A Valiant Life

Chapter 1020 - A problem has occurred

Chapter 1020: A problem has occurred

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The next day!

When the previous day’s incident was reported, the netizens instantly rejoiced. Those culprits hadn’t even had much time to be arrogant before they all got caught in one go.

To the netizens, those people who dared to splash sh*t on Master Lin’s shop had really been asking for death. Now, things had gone exactly as they had imagined. Those culprits were all done for and not one of them remained uncaught.

At that moment, on Weibo.

“D*mn. It’s like I’m seeing ghosts today. The police officers have all come out to patrol. They’re checking IDs on the streets. Could it be that something has happened? Or perhaps some important leader will be coming?”

There were also photos along with these comments that expressed the netizens’ astonishment. After all, this kind of situation really made them astonished.

Although there had been such situations in the past, they were mostly before some big event or before some important leader came for an inspection.

Normally, the most that the public would see were traffic police officers directing the traffic on the road.

However, an insider exposed the truth.

“Last night, the leader raged during our conference. He was completely furious. He even gave strict orders for us to come out and patrol.”

When this comment was sent, many people replied to it.

“That’s a good thing.”

“Yeah! That’s the only way we can leave those criminals with nowhere to hide.”

Some people supported it while some people criticized it.

“Hehe, that’s what it means to have authority. If it wasn’t for that Lin, do you think they would do this?”

“That’s right. This situation has implicated him, that’s why they’re taking it seriously. If it happened to some commoners like us, would they possibly do this? If anyone says it’s possible, that would really be strange.”

“I live in a small county. There has actually been an incident that happened here before. It was during the new year period. An old man brought his granddaughter out to buy things and when he wasn’t noticing, she disappeared. That old man was so anxious that he almost cried. Guess what happened in the end? This girl’s father is one of our local leaders. He made a call and it made everyone scared. In the end, that child was dropped off at a tollbooth. Do you think they really don’t know about these crimes? Do you think it’s really possible?”

“^You’re tainting the police’s reputation. Don’t talk blindly.”

“Hehe, you don’t have to believe it. But everyone here in my hometown knows about it.”

Lin Fan had nothing much to do and was scrolling through his Weibo as well. When he saw this severe issue being discussed, he was helpless. Thinking about it, he decided to post a comment.

“Yes, I admit to this problem. I’m very powerful. I’m Shanghai’s Master Lin. I love meddling with things. Whenever I come across something that isn’t good, I’ll meddle with it. Therefore, I’m surrounded by danger as well. My police brothers taking care of me is a very normal thing.”

When the netizens saw Master Lin’s comment, they burst into laughter.

“Haha, Master Lin is scolding himself again.”

“Sigh. Stop meddling, Master Lin. It’s too dangerous. You’re still young. You have to take care of your own life.”

“There is nothing wrong at all with what Master Lin said. He is surrounded by danger. Of course, someone has to protect him.”

Meanwhile, after Liu Xiao Tian had given that order, the other units felt that they couldn’t sit idly by as well. They also passed down similar orders.

Over at the shanty town, a large number of police officers had entered to conduct checks one by one. The public’s IDs were recorded one by one. Those without IDs were immediately brought back to the station for investigations. The police officers even managed to find a number of wanted criminals as a result. It was a big clean up. At the same time, the landlords of those rental houses were strictly dealt with. It was a way of letting those landlords know what would happen if they rented their houses to people without IDs again.

Meanwhile, at public squares and train stations, anyone who was begging was checked by police officers. Even those who weren’t begging, but were with children and women, were checked one by one. They were simply giving those criminals nowhere to hide.

On the Internet, many netizens were working. After work, they saw all these incidents and they clapped as they watched the videos and saw the photos. Then, they started to post messages of praise on the Internet.

Lin Fan saw all this and started laughing. He felt as if having his shop splashed with sh*t by other people had been worth it.

If someone still wanted to take revenge on him next time, he would welcome them. They could splash whatever they wanted on his shop. After that, they would be done for.

Huang Yun Town.

It was a small town that belonged to a poor county. But this small town didn’t have a small population. Its population was close to ten thousand. These ten thousand people really stayed in the small town. Those who had moved out to work weren’t counted.

At that moment, a middle-aged man’s brows were tightly furrowed. His clothes were a little crumpled as if they hadn’t been changed for days. He walked on the only cement road in the town, looking at all the shut doors around. He didn’t know what he should do.

He had come all the way to the clinic. Inside, many people were on IV drip and they were coughing nonstop. Those originally healthy townsfolk were now dispirited and lifeless.

“Mayor, what do you think is going on? Why have so many people in our town caught a cold?” one of the townsfolk asked as he coughed. He seemed to have been infected as well.

“It’s fine. With the doctor here, it’ll be okay,” assured the Mayor, Niu Da Ming. However, he had a bad feeling. This wasn’t a normal cold. After being a mayor for so long, even though he was just a very poor mayor, he had a pretty good vision.

Suddenly, a series of sounds came from outside.

“There are people sealing off our town. Everyone, come out and look. They’re sealing off our town!”

When Niu Da Ming heard that, he was startled. He hurriedly ran out. When he saw that person outside, he berated him, “Child, what are you saying?”

A teenager of around sixteen or seventeen was bare-bodied as he pointed in front. “There are people sealing off our town to prevent us from leaving.”

“They say that we’ve been infected with a disease that they don’t even know and they want us to stay in our town and wait for the medical personnel to arrive.”

Once this child said that, the people who heard it all let our frightful expressions.

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Niu Da Ming glared at him before looking over to the end of the road. There were indeed people sealing off the town. There was even someone spraying medicine all over. He hurriedly ran over while yelling at the townsfolk, “I’m going to take a look. Don’t come over!”

The townsfolk watched as the mayor ran over and they felt reassured. This mayor was very good to them and he was reliable too. They trusted him very much.

Niu Da Ming rushed over but before he could get close to the end of the road, those people stopped him.

“I’m Huang Yun Town’s Mayor. Are you all from the county?” Niu Da Ming shouted.

At that moment, a person wearing protective clothing walked to him. “Mayor Niu, we just received a notice from the city’s Health Department to safely quarantine your Huang Yun Town. Don’t worry, it will be fine. Very soon, the quarantine will be lifted.”

When Niu Da Ming heard that news, he started grumbling in his heart. He wasn’t an idiot. “I’m the Mayor of this town. I have the right to know what happened. Don’t worry, I’m not the kind of person that would cause a ruckus for no reason. But at least let me understand what has happened exactly.”

The man seemed to ponder for a moment before replying, “This is the situation. The city’s hospital just discovered that a patient has been infected with a rare influenza. Then, they checked his identity. He had just come from your town. Hence, before you all are completely treated, we can’t let any more people come out of your town. The professional team has already started looking for a solution to this.”

“You are the Mayor. You should know what to do.”

Niu Da Ming’s mouth gaped as if he hadn’t expected such a thing at all. But in the end, he nodded. “I know. Don’t worry. I will reassure the townsfolk. I believe the government will resolve this as soon as possible.”

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