A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 187 -

187 Let Me Spoil You A Little

“Calm down, Ella!”

Nana Esther slowly stood up and pulled Ella into her arm.

“You are worrying over nothing! I am fine! At least, I am not dying today. However, you don’t expect an old exhausted woman like me to live forever.”


“No, but!” Nana Esther interrupted Ella “You don’t have to worry your beautiful head about me. What we should be worried about right now is what my great-grandchildren would like to eat. So tell you Nana what you are craving and I will speedily go and prepare it.”

Nana Esther fondly stroked Ella’s tummy and smiled.


Ella’s initial panic faded into a smile.


“Thank you, Miatisa! I will eat whatever dish you make as long as it is not too spicy.”

“Then I know just the right delicacy for you. You are going to love it. It use to be a special dish my mum, bless her soul, made for me when I was pregnant with Rex. Come, let’s go to the kitchen and I will show you how to make it.”

“Um... Nana, don’t you think that I should stay in my room in other not to provoke Marissa?”

Ella was worried about running into Leon’s mum and upsetting her. If she had her way, she would never step out of the room until she was ready to leave Islafub.

“Nonsense!” Nana Esther scrunched her face and pulled Ella by her arm towards the door.

“This is my house and I alone decide who or what I want around here. Don’t forget that, okay?

“Okay, Miatisa,” Ella replied reluctantly and quietly followed Nana Esther out of her room, toward the kitchen.

“If anyone bullies you in this house, just call for me and I will put them in their rightful place. From henceforth, this house belongs to you just like the way it belongs to your mother-in-law. Okay?”

Nana Esther’s voice was slightly raised and this made Ella wonder if Nana Esther was talking to her or someone else.

“Okay, Miatisa, thank you.”

“You’re welcome, my love.”

Nana Esther pointed to a stool inside the kitchen and calmly instructed Ella to take a seat.

“You will watch me today while I prepare the dish then I will supervise your cooking tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait! Ella beamed animated. “But until tomorrow, can I help out with anything? I can clean and chop the vegetables. I can also...”

“Don’t bother yourself, darling. Just sit down, relax and let me spoil you a little.”

Ella smiled and quietly sat down while she observed her environment for any prying eyes. Deep down, she prayed that nothing should bring Yvonne or her mother down to the kitchen.

“Here, munch on these freshly picked berries, while I chop those vegetables.”

Nana Esther handed Ella a bowl of ripe succulent blueberries and walked back to her chopping table.

“Thanks, Miatisa!” Ella excitedly threw some berries into her mouth and munched on them happily. She was overwhelmed by the amount of love and attention Nana Esther was showering on her and she hoped that Nana Esther would be around when she gave birth to her child.

Ella’s thought momentarily drifted to Leon’s dad’s condition and she decided to ask Nana Esther about his health.

“Nana Esther, how is your son coping with his health at the moment? I wish I could...” Ella hesitated for a second and said: “Never mind.”

“Rex has been unhappy ever since he arrived here.” Nana Esther’s serene but sad tone conveyed her hidden pain.

“But, if you would come with me this evening to see him and...”

“You want me to go into his room and see him?” Ella’s eyes widened in amazement. “Marissa will just devour me alive!”

Nana Esther stopped what she was doing and stared at Ella keenly.

“No one is devouring anyone in my house! I have told you time without numbers, you are free to do whatever you feel like doing in my house. Rex is still my son and Marissa is my daughter. They will never go against my orders as long as I have breath in my nostrils.

“I’m sorry, Miatisa for offending you,” Ella’s eyes sagged and her tone was remorseful.

“You don’t have to be sorry, my pumpkin, you just have to believe your Nana and since you are currently my favorite sweetheart, I intend to lavish so much love on you.”

Nana Esther blew a kiss to Ella and resumed what she was doing.

Ella giggled and thanked Nana Esther before concentrating once more on her delicious berries.

“As I was saying, you can tell Rex about the good news, he will be the happiest man alive and it would give him peace as he leaves this world behind.”

“You want me to tell him about my...” Ella looked around to be certain that nobody was eavesdropping on them before she covered one side of her mouth and whispered, “...my pregnancy?”

Nana Esther chuckled at Ella’s animated behavior.

“Yes, you can tell him and your secrets will be safe with him.”

“What if...”

“Don’t you worry about anything, pumpkin? Rex will not say anything to Leon or anyone. I will talk to him.”



Rex slowly opened his eyes after sleeping for almost eight hours. Although his body was gradually dying within, his spirit and soul felt rejuvenated, thanks to the rare flower extract Nana Esther was constantly giving him.

He slowly sat up and stretched out his weak arms. Then he looked around his room and sighed.

“What a pathetic life I am living right now.”

He tried to stand up but his legs felt frail and useless under his slightly bulky weight. This made him sigh even more.

“Didn’t that dam doctor say that I can live for two more weeks without any complication? Rex questioned himself out loud.

“Is this what the fool called living? I came to this island to spend my last days with my lovely wife and for the past week, I have been incapacitated. Why should I live another miserable week? Why don’t I just die now and set my family free from this misery? Rex lamented.

He was about to force himself up when a gentle tap on the door interrupted him.

“Who is it?” Rex inquired angrily in a deep raspy voice.

“It’s Monica, Sir,” Rex’s personal nurse responded in a shaky voice.

“Come in!”

Monica opened the door gently and walked in cautiously while avoiding Rex’s chilly gaze.

“Yes! Why are you disturbing my peace? Come on, out with it!” He boomed while adjusting himself properly on his bed.

“Y...your children are around Sir, and they have been waiting to see you,” Monica replied in a quivering tone.

Monica knew of Rex’s temperament and how he hated to be kept waiting. Hence, she was always on her toes whenever she was attending to him.

“My children!” Rex stared at her quizzically with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes sir.”

Rex quickly combed his hair using his fingers and wiped his hand over his dull-looking face. He forced himself into a standing position and straightened out his rumpled shirt.

When he raised his head up, his face contoured as observed that Monica was still standing on the same spot and moping at him.

“Do you plan to stand there like a dimwit and stare at me all day?”

“N...no s..sir,” Monica stuttered. Her eye darted from side to side as she thought of the most reasonable answer to give.

“I’m just waiting for further instructions, sir!”

“Monica,” Rex’s already scrunched face deepened. “You don’t expect me to spell out everything in black and white, do you?”

“No, sir!”

“Good! I guess your brain is booting now. Go get me my children and stop wasting my precious time!”

“Right away, Sir!”

Monica swiftly left the room, while Rex trudged to a seat beside the window and sat down.

After two minutes of waiting, which seemed like an eternity to Rex, Marissa, her children, and Maxwell all stepped into the room.

Before Leon and his siblings entered Rex’s room, Maxwell admonished all of them that there would be no crying, bickering of any sort, or asking of provoking questions.

Maxwell told them that even if Rex acted tough in front of them, he was weak within. He told them that Rex still wanted them to see him as the iconic hero and amazing father that he is. He also told them that Rex wouldn’t appreciate anyone treating him as sick and dying.

Hence, Marissa and her female children wiped the tears away from their faces and did their best to appear cheerful.

“My wonderful family!”

Rex’s eyes lit up into a million stars when his eyes fell on everyone that entered his room.

“Daddy!” Ivory went over and hugged her dad. She blinked her eyes severally to stifle her tears. “I miss you so much.

“Hi baby, I miss you more!” Rex kissed Ivory’s forehead and made her sit by his side. Then he beckoned on Marissa to come closer and take the other seat beside him.


One by one, all of Rex’s children took their turns bonding with him. Afterward, the room was engulfed with lively chatting as though nothing was amiss.

After a while, Rex inquired about his mum’s whereabouts.

“I think she is with Ella,” Ivory replied nonchalantly.

It was after the words left Ivory’s mouth that she regretted speaking up as all eyes in the room turned in her direction.

“Do you mean Ella, Leon’s wife?” Rex asked with a hint of surprise and disappointment in his tone.

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