Absolute Dominion

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Finally, the day of the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament arrived. The busiest person by far was Hyang Lee. She had woken up at the crack of dawn, ironing Cha-Ryun’s martial attire and preparing snacks, moving about busily.

“Young Lady! You must pass the First Gate!”

It was said that the First Gate would be held in secret. Only from the Second Gate onward would the spectators be allowed to watch the events.

If Cha-Ryun didn’t make it through the First Gate, Hyang Lee wouldn’t even get to catch a glimpse of the handsome young talents she had been eagerly anticipating.

Yet, the moment she was placed in front of the men, her face would likely turn red, and she wouldn’t even be able to lift her head.

“Young Lady, I’ll make sure everything is ready. A change of clothes, some medicine to help ease your nerves, and also…”

As she listened to Hyang Lee’s nagging concerns, which sounded more like fretting, Cha-Ryun was reminded again that today was finally the day the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament would begin.

At that moment, Lady Ahn entered the room.

“Is everything prepared?”


Cha-Ryun embraced Lady Ahn.

“What’s this for?”

“No reason.”

“Your father and I will be watching from the stands.”

“I might not even make it past the first round though.”

Lady Ahn gently patted Cha-Ryun’s back.

“It’s alright. Just do your best.”

Her mother’s embrace was always warm. It was an unchanging warmth that would never be lost. She had to become stronger in order to protect this warmth.

On the other hand, Hyang Lee was shouting in distress.

“No! You must pass the First Gate!”

For whose benefit?

The three of them stepped outside. Jeong Lee-Chu, Hwa-Ryun, Su-Ryun, Seo Baek, and Lim Mu-Yeol were all waiting for her. Cha-Ryun looked around to find Jeok Lee-Gun—he was squatting in front of the flowerbed

What are you doing there so pitifully?


This time, Su-Ryun rushed toward Cha-Ryun. As Su-Ryun tearfully urged her to be careful and not to get hurt, Cha-Ryun tightly hugged her.

“It’s cold out here. Hurry back inside.”

“I’m fine.”

But Su-Ryun’s face had already turned as pale as a ghost.

“I’m sorry I can’t come cheer you on.”

Su-Ryun sobbed.

“You silly girl. Just wait. I’ll win and come back.”

“Stay strong.”

If only she could cure her kind sister’s illness.

She would sell her body and soul if it could be done.

Today, Cha-Ryun’s heart swelled as she looked at her family.

It felt like she was about to embark on a long journey.

How embarrassing would it be if she got eliminated at the first gate?

Just then, Hwa-Ryun, who had been watching Cha-Ryun from afar, spoke with concern.

“Are you really going to let those two go like this?”

Jeong Lee-Chu could only let out a heavy sigh. Last night, he had quietly visited Cha-Ryun to try to persuade her to give up on the tournament. However, Cha-Ryun’s resolve was firm. Jeong Lee-Chu wasn’t the kind of father to break his daughter’s will by force.

The main reason Jeong Lee-Chu didn’t stop her was simple.

Regardless of what others said, Jeong Lee-Chu believed in Cha-Ryun. He had faith in her choices and decisions.

Hwa-Ryun’s face was still full of doubt as she muttered.

“Well, she’ll probably fail at the First Gate anyway.”

At that moment, Seo Baek slyly interjected.

“I think she’ll be fine. I believe in Young Master Jeok.”

“Based on what?”

“Just a gut feeling. Call it a man’s intuition.”

“Have you already started drinking?”

“You misunderstand, my lady!”

“Are you just going to keep siding with Cha-Ryun?”

Seo Baek pretended to be startled, then gave her a broad grin.

Jeong Lee-Chu made his way over to Jeok Lee-Gun. Jeok Lee-Gun was sitting in front of the flower bed, playing with the dirt.

Seriously, this guy… why is he playing with dirt?



Although there were many things he wanted to say, when Jeong Lee-Chu finally faced Jeok Lee-Gun, those words wouldn’t come out. But still, he had to say something.

“Even if she fails, just don’t cause any trouble, please.’’

“Don’t worry. I will take responsibility for your daughter.”

What Jeong Lee-Chu really wished was that Jeok Lee-Gun would abandon such notions.

“I’ll leave her in your hands.”

Sighing, Jeong Lee-Chu turned away.

Cha-Ryun approached.


“Jeong Cha-Ryun!”

He called her name with spirited energy.

“I’m off.”

“Alright. Do your best without any regrets. We’ll see you later.”

Jeong Lee-Chu’s love for Cha-Ryun was so obvious it could almost make one jealous. But at the same time, Hwa-Ryun understood her father. Her father was a martial artist to the core. She just felt sorry that she, as the eldest daughter, couldn’t carry on her father’s martial arts legacy.

“Do well. Don’t disgrace the family.”

Not feeling much like clapping her hands to send her off, Hwa-Ryun instead muttered a sullen remark.

Knowing her sister’s personality well, Cha-Ryun responded with a smile.

“Don’t worry.”

Seo Baek clapped his hands and cheered for Cha-Ryun.

“Sister-in-law, see you later!”

Cha-Ryun raised her fist, showing her determination.

With the family’s encouragement sending them off, the two left the house and headed to the front gate.

By the time the two arrived at the location of the first gate, many people had already gathered.

Hundreds of spectators were camped at the entrance. Every time they saw a familiar face emerge from the crowd, they cheered. The martial artists of the Northern Sky Clan, who were hosting the event, rigorously controlled the spectators, not allowing them to enter.

The martial artists of the Northern Sky Clan were temporarily dividing the participants of the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament into groups and letting them in. They called the young talents participating in the tournament the “Young Dragons and Phoenixes.”

The martial artist at the entrance explained that because there were too many participants in the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament, they were dividing them into groups of twenty.

“Ah, there’s a familiar face.”

In the distance, they saw Jang In-Gyeol and his group.

Looking at the man standing beside Jang In-Hwa, Cha-Ryun remarked.

“That must be the second son of the Northern Sky Clan.”

When Lim Ha-Gi and Lim Yang-Gu’s group made their entrance, the crowd erupted in cheers.

The popularity of the Northern Sky Clan was indeed impressive. Lim Ha-Gi was treated as a man of great stature as he waved his hand as he entered. Jeok Lee-Gun waved his hand around in all directions as well. However the reactions from the crowd were completely different. They were seeing Jeok Lee-Gun for the first time, so instead of waving back, they tilted their heads in confusion. A few younger ones even jeered at him.

‘This is so embarrassing…’

Cha-Ryun lowered her head deeply.

The participants were assigned to different groups. Jeok Lee-Gun and Cha-Ryun were assigned to Group Eight.

As they followed the signs toward the assembly point, Cha-Ryun took a deep breath.

Now, it’s finally beginning.

Her heart naturally began to race.

She no longer welcomed the title of “The Most Beautiful Woman in Wuhan.” What she truly desired was to be recognized as a true martial artist. If she couldn’t change the martial world’s discrimination against women, at least she was determined not to be among those women who were discriminated against.

“Oh! They’ve decorated this place well. That granite must’ve been quite expensive. Those Northern Sky Clan bastards must have made a lot of money.”


It was the first time she had called his name.

Jeok Lee-Gun stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. His expression grew serious for a moment.

“Let’s do our best.”

She meant it sincerely. Let’s do our best.

Jeok Lee-Gun then smiled slightly before responding.

“You don’t need to try that hard, but if that’s what you want.”

For some reason, that smiling expression he gave seemed reliable, contrasting from his usual expression.

Why can’t you always maintain this expression along with this atmosphere?

As they passed through the garden, the two arrived at their designated room.

The martial artist at the entrance spoke to Jeok Lee-Gun and Cha-Ryun in a commanding tone as they entered.

“Don’t touch anything and just wait.”

Jeok Lee-Gun couldn’t resist a retort.

“The way you’re speaking makes me want to touch something though.”

The martial artist scowled, and Cha-Ryun covered his mouth while she practically shoved Jeok Lee-Gun inside.

Inside, all the participants assigned to Group Eight had already gathered. Most of them were unfamiliar faces, but there were a few familiar ones. Among them were Hyuk Lee-Sang and Song-Hwa of the Dragon Tiger Sect. The siblings had entered the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament together.

Upon seeing Cha-Ryun, Hyuk Lee-Sang and Song-Hwa’s expressions grew awkward. Hyuk Lee-Sang still hadn’t forgotten the humiliation he suffered at the hands of Jeok Lee-Gun that day at the Bright Blossom Inn.

However, he also felt somewhat guilty toward Cha-Ryun. After all, it was true that he had tried to use her to get in Jang In-Gyeol’s good graces.

Hyuk Lee-Sang and Song-Hwa approached Jeok Lee-Gun and Cha-Ryun.

Hyuk Lee-Sang apologized like a man.

“I’m sorry about that day.”

Though it didn’t seem like a particularly sincere apology, it was still an apology.

“It’s alright. I wasn’t entirely in the right either.”

And so, their reconciliation, though awkward, was settled.

Song-Hwa, glancing between Jeok Lee-Gun and Cha-Ryun, gave a bright smile.

“So, you two are participating after all.”

“That’s how it turned out.”

“Anyway, I’m really glad to see you again, sister.”

‘Anyway?’ You should drop that word.

Despite her young age and occasional lack of tact, Song-Hwa was not a bad person. Cha-Ryun knew this better than anyone, so she smiled warmly.

However, since they weren’t at the point of having a cheerful conversation, Cha-Ryun subtly turned back toward Jeok Lee-Gun.

“What are you looking at?”

“Look over there.”

Jeok Lee-Gun was looking at the top of the door. There were very small words written there.

“‘Upon Entering, the Trial Begins?’”

“What does it mean?”

It was a small phrase that could only be seen if you looked closely.

But Jeok Lee-Gun’s eyes were sparkling.

“Intriguing, isn’t it?”

He really has a knack for finding such things.

Jeok Lee-Gun then turned to look at the opposite wall. A painting hung there. Jeok Lee-Gun walked over to it, and Cha-Ryun followed. A few of the participants glanced curiously at Cha-Ryun. Among the twenty participants, her appearance stood out the most.

But Cha-Ryun didn’t pay them any attention. She had changed since she met Jeok Lee-Gun—the gazes of those around her didn’t bother her anymore.

Cha-Ryun stood next to Jeok Lee-Gun and looked up at the painting.

It depicted numerous martial artists fighting, their swords drawn against each other.

As Jeok Lee-Gun stared intently at the painting, Cha-Ryun stepped closer.

“What’s the matter?”

“That painting… don’t you notice something odd about it?”

Cha-Ryun examined the painting carefully.

“Ah! There are exactly eighteen figures in the painting. And they’re holding each of the Eighteen Martial Weapons.”

“Your observation skills are pretty sharp.”

“What could it mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything.”


“It’s a trap. It’s meant to distract you by making you focus on the Eighteen Martial Weapons.”

Could it be that they’ve used such a trap in the first trial?

“Then what secret is hidden here?”

“Try to guess.”

Cha-Ryun looked back at the painting.

At some point, Cha-Ryun’s eyes brightened.


The gazes! Yes, it was the gazes. Although it looked like the martial artists were all fighting, they were all looking at the martial artist in the center. More precisely, they were staring at the object that the martial artist held in his hand. It was a small incense burner.

When Cha-Ryun looked at Jeok Lee-Gun, he nodded, acknowledging that she had guessed it correctly.

Then he walked over to the side.

“Could it be…?”

Cha-Ryun was taken aback. There, in a display case on the side, was an incense burner identical to the one in the painting.

How could this be? This can’t be a coincidence.

Jeok Lee-Gun picked up the incense burner and inspected it closely.

Cha-Ryun clearly saw it. On the bottom of the incense burner was the inscription—“Young Dragon and Phoenix Hall.”

Just then, Song-Hwa, who had been watching from a distance, shouted.

“Don’t touch that carelessly!”


“What do you mean, why? Didn’t you hear what the guide said earlier?”

“What are you talking about?”

“They told us not to touch anything and just wait. If we cause any trouble, we’ll all end up suffering for it.”

Jeok Lee-Gun let out an exaggerated sigh.

“This is completely backward.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re the kid, so you should be the one causing trouble, and I should be the one stopping you. Why are you just doing as you’re told?”

“Isn’t that only natural?”

“Kids should defy the established order, and rebel a bit.”

“That’s just an excuse for immature children.”

“Must be nice to be so mature.”

Sensing that this wasn’t a compliment, Song-Hwa sulked and turned her head away.

Jeok Lee-Gun turned to Cha-Ryun.

“She’s adorable.”

Knowing it was a sarcastic remark, Cha-Ryun laughed.

“She’s a good kid at heart. It’s because of her family’s environment.”

“There’s always a reason behind everything.”

Jeok Lee-Gun shifted the conversation.

“What should we do? Should we take them along?”


“To the next gate.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We can’t just wait here. The First Gate has already begun.”


Jeok Lee-Gun looked up at the inscription above the door once again.

Could it be that “Upon Entering, the Trial Begins” really meant exactly what it said?

Suddenly, the words “Young Dragon and Phoenix Hall” resurfaced in Cha-Ryun’s mind.

“Are we supposed to find that place?”

“Yes. If we stay here any longer, we’ll be disqualified.”

Jeok Lee-Gun nodded confidently.

No way! Who could solve such a complicated puzzle?

“If you want to bring them along, convince them now. We don’t have much time.”

Cha-Ryun turned toward Hyuk Lee-Sang and Song-Hwa.

They were pitiable, yet also somewhat exasperating. These two had been trying so hard to gain favor with Jang In-Gyeol, intimidated by the presence of the Palm Heart Clan.

Cha-Ryun approached Hyuk Lee-Sang.

“Do you trust me?”

Hyuk Lee-Sang looked startled, suddenly being asked such a question.

He responded with a serious expression.

“I do.”

“Then can you follow our decision right now?”

“What are you suggesting?”

Cha-Ryun glanced back at Jeok Lee-Gun. He was already standing at the door, waiting for her, motioning for them to leave.

“We’re leaving here, together.”


Both Hyuk Lee-Sang and Song-Hwa were shocked.


“What if the only way to pass the First Gate is to leave?”

Hyuk Lee-Sang looked over at Jeok Lee-Gun. He still wasn’t fond of the guy. And he certainly couldn’t understand what Cha-Ryun was talking about.

“You really trust that guy, don’t you?”

Cha-Ryun didn’t reply. But her calm gaze already provided the answer.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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