A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 197 - 197 Lullaby

197 Lullaby

Ella came out of Rex’s bedroom and shut the door behind her quietly. She sauntered happily towards her bedroom only to meet Yvonne waiting at the door of her bedroom with a bowl of delicious blueberries in her hand.

She immediately stopped on her track and stared quizzically from Yvonne’s beaming eyes to the bowl of blueberries in her hands and back to her eyes.

“Hi, sister-in-law!” Yvonne said excitedly as though Ella and her were best of friends.

“I know you’re surprised to see me here but don’t worry, I mean you no harm.” Yvonne walked up to Ella and stretched out her hands holding the bowl of berries toward her.

“I just want to spend some time with you and also give you this.”

“T...thanks Yvonne, for your thoughtfulness that I don’t want...” Ella didn’t finish her statement when Yvonne caught her off.

“No buts!” Yvonne stressed.

“These berries are not from me. They are from Nana Esther. I heard her instructing Ivory to hand them over to you when you are done serving dad with his tea.



“Yes! However, mum sent Ivory out on a quick errand. So, I took the liberty to hand them over to you and also extend my hands of friendship. Please take them from my hands before my aching arm falls from its socket.”

Ella took in a deep breath before collecting the bowl of berries from Yvonne. She was about to leave when Yvonne stopped her with her raised right palm.

“Why are you in a hurry to leave? Come on, let’s stay in the sitting room and discuss a little. My brother is not around and you shouldn’t always lock yourself up in your bedroom.”

“Um... I think I need to use the convenience.” Ella faked a brief smile but Yvonne didn’t bulge.

“I can tell you still hate me for what I did earlier but I’m begging now. Please! Pretty please!!” Yvonne batted her long lashes playfully causing a little giggle a little.

“Okay, but I’m really pressed. Let me quickly use the convenience in my bedroom and I’ll come back and join you in the sitting room. I promise!”

“Scout’s honor!” Yvonne raised her right palm in the air.

“Scout’s honor!” Ella smiled. “Please hold on to the bowl for me and I will be right out in a jiffy.” She handed over the bowl of berries to Yvonne and left briskly.

Finally, in the safety of her bedroom, Ella quickly eased herself. She washed her hands and stepped out of the bedroom lost in her thoughts.

“What could this lady be up to? Are those berries really from Nana Esther? Why is she acting all nice when it is obvious that she is faking the friendship gesture? Is she up to something dubious? What should I do?”

Different questions clamored for attention in Ella’s head. She was still going over the questions in her head when a knock on her door jolted her back to reality.

“Ella, it’s Ivory. Please, open up!”

Ivory’s voice resounded behind the door.

“I’m coming!”

Ella took quick strides towards the door and opened it for Ivory to come in.

Immediately Ivory entered Ella’s bedroom, Ella quickly shut the door and pulled her towards an earshot section of her room. Then she started bombarding her with lots of questions.

“Ivory, did your mum send you an errand? Did Nana Esther pick blueberries for me? Did you say anything about my pregnancy to your sister? Why was she acting nice to me all of a sudden? Why...”

“Ella, slow down with all the questions. Breath!” Ivory placed her hands on Ella’s shoulder and gently stroked her arm.

“Okay!” Ella took in a deep breath to calm her slightly drumming heart.

“I’m not a machine to process all the answers at once. But, Nana did ask me to give you those berries with my sister. I didn’t know she took it upon herself to deliver it to you.”

“Really, wow!”

“Yeah! However, I haven’t told anyone about your pregnancy!”

“Phew!” Ella breathed a sigh of relief. “In that case, let’s join your sister and enjoy those berries.

When Ella and Ivory went back into the sitting room, they were surprised to see the bowl of berries on the center table but Yvonne was nowhere to be found.

“Where is Yvonne?” Ella asked in a puzzled tone while scanning the sitting room.

“I have no idea!” Ivory replied in a perplexed tone. “She was sitting right there when I came in not quite long.

“That’s because I also went to ease myself,” Yvonne replied softly from behind, causing Ella and Ivory to almost jump out of their skin due to fright.

“Yvonne quit doing that!” Ivory shouted angrily.

“You should see your faces, you both look so horrified.” Yvonne cackled like a witch and went over to take her seat.

“It’s still not funny!”

Ivory pulled Ella by the hand and led her towards a seat.

When they had both taken their seat, Yvonne apologize to Ella for her earlier prank before taking some berries and throwing them into her mouth.

“It’s okay!” Ella smiled genuinely at Yvonne’s sense of humor. She was about to eat the berries that Ivory offered her on a saucer when Yvonne asked her a question that made all the hair on her skin stand.

“So tell me, Ella, how many weeks old is your pregnancy?”


Nana Esther stood up slowly from Rex’s bed and brought out a white envelope from the hidden pocket of her dress. She took labored steps towards the small round center table in Rex’s bedroom and neatly placed the envelope on it.

Then she trudged back to Rex’s bed, slowly climbed on it, and lay beside him. She placed her head gently on his chest and started singing him a lullaby.

This was the same lullaby she always sang to Rex when he was a baby and a growing child.


How long are the mountains,

How deep is the sea,

How long is forever,

That’s how long I love you,

My heart is beating fast,

I found your love like that,

And nothing can compare to your heart

and this sweet love of mine.


“Mum!” Rex called weakly in a whisper. Tears flowed from his misty eyes and rolled down his temple and ears before finally disappearing into the soft pillow.

“Yes, my baby!” Nana Esther answered in a serene and peaceful tone.

“Thanks for giving me life and loving me till the end.” Rex slowly shut his eyes as an overwhelming peace enveloped his entire body.

“You’re welcome, my child!”

Nana Esther cried quietly for a while before also shutting her eyes forever.


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