A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 86 - 61 Inherited Jade (Vote for Recommendation)^

Chapter 86: Chapter 61 Inherited Jade (Vote for Recommendation)^

‘But what is this Level about?’

It was not that the level was too low to evaluate, but rather, it seemed immeasurable. Bailuo had never heard of such a level, ‘How peculiar, then the camp is the Lost Realm, just like the fifth page’s miracle.’

‘If it’s a Miracle Creature, isn’t this a person?’

Bailuo thought to himself, ‘Or is it that people are just in an unawakened state, and upon Awakening, they turn into some special race?’

A horse can become a Pegasus.

A butterfly can transform into a Fairy.

If all Miracle Creatures are beings from mythological legends, then it seems not impossible for a person to change into one.

“Hello there.”

Bailuo was unaware that the little slave he had purchased for a considerable sum was feeling extremely anxious at this moment.

“Can you speak? Can you tell me your name?”

Bailuo asked many times over, his tone very gentle and kind, but the girl never spoke up, just lowered her head, not daring to even glance at Bailuo.

“This chain is quite heavy, let me help you take it off.”

Bailuo wanted to unshackle the little slave, but she seemed very frightened, constantly shaking her head.


Bailuo noticed her strong aversion.

[You have obtained her, and she belongs to you, yet the chains still confine her, depriving her of freedom.]

He looked at the words in the Black Leather Book again, and Bailuo didn’t wish for his Miracle to be locked in chains: “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.


Bailuo unlocked the iron collar around the girl’s neck, as well as the ones on her limbs, quickly setting her free.


As the sound of the chains hitting the ground rang out, the girl shuddered, trembling even more fiercely.

The girl had been a slave since she was very young.

She had no name, not even a number.

Because she looked strange and did not meet the aesthetic standards of the people on the New Continent, she changed hands several times but could never be sold, always remaining with the slave masters.

From age 8 to now 12, it had always been this way.

Clown Ghost, Ugly Freak, these were their names for her, which had become her definition of ‘they’re calling me,’ becoming her name.

Although they were all slaves, they liked to seek a sense of superiority over her.

The girls felt fortunate to be prettier than her, and the boys mocked her for being physically weak, being able to do more work and fight.

Yes, even slaves had their own ways of survival.

This is, the society of the downtrodden!

“What’s your name?”

Bailuo tried to communicate with the girl as gently as possible, while he also kept an eye on the Black Leather Book, staying alert.

[The physical chains have been broken, but the heart remains unfree.]

‘The freedom of the heart…’

Bailuo pondered, using his common sense to understand this phrase, and then spoke up, “What happened that made you a slave, do you still have a family?” “If you know who your parents are, I’ll take you to find them, how about that?

Such a kind voice, such incredible benevolence.

Through her muddy and filthy bangs, the girl clandestinely sized up the person before her, her new master, and also her first owner.

“Do you speak the common language?”

However, the girl did not understand Bailuo’s words; she did not know the

Holy Common Language.

Afterward, Bailuo tried everything he could, finally managing to get the girl to say a few words.

“Oh, this!”

After listening to the girl’s accent, he immediately realized that this was the very rare language of the nomads, ‘Thank goodness my uncle taught me this back in the day.’

“Cough cough, are your family members still around?”

Bailuo rephrased his question, and then using the language of the nomads, which was also the girl’s native dialect, he once again inquired about her situation.

The girl lifted her head, looking at Bailuo with great surprise, No…


Bailuo heard her voice for the first time, somewhat hoarse, timid, filled with unease.

“Don’t be afraid, a bit louder, tell me where your home is.”

“No,” the girl replied, “Home…”

Upon hearing the girl was without a home, Bailuo asked further, “Then what about your parents, do you know where your parents are?

“Parents, are dead.”

With a simple sentence, she essentially informed Bailuo of her identity.

She must be a war-time slave, her parents deceased, and she herself taken as a war trophy, annexed by the powers and then trafficked to various places.

“I’m sorry.”

Bailuo raised his hand, wanting to pat the girl’s head to comfort her, but she immediately dodged, “Dirty…”

If one could say that Bailuo had purchased her because of the Miracle mission in the Black Leather Book, then now, after initial contact, it was natural not to feel pity, for there were countless others in the world more pitiful than the girl. Bailuo was just a bit moved, nothing more.

The girl was very afraid, but still maintained the hierarchy.

She was a slave, Bailuo was the master. The distinction between master and servant was clear, and she could not overstep it by even a bit.

“Pretty dirty, indeed, I’ll take you to wash up in a bit.

Bailuo stroked the girl’s head, not at all put off by the dirt, and declared, “Also, from now on, you are no longer a slave.”

Yatun had no slaves, nor was there a need for slaves.

The girl was not ordinary; she was Bailuo’s Miracle and would be one of Yatun s Guardian Gods in the future.

Bailuo had thought that the girl would be grateful to him for this, but the result was beyond his expectations.

“No, don’t!”

The girl knelt on the ground, intending to grab Bailuo’s trouser leg, but seeing her own hands were dirty, she simply kept bowing her head, “Please don’t abandon me, please don’t abandon me, I’m begging you, I’m begging you…” “Hey, hey, hey, hey!”

Bailuo hastily helped the girl up, looking at her forehead bleeding from bowing, he felt some regret, privately chiding himself for not considering the little slave’s mental state; to them, his words were no different from


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