us?" The Samurai asked rather respectfully, almost uncaring about our status.

I was growing confused about a great more things as time went on.

"Tell me what happened before you appeared here." Nurarihyon closed his eyes, letting out a breath. "Should be able to figure it out."

"The Emperor declared the change of the capital from Nara to Heian-Kyo" The Samurai spoke after giving it a thought.

"Ah, seems you disappeared right at the start of the Heian period." Nurarihyon nodded in understanding. "Using the Western Calendar, that's around the start of the 800's."

"….1200 years?" The Samurai muttered, taking up a look not dissimilar from the others.

"Young man…." Sir Harforde looked at me. "What's the outside world like?"

"I won't lie, you wouldn't recognize it. A person has the ability to travel anywhere in the world in about a day now. Everything has become interconnected, you can see people from Japan – " I gestured to the Samurai. " –Over in London and no one bats an eye. Japan is doing well, its people don't want for much, and it's considered a world power. The Church is the most popular religious institution in the world, and all your countries still exist." I looked at the knights."

It was a cold realization that even if they left this hell, the world they knew no longer existed. It would be like me waking up one day and suddenly, humanity was now extended towards the stars.

What was I even supposed to say at this point?

"No use crying over it." Kallon, the Greek commander grunted. "Knew for a while that my home wasn't the same anymore. You all are too old to be moping around like a bunch of youngsters."

That brought up a rather interesting and predominant question.

"….how are you people still alive?" I knew it was rather blunt of me to ask, but it seemed like something that needed answering. "And How long have you been here?"

"How long we've been here? Hard to say." Tollak answered. "You see, Goro over there, his lot came in after us, despite the one's who won't shut up about their God coming in first." He gestured to the Knights. "As for how old we are….?" He rubbed his beard. "I think I passed my Three-Hundredth year awhile back, but most of us stopped counting."



Life extension, it wasn't….well, it wasn't hard for humans once they reached a certain level. Yasaka even gave Arthur his punishment knowing that the kid would live far beyond a normal human lifespan.

But we're talking about hundreds of people here all presumably in their centuries.

"This is all assuming that they speak the truth." Sir Harforde pointed out. "I trust in the Lord's will, but we have been led astray before."

Skepticism was something needed here for them, it was understandable.

"There's an easy way to check, let's just take them to see mother." Kallon spoke with a shrug.

"Aye, that'll solve the issue of spies." Tollak agreed.

"Fine." Sir Harforde seemed a bit more reluctant. "Outsiders, we invite you back to our home."

"Out of curiosity….how many are there of you back 'home'?" Because obviously this couldn't be everyone.

"A few thousand, give or take." Unnulf answered as if it were a simple thing.

Once more, I'm taken aback.

A few thousand humans were displaced and living here?

Strangely, they didn't ask us more questions, about the outside or ourselves or even the whole 'invasion' thing, I suppose they're waiting to 'verify' with whatever means they had.

I looked at Nurarihyon who gave me a look that basically read 'Do what you want'.

Alright, I understood his standpoint.

Frankly, I don't think he cared overly much about the humans in general, at the end of the day he was selfish and only really cared about his own people. A sentiment that most shared in the world.

However, there was something going on and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Lead the way." I agreed.

 Because I was genuinely confused at their existence.


Non-Canon Omake: Through the Looking Glass Part 9

A/N: Just a quick word, I tried something different for this part of the omake. The general consensus was that it was enjoyable, but it didn't quite hit the same way as the other parts, so going forward, I'll make sure to do them normally.


Takao Shimoda POV

Well, this was a pretty fucked situation.

"Fear not, friend of Riser. Riser shall defend you from harm." The Phenex member boasted proudly.

"Will you?" A large blast of holy power sent him hurling into a wall.

Riser hit the wall of the school, falling to the ground wincing in pain, but he got up, looking good as new. "Hah, as if a mere 10-winged Angel, the anti-thesis of Devil Kind could match Riser."

"Oh, I like you, you got spirit." Kokabiel, the Fallen Angel and one of the Grigori leaders smiled, looking down at not just him but all of us. "Better than these other ones." He swept he arm, as Rias's was on the ground, along with Sona.

"Riser is stronger than them." He said proudly.

"I beat you…." Issei forced out, pushing up on his feet.

"Yeah, Issei beat you!" Rias pushed to her feet too. "Why are you even here?"

"No, Riser lost to the Satan because he cheated." Riser raised a hand. "And Riser is here to protect his best friend."

"Why do you keep calling me that!?" I told him that it wasn't me!

My bastard other self!

"Riser will never forget the debt he owes." 


"I thought you stopped referring to yourself in the third person." Sona huffed, breathing heavily, I quickly moved to her to help her up.

I….I couldn't do anything else, I was too weak.

"Riser did it before out of arrogance and a misguided sense of superiority."

"And what changed." She deadpanned.

"Riser realized that he must be shameless. Satan Lucifer shamelessly cheated. The Red Dragon Emperor shamelessly boasts about his fetishes and gets stronger because of them. Thus Riser must become more shameless." He said with confidence.

"…..what the hell happened to you, Riser?" Rias looked at him in utter bewilderment despite the fact that we had a host of Fallen Angels hovering overhead, intent on killing us all.

"Riser got therapy." He nodded to himself.

Dammit Wilhelm!

He even enrolled in our school! He keeps following me around and treats me like his best friend.

Though I would really like for him to be here right now.

Didn't he warn us about this exact situation? Why wasn't it handled already!

"He's not wrong. Devils are beings of desire, if you focus that desire you can go really far." The Ten winged Angel added rather helpfully.

"Oi, Riser doesn't want advice from someone who looks like a vampire movie reject." Riser said pointedly.

There was a beat of silence before a light spear pierced him, impaling him to the side of the building.

"Riser!?" I found myself blurting out in concern.

"Don't worry, friend of Riser, this is nothing compared to the power of a Phenex!" He spoke before throwing up a mouthful of blood. "Oh, that doesn't look good…."

"You realize that Holy Power is something that overcomes your regeneration, right?" Kokabiel looked at him.

"Riser rejects your reality!"

"The reality that you're bleeding to death, poisoned by my holy power….?"

Riser threw up another mouthful of blood. "Riser is just getting warmed up. Heh."

"…..what is wrong with you devils?" Kokabiel finally lost that amused grin.

"Now Issei!" Rias screamed.

"Dragon Shot!" He roared.

And Kokabiel dodged it rather easily. "…..did you really scream it out beforehand?"

I looked at Sona who just face palmed.

"Riser kick!" I looked up and Riser was somehow above Kokabiel, flying at him, and somehow managed to kick him. Granted, it didn't do much, didn't even knock him to the ground, sort of just…knocked him back a bit before the Fallen Angel grabbed him and threw him back at the ground, creating a new hole.

"….riser kick?" Kokabiel repeated.

"Riser couldn't think of a good name." He admitted, stumbling out of the hole on the ground. "Riser really wishes he brought his peerage with him."

"That goes double for me…" Rias smiled awkwardly.

"I'd like to add myself to that group." Sona grit her teeth, standing up by her own strength, Magic Circles appearing on her hands.

"Riser questions when Satan Lucifer is going to cheat Kokabiel of his victory and save us."

"Will you let that go!?" Rias huffed.


"Sorry kids, but he has no idea what's going on right now. Don't worry, we have a few more minutes that we can play around before I got to cut this babysitting short." Kokabiel chuckled. "I'll tell you what, put up a good fight, and I won't make it hurt when I put these Excalibur swords through your hearts for your family to find."

"Do any of you have a good plan?" Sona whispered.

"Hit him as hard as possible?" Issei offered.

"….a better plan?"

"...Hit him as hard as possible with my Power of Destruction?" Rias hesitantly added.

"I really don't even question the fact that he's your pawn, Rias." Sona said dryly. "Dare I ask, Riser, do you possibly have a plan? You seemingly have more combat experience than us."

"Riser has an idea."

"…..I hesitate to ask for details."

"Rias can challenge him to a Rating Game, therefore her Brother will inevitably interfere and cheat so she wins." He spoke.

"Will you stop holding a grudge against me! I thought you were happy we weren't getting married!?"

"Riser is ecstatic he doesn't have to be married to you. But Riser is also pissed he was cheated after winning his prize." 

"Satans….I think I liked you more when you were trying to marry me." Rias's mouth hung open.

"Fine, Riser has a plan." He spoke up with a serious look. "Kokabiel, Angel of the Stars. Dare you accept a duel!?"

Everyone stared at him like he was an idiot.

"Sure." Kokabiel shrugged. "What's the rules?"

How the hell did that work!?

"One versus one, no interference, winner is decided when the other can't fight anymore." Riser paused. "Against the Red Dragon Emperor." He stepped back, gesturing to Issei.

"Deal." Kokabiel accepted.

"….dick." Issei barely got the words out before Kokabiel was on the ground, his hand grabbing Issei's face and throwing him through a wall.

"Tally ho." Kokabiel casually jumped through the hole in the wall, and we heard the sounds of Issei getting his proverbial and very literal shit kicked in.

I recognized the sounds enough from when he got beat up every day for peeing on the girls in the school.

"This was your plan?" Sona looked at him.

"Yes, now Riser can die happy." He smiled.

"You are just…..the worst kind of person." Rias replied. 

"No, if Riser was the worst kind of person, he would do this." Riser took a deep breath. "Red Dragon Emperor, if you don't defeat Kokabiel, he's going to pierce Rias's breasts with his spears of light, destroying them."

"…..what was that supposed to do?" Rias looked at him.

"Wait for it." Riser held up a finger, then suddenly, the building Issei was in exploded.

"Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!" He roared, blasting Kokabiel away with the power of his Sacred Gear.

It was always phenomenal to see it in person, and I couldn't help but be jealous that he had something like that while I was sitting here…..worthless in a fight.

Rias visibly relax and I found myself feeling like death wasn't certain now.

"….I still fail to see – "

That was until Issei was slammed into the ground again with a maniacally grinning 10 winged fallen angel repeatedly punching him in the face.

"Riser realized Kokabiel was holding back. Kokabiel wouldn't hold back if Red Dragon Emperor used his Balance Breaker, meaning he gets a more thorough beating." Riser explained.

"…..I really am not fond of you." Rias said emotionlessly.

And he promptly treated Issei like a rag doll and threw him around until he got bored, only dragging him back to us and tossing him at our feet, unconscious.

"That was a nice little workout, he makes a wonderful punching bag." Kokabiel rotated his arm as if it were just him warming up. "Who's next?"

"Rias." Riser volunteered her.

"Dick." Rias looked at him, barely time to even say that as she got blasted by a burst of Holy Power.

"Next." Kokabiel looked amused again.

Riser's fiery wings burst out from his back. "Worry not, Takao. Riser will protect you and your lame girlfriend." 

"I am not lame!" Sona huffed, focusing on Rias who stumbled back towards us looking a bit beaten up.

He charged at Kokabiel again, actually looking like he was able to put up a fight.

Or maybe that was just because Riser could take a beater better than anyone else and keep going.

Definitely the latter.

It didn't take long for him to hit the ground again, and for several light spear to pin him there, making him unable to move.

"Well, that was certainly fun. A nice little workout to go with it. But we should end it, however, I admit I'm enjoying myself too much to simply make it so unsatisfying. How about we turn it into a little game?"

"Riser is good at checkers." The Phenex raised his hand despite bleeding from all over and still impaled by light spear.

Sona did her best to remove them, but it was hard enough to even be near them for a Devil. Her magic was able to destroy them with a bit of effort, and I moved to help Riser stand up on his feet.

Kokabiel held his hands up, a big ball of Holy Power formed. "Alright, I'll keep making it bigger and bigger, let's see how long you can last." He threw it down on us.

Sona cast a big Water spell, Rias threw her Destruction at it, and Riser's flames burst out, all colliding with the big ball of Holy Power.

Barely, just barely, they were able to destroy it, but all of them looked far too exhausted.

"Good job! Round two!" A bigger ball of Holy Power appeared above.

Useless, I was so useless!

"Takao, make a run for it. We can stall long enough, maybe you can escape while they're paying attention to us." Sona whispered.

"No way, I – "

"I agree." Riser interjected. "Go my friend, we shall block them. Don't worry, a Phenex can't die."

"…go Takao, it's fine." Rias smiled bitterly. "Tell Sirzechs to pull off his wings for me." She added with a wink, as if to force herself to not react badly.

Why couldn't I be stronger?

My other self, he was strong! Dad was strong, they're all strong, but I'm weak, useless!

They said run, but it was already not an option, that big ball of Holy Power was falling down and I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

"Do you want power?"


"Do you want power?" The same voice, it was as if time slowed and I heard a strange feminine voice in my head.

"I want to be able to stand next to them, I want enough power to protect them!" I shouted in my mind.

"Are you sure? There's a price to be paid for everything."

"Yes, whatever the price is, I accept it!" As a Devil, I felt like I was making a Devil with The Devil.

But…what choice did I have? What was worse here than just dying? Then having the people I care about die? Having my mom have to find out what happened afterwards?

No, I would give up my soul if it meant I would have enough power.

"Very well, then it's time…..to became a hero of love and justice."

"Yes, I – Wait what?"

"Magical Girl Transformation Sequence, go!"

I saw a bright light and my clothes disappeared and oh god, was I seriously going through a transformation sequence?

What the fuck was happening!?

I felt something on my chest, Is that a bra?!

"Sorry, only done this with girls before, but eh, it's fine."

It's not fine!

A very tight and revealing shirt swept around me. Followed by… I felt something ride up between my legs and I very much did not like it!"

"Is that a thong!?" I squawked.

"Listen, I said I've only done this for girls before, just let it happen."

"I regret, I regret!"

A very short skirt appeared around me, to the point where it barely came down past my butt. "Why is my skirt so short!"

"What a weird question, obviously so people can get a glimpse up your skirt while you're fighting, duh"

"That's not a valid reason!"

"Get ready, you need to say the magical words to finish the transformation. Otherwise, you won't have the power to defeat this villain."


The weird lights around me disappeared, it was as if we returned to the world but I felt powerful.

I grit my teeth and accepted it.

The words I needed to speak fresh in my mind as I felt a strange wand between my fingers, I flew up and held it pointing towards the big ball of holy power coming down.

"Bringing love and justice to the world, Magical Girl Kaleido Ruby!" It felt like something solidified and all that power was bubbling up inside of me. I wasted no time and swung my new wand, and a massive burst of power shot out, piercing through.

"Oh what the fuck – " Kokabiel's last words as the beam of power shot through him, and lit up the night sky, continuing out towards space.

And then, I just floated there.

"….Takao...why are you wearing a magical girl outfit." Sona asked.

"…..I don't know." I fully admitted.

"Riser is confused. Riser can see up his friend's skirt. Riser is wondering why his friend is wearing a thong." Riser spoke, making me realize that everyone could see up my skirt. "Riser is having some very unwise thoughts."

As if I didn't have enough problems, the other Fallen Angels seemingly had a moment to realize that their leader was dead. A good….few hundred of them…..yeah, that's not good.

Though, and rather suddenly, they all completely froze. Like icicles falling from the sky, they hit the ground and shattered. Winter appeared instantly, the temperature dropping to nearly freezing without warning.

I looked down and Serafall was there, her eyes murderous, like a true demon with ice and cold air literally wafting out of her mouth. 

"Serafall!?" Sona blurted out.

"Ah? Sona?" Whatever was happening to Serafall, she seemed to snap out of her weird state. "What's this? Where am I? What's going on?"

"Did you come here to rescue us!?"

"Uh…..?" Serafall looked around. "I just….felt a Disturbance. Like someone was stealing something of mine and I acted without thinking." Her head turned unnaturally around as she looked up at me. "Takao~ I think you got some explaining to do~"

I gulped.

"Oh wow, good luck that one looks crazy." My…wand just spoke.

I really am not in any presence of mind to deal with this.

As if the world was wanting to slap me one more time, there was a slight….twisting and burst of magic as a note fell through the air and I casually reached out for it.

"Dear Takao, I was watching and it looked like you were having a rough time. So, I thought I'd lend a hand on your journey. No need to thank me, just take care of Ruby. 


-Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg

P.S. I took lots of pictures and sent them to mom.

Am I allowed to hate myself?

Because I really hate myself right now.



If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / Astoryforone

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I have the next two parts of the Arachne Omake up over here.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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