Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 268

268. Meeting (2)


【Then let’s start the meeting right away. The agenda is to exterminate Nebula Klazier.]

Navardoze’s voice echoed throughout the meeting room. The atmosphere was completely different from when he was dealing with Ronan and his party. Participants stood up straight and listened to her words.

【I think you all know about the tragedy that happened in Adren five days ago. The Dragon City, which boasted of splendor, was completely ruined. If it weren’t for those who fought with their lives, the giants would probably have turned their spears to the mainland.]

Navardoze briefly summarized the events at the time. The faces of the participants slightly distorted. Even though I heard the news before the meeting, I couldn’t hide my embarrassment.

Duaru’s descent completely turned the continent upside down. In the past, in the Festival of Swords, a member of the Nebula Klagie named Darman had transformed into a pseudo-giant, but this time it was on a different level.

Dragon King Ajidhaka lost a leg and more than three-thirds of the resident dragons were killed. The most powerful city and country in the world has been reduced to floating ruins.

【I feel responsible. No matter how much I was fulfilling other duties, I neglected it too much. I called you to take this opportunity to completely eradicate that group of fanatics from the continent


At that time, a familiar old man raised his hand and asked a question. It was Alogin, the elder of Farzan, whom Ronan knew well.

I could still see the mortally wounded and giggling figure at the top of Parzan, but fortunately it seemed to be completely fine now.

“After the Festival of Swords, the elders and I sent a message to the whole continent to beware of fanatics. In fact, many countries and groups, including the Empire, listened to our opinions and launched a sweeping sweep. But, at some point, it reached its limit.”

【Is it because of that shield?】


Alogin affirmed. A few nodded their heads in agreement.

As he said, almost all subjugation forces were going through difficulties. It was because Nebula Clash wasn’t just a group of idiots.

For a few days when the preparations were not done properly, they had some effect, but after some time, they began to prepare a system to counter the opposing forces in earnest. The biggest change was that among the general believers, there were now those who could handle the blessings of the stars, albeit weakly.

The so-called ‘shell’ special forces were deployed in groups of at least two or three, regardless of the size of the branch. The subjugation party had to change troops until the protection was exhausted, which led to too great a loss. Zaifa murmured softly.

“I don’t understand. Just cutting it off when the shield disappears for a while.”

“Shut up. cat.”

Nabi Rose, who reached behind the chair, pulled his tail. Of course, if there were monsters like Jaipa or Nabi Rose who independently mastered the destruction method, the unnecessary damage could be reduced.

However, those with such skill and skill were one of the few on the entire continent, and even that had its limits. Most of those who faced the protection of the stars either fled or were annihilated without being able to break through the defenses. Navardoze nodded.

【okay. Some of them use magic to block our attacks unconditionally. That’s why I couldn’t use a lot of troops at once. After being surrounded by them, if you are attacked intensively, it will be the end.]

“Yes. Many died that way.”

【I express my condolences to the deaths of those who were brave. But you can be a little happy today. The reason I summoned you is also to share and develop a way to defeat that trick.]

“Yes? What is that…”

Alogin’s eyes widened. Navardoze smiled meaningfully. She looked back at Ronan and Asher.

【Children. Can you show me just one more time what you showed me?]

“There is nothing difficult.”

Ronan nodded happily. He rose from his seat with Asher, who was desperately holding back his hiccups. Some people who saw Ronan’s face started to stir.

“What is that, isn’t that Phileon’s school uniform? Are they the ones who caught the giant?”

“…Right. that child.”

“I heard that the young man defeated the monster that appeared in the holy ground of Farzan, so I can’t imagine he was that young.”

Most admired, but some were suspicious. Suddenly, Adeshan tugged at the hem of Ronan’s clothes. He tilted his head.

“hmm? What’s wrong?”

[There are suspicious people.]

Adeshan conveyed his meaning through voice instead of voice. The mana of the shadow was oozing out little by little over her shoulder as she scanned the participants. It must have felt something.


Ronan, who belatedly realized the reason, sighed. He hadn’t even thought that there might be a spy for Nebula Clazie among them.

Adeshan’s ability should have been able to catch the spy without difficulty. Satisfied with having a capable lover, he was about to propose a search operation to Navardoze. She smiled softly and opened her mouth.

【for a moment. Before that, there are things to do first. What is Is?]

“I checked.”

Navardoze turned his gaze and looked at the Archduke of Shadows. He, who had been silent all along, nodded. A calm voice escaped from between the archduke’s parted lips.

“As you said by transmission, I was keeping an eye on the number of people gathered here. Indeed, when the story of the shield came out, there were people who panicked more than necessary. The sound of my roughened heart still lingers in my ears.”

【As expected. Who are they?]

“These are the ones with a red circle on their heads.”

Suddenly, the Grand Duke of Shadow raised his index finger upward. An orb of blood slithered up on his finger and scattered across the conference room.

“Why is this thing coming here?”


Unhmm… The blood that had been divided landed on the heads of thirteen people. Three soldiers and one wizard. I don’t know what position the person wearing the crown would hold, but there were seven ministers who looked high anyway. Adeshan, who was examining their faces, muttered in surprise.

“…all right. It’s those people.”

“Oh, I almost got fucked.”

Ronan involuntarily spat out curse words. I never expected that there would be so many traitors.

It must have been accurate since it was cross-validated by Adeshan. The need to make search proposals has completely disappeared. Navardoze, who was examining them one by one, spoke coldly.

【It’s disappointing. If you have something to say, do it now.]

The conventional benevolence was not to be found in the stern expression. The nominees who were breathing heavily began to open their mouths one by one.

“This is a ridiculous slander! Mother of fire, do you believe those mosquitoes?!”

“Damn it, I can’t stand it. Kratyr! Send us back immediately!”

“This is an outrageous misunderstanding. boo please give me a chance to defend myself…!”

Different reactions came back. The other participants looked at them with a moderate mix of contempt and pathetic shock. The Shadow Grand Duke said.

“What would you like me to do?”

【Do whatever you like. Because they are the ones who will change anyway.]

“Aha. If so.”

The Shadow Grand Duke smiled. Sharp eyes bent, and the vampire’s unique red light flashed. It was in the midst of the nominees raising their voices and claiming their innocence.

Suddenly, darkness descended across the conference hall.

“What is it?!”

“Hey, someone turn on the lights!”

Confusion erupted everywhere. Darkness obscured his vision, making it impossible to see an inch ahead. Ronan noticed that the voices of the nominees were disappearing one by one. Maybe five seconds passed. The light returned to the chaotic conference hall.

“What happened to this… Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!”

Almost simultaneously, Asher’s scream rang out. He hugged Ronan next to him and continued to let out a shrill scream. Schlieffen’s face, which had maintained his composure all along, was distorted for the first time.


All thirteen renegades were displayed on the table as mummies with only bones and skin remaining. There wasn’t even a single drop of blood left under the white skin. The sunken eye sockets were staring at the remaining people.

“It’s been a while since I ate. Thank you for your consideration, primordial fire.”

The Shadow Grand Duke laughed. He was sitting in the same seat and in the same posture, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. Navardoze said.

[I am truly grateful. I like that you always get things done quickly.]

Tak! Navardoze lightly snapped his fingers, and all the mummies disappeared like paper burning. Tension that made it difficult to even breathe properly weighed down the meeting room.

Ronan looked at the two immortals, speechless. It was trying to understand why Ajidahaka asked her why she saved him.

‘I’m glad I’m not the enemy.’

I wondered if it was because of this reason. After all, in my previous life, I probably didn’t burn and kill a giant by myself. After confirming that there were no more defectors, Navardoze looked back at Ronan.

【I’m sorry. I think I can do it now.]

“…That seems to be the case.”

【I’m sorry that you continue to abuse me. Cheer up just one more time and show those gathered here that there is still hope.]

Ronan sighed. That was a very nice thing to hear. Her eyes, sharp as if cut, were kindly relaxed, just like when she stroked her hair again before she knew it.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself. what a hard thing this is Asher, let’s start.”


. Are you the scariest here?”

Asher was openly weeping now. Ronan, who managed to appease Asher, demonstrated how to use his own blood to break the protection of the stars, as he had done before in Adren.

Schlieffen and Adeshan became teaching assistants. Ronan, who smeared Adeshan’s whip with blood, opened his mouth.

“great. Now you just have to swing it.”

“This way?”

As soon as Adeshan swung his arm, the flying whip struck the protection of the stars. Kwajangchang! The bizarre shimmering curtain shattered and shattered. Asher shook his head and screamed.



Adeshan’s eyes widened. The barrier, which could not be broken no matter what I did, was crumbling as if it were glass. She and Schlieffen tried to destroy the protection of the stars with a sword and whip stained with Ronan’s blood.

“My God! really!”

“…Am I dreaming?”

Every time Asher raised the protection of the stars or the two of them destroyed it, astonished exclamations erupted from all over the meeting room.

Even strong men with high self-esteem, such as the Grand Duke of Shadow and Zaifa Balzac, could not hide their surprise. Navardoze, who smiled with satisfaction, looked back at a corner of the conference hall and said,

【how is it. Can you see some hope now?]

Blacksmiths and technicians, led by Doron, were gathered. Katan from the Aurora Skal, who had forged Ronan’s sword to the aurora, also occupied one place.

They were appreciating the miracle unfolding in front of their eyes. Because she was so preoccupied, she couldn’t even answer Navardoze’s question, but she generously passed it on. said Doron.

“…what do you think? Didican.”

“Tell me what to do.”

Didikan, a werewolf next to him, nodded. He was essentially a blacksmith, but he was also a brilliant researcher.

“I am proud that they are my friends. really.”

The idea to use that blood for many people was welling up in his gloomy head. Navardoze continued.

【You should go head-to-head with the children of the night. With those who deal with blood, you will surely be able to find an answer.]

“Keep in mind.”

【good. Then we will resume the meeting. If you have a good idea, don’t be afraid to present your opinion.]

Navardoze laughed. As soon as the words were concluded, dozens of participants raised their hands.

The great conference that transcended races soon came to an end. Participants returned to the place from which they came after being assigned their respective tasks.


The moon was bright. There were scattered clouds in the sky, but not enough to block the halo of heavenly bodies. Fortress Orculus, where the headquarters of the Southeast Diocese was located in Nebula Clazie, stood out in the twilight of that late night.

“You mean we lost contact again? The Manta branch this time?”

“That’s right.”

“Damn what happened. Do you think it makes sense to lose contact with ten branches in three days?”

The subordinate who came to report shuddered and bowed his head. Ramirinth clicked his tongue. The bishop of the Southeast Diocese has been under extreme stress lately. Contact with nearby branches was being lost.

At first, only the small branches lost contact and did not take it seriously. It was a fairly common case for the decoy branch to be subjugated, and it was also intentional for the loss of the opponent’s troops.

However, since yesterday, contact with medium-sized branches, which have more than 500 members, has also been cut off. It was difficult to understand because there were at least two branch heads who were directly gifted with authority by the religious leader.

Who dares to deal with the elite who deal with the power of the stars in earnest? Occasionally, news came that a monster like Jaifa had killed the branch manager, but such cases were extremely rare and were close to a fluke. Ramirins, who shook his head roughly, instructed his subordinates.

“Reinforce your boundaries. The headmaster is not in a good mood because of what happened in Adren, so do your best to prevent any incidents from happening.”

“I see!”

The subordinate hurriedly withdrew like a dog whose butt was kicked. He was rather usable in bed, but his normal guts were terribly poor. She let out a deep sigh and sat down on the chair as if collapsing.

“What the heck…”

Recently, the atmosphere in the organization has calmed down. It was after the advent of Adren was stopped. The leader, who failed to produce the expected results, was enraged and purged many of the people in charge at the time.

“…Some newcomers came in.”

I felt like I needed to change my mood a bit. It was the car she was about to call a few male followers into her room. Suddenly, a tearing scream rang out from outside the door.


“What’s going on!”

It was the voice of a subordinate who had just left. Ramirinth hurriedly ran out. Turning the corner, her eyes widened.

“What is this…!”

A dizzying smell of blood stung my nose. The hallway was covered with corpses. Hundreds of corpses clad in white robes were strewn about.

“Chief of Ulcanto…”

She muttered dumbfounded as she met eyes with a corpse. The Ulcanto branch manager, who skillfully handled the power of the stars and was competent in many ways even at night, was a corpse with only the upper half of his body remaining. A woman’s voice echoed from across the hallway.

“Are you the head of this place?”


Ramirinth sighed. There was a woman who could not be known by any person living in the same era. Wiping off the blood on Daetaedo, she spat it out.

“I guess so.”

“A butterfly rose?”

It was the former swordsman Nabi Rose. It was the car Ramirins was about to say. Sensing that she was about to die, she hurriedly threw her back. Shih! The crescent-shaped blade of sword passed over Ramirinth’s chest.


“Put your head out.”

Nabi Rose, who sprayed sword energy, immediately spurred the ground and closed the gap. Ramirins gritted his teeth. When she straightened her posture, Nabi Rose was already swinging her sword.

“You stupid thing, do you think I’m the same as the other thugs?!”

However, Ramirinth did not avoid it. She had the means to destroy this desperate moment and counterattack at the same time.

Ramirins raised her arms. At the same time, a force field that appeared along with a wave of mana rose in front of my eyes. It was the blessing of the stars that made her an undefeated fighter that she had received since she was 20 years old.

It was the car Ramirinse, who had been distracted from defense, was preparing for a counterattack. Sugak! The blade, which tore through the force field, passed through her neck.


I didn’t even have time to figure out what was going on. Nabi Rose’s face was as calm as always. Ramirinth’s head shot into the air. Poo-! The head bounced off the ceiling and hit the floor again.

That was the end. Nabi Rose wiped off the blood on the blade. Her face was shining in a dusky crimson color, not the usual dark green.

‘He’s tougher than I thought.’

Nabi Rose, who had cut down the enemy, twisted her hands around. It took a lot more power than I thought. Ronan, who sliced through the protection like tofu, was just amazing.

“It’s diluted, so there’s nothing we can do…”

Muttered, Nabi Rose entered the bishop’s room where Ramirinse was. Behind the large bed, strewn with all sorts of vulgar gadgets, was a huge window.

Nabi Roze swung his sword toward the window. Kwajangchang! The windows were shattered and the moonlight poured in. An inaudible sound began to be heard.


“Save me! please!”

Screams erupted from all over the fort. Inside the broken gates, the imperial army was pouring in like a tide. The followers of Nebula Clazie were systematically slaughtered without resistance.

“At this rate, it will be over soon.”

Nabi Roze muttered while watching the scenery. Starting today, a large-scale sweeping operation has begun.

It was exactly two months after the tragedy of Adren.

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