A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 64: The Snake Slayer

Chapter 64: The Snake Slayer

On the other side, Ron woke up under the effects of the potion.

"Ugh... Where am I? Harry! Hermione?" Ron sat up, a bit confused, and soon he saw Harry and Hermione battling the serpent.

He quickly recalled what had happened.

He had chased after Harry with the enchanted puppets, and they encountered the serpent. Harry had attempted to speak Parseltongue, but the serpent attacked immediately.

They had to run for their lives, not daring to look back.

And then, a majestic silver bird appeared. It pecked out the serpent's eyes, only to be swatted away by the furious creature, leaving Ron in agonizing pain. He had almost thought he was done for.

Ron's last memory was of Harry supporting him and the once magnificent silver bird reduced to a pitiful tiny form, perched upon his shoulder.

Was it weeping, mourning for me?

Ron stood up, flexing his limbs, surprisingly unharmed.

He drew out his wand, prepared to step forward, but the memory of being swatted by the serpent's tail flashed before his eyes, gripping him with immense fear.

I'm going to die!

He fixed his gaze on the scene before him. Harry held a foreign silver sword in his hand. Had Hermione brought it? But where were the professors, Dumbledore? Ron looked around, unable to find them.

And those devilish vine-like things? Ron felt like he had woken up only to find the situation utterly incomprehensible.

By now, the serpent had broken free from its third devil's snare. It seemed even angrier, spewing venom and baring long fangs as sharp as daggers.

It coiled its body, tail smacking against the pillars, sending debris flying.

In the midst of chaos, Harry scrambled onto the toes of the Salazar Slytherin statue. The serpent lunged, its massive head creating a half-meter-deep pit upon impact.

Hermione's beaded bag had lost its effect. She emerged, casting several red curses at the serpent, but its scales deflected them easily.

What should I do?

Ron trembled all over, torn between conflicting emotions.

Snape's lips curled into a soundless smirk as he raised his wand.

However, in the next moment—

Ron Weasley charged forward, picking up a stone and smashing it onto the serpent's head.

"Hey! I'm over here!" He exaggeratedly waved his arms, diverting the serpent's attention.

The serpent's dark eye sockets turned toward Ron, making him swallow hard.

Under the Invisibility Cloak, the professors had diverse thoughts.

"Foolish lion," Snape's perspective.

"Brave Gryffindor..." Dumbledore's eyes glistened with moisture.

"Admirable courage," Felix said, though it would never be his choice.

Ron paid the price for his recklessness. He scrambled and rolled to avoid the serpent's sweeping tail, the stones on the ground causing him pain as his fingers suffered a small cut.

The serpent's gaping mouth with its deathly pale fangs was illuminated by the green light from the ceiling, truly terrifying.

In his panic, Ron tossed his wand away. The wand, belonging to Lockhart, traced a graceful arc in the air, coincidentally landing in the serpent's mouth—but to no effect.

And in that moment, Harry had climbed the massive statue, his feet atop Salazar Slytherin's colossal head.

Perched high, Harry watched the serpent's frenzied assault, gripping tightly the gleaming sword of Gryffindor.

With the serpent at the center, Harry, Ron, and Hermione found themselves strategically positioned at three different spots.

As if connected by a shared understanding, their gazes passed over the serpent and met one another's.

Ron suddenly sprinted towards Harry with all his might, his mouth emitting a hissing sound. It was the only Parseltongue phrase he had learned from Harry—originally intended for a certain Malfoy.


This word instantly captured the serpent's full attention. Combined with Ron's stumbling approach, it swiftly locked onto its new target.

The serpent writhed, its scales scraping the ground as it swiftly closed in on Ron.

Hermione followed suit, but her distance was a bit far, and she could only see the serpent's back.

Ron dashed beneath the statue of Salazar Slytherin and bellowed, "Harry!" In that moment, time seemed to freeze—

The serpent reared its head, poised to strike. Hermione's mouth hung open in astonishment. And Harry, he raised the Sword of Gryffindor high and leaped from the Salazar Slytherin sculpture.

The three professors outside the scene clenched their wands simultaneously, Snape inhaling sharply.

Time seemed to slow down. Harry felt the rushing wind brush past his ears. The serpent moved sluggishly in his vision, slower than a snail. He even found himself able to adjust his falling posture mid-air with a certain amount of control.

It was like a peculiar game of Quidditch...


The gleaming Sword of Gryffindor's surface erupted with watery radiance as it effortlessly pierced through the serpent's skull. Harry harnessed his falling speed and body weight to thrust the sword completely through, leaving only the hilt.

Sensing the threat of death and searing pain, the serpent went berserk. It thrashed its head violently, its tail whipping like a long whip, sweeping debris across the ground. Harry held onto the hilt, his legs scratched, but he was oblivious to the pain.

Instead, he relentlessly twisted the hilt, causing the Sword of Gryffindor to create a bloody hole in the serpent's head.

And suddenly, the serpent's body went rigid. Felix Harp stared intently, not missing a single detail.

In his field of view, the serpent was imprisoned by a tremendous magic below.

It's Dumbledore!

In a split second, around five to six seconds later, Harry was flung away, but Hermione arrived in time, waving her wand and casting a standard Levitation Charm to catch him.

The serpent's vitality proved tenacious. After its skull was pierced, it writhed for nearly a minute before collapsing with a deafening thud.

Ron hobbled over to them, sporting bruises and cuts, yet he smiled broadly, "We won, unbelievably, didn't we?"

Harry also laughed, looking quite miserable himself. His arm had numerous scratches, and a long gash adorned his thigh—a parting gift from the serpent's final moments.

He was about to say something, but his vision blurred suddenly.



Ron and Hermione's voices seemed distant, difficult to discern. Struggling to hear, Harry faintly caught Hermione mentioning something about snake venom being potent, that even the serpent's venom was highly toxic.

Am I going to die?

Harry questioned himself, his lips moving, yet he wasn't sure if he was speaking.

"Harry!" Ron shouted loudly.

Hermione called towards the location where Felix and the others stood, "Professors, Headmaster..." The Disillusionment Charm was lifted, and Dumbledore strode forth.

"Headmaster, Harry's dying," Ron mournfully said, not sparing a thought for how fortuitous Dumbledore's arrival was.

"He won't die!" Dumbledore's resolute tone brought immense comfort to Ron and Hermione.

With a wave of his hand, Fawkes the phoenix emitted a melodic cry and swooped down. Landing beside Harry, large teardrops fell onto his wounds.

The wounds swiftly closed, healed, and vanished.

"Headmaster? Professor?" Harry opened his eyes, staring at Fawkes before looking at his wounds. "What's happening? I'm not..."

"Harry, phoenix tears can counteract poison and heal wounds."

Harry gazed curiously at the small Fawkes. Was this really a phoenix? But it looked so ugly, and so small—barely the size of a palm.

"What's its name?"


Harry stared at the phoenix, gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Fawkes. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

The tiny phoenix hopped onto his shoulder, nuzzling Harry's cheek affectionately.

Dumbledore introduced, "Phoenixes are truly captivating creatures. Unfortunately, Fawkes has just undergone a rebirth. In a short while, its entire body will be covered in wondrous red and gold feathers."

"They can carry heavy loads, their tears counteract poison, and they're particularly loyal pets."

Afterward, they returned to the castle. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were taken to the infirmary.

Ron and Hermione had suffered scrapes, with Ron's injuries being more severe. Harry, on the other hand, had just been healed by Fawkes' tears. Aside from some dirt, he was completely unharmed.

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