A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 394: Drink (6)

Chapter 394: Drink (6)


A massive sword light shines as it intercepts Governing Dragon Island.

From the opposite side, a golden saber light glows and slices through the Governing Dragon Island.

It's a joint attack by Kim Young-hoon and I.

'That took a while.'

There is a reason it took so long for Kim Young-hoon and me to strike Governing Dragon Island.

First of all, it's betrayal.

Both Kim Young-hoon and I are aware of Jin Ma-yeol's true nature and know he is someone who would stab us in the back given the chance, so we had to find a way to restrain him.

To prevent Jin Ma-yeol from betraying us, I had to procure the Black Ancient Paper that originally mediated the contract between Yuk Rin and us, and slowly send it up from Penglai Island.

It was an incredibly difficult task because it required using the All-Heavens Sword to elevate the material to the Plane of Soul, hence it took quite a bit of time.

Secondly, even if we managed to rescue Baek Rin, we had to plan how to bring him to Penglai Island.

Even if we managed to save Baek Rin, there was no answer if Yuk Rin tried to capture him again, so we needed a way to quickly bring him back to Penglai Island before Yuk Rin could take action.

In that regard, both Jin Ma-yeol, who has extensive experience in the Ancient Force Realm, and Buk Hyang-hwa provided assistance.

"Should we use the Salt Bones Ship as a middle zone to leap across the sea domain?"

Even though the Salt Bones Ship can dive into the depths of the Deep Sea, it's impossible to dive deeply enough to Penglai Island.

Therefore, the suggestion was to submerge the Salt Bones Ship as far as it could dive, and then create a 'middle zone' that jumps between sea domains to bring Baek Rin back.

With her advice and Jin Ma-yeol's cooperation, more time was spent modifying the Salt Bones Ship to be used as a middle zone.

During that process, there was some friction with the Fighting Demon Pirate Gang, and the modification time was extended as Jin Ma-yeol occasionally felt displeasure. It was due to these reasons that it took almost 80 years to finally come to rescue Baek Rin.

"It's going well. The plan must not have any mistakes. It's already been nearly 100 years since Yuk Rin acquired enough Salt Crystals to master Salt Sea Returning Dew Jade to great completion, so his power must be beyond imagination."


Jin Ma-yeol's projection appears beside me, arms crossed as he speaks.

I glare at him.

"If your pirate gang had cooperated earlier, we could have come faster."

"You're the weird one for spending so much time to save one subordinate. And with you modifying my ship like that, of course there would be resistance, would there not?"

"You agreed because it's beneficial to you as well. Thanks to Conqueror King Buk Hyang-hwa's modifications, your ship's performance has improved nearly tenfold."

"Regardless, It's still just a lower-tier version of your Buk Hyang Fleet."

"Enough with the small talk. It's about to begin. You better do your part properly."

"You're one to talk."

Jin Ma-yeol retorts sharply before releasing the projection.


At the center of the Governing Dragon Palace.

There, Yuk Rin, who seems to have completely adapted to the body of Yuk Ung, reveals his enormous form.

Around him, several of his Four-Axis stage vassals appear.


As soon as he reveals himself, the entire sea of the Ancient Force Realm hums.

Salt Sea Returning Dew Jade truly seems to resonate well with the sea of the Ancient Force Realm.


'This is insane...'

From the other side, Kim Young-hoon sends a heart message asking if it's okay, sensing something unusual.

Facing Yuk Rin's main body, I realize.

'One sea domain in the Ancient Force Realm is practically no different from his domain.'

The Heaven Tribe unfolds an Integrated Dao Domain, while the Earth Tribe assimilates it into their bodies.

Then, what about those who practice Heaven and Earth Dual Cultivation?

It's simple.

They can do 'both' unfold and assimilate. 

Moreover, they can do so simultaneously.

[Have you forgotten that last time when you couldn't oppose me with those feeble avatars? Now, over a hundred years later, you've come to find me after my divine method has reached new heights...you must be asking for your insignificant avatar to be erased, right?]


Yuk Rin's body gradually transforms as if embodying the blue sea.

His mane becomes the storm.

His scales become the waves.


In addition, the entire Wi Jeong Sea Domain resonates with Yuk Rin at its center.

I break out in a cold sweat.

In truth, right now he can treat the entire Wi Jeong Sea Domain as his domain in addition to the domain he's assimilated with his body.

Therefore, he is essentially at the Grand Perfection Integration stage of Heaven and Earth Dual Cultivation.

'Almost rivaling my main body...!'

It isn't just at the level of the Three Great Ultimates; I would have to unleash all of Heaven, Earth, Heart, and Puppet.

But I smile slightly.

"How frightening."


Ignoring whatever he is babbling about, I once again unleash a single strike of Seated Detachment, Standing Oblivion.


A transparent scar seems to appear on Yuk Rin's body, but it heals instantly.

He laughs with his moon-like eyes shining and his voice resonating powerfully.

[How foolish. Even though this Palace Lord gave you a chance to flee, you persist? Admittedly, you are difficult to catch, but as the entire sea domain is akin to my domain, from the moment you used the Wi Jeong Sea Domain as the battlefield, you have essentially entered my belly.]

"Indeed, mastering Salt Sea Returning Dew Jade to this extent is slightly intimidating with an avatar. But isn't there one thing you've misunderstood?"

I speak with a sly grin.

"At the Integration level, one doesn't engage in battles they cannot win."

[Ahahaha. You lot must have something hidden...]

"Let's stop babbling with our mouths."

I take a stance and, with the All-Heavens Sword, once again deliver a single strike of Seated Detachment, Standing Oblivion at Yuk Rin.

He is wounded once more, but he snorts.

To him, this level of injury seems as trivial as a Core Formation stage head being cut off. He appears perfectly fine.

[Is this the power of the strongest in the Wuji Religious Order, the Cult Leader? Truly nothing has changed in over a hundred years. Ahahaha!]

"Ah...that is true."

I grin as I move erratically around Yuk Rin, drawing his attention.

It's an amusing sight.

Even just 80 years ago, I was the one facing Yuk Rin head-on while Kim Young-hoon was the one using speed to draw his attention.

But now, it is me focusing on distracting him and scattering his attention.

The reason is simple.


The eyes of Kim Young-hoon who is concentrating behind me brightens.

To Kim Young-hoon, who was communing with the enlightenment of Jang Ik, an opportunity to commune in the confines of a narrow space for 80 years was granted.

Eighty years of embedding Jang Ik's podao into Kim Young-hoon.

Can you imagine it?



The sea domain trembles.

Jang Ik's enlightenment, and the enlightenment of Great Desert to Dead Sea through communing with me.

And through sharing enlightenment with Heavenly Being and Four-Axis cultivators, there is a man who obtained the enlightenment of Celestial Energy Guidance and attraction force, integrating it into his weapon.

The light of the entire Wi Jeong Sea Domain seems to focus momentarily on a small saber.

It isn't an illusion.

In that brief moment, the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy of the entire Wi Jeong Sea Domain was indeed sucked into that small saber.

The saber called Surpassing Radiant.

That saber is united with the man's hand as one.

He is Surpassing Radiant, and Surpassing Radiant is him.

For a moment, I see the vision of a golden Peng Bird roaring out from behind Yuk Rin.

[You, you bastard!]

Around Yuk Rin, white salt crystal-like grains of spiritual energy emerge.

He appears to transform from a blue dragon into a pure white dragon in an instant.

White Dragon Yuk Rin glares at Kim Young-hoon and opens his mouth.

From his mouth, a compressed Dragon Wave capable of encompassing the entire sea domain within its range shoots out.

A Dragon Wave clearly stronger than it was a hundred years ago!

This is the power of a Dragon.

But do you know?

There is a bird known as Garuda (金翅鳥).

This bird is said to cause thunder with a flap of its wings, break the world's cycle,

And devour dragons.

Surpassing Radiant Genesis Form (凌光開闢形).

First Style (第一式).

A martial art created by Kim Young-hoon upon witnessing the enlightenment of the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One.

Surpassing Radiant Genesis Painting (凌光開闢圖).

Its first form.

"Golden Wing Defiles the Light (金翅衊光)."

[Editor: Garuda (金翅鳥) literally means 'Gold Winged Bird.']

The saber, concentrated with the light of Heaven and Earth, is swung.

The next moment.

All the light between Heaven and Earth is severed.

That is the only way to describe it.

It's as if the entire world has been enveloped by the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts for an instant, making it impossible to perceive anything.

And when that fleeting 'unperceivable world' finally vanishes and perception returns.

I feel the illusion of a golden flash descending upon the entire world.

It's as if a golden wing momentarily obscures the light and then gently lets the light shine again.

'Yuk Rin is...'

I look at the spot where Yuk Rin had been.

Yuk Rin is no longer there.

I turn to look at the horizon opposite from where Kim Young-hoon stands after swinging his saber.

'There he is.'

After being hit by Kim Young-hoon's single strike, Yuk Rin had been flung to the edge of the sea domain's horizon.

As if he can't believe he was so wretchedly blown away in a place that is essentially his own domain, an immense sense of humiliation and disgrace emanates from the distant Yuk Rin.

'Not just humiliation. He's taken a significant hit.'

If I were to compare it to the Core Formation stage, it isn't merely a cut to the torso, but a considerable strain on his Golden Core.

"Do you understand now, Yuk Rin?"

I speak with a sly smile.

"Our power is already equal to yours."

Whether he heard my words or not, I can see his eyes turning white with rage.

Even if there are some endurance issues due to the small amount of energy,

The power of a Heart Tribe's avatar is identical to the main body.

Originally, I intended to join forces with Kim Young-hoon if Yuk Rin's power, enhanced by learning the Salt Sea Returning Dew Jade, turned out to be unexpectedly strong.

But after witnessing the recent exchange, my thoughts change.


As Kim Young-hoon passes by me, we exchange glances.

Now, Kim Young-hoon will face Yuk Rin alone.

Turning my attention to the stunned officials of Governing Dragon Palace, who are in disbelief at the recent strike and are staring in shock in the direction where their palace lord had been flung, I brandish the All-Heavens Sword.

"I will count to ten. If you surrender within that time, you won't meet a harsh fate."

At my words, several cultivators at the Four-Axis stage affiliated with the Governing Dragon Palace flinch and exude killing intent.

It seems they are not inclined to surrender.

Perhaps it's because they judged my avatar to be only at an ordinary early Integration level compared to Kim Young-hoon.

"One, two, ten."

Using the counting method I learned from the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, I count to ten and swing the All-Heavens Sword.

'Wait for us, Baek Rin.'

We have come to rescue you.

Step, step...

Yuk Yo succeeds in reaching the depths of Governing Dragon Palace while holding Baek Rin's head.

Already, her body is adorned with glittering ornaments.

"...What's this? Given Father's personality, if I had come this far, he would have at least sent a split soul as a warning."

Yet, even after reaching the area she is concerned about, there is no sign of Yuk Rin stopping her.

A sly smile appears on Yuk Yo's face.

"It seems they are fighting well outside. Seeing as Father can't pay attention even though I've entered this far..."


Baek Rin's skull vibrates.

"'Still, there must be a prohibition or something guarding in place'? Don't worry. Given Father's nature, he would guard it himself rather than entrust it to someone else."


With a confident expression, Yuk Yo opens a door to a secret chamber within Governing Dragon Palace.

Her eyes catch sight of a large altar, and on top of it, some basic prohibitions are placed on a spirit plaque.

"Father is confident in his skills and doesn't trust others, so he guards most treasures personally and rarely relies on prohibitions or subordinates. Isn't it clear from the fact that he's only left prohibitions that even a Qi Refining stage cultivator could undo?'



"What's that, you ask?"

Yuk Yo approaches the spirit plaque with a sly smile.

"It's my father's paternal uncle. My great-uncle inscribed his 'name' onto this Black Ancient Plaque. It's an artifact created for breaking through to the Star Shattering stage, but unfortunately, he passed away after contracting some disease before achieving it."

On the spirit plaque, the words 'Yuk Ung' are engraved in the language of the Demon Race.

"This is a name plaque proving my great-uncle's existence, and simultaneously...a symbol recognizing my great-uncle as the owner of the Purple Soul Jade Seal and thereby proving his royal authority. This name plaque is an identity plaque and, at the same time, a contract proving that my great-uncle was acknowledged as the Sea Dragon King of the Ancient Force Realm! My father is trying to change the name on this plaque to inherit the royal authority of the Purple Soul Jade Seal and become the true Sea Dragon King himself."

A thrilling sense of exhilaration passes through Yuk Yo's eyes.

"If I have this...I can finally escape my father's grasp!"



She slowly approaches the spirit plaque known as the Black Ancient Plauque.

Baek Rin's skull vibrates wildly, but somehow, the closer she gets to the Black Ancient Plaque, the more her eyes become dazed.

It's as if she is being enchanted.

And at that moment.


With an exceedingly strong vibration trying to convey a message, Yuk Yo regains awareness with a flinch and hurriedly ducks her head.


She breaks into a cold sweat, turning to see what had just grazed above her head.

A long claw mark is etched onto the chamber wall.

Dense devilish energy is spewing from the claw mark.

Step, step...

Someone emerges from the shadows of the secret chamber.

It's Wi Yun, eyes half-rolled back and exuding dark devilish energy.

[Master's...possession...cannot...be touched...]

Yuk Yo inhales sharply, looking quite flustered.

"F-Father used someone else to guard the Black Ancient Plaque, which he cherishes as much as his life?"

Wi Yun screams incoherently, as if out of her mind.

To that ghastly howl, akin to a wailing ghost, Yuk Yo spews blood from her seven orifices and starts to activate the artifacts she had stolen on her way to the chamber.

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