A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 193: The Eighth Concept

Chapter 193: The Eighth Concept

Priam stood quietly, observing his inner world. [Concept Archipelago] was a sphere with a radius of thirty-six meters, its borders leading to... nothing. While his birth Universe was infinite, with boundaries in perpetual expansion, his own world was more like a bubble existing in an incomprehensible space. The only certainty he had was that tearing this bubble would condemn the world.

Leaning over the spiritual pond, his world's fulcrum, Priam contemplated the various treasures he had amassed. Fragments of Concepts, Tokens, the aether-siphoning sphere he had built with his father, and the Moon Wyrm's egg. Despite the aether currents caressing it, the latter showed no signs of hatching.

Below, aether flowed out of the enchanted sphere and dispersed into the world. Some was absorbed by the flowers and bushes planted by Louis, or by the two trees transplanted a few days ago. A glance confirmed the magical birch was producing passiflora again, and the maple was thriving.

The remaining aether pushed the boundaries of the bubble, gradually expanding the size of the world.

[Concepts Archipelago]

[World information:

Current aether density: 0.61 E>0.69 E.

Radius: 34.12>36.87 meters.

Concept fragments: purity, mental stamina, sand, mist, steel, vengeance, ?.

Inhabitants: Priam, phoenix trainer.


Aether siphon (Enchantment: purity).

Nurturing soil (silver) T2

Betula passiflora (gold) T1

Aetheric Sugar Maple (silver) - T1

Tribulations Chamber (gold) - T0

Phoenix Sun (?) - ?

Guardian: None]

His system had finished analyzing his world but couldn't identify the Tier of the sun. The item humbled its owner; a mere fragment of a phoenix Prince's soul had enough power to create a star, however small. It shouldn't have existed due to its low mass, but the phoenix Prince's Concept made it possible. I wonder what his Concept was? Perhaps Star...

Despite his colossal progress, Priam was far from being able to defeat such an opponent. Yet, karma would one day force a confrontation.

The sight of the sun heightened the urgency he felt deep within. With the announcement of his new Title, [Ace], tribes and Sumstreh would soon be knocking on his door. Keeping cards close to his chest could be wise, as demonstrated in his encounter with Sumstreh, but the Fallen wouldn't give him a second chance if he discovered the deception.

It was time to transform his potential into power. Priam opened his pending notifications.

[Kinetic Control] has reached level 60, its maximum level as an Epic skill. Natural evolution to the Legendary Tier requires a connection with a Concept or Supremacy. Three upgrades are available:

[Kinetic Domination - Legendary] - Prerequisites: Domain, [Physique - Forces], [Physique - Energies], [Erosion Resistance].

You neglect subtle kinetic applications to concentrate on power. Shock and heat become your weapons. You sow destruction on the battlefield. Future upgrades possible. Potential Cost: 180.

[Chemical & Kinetic Control - Legendary] - Prerequisites: Pyro Concept (Affinity), Domain, [Physique - Matter].

Pyro grants you an affinity with thermal energy. Domain allows you to finely manipulate particles. You can now catalyze or halt certain chemical reactions. Future upgrades possible. Potential Cost: 180.

[Thermal & Kinetic Control - Legendary] - Prerequisites: Pyro Concept (Affinity), Domain, [Physique - Energies], [Physique - Matter].

Your affinity with thermal energy and Domain enable you to manipulate thermal agitation as well as the movement of molecules and atoms. In your Domain, absolute zero coexists with plasma. Future upgrades possible. Potential Cost: 180.

A disappointed smile played on Priam's lips. He expected the absence of an ideal upgrade, as Pyro was more focused on combustion than thermal mastery. His Concept was only loosely compatible with kinetic energy, his skills identity. Nevertheless, Priam wished for an ideal upgrade.

[Kinetic Control] was the first skill he created, based on his scientific knowledge and dreams. As versatile as it was powerful, it could target macroscopic objects and microscopic particles. The limitations imposed by lack of Potential had gradually disappeared. Today, Priam could manipulate the temperature of an object or attack an enemy several kilometers away by throwing his spear.

"I wonder if I've reached the power of a railgun..."

[Promesse launched by Micro and charged with [Kinetic Control] has an energy of 8 MJ. Recently, the energy of this attack hasn't evolved much.

Analysis: Your physical strength accounts for 0.4 MJ, with a gesture optimized by [Spear Throw]. The remaining energy (7.6 MJ) comes from kinetic augmentation. It is advisable to improve this aspect to increase the energy contained in your attack to reach the level of a railgun (32 MJ).

Current limits:

  • The kinetic energy transfer from [Kinetic Control] is not instantaneous. To increase the amount of energy imparted to your weapon, you need to increase the transfer duration (thus the size of the Domain) or the transfer speed (the level or rank of the skill).
  • Increasing the speed of kinetic energy transfer comes with meridian stress. You can reinforce them by increasing the level or rank of [Erosion Resistance] or tempering your meridians. You can increase your number of meridians with the first Merit of [Bloodless], thus dividing the intensity of the aether flow in each parallel pathway.]

"...Interesting," murmured Priam.

"What's interesting?"

The Homo Elysian smiled as he saw a small phoenix descend from the sun.

"My system just pointed out weaknesses in one of my skills. That, plus the upgrades suggested by the System, gives me ideas on what to attempt to unlock an ideal upgrade."

"Show me all of that."

Priam shared the System's proposals and the discoveries from his add-on with the phoenix. "... If I sacrifice a significant amount of kinetic energy over a short duration, I should be able to unlock a high upgrade focused on power and destruction."

"Your spear will leave your Domain before you can unleash all your kinetic energy on it."

"I was thinking of targeting the bedrock of the island. It's so massive that it's not likely to move," replied Priam.

"It could work, but there's a chance your meridians will explode before you can deplete your kinetic reserves," the phoenix pointed out.

"I'm considering getting a second set of meridians with the [Bloodless] Merit. It would halve the aether flow in some meridians."

"A barbaric Title, but a useful one," acknowledged the phoenix.

"Did you have it?"

The phoenix shrugged its wings. "I can't reveal such things, but... Let's just say all noble phoenixes endure the Five Tortures, as children call them."

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Priam understood the phoenix was offering a clue. [Brainless], [Heartless], and [Bloodless] were Titles accessible to a phoenix or a user who knew a high-Tiered healer. [Spiritless] shouldn't be part of the Five Tortures, as healing the spirit was almost impossible. Only Priam could easily evade such death.

"I bet on [Boneless] and... [Skinless]?" Priam asked, shivering. He knew his quest for power would spill blood, but he felt it was a lot of his own.

The phoenix shook its head. "Many creatures don't have skin. As for the rest, no need to waste your breath: I can't say more."

Priam's eyes sparkled upon hearing the phoenix. Some creatures had no bones, yet the fiery bird hadn't mentioned it...

"For [Kinetic Control], you'll need to boost your thermal mastery if you hope for an ideal upgrade," resumed the hologram.

"Unity with Pyro should suffice," Priam smiled. In addition to the kinetic feat, the Unity had a chance to unlock a legendary ideal upgrade. A sturdy foundation capable of supporting his ascent to Tier 1.

The phoenix blinked before surprise turned into respect and then sadness. "So, you got it... Thats good."

The bird's tone piqued Priam's curiosity. According to the System, Pyro was a fragment of a Concept wielded by an Eighth Throne Candidate.

"Do you know the origin of Pyro?" Priam asked.

"... I already told you that one of the three suns illuminating Elysium was my ancestor. Our first king tried his luck before turning into a star."

The Seven remained Seven, and the Phoenix Concept was now fragmented. Priam nodded, silently thanking the first king of the phoenixes for Pyro.

"Obtaining Unity with Pyro will take years if you're not a Sage. I hope you've kept some Affinity Tokens," the phoenix continued.

"It would be a waste. I discovered that my affinity increases upon resurrection when I burn my body and soul with Pyro."

The phoenix opened its beak, but no sound came out. Ignoring the flames covering its body, it looked like a clueless chicken, but Priam kept that thought to himself. After a few seconds, the bird sighed.

"Your Patron is terrifying, and your racial Talent synergizes with their gift... I guess they foresaw it. It means you can become a Sage with all offensive Concepts. I advise you not to reveal this secret," the bird warned.

"Is it that rare? I didn't have much trouble increasing my affinities with my Merits," Priam remarked.

The hologram smirked. "Except for a few races whose vitality makes them nearly unkillable, most of your Titles are very difficult to obtain. Special conditions, treasures, or renowned healers are needed. Few people have as many Merits as you do."

Due to the survivor bias and his gifted rivals, Priam often forgot that the vast majority of inhabitants in this Universe were crushed by the System. What he took for opportunities were death sentences for someone else.

"If we forget the System, to increase an affinity, you have to purify your bloodline, consume legendary resources, or receive an epiphany. Phoenixes with noble bloodlines naturally become Sages of certain compatible Concepts. For other Concepts, the clan sponsors the best by providing resources. Only dragons can easily become Sages."

"Mm... I lack the resources to become a Sage with Mist. Is there an Ace Merit that allows it?" Priam asked with a cocky smile.

The phoenix stared at him for a moment, narrowing its eyes. "You seem quite proud of yourself."

"I'm the first rival to unlock the Title," Priam replied. In his opinion, he had every reason to be proud.

"You only lacked Mastery, and your training partner was a spearmaster. You could have unlocked the Title two weeks ago."

Priam grimaced. The phoenix was right, and they both knew it.

"In any case, the second Ace Merit allows you to increase the affinity of a Concept. I suppose you're ready to spend your Merits?"

"That's why I'm here. I need advice because I have many Titles and few Merits." An idea crossed Priam's mind, and he exclaimed, "I just thought: what's stopping me from becoming the Sage of many Concepts to farm Titles?!"

Using offensive Concepts to destroy his soul and body, Priam could theoretically gain many Merit points.

"You can be the Sage of as many Concepts as you want, but you'll receive only one Merit point per Tier. You got a point for Fire Sage; you won't get another for a Tier 0 Concept." The phoenix crushed Priam's dreams with a monotone voice. "Besides, having many Concepts of the same Tier is complicated. Don't forget the inherent nature of a Concept: your soul influences a portion of reality through its affinity and understanding. If you possess two close Concepts, your understanding will eventually create a link between them, and they will merge. That's often how one accesses a higher-tiered Concept."

"But my soul can't accommodate a Tier 2 Concept," Priam pointed out.

"It can, it'll just force a High Tribulation. If you only have two Tier 1 Concepts, you can prevent a fusion with willpower, but from three Concepts upwards, it's dangerous."

Priam thought back to the list of his affinities with the different Concepts he had received. "What's the difference between a Tier 0 and Tier 1 Concept? Besides the magical effect."

The phoenix took the pose of a thinker. "A vast question... Tier 0 Concepts are more basic but have a broad influence. A Tier 1 Concept has a narrower field of action but is more capable. For example, Fire and Air merge to form Combustion. You choose to specialize in the part the two Concepts have in common. Air and Iron form Rust, Air and Water create Mist, Iron plus Carbon make Steel..."

"Except for Pyro." The Tier 1 Concept didn't come from any fusion.

"Except for Pyro. It holistically strengthens Fire. It gives you a solid foundation to create a Tier 2 Concept. I only know of one other Concept of the same kind."

Priam didn't bother asking which one; he had enough on his plate for the moment.

"So, I can merge any Concept with another?"

"Of course not. Merging two Concepts that belong to the same Grand Concept is simple. Likewise if they're two Tier 0 Concepts. But at higher Tiers, things get complicated. Some Concepts are compatible, and others are not. The soul needs to take a certain form to understand certain Concepts, preventing it from understanding others."

"... If I choose my Concepts poorly, there might be no possible fusion," Priam understood. "That's why Grand Concepts can't merge. Order and Chaos are heterogeneous."

"More like no Concept can contain them," corrected the phoenix.

"But then, can I get stuck?" Priam imagined choosing two Concepts whose evolutions were mutually incompatible. He would be trapped, forced to forget one Concept... "Can you even erase a Concept?"

"Now that's a creative way to commit suicide," grimaced the phoenix. "Concepts influence you as much as you influence them. The only way to delete a Concept is to modify your soul. You wouldn't be the same person anymore. The solution is much simpler: create your own Concept. If you think the world should be different, it's up to you to change it."

Priam's heartbeat accelerated as he understood. "The Eighth Concept doesn't exist yet. The System wants us to create it."



Strength 557

Constitution 860

Agility 552

Vitality 840

Perception 714


Vivacity 505

Dexterity 587

Memory 385

Willpower 998

Charisma 615


Meta-affinity 423

Meta-focus 350

Meta-endurance 299

Meta-perception 204

Meta-chance 230

Meta-authority 33

Potential: 7 004

Tier 0

Sun points: 56 575 (+212)

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 2 hours 22 minutes 17 seconds.

[Tribulation]: Three Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 165 days 2 hours 55 minutes 30 seconds.

Next thresholds: 6 attributes > 600 / 3 attributes > 900 / 1 attribute > 1 200

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