Absolute Necromancer

Chapter 153

Absolute Necromancer Chapter 153

Thump- Pussss-

“…What is this all of a sudden?”

Tune, who was fighting a being that looked exactly like him but had no life or reason in his eyes, suddenly fell to his knees and stood guard with a dazed look on his face as he saw the copy disappearing like dust.

I was wondering if that might be his means of attack.

However, contrary to Tune’s expectations and warnings, what happened right before Tune’s eyes did not just happen to Tune.

“Tune, are you like that too? “This guy also went crazy?”

“…It looks like he succeeded in catching him.”

Basil and Ashur Hum, who fought with Tune against their respective copies, were also experiencing the same thing.

It was surprising to see Jinhyuk suddenly fall to the floor, kneel, or crumble to dust while fighting well, but considering Jinhyuk fighting his doppelganger in the area, the answer was simple.

Jinhyuk defeated his doppelganger.

That was all.

Ashur Hum, including Tune.

The story that even Basil had no doubt about was a success.


The three people left alone in the quiet cave began to look out for their surroundings as they heard the sound of the wind filling the quiet cave.

“I don’t know when he will come out, so be on guard.”

“Yes, because if a loser in an area disappears, there will be people who will try to take over his nest.”

“I agree. He can’t show us what a mess he looks like when he comes out.”

The three began to work hard to keep the caves clean until Jinhyuk, who seemed to have finished the battle with the doppelganger, came out.

If necessary, the inside of the cave was cleaned by using undead, spirit soldiers, and even dead soul soldiers who could not speak.

Because it was for the sake of their master and the only climber who faced the monster called the doppelganger and won.

But there was one thing they didn’t know.

Jeokjeok- Jeokjeok- Jeokjeok-

This means that once you have finished eating, you should have time to digest it.

And no one knew how many days it would last.

Even Jinhyeok, the person in charge.

So the three started cleaning up the inside of the cave like cleaners while waiting for Jinhyeok, who didn’t even know when he would come out.

* * *


“Are you full?”


Tom, who ate the doppelganger, nodded with a tired face, probably because he was really full.

What appeared was a monster that would destroy the city, but its behavior was no different from that of a domesticated dog, so I burst out laughing.

No, by nature he would just play like he was, but since he was in front of me, he seemed like this.

In any case, I was the owner of the guy who created it.

“Spit out the nucleus.”


As soon as I could speak, I picked out the core of the doppelganger that I had eaten and gently stroked Tom’s head as he spat it out into my hand.

The fur of the guy who had a mixture of the doppelganger’s purple spiritual power and my dark purple spiritual power was soft.

Even if you touched the finest fur, it wouldn’t be softer than this.

When I pet Tom for a long time like that.

“…I need to digest it slowly. “Go back.”


After saying my final greetings, Tam once again transformed into spiritual energy and was absorbed into my body.

Even the doppelganger’s spiritual power was absorbed into my body.

I looked down at my body filled with spiritual power, as if a child who had run away from home had returned, and sat cross-legged, shaking my head.


At the same time, purple and black-purple spiritual energy burst out throughout my body.

When I was in a spiritual body, the spiritual forces that made up my whole body and realm, the spiritual forces of all spirits, immediately filled the empty realm.

The holes in the damaged areas were filled, and I felt the fullness of spiritual power within me again.


And after returning my spiritual power, I vomited out a bucket of black blood.

It was the aftermath of using 1 won twice.

In particular, the last won (一元) was used by twisting the original won (一元).

All energy is converted into spiritual power.

Not only divine power and magic power, but even the mana that climbers possess was converted into spiritual power.

Of course, the amount was pitifully small, but conversion was possible anyway.

“…This is probably the closest thing to being a true member.”

The power to combine any energy into one and use it.

If he could use not only spiritual power, but also magical energy and sacred power, or even mana, then it would mean that he had reached a true level.

After thinking about it, I began to carefully digest what I had eaten.

“There’s so much to digest.”

The memories, appearances, and even abilities of the people devoured by the doppelgänger.

I couldn’t even figure out how long it would take to filter and absorb what I needed and what I didn’t need.

But this one thing was certain.

“I must do it. “Even if this pain is unfair, definitely.”

What I mean is, if you don’t completely filter and absorb everything your doppelganger has, you’ll feel resentful and go crazy.

After thinking that far, I was quickly sucked into deep darkness.

Buzz buzz buzz-

The spiritual powers that filled the area enveloped my body softly.

It naturally began to heal the wounded soul and the body by repeatedly entering and exiting the body.

I was sucked into the inner world and without even realizing it, I began to grow both externally and internally.

* * *

“…You’re completely screwed?”

Inner world.

A place where a wrapping cloth of spiritual power exists that combines two energies, demonic energy and divine power.

The current situation there was not very good.

“The energy inside has become thin, and the wrapping cloth has become sloppy.”

Internal energy noticeably reduced.

There were sparse holes there, like a cloth net of spiritual power that held the energy back from running wild.

It is not strange if the energy breaks through the cloth and jumps out right away.

The good news was that the energies were not normal like the wrapping cloth of spiritual power.

“They must be confused because it changed to spiritual power and then came back again.”

Someone else changed him from A to B and then back to A.

If you’ve gone through that process, it’s natural to feel embarrassed, even if you’re an energy rather than a person.

The surprise must have been even greater, especially since it changed to C, which has never changed before.

After thinking about it up to that point, I immediately started repair work.


He collected the spiritual power that had spread throughout his body and stuffed it into a cloth with holes in it.

As spiritual power was injected, I prepared for the next task, watching the spiritual power cloth return to its usual hard and soft state as it was injected.

“Whoa, there’s so much to sift through. “I guess I’ll have to get rid of all the memories first.”

If I were to choose the most unnecessary things about a doppelganger, it would be their memories and appearance.

In any case, the appearance is meaningless since it is used through the core of the doppelganger, and the memory cannot remain sane even if it is me if the memories of hundreds of people are consumed.

If you eat it, you will become a multi-personality psychopath with dozens of personalities.

Therefore, I immediately began the process of dusting off everything related to my memories and appearance.


In the inner world, something like black smoke crept out of my body, which was in the lotus position.

Those, which could also be called bad tricks, were the memories of those who were victims of the doppelganger or those whose appearance and abilities were copied by him.

This is why a doppelganger can copy the other person in a matter of minutes and still move and use the same abilities as the other person.


The real power of the doppelganger was memory, which was the medium that convinced me that my past life and my current life were the same person, Cha Jin-hyuk.

“…I really ate a lot.”

So many memories that it makes my head pound.

The doppelganger also used a method of burying those memories and unlocking them only when transforming into the climber.

No matter how much the doppelganger is a monster and is related to Baal, if it constantly contained the memories of hundreds of people, I don’t know if it had a brain, but something equivalent to a brain would have melted like ice cream.

But their memories are of no help to me.

No, even if I could give it to you, there was no convenient strainer to select only the memories I needed from the memories of hundreds of people.

“For now, I filtered out the memories. “What’s left is the appearance?”

After removing memory, which was one of the two useless things, my next target was, of course, appearance.

It could be said that appearance was more useless than memories.

Not only did I not want to use someone else’s face over my handsome(?) face, but my body is not like the shapeless body of a doppelganger in the first place.

Not only can I not freely change into multiple bodies, but above all, I do not have an organ like the nucleus of a doppelganger to store my appearance.

Unlike the memories that eventually couldn’t be endured and had to be thrown away, the appearance was just trash that I couldn’t use from the beginning.

“…And ‘I’ myself am greater than becoming ‘them’ by imitating other people’s appearances or tracing their memories.”


But there was no one, at least around me, who could deny that statement.

Even God and the devil have acknowledged me, so who can say I am arrogant?

After thinking that far, several human images separated from my body.

The appearance of dozens or hundreds of climbers maintaining their individual shapes.

They had expressionless faces without any expression, but I could see them the moment they were crushed and disappeared.

“Are you smiling…?” ….”

As they crumble and disappear, they are smiling faintly but surely.

As the memories and appearance of the doppelganger disappeared, what remained inside me was the diverse and enormous energy that the doppelganger possessed.

“Mana, divine power, magical energy…I ate everything.”

It was a doppelganger who had as many different energies as his different appearances.

Starting with basic mana, the special energies such as divine power and magic energy were also the same.

Of course, to my eyes, which possessed ‘real’ magical energy and divine power, it only looked ‘fake’, but if I could condense and absorb it well, I would be able to absorb about half to a third of the total divine power and magical energy.


After finishing my judgment, I immediately took a breath and compressed my energy.

It filters out impurities and absorbs purified magical energy and divine power.

When you keep repeating the previous tasks while feeling the inside of the thin spiritual power cloth slowly filling up.


While I was repeating simple tasks, something caught my eye.

Two energies clearly showing their presence in the black of demonic energy and the pure white of divine power.



The guys in the shape of a dragon and a giant are none other than-

“I was just wondering…Is it really there? “Dragon power and great power?”

It was dragon power and great power.

Four Hwang people.

Among them, a deep smile appeared on my face as I gained the dragon power of the dragon race, which ranks first in terms of energy quality, and the mighty power of the giant race, which ranks first in terms of body strengthening. .

Fatigue was dominating my whole body, but at this moment, my whole body was filled with joy that made me forget about that fatigue.

And it was also the moment when I gained possession of the energy of all the Four Emperors.

The first climber to gain all of the energy of the Four Emperors, which had never existed before during the long history of the tower, was born right here and now.

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