Absolute Dominion

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

“Ah, no, that’s not it.”

The flustered Jeong Lee-Chu waved his hand.

Jeok Lee-Gun began speaking without being asked.

“The store’s name is Floating Clouds and Flowing Water. It’s really not suitable for a fruit store, right? ‘Kid, go to Floating Clouds and Flowing Water and buy five apples.’ Isn’t that funny? My father named it. He said he wanted to live naturally like floating clouds and flowing water. That’s fine. Live like that. But why insist on such a name for the store… There are many common names, right? Jade Gate’s Best Fruit Store, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables… Do we really need to reflect on our philosophy of life every time we look up at the sign?”

As he said this, Jeok Lee-Gun covered his face.

“Ah, I’m really embarrassed even as I say this.”

No one expected such a detailed answer!

Not just Cha-Ryun, but Jeong Lee-Chu and Hwa-Ryun were also momentarily stunned.

Jeok Lee-Gun uncovered his face and squinted his eyes.

“But please don’t think my parents are weak-willed. They are very admirable people.”

“Of course.”

Jeong Lee-Chu stammered, still flustered.

“Then what about the sword and saber on your back? Have you mastered both swordsmanship and saber techniques?”

“Yes, I have mastered both.”

“Wasn’t it challenging?”

Mastering both swordsmanship and saber techniques was typically the domain of third-rate ruffians. Yet, trusting Cha-Ryun’s decision, Jeong Lee-Chu asked him with utmost respect.

“It was difficult. Truly difficult. But I possess a variety of talents. Actually, I had no choice but to master both, since I inherited my bloodline properly.”

Hwa-Ryun sighed audibly, while Cha-Ryun lowered her head even further.

“Could you provide a demonstration?”

“Shall I? There’s no need to unsheathe my sword or saber. For most guys, these two fists are all I need.”


Jeok Lee-Gun cracked his knuckles.

At that moment.


His elbow lightly brushed against a porcelain vase standing beside him.

“Oh, oh no! Stop!”

His frantic attempts to catch it resembled a dance. Despite all the commotion, he failed to catch the vase in the end.


Looking at the vase that shattered upon impact, Jeok Lee-Gun shouted.

“Luckily, it was a fake!”

“…Didn’t you say that was a masterpiece earlier?”

“No, it’s definitely a fake.”

“Anyway, that’s enough. One more question. Can you tell me your master’s name?”

“I told you earlier.”

“I don’t think you mentioned it. When did you say anything about your master?”

“You asked about my sect, didn’t you? I told you my parents sell fruit.”

“Are you saying you learned martial arts from your fruit-selling parents?”

“Yes. You don’t seem to listen well, do you? That’s a bad habit.”

Jeok Lee-Gun spoke with a nonchalant tone, rubbing his belly.

“But aren’t we going to eat? In our household, we serve food to guests first. Don’t you do that here?”

Hwa-Ryun quietly approached Cha-Ryun, who was listening.

She whispered softly in her ear.

“You should just apologize to Young Master Jang tomorrow.”

That night.

Cha-Ryun couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning in bed, and she eventually decided to leave her room to get some air.

She felt an inexplicable sense of unease. Tomorrow, she had promised to visit the Palm Heart Clan with her father to apologize.

In truth, she didn’t want to apologize. Yet, her sister’s words echoed in her mind. For the sake of the family, shouldn’t she make this sacrifice? Haven’t you lived as you pleased until now? Her sister was right. She had lived a carefree life, solely focused on her martial arts training.

Fine, let’s go to the tournament with Jang In-Gyeol. It’s not like they’re asking you to marry him.

It was also the right thing to do for Jeok Lee-Gun. If she could persuade Jang In-Gyeol, he wouldn’t try to kill Jeok Lee-Gun.

As she wandered through the backyard, lost in her thoughts, she noticed Jeok Lee-Gun standing by the pond in the distance.

He stood there silently; his gaze fixed on the pond.

Was he thinking about catching a carp to eat?

Jeok Lee-Gun’s face bore an unusually serious expression.

Perhaps it was because of the moonlight, but she thought he looked quite handsome.

Cha-Ryun approached him slowly.

“Can’t sleep?”

She spoke abruptly, but her tone had softened considerably compared to when they first met.

He was someone she would part with tomorrow. If this was fate, as he claimed, she wished to part on good terms.

“I can’t sleep well in new places.”

Cha-Ryun chuckled at his unexpected response. She didn’t know if that was true, but she believed that Jeok Lee-Gun would likely snore the moment he lay down.

Why wouldn’t he sleep well when he acted as if he had no worries in the world?

“Besides, I have something to do tonight.”

“Something to do?”

Jeok Lee-Gun clenched his fists tightly.

“I’m going to send a few guys away tonight.”

He startled her. Why does he make such grim jokes with such seriousness?



After a brief pause he continued.

“…People from another world, not the one you live in.”

Then his face returned to his usual smile.

“Tonight’s dinner was too meager. There will be meat for breakfast tomorrow, right?”

This guy’s obsession with meat was unrelenting.

Cha-Ryun chuckled. Being in his company made her relax without even realizing it.

It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling.

At least she was certain of one thing.

He was sly and cunning, but at least he didn’t gaze at her with lecherous eyes.

It wasn’t much, but it was very important to Cha-Ryun. Most of the men she encountered looked at her in a lecherous manner.

As a woman, sometimes enjoyed the gazes of those that couldn’t hide their attraction to her, but when she considered the essence of some of those looks being to touch and lick her body, she felt disgusted.

“Go to bed early. You need to sleep a lot to have good skin.”

Does this talkative guy really not feel any attraction to her? On a night like this, beneath the romantic moonlight that even makes this talkative man appear quite handsome, how many men in this world would simply let her go back inside?

“This is my house!”

“What does that have to do with preventing rough skin? Does this house have a barrier that protects your skin?”

Alright, then…

“What do you think of me?”

I’m testing the waters!

After thinking about it for a while, Jeok Lee-Gun carefully responded.

“…Honestly, you’re kind of plain.”


Plain? Did he just call me plain?

Cha-Ryun had never been described with such a word before.

Did she have rice stuck to her mouth?

Stunned, Cha-Ryun gazed at her reflection in the pond.

Jeok Lee-Gun, feeling a pang of guilt, avoided her eyes.

What? Is he serious?

She had meticulously educated Hyang Lee on the tactics of playboys who falsely claim a woman isn’t pretty to provoke her interest. It’s one of the most effective ways to seduce a woman, and she thought that’s exactly what he was doing here.

But Jeok Lee-Gun wasn’t that kind of playboy. If he were, he wouldn’t have eaten so sloppily at the inn. His actions, uncaring of what people thought of him, spoke for themselves.

Ah, my legs are giving out.

Cha-Ryun squatted by the pond.

Don’t look at him.

If you do, he’ll definitely say ‘sorry’ to me.

Then I’ll really want to jump into this pond.

She genuinely wondered what kind of people gave birth to such a guy.

Calming herself, Cha-Ryun gazed into the pond and asked calmly.

“What are your parents like? I heard your mother is very beautiful. What about your father?”


Why is he suddenly silent? If I push him into the pond, he’ll probably just chat with the fish while floating.

“Why? Do you dislike your father?”

At her direct question, Jeok Lee-Gun shook his head.

“It’s not that.”

“Then why?”

“My father is an exasperating individual. He insists on handling everything strictly by the book.”

“Isn’t that a commendable trait?”

“When it’s someone else’s father, perhaps.”

“Living by principles is no simple feat.”

“I’m not suggesting they be disregarded. Just don’t impose those principles on me.”

“So, you harbor resentment towards your father because of that?”

“Not entirely.”

This subtle sorrow doesn’t quite suit him.

Come to think of it, Cha-Ryun had never seriously thought about her parents’ issues. They were always warm and nurturing individuals.

A reliable fence that allowed her to greet the morning without any worries. She suddenly felt a surge of gratitude for her parents.

“My parents vehemently opposed my journey into the martial world. Especially my father.”

She could take a guess as to what happened. If they were ordinary parents who sold fruit, they would have desired their child to inherit the family business. How astonished they must have been when he declared his intention to enter the martial world, with those two swords strapped to his back.

“That’s because they’re concerned.”

“That’s not the issue.”


“They’re apprehensive about the martial world.”

Wow! That makes so much sense. I really want to meet them.

She thought they must have had a lot of fun when they gathered together, especially since they were this guy’s parents.

“Aren’t you going in?”

“Didn’t you hear earlier? I have things I need to do.”


Cha-Ryun stood up abruptly.

“Then please kill a lot. This girl from another world who knows nothing will now take her leave.”

Cha-Ryun added with a smile.

“Stop saying silly things and go to bed early. And after breakfast tomorrow… you should go on your way. If possible, it’s best to leave this place. I apologize for involving you in such dangerous things.”

Jeok Lee-Gun looked at Cha-Ryun with a peculiar expression.

“Are you worried about me?”

That’s nonsense!

“The only thing I’m concerned about are the people you’ll meet in the future!”

Cha-Ryun turned around with a smile on her face.

As she strolled down the hallway inside the building, she glimpsed at Jeok Lee-Gun through the window.

He remained there, gazing at the pond.

She couldn’t discern whether his focus was on the lotus flowers, the carp gliding through the water, or the moon suspended above.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of loneliness about him.

If he just kept his mouth shut, he seemed like a rather decent guy.

Yes, he’s departing soon, so I’ll give him a favorable evaluation.

When she glanced back one final time, Jeok Lee-Gun had vanished.

Jeok Lee-Gun stood still as he bathed in the moonlight.

He stood on the branch of a tall, straight tree.

The slender branch remained rigid, showing no sign of bending.

Jeok Lee-Gun gazed at the lights visible through the dense forest. Shadows of people flickered between the campfires.

A serious expression, uncharacteristic of Jeok Lee-Gun, adorned his face. Had Cha-Ryun seen it, she would have been surprised.

At that moment, a masked figure flew up to Jeok Lee-Gun’s perch.

With a light kick off the tree, he landed at the end of the branch where Jeok Lee-Gun stood. The newcomer, carrying a large leather bag, was a middle-aged man nearing forty.

The branch bent slightly under his weight.

“Mu Young.”

“Young Master.”

The man called Mu Young displayed a look of special affection and unwavering loyalty towards Jeok Lee-Gun.

Mu Young removed his mask.

A typical martial artist’s face with strong, angular features was revealed. His unshaven beard glowed blue under the moonlight.

“You haven’t shaved.”

“I was busy.”

“Shave, it makes you look older.”

Mu Young smiled awkwardly.

Jeok Lee-Gun turned his gaze to the infinite night view spread out before him.

“It’s splendid.”

Mu Young’s gaze quietly followed his.

“The night scenery always excites me. I like the night more than the day. I feel embarrassed when I look at the sun. I don’t know why.”

Mu Young remained silent.

Jeok Lee-Gun looked down at the backs of his hands.

He was observing the contrasting tattoos that exuded different auras.

He glanced at Mu Young once more.

“Is there a story about me that I don’t know? Like when I was two years old, I fell into a well and was trapped in darkness for three or four days?”

“No such thing happened. Even if it did…”

Mu Young smiled faintly.

“You would have climbed out on your own, Young Master.”

Jeok Lee-Gun chuckled, but then his expression turned serious.

“Sometimes I hate that about myself.”

Mu Young was taken aback. He was about to say that wasn’t what he meant, but fell silent.

“I’m joking.”

Jeok Lee-Gun smiled, his gaze once again taking in the splendid night view.

“Mu Young.”


The night view was reflected in Jeok Lee-Gun’s eyes.

“Those lights, can I have them all?”

“Who in this martial world could achieve that wish better than you, Young Master?”

It was a quiet yet powerful response.

“This is just the beginning.”

Mu Young looked at Jeok Lee-Gun with admiration.

“The one I’m looking for is there. We must make him one of us.”

“If it’s you, Young Master, you will succeed. Definitely.”

Mu Young handed the leather bag he was carrying to Jeok Lee-Gun, and he slung it over his back.

“Be careful.”

“Wait for me.”


Jeok Lee-Gun stepped off the branch.

It seemed as if he took a few steps through the air.


With the sound of a cool breeze, Jeok Lee-Gun’s body cut through the night sky.

In an instant, Jeok Lee-Gun disappeared from Mu Young’s sight.


Jeok Lee-Gun landed in front of the lights he had been observing in the forest.

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