Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Chapter 639

Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga Chapter 639


It’s been two hours since the train left the empire.

“It’s really fast.”

I am leaving the cabin and standing on the railing-like passageway outside the train, watching the scenery pass by while being blown by the crazy wind.

In fact, since it was a space created to be used in emergency situations, it was far from the words stability and comfort, but the external armor acted as a moderate windbreaker, so despite the high speed, it was more comfortable than riding a flying dragon.

I don’t know what kind of magic they did, but I couldn’t feel any particular vibration inside the cabin, so it was different from the comfort of a modern subway train, so I flinched every time it rattled. Nevertheless, there is a reason to come out here and see the unseasonable scenery.

As the exterior was completely covered with iron plates, there were no windows.

At first, it was fun just to look inside the train, so I managed to hold on, but even that has its limits. Since I had already slept well and left early in the morning, I couldn’t sleep, so in the end, this was the only option left.

I wanted to talk to the guard captain, but he, like the merchant and manager I met earlier, did not give his name, so I gave up. They’re doing their best to be considerate of me, but I can’t stand in the way.

If I had known this would be the case, I would have brought at least a book worth reading. No matter how much technology the dwarves have, I don’t think they will be at a level where there is no shaking, so I hate myself for not taking care of anything in the past.

As I was blaming myself for no reason, the door behind me that had been closed to keep the wind out opened with a heavy sound, and Ambassador Hyulgen appeared.

“Are you still here?”

The clothes are still the same work clothes we saw earlier, but there’s a lot of soot on them that I couldn’t see, as if they had been touched by something. Anyone could see that it looked like they had repaired a running train, but instead of asking too much, they just nodded and responded.

“The pace was so fast that the scenery changed so quickly that I didn’t get tired of it. Did you come to see the ambassador, too?”

“Laughs. It’s true that I came out to catch my breath for a moment, but I came here to see you rather than the scenery. It’s not that there have been no humans on the train before, but you are the first human to come here to look outside.”

“The guard captain and other knights were also appalled. It must have been a place made because it was worth going to.”

Perhaps he liked my answer, Ambassador Hullgen burst out laughing and nodded.

“Just because they’re dwarves doesn’t mean they have a hobby of falling off moving trains and dying, but they don’t even notice. Is that all? Just by looking at my clothes, they’re anxiously asking what happened to the train.”

“I guess it’s because I can’t even imagine what the consequences would be if such a fast-moving piece of metal were to suddenly break down. If you’re too worried, you can’t even see the solution right in front of you.”

If a mechanical defect were to occur on the train without any dwarves, there would be chaos, but the number of dwarves on board alone is over forty. If it was a problem that couldn’t be fixed while driving, I would have stopped and fixed it sooner.

“You know dwarves better than most diplomats. Are there any dwarves among your acquaintances?”

“There are two people. One runs the Mugu branch in Etisel and the other is an adventurer.”

“They are young people.”

It was a remark that made me laugh out loud when I remembered the appearances of Mr. Balkun and Mr. Gin, but it was not entirely wrong since they were younger than Ambassador Hyulgen. Since there was no topic to continue the conversation, I smiled and nodded, and Ambassador Hyulgen, who had been staring at the flowing plain for a moment, suddenly spoke.

“Was the dragon you captured strong?”

It’s a really random question, but it’s not trivial. I suppressed the urge to momentarily turn my head to check Ambassador Hyulgen’s expression, and after going through my memories here and there, I answered as sincerely as I could.

“There were things about him that were not compatible with me, but I think he was only weak because he maintained his status as a dragon thanks to the remnants of the evil spirit he acquired from the Demon King’s army.”

“Then do you think you can win if you fight a dragon stronger than him?”

“No. You will lose.”

There is no need to worry for a long time. Just as I have a high probability of losing if I face a Master level player, if I face a proper dragon, I will just lose regardless of the odds.

“The fact that we were able to defeat the Wind King Iranorev was thanks to a combination of circumstances. Thanks to the surrounding terrain, we had the opportunity to mount him, we had the means to recover from his fatal attacks, and we had a way to deal a huge blow in a form that was no different from a surprise attack. There was even that. If a passing dragon suddenly went crazy and attacked us right now, we wouldn’t be able to do anything properly before we would die.”

“You speak very calmly.”

“I’m also studying magic, so I don’t want to tell a lie.”


Ambassador Hyulgen, who looked at the sound of laughter, did not look particularly tired or worn out, but he was silently looking at the horizon with a much more stern face than when he faced Esmueh.

Unless you were a fool, you couldn’t have guessed what his reaction meant, and I asked back carefully, recalling the brief conversation we had on the train before departure.

“Did a dragon really appear?”

“I don’t know. But the signs are strange, so we are preparing. The train is also part of that.”

Ambassador Hülgen answered calmly as if he had no intention of hiding anything, and continued speaking while roughly tucking his long beard, which was blowing in the wind, into his work clothes.

“I brought this up because I thought maybe I could ask for help from you as well. If you were an average human, I would have told you to finish your work and go back quickly instead of asking for a favor… but I have a feeling that the heroes will really like you. If the heroes like you, “The king will like it, so stories like this can come out naturally.”

Ambassador Hülgen shrugged his shoulders indifferently, saying, ‘Or not.’ He turned and opened the door as if he had finished his business.

“There’s still a long way to go before arriving at the kingdom, so take your time and look around before heading in. This is a passageway designed for people to pass through, but we’re still not prepared for the car body shaking due to a large impact…” I just

turned my head as I entered the train. Ambassador Hyulgen, who was looking at me, trailed off his words and gazed vaguely beyond my head, not at me.

“…Do you see what that is?”


I don’t want to look back.

If you’re going along well and then you get this kind of cliché reaction, it’s really unsettling for me because accidents follow me every day.

“…Is there something?”

“Maybe it’s because my eyes are blurry, but it seems like a strange flock of birds is moving around.”

However, since I couldn’t say that out loud and not look back, I had a hard time controlling my expression that was about to rot and turned my gaze in the direction where Ambassador Hullgen was looking, and the sight of something dark and irregular flying in the sky caught my eye.

I don’t know how bad Ambassador Hyulgen’s eyesight was, but he definitely wasn’t a bird. But I don’t even know what to call it.

There is no set form.

It just bounces around, as if dozens of sheets of fabric blowing violently in the wind are tangled and flying in the air. At first glance, it looked like a dark fog, but there was no fog that moved like that in the world, so there was not even the slightest chance that it was a natural phenomenon.

There is a high probability that it is a monster.

“It could be dangerous, so let’s go inside first. I’ll take care of it and then go in.”

It may be something that isn’t particularly threatening, but I don’t like the fact that it can fly at the same speed as a train. There are too many things to calculate to solve by using magic, so it would be quicker to use esthetics.

[Did you call me?]

“Oh, I need to deal with that…”

As I was making that decision and raising my divine power, a familiar yet unfamiliar power burst out from something unidentified. It was thanks to Ambassador Hyulgen that I was able to cast the Holy Act of Protection without any hesitation as soon as I recognized it. It was such an unpleasant ‘attack’ that I would have avoided it without realizing it if I hadn’t sensed his popularity.

As soon as the Holy Act I had cast and the Holy Act that Este had reflexively completed were double unfolded, the power that exploded from a distance became a dark red beam full of dark energy and hit the Holy Act directly.

Quang! The sacred law shakes with the impact, and the body tingles due to the aftereffects of the impact. At least this was the extent of it because he immediately entered the battle stance and raised all his magical and sacred power. Ambassador Hyulgen, who was not prepared, had to fall backwards without any time to do anything.

“Holy shit!”

Ambassador Hülgen, surprised by the sudden attack, disappeared into the train along with the death horse, but there was no time to worry about his safety.

It took less than 3 seconds for that vicious attack, of which no sign could be felt until just before it was launched, to reach this point, crossing a distance of approximately 200 meters. The guy didn’t stop there and tried the same attack three more times, completing the durability test of the holy technique I had used before quickly closing the distance.

It is said to be something that is hostile, yet strong and intelligent.

“It’s really too much to do.”

Should we trust only the durability of the train and go inside, or should we intercept it before it gets any closer?

The attack just now can’t have been his full strength, so a sit-in on a train isn’t a very good option. If you see that the distance is narrowing, it means that there are other means, so if you want to stage a sit-in protest, it is right to at least check for yourself what the guy’s next attack will be.

“I really get mad whenever I go somewhere to have fun.”

In the end, there was only one choice this time.

Despite the guards’ dissuasion, I jumped out on my own and got caught up, so I couldn’t even make an excuse.

See next episode

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