Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Chapter 675

Chapter 675

This makes it clear

The Princess with the Charlemagne is the same, and I have the worst compatibility with the princess race. Otherwise, how could this situation even make sense?

Unlike Tie, who couldn’t hide her embarrassment, and me, who just made a shit-eating expression after hearing Tie’s report, Catherine, who was thinking deeply with a worldly expression, carefully opened her mouth while watching me press my temples.


“It’s not like Catherine has anything to feel sorry about.”

“No, really, I’m sorry. If I had known Yograd would come in person, I would have looked for a ship heading to Radan···”

I was momentarily dumbfounded by the response that went beyond a simple apology for causing trouble and reached the realm of regret with IF in mind. It didn’t seem like despair or frustration, so why did you react like that?

“What kind of author are you to do something like that?”

“Uh··· um··· what should I say···”

As if trying to explain to a third party the fact that her brother had completely different personalities, Yekaterina was struggling to answer, and Lelie sighed deeply and answered on her behalf.

“He is self-centered and has a sense of superiority, but he is also very capable and stubborn.”

“···You’re feeling so sorry for just that?”

“I found out that Yekaterina and Ega-san had something in common. The fact that he immediately shouted outside to welcome his companion must have been a reaction to the dragon blood they both had.”

It’s surprising that you feel the bleeding so well… but is it really something to apologize for?

It was a conversation that made me want to collect more hooks, but I decided to start by understanding the problem at hand.

“Whatever it is, it has already happened, so let’s put off unnecessary regrets. More importantly, what does it mean to be a half-dragon? It doesn’t seem like you’re a real half-dragon, but rather, are you good at handling dragon blood?”

“Yeah, in terms of physical ability, he was the best among us.”

It was a sharp response in stark contrast to the situation where he had to gossip. He said he was better than Catherine. I am very much looking forward to whether that is in the past or present tense.

“I’ll go first. If you know I’m here anyway, it would be better to refuse me in person.”

To be honest, I had been holding an emergency meeting and talking with the thought that he might at least draw a picture of me making him wait, but it was surprisingly quiet outside. It seemed like he knew how to wait, despite being bold enough to confess right away and scold me.

“Are you the type of person who starts a fight right away if someone rejects your offer?”

“···If the dwarven kingdom or empire hadn’t listened to their demands, they would have broken through by force.”

The world is wide and there are many crazy bastards, but the opponent was an extremely crazy bastard. After taking Yekaterina’s advice and fully arming myself and even listening to the opponent’s warnings about his abilities, I left the mansion. A large woman standing proudly in front of the main gate with her arms folded smiled brightly.

“Haha, I didn’t mean to judge my companion’s appearance, but it exceeded my expectations?”

I felt really… subtle

I never thought that the first proper compliment I ever got in my life would come in this form. It was even more so when a beautiful woman, as beautiful as Catherine, who was a member of the Royal Family of Lovell, said something like that.

But for now, I decided to focus only on the fact that she recognized me as soon as I showed up, and I walked while observing her every move, which clearly had the blood of a Bingryong, but somehow had a personality and color that stood out like a Hwaryong.

She is almost as tall as me. Compared to Catherine, her body type is a bit slimmer, but her broad shoulders and prominent inverted triangle shape are comparable to those of other warriors.

Unfortunately, Yograd’s strength was not a past glory, but rather a current development.

“Let me hear your business.”

Let’s wave the guards back and speak bluntly. Yograd laughs, showing his teeth. Not only are his eyes slit vertically and his skin is scaly and prominent around his cheekbones, but his teeth are also slightly sharp. Thanks to his teeth that are evenly aligned, it’s hard to tell at first glance, but if you didn’t know, you’d think he was a mixed race person…

“Not only does he look manly, but he also acts cheerfully and has the intelligence to understand sudden situations. How many children would you like to have?”

···I almost lost track of my thoughts and my vision went dark.

So this is what it means to be self-centered?

“What are you talking about when you come here all of a sudden? You don’t want your journey from Lovell to end with such a lame joke, do you?”

Yograd, who uses a way of speaking that is so utterly disgusting that if she had done that to someone else and not me, I would have given her a standing ovation for being a true womanizer, just tilted her head without changing her expression as she watched me openly expressing her displeasure and snapping at her.

“Are you kidding? I’m serious? Of course, it’s different from the original purpose. The original plan was to suppress the negative influence of the Dragon Blood that was attached to you in exchange for establishing friendly relations and taking back my runaway brother. But you don’t need it, do you?”

There was no malice or laughter. Yograd smiled with pure kindness, but his smile somewhat resembled that of a carnivore.

“It’s a shame that my ambitious plan went awry. But that doesn’t mean I can just leave my husband behind, who is strong, has overcome even the Dragon’s Blood perfectly, is handsome, and is a warrior. If I do, I’ll regret this moment for the rest of my life.”

No, it’s not just a resemblance, it could really be a carnivore. The direct appeal was so direct that it made even Esmie, who I had shown the most passionate affection for in my life, turn into a cat. It made me take a step back without realizing it.

“It seems like you’ve already done a lot of things you’ll regret. Not only do I have no intention of getting married, I have no intention of having any contact with the Royal Family of Lovell, and I don’t even know who your brother is. Go back.”

“The girl on the second floor is my sister, Yekaterina… I don’t know if she’s using an alias here or not. Even though she abandoned her duty and ran away, she was a warrior, so I don’t think she would have changed her name.”

I failed to control my expression for a moment because I pointed to the exact location of Ekaterina with a bright smile on my face as if it were a given. Then, Yograd, who did not miss my change in expression, burst into a cheerful laugh and continued speaking.

“I didn’t know you could figure out the location of the dragon’s blood so well? I’m quite capable.”

As she said that, Yograd’s eyes met mine as she strode forward naturally and stood right in front of the main gate. We were close enough to see the wrinkles in her golden irises, but she just looked straight at me as if she had no fear of being taken by surprise.

“I don’t know how much you know, but I think I know enough to know, so I’ll get straight to the point. Marry me. I won’t give you to Catherine.”

“What the hell are you talking about? Giving it to Catherine?”

The topic was so lively that I wondered if I was really having a conversation, and my face crumpled without me even having to act. However, Yograd just smiled leisurely as always.

“I will create a debt through dragon blood and get help finding Catherine. If I succeed in finding Catherine who has run away from her duty, I will forgive my sins and marry you to create a bond between our families. That was the plan.”

“Wow, Princess···!”

A man who was clearly not a warrior stepped forward and tried to speak, but Yograd stopped him by raising his palm without even looking back.

“There is no need to tell the details to those who are in the middle of nowhere. That is why our capable diplomat is so flustered. He must think that there is no need to tell you everything. Regardless of being capable, it is the result of not being able to completely trust my judgment and vision because I cannot get rid of my fixed ideas. I hope you don’t mind.”

The hand that was raised to stop the man is extended towards me.

“If you want to protect Catherine, I will. If I can have you, that won’t be difficult. If you need help for the Masin Church, I will step forward and help you.”

Come with me instead.

The hand that was extended like that naturally passed through the iron bars and was placed in front of me as if offering a handshake.

I’m not saying this because I’m sure you won’t reject me.

This man acts so confidently because he is confident that he can take me by force even if I refuse.

Honestly, I am beyond dumbfounded by this kind of leisure, and I am even curious.

“What do you mean by good conditions? These are problems that I can solve on my own without your help.”

“The issue with the Masinism may be possible, but Catherine is a problem.”


“Because I’m here”

A quick answer that comes out without any hesitation, confidence that comes from one’s own abilities, well, it would have been strange if he didn’t have this much confidence, since he was someone who ran to meet me while chewing out three countries.

Whatever it is, the time for persuading with words is over.

“Try it”

He raised his magic power and grabbed Yograd’s hand that had come over the bars with his right hand, and at the same time, he extended his fist towards her face. With a strong metallic sound, the fist flew in, tearing through the bars and heading straight for her eyes.

It was a fist swung without hesitation with the intention of breaking someone’s head.


But unfortunately, Yograd’s head was not broken. No, it was blocked by her palm before it even reached his head.

“I like you, after all”

As Yograd’s smile deepened as he blocked my punch without blinking, we tried to kick each other as if on cue.

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