A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 173 - 173 Don’t Scold Me Harshly

173 Don’t Scold Me Harshly

Ella stared quizzically at Denise as she wondered what Fred must have done to melt Denise’s heart overnight. She found it too depressing to think or even believe that Denise would consider Fred after all the accumulated anger she bore against him.

“What about Tom, Denise?” Ella asked in a riled tone when Denise continued to sob without saying anything.

“You know Tom loves you so much and imagine the level of damage this your sudden love for his brother will do to him.” Ella tried to reason with Denise.

“For goodness sake, Fred took advantage of you while you were drunk and grieving. What makes you think that he is not trying to take advantage of you right now? He is jealous of his brother and he intends to ruin your relationship with Tom. You are smarter than this Denise. Come on, use your brain.”

Denise slowly lifted her sad face and stared keenly into Ella’s eyes.

“Don’t scold me harshly, Ella, I didn’t plan for all of this. You know me too well than anyone. You know how unlucky I have been with men until I found Tom. What if Tom isn’t the right man for me? What if I’m considering him because I haven’t found my true love? Remember I never wanted him to propose until five months. It was because I wanted to be certain that he was the right one for me. However, he proposed to me when I least expected it. I didn’t want to hurt him in front of his family because I thought I love him so much.” She sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Anyone can call me ungrateful, despicable, or even a slut. I don’t deserve their mercy but I deserve your empathy. You are my only best friend in this life. You know that I can’t fake anything around you. So, don’t judge me harshly.”

Ella’s eyes drooped at Denise’s words. Her heart dampened and she felt like a lowlife in front of Denise.

“Ella, I’m not trying to say that all your words are a load of rubbish.” Denise held Ella’s hands tightly, causing her to look up.


“What I’m trying to say is that I’m confused and I need a piece of impartial advice. Everyone make mistake but how we choose to rise from our ashes is all that counts. I think that I have to state everything clearly between Fred and me so that you can advise me better.”

“Okay, I’m sorry for being too conclusive and harsh.” Ella dampened face broke into a smile. “I’m here for you now and I pray to the stars that I will guide you in the right part.”

“Thank you, sweetie,” Denise launched into Ella’s arms and hugged Ella tightly.

“Denise, my baby!” Ella said breathlessly, “you’re squishing us.”

“Oh, sorry!” Denise giggled and released her. “I got carried away.”

“Now, my mama bear is back!” Ella chuckled excitedly.

Denise beamed and slowly took off the necklace around her neck.

“Do you see this?” She gently dropped the necklace in Ella’s open palm.

Ella picked it up and slowly scrutinized it. “It’s so beautiful.” She smiled and looked up at Denise. “This is the first time I’m seeing this. Where did you get it from?”

“Hmm... Before I answer that question, open the pendant locket.” Denise’s eyes sparkled and her inner love for Fred doubled as she admired the necklace on Ella’s hand.

“Trying to act all mysterious, huh?” Ella smiled and opened the pendant locket.

The faces in the picture, inside the locket, were a little familiar to her and the little girl in it had a strong resemblance with Denise.

Ella looked up questioningly at Denise and asked: “I have seen this picture in your house before. Aren’t this your parents and you?”

“You are so smart Ella,” Denise beamed. “That is me when I was just four years old. While the amazing couple holding me are my late parents.”

“Oh, Denise!” Ella pulled Denise into her arms and gently stroked her hair. “I know how much it hurts you to talk about them.”

“Thanks!” Denise sniffed and wiped away a few drops of tears that escaped her eyes. She freed herself from Ella’s hold and took the necklace from her.

“This was the last gift I received from my parents before their untimely death. I have held it close to my heart for a very long time until the night I lost it when my ex broke my heart.” More tears flowed freely down her cheeks

“When I finally discovered that I lost it, my whole world was shattered. It was as if I killed my parents all over again and I’ve been living with this guilt for years until today.”

Ella’s eyes widened and her ears rose at Denise’s statement.

“The night I lost my virginity to Fred, I mistakenly dropped this necklace and that was almost six years ago. Do you know that Fred has kept this necklace ever since that time, searching for me? Who in their right mind would keep such a flimsy piece of jewelry for that long?

“My goodness!” Ella was too flabbergasted to speak. She just gawked as Denise poured out her heart and marveled at the kindness of Fred.

“Fred brought my parents back to me and I appreciate him for it. However, when I kissed him to show my gratitude, my body, soul, and mind erupted. It’s like something I’ve never felt before. I’ve never wanted a man this much that every part of me itches for him. I’ve not been able to focus on anything since that kiss. Tell me that I’m not alone in this.”

“You’re not alone, Denise. True love does exist. The only problem is Tom. Tom is deeply in love with you. You told me his story about his ill luck with girls. It would crush him if he find out that you have feelings for his brother.” Ella stressed her last statement with the hope that Denise reads meaning into it.

“I understand your fears Ella,” Denise wiped her tears and blew her nose out loudly in her handkerchief.

“That is why I have decided to send Fred away and re-evaluate my feelings for Tom. If Fred sticks around in Tom’s house for one week, I’m afraid I might do something I’ll regret. If after one month my feelings for Fred linger, I will call off my relationship with Tom. I can’t afford to marry a man out of sympathy.”

“Hmm...” Ella breathed a sigh of relief. “One month is long enough to think things through. I hope everything works well for you.”

“Me too,” Denise smiled. “By the way, can I see your baby bump?”

“Huh!” Ella stared at Denise with a confused expression. I thought you were not listening when I talked about it earlier.”

“Well, my ears caught that part,” Denise giggled. She stood up and pulled Ella to her feet. “Show me already, I’m dying to see it.”

“Okay!” Ella chuckled excitedly as she slowly unbuttoned her dress and show off her slightly bulging flat tummy.

“Wow!” Denise stared at Ella’s tummy and stroked it fondly. “My baby is growing. You know, you are so lucky you have an amazing figure. If you were a little bit chubby, Leon would have noticed your pregnancy by now.”

“Leon already commented that I’m gaining weight but he doesn’t suspect pregnancy yet.”

“But you need to tell him soon. Things might get ugly if he finds out by himself.” Denise’s intense stares and firm tone conveyed the warning in them.

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” Ella pouted. “He won’t find out. I’ll tell him when I’m ready.”

“Okay, I rest my case,” Denise said playfully. “I think I’m very hungry now, let’s eat.”

They both giggled and sat down to continue with their lunch.


Marissa was seated in a swing chair by the entrance to Nana Esther’s bungalow, lost in her broken thoughts when the shadow of a handsome figure blocked the streams of sunlight falling on her face.

She slowly opened her eyes and stared at the almost perfect replica of Rex.

“This can’t be Rex, looking all charming, less bulky, and healthy.” She said in a whisper. “The doctor warned that he is not to step out from his bedroom until after complete forty-eight hours of rest.”

“Hello, beautiful!”

“That deep, sexy and charming voice. I could tell that voice apart even if I lost my sight. Maxwell, is that you?” Marissa’s wet eyes lit up.

“Yes, it is,” Maxwell smiled. He lifted her to her feet and pulled her into his arms.

“Oh, Max,” Marissa wrapped her arms around him and squeeze tightly while crying out her eyes. “Rex is leaving me. My whole world is shattered. Where do I go from here? I can’t leave without him.”

“Shhh... I’m so sorry about Rex.” Maxwell gently soothed her. “I’m here for you now. Leon and the girls are also there for you when you need them. You are not alone. Stop crying because Rex needs you now more than ever in his dark moments.”

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