Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 279

279. Savior(5)


[Adeshan. Dangerous.]


Adeshan opened her eyes. She hurriedly raised her head and looked around. The view of the barracks surrounded by his desk and tactical map tent came into his eyes.

“…here is?”

It was only then that Adeshan realized that he had fallen asleep on his desk. His limbs were languid, as if they had been burned by water. I tried to close my eyes for a while, but it seemed that I was sleeping deeper than I thought.

A faint light shone through the cracks in the tent. Judging by the chirping of birds, it seemed that the day was bright. It had been a day since Erill had been kidnapped.

“What the hell…”

she drool after washing her face dry. Following yesterday, it was the same today. The voice of an unknown woman echoed in my head.

‘What do you want to say?’

After I went to the North with Ronan, it seemed like I was talking to him once a day. The woman said the same thing every time. There were warnings saying it was dangerous or advice that we needed to be a little more calm.

In the beginning, it was difficult to even hear the voice properly, but somehow the symptoms were getting worse. The arm he had been using as a pillow was wet with cold sweat. It was the moment when she just woke up. The entrance to the tent opened and a familiar boy walked in.

“Are you okay?”

Adeshan’s eyes widened. Her red hair, like a tulip, caught my eye even in a hazy mood. She said.

“Assel? Why are you here…”

“I came to hear the news that Iril-nuna was kidnapped. I was wondering if there was anything I could help with… I heard the situation, so you don’t have to explain.”

Asher said he had just returned from the southern front. Recently, I was able to vacate my seat thanks to completely breaking Nebula Klazie’s momentum. The wizards, including him and Lorhorn, did not stay in one place and toured the battlefield to support their forces.

“Did you have a bad dream? The complexion…”

Asher suddenly asked with a worried expression. Adeshan’s condition was worse than expected. Her darkened eye shadows and frizzy hair testified to her hard work. Adeshan shook his head.

“are you okay. Thank you for your concern.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard. Ill-noona will be fine.”

Asher stuttered. Adeshan asked in a strangely confident tone.

“Did you see something again?”

“It’s not like that…I just had a feeling it might be like that. I’m pretty sure he’s still alive. yes.”

“Haha…if you feel that way, I’m a little relieved.”

Adeshan laughed helplessly. And he let out a small sigh of relief. Sometimes Asher’s arguments based on intuition would be correct with high probability. It was an ability that he had developed after coming to see the world of giants in the city of dragons.

Suddenly, I remembered the first time I went to see Iril with Ronan. I still can’t forget the friendly smile on his face and the way he stroked his brother like a child. It seemed really friendly. Twisting her lips, she muttered softly.

“…Please, I hope so.”

I couldn’t even fathom the mental pain Ronan was going through. The absence of more than a day was also amplifying concerns. Of course, I believed in Ronan, but I couldn’t help but worry enough to die.

‘I can’t be like this.’

But it was impossible to remain helpless forever. As always, I had to do what I could. An hour of sleep is enough. After adjusting her clothes, Adeshan stood up.

“Let’s go out at once. Until Ronan comes back, we can do our best…”


It was the car she was about to say. Suddenly, a cracking voice came from behind. Startled, Asher jumped up from his place like a cat.


“Bar Balzac?!”

Adeshan’s eyes widened as he followed suit and turned his head. Balzac, the younger brother of the Grand Duke of Shadow, was staggering and gasping for breath. Blood dripping from all over his body didn’t look very good. Long, red lines that looked like stab wounds were drawn all over her body, including her face and limbs.

“What the hell happened? All potions right now…!”

“Shut up… take it.”

Adeshan took out emergency medicine and tried to bring it up, but Balzac shook his head to dissuade him. He stretched out his arm and held out something. The bloody needle was placed on Adeshan’s palm.


“In the middle of Paradise Forest…there is an entrance to their headquarters. It’s an unnamed lake…you’ll know it right away when you see it.”

Adeshan’s eyes widened. Balzac described exactly what he had seen on his reconnaissance. Encounter with Nebula Clazie’s Headquarters and the cult leader. And compatriots slaughtered in an instant.

“All… returned to the shadows. No one survived…”

Balzac dragged his horse. I would have liked to talk in a bit more detail, but he didn’t have much time left.

dump. Balzac, staggering, finally sat down in his seat. He survived with the essence of fresh blood remaining in his body and managed to fly, but it seemed that this was the end.

“Calm down! Balzac!”

Adeshan supported him. Balzac’s head, completely exhausted, swayed as she rocked it. He used to say that he would rather die than receive help from humans, but at this point, nothing mattered. A choked voice escaped from between her parted lips.

“Be careful…a cult leader is a monster you can’t even imagine. Neither my older brother nor Navardoze can win…”

“You can live with blood, right? Come on, drink my blood!”

Adeshan rolled up his sleeves and held out his arm. I thought this would be the feeling if I had a conversation with a candle right before it went out. However, Balzac refused even that offer following the potion. The five senses that had been lost long ago were telling us that the end was approaching.

“Hehe…it’s dark.”

Balzac muttered softly. Took. The staggering head fell. Adeshan called his name once more, but no answer came back.

“What the hell is this…”

Asher wept. There was no room for revival in the pupils whose light had completely faded. For a vampire’s second-in-command, the end was too futile. Adeshan, who had been silent, opened her mouth.

“…calm down. I will gather people right now.”

Unlike Asher, she quickly regained her composure. Balzac’s sacrifice could not have been in vain, and a field commander was in a position to do so. Concentrating her mind, she was about to send a telegram to everyone.




The alarm bell, which only sounds in case of emergency, rang loudly. Adeshan turned his head. The soldiers’ cries followed.

“Ha there’s something in the sky!”

“emergency! emergency! It’s not your magic!”

The sound of stamping feet and carrying weapons spread like wildfire. The two men, seeing each other’s faces once, hurriedly ran out of the barracks.

The cool morning air brushed his bangs. The soldiers moving in perfect order and the war horses running rampant with their front legs caught my eye. Asher’s face turned white when he looked up at the sky.


Two huge magic circles completely covered the barracks. Geometric patterns and unknown letters arranged in a circle were wriggling as if they were alive.


It was a magic circle that I had seen many times. Asher groaned in despair. The second advent was about to begin.


“I want to get rid of that curse.”

“…a curse?”

Hearing the savior’s words, Ronan raised his eyebrows. Come to think of it, I forgot about it for a while. Usually, if you put a curse on it, it could be lifted. Trying to suppress his emotions, he asked again.

“All that remains? really?”

“okay. However, in my current state, it is impossible. For perfect Haeju, you have to go to the source.”

“Source…? What else is that?”

“This is where we are going now. We are almost there. I’m not feeling well, so please speed up a little bit.”

The savior tapped Ronan’s butt as if he were a coachman. To be honest, it was embarrassing to the point of not knowing why, but the fact that there was a possibility of escaping the damn curse was well worth the time.

Oh yeah. let me go quickly Ronan’s mana-enhanced thighs swelled to burst. bang!! As he spurred on the icy floor, the savior’s neck was thrown back.


“Hold tight!”

No further conversation ensued. Each time Ronan hit the ground, the gap of tens of meters was shortened.

“Oh… a foal…!”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t hear you!”

It sounded like the savior was swearing at something behind him, but his feeble voice was lost in the roaring wind. Before long, Ronan, who had reached a dead end, stopped in place.

“Whoa, are you here?”


The savior nodded. He was grateful that his neck had not been broken by the wind pressure. Ronan looked up at the gate in front of him and frowned.

“…I don’t feel very well.”

The huge stone gate was high and wide enough that even a dragon could walk through it. Adren’s immigration counter seemed to be about this size.

All kinds of beings considered sacred, such as gods, angels and animals, were engraved in relief on the door, which seemed to have been aged for at least ten thousand years. Ronan tilted his head.

“Why are there so many pieces?”

“…It’s the role of suppressing the energy inside so that it doesn’t come out. In the common sense of the present age, it is similar to a magic tool.”

the savior replied. When he turned around, his face was stiff as if he had been frostbitten. Are you afraid? The savior, who had closed his eyes and was breathing, opened his mouth.

“…Let’s go in now. Put your blood on the door.”


“okay. maybe it will Because you are my only blood relative in the world…”

The savior grumbled. I don’t know what you’re talking about, but Ronan did as he was told. It’s nothing to do with drawing blood. As I bit my thumb tightly with my fangs, red bells formed. That was the moment when he rubbed drops of blood on the stone surface.


The stone gate groaned and began to open. The air rushed in with an indescribable smell. At the same time, Ronan’s forehead crumpled.

“What the fuck…!”

My eyes were hurting. The hallway leading to the inside of the stone gate was sparkling enough to say it was brilliant. The most concentrated Nebula Klazie mana he had ever seen was floating in the old air. said the savior.

“Calm down.”

“Do I look real now?”

“You shouldn’t be surprised already. Let’s go ahead.”

Ronan slowly moved his steps inside the stone gate. It seemed like this would be the feeling if I walked through a tunnel made of the Milky Way. thud! As soon as I crossed the doorway, the stone door was closed. There was complete darkness, but there was no problem seeing the surroundings because the mana was so shiny.

Fortunately, this hallway wasn’t too long. After walking for about ten minutes, an open space opened up in front of me.

At the center of it, there was a large block of ice that seemed to have been moved from a glacier floating in the sea off Heiran. Ronan’s eyes, which reflexively looked at the ice, widened as if they would pop out.


Something huge was buried in the ice. It had the shape of a gigantic human and seemed to have died long ago.

His muscular body, as beautiful as the sculpture of a master, was all pure white. The only head protruding above the ice had its eyes closed. There were as many as four pairs of wings, broken in a mess and trapped in the ice.


Ronan involuntarily recited. There was no doubt that there was a giant in front of him. A being from the sky above the sky, like Ahayute and Duaru.

I wondered why something like that was here. My head was dizzy and I thought I was going to vomit. The savior, who had been silent all along, opened his mouth.

“okay. It is what people call a giant. An invader from a faraway universe…it has now lost all its souls and is only a shell, but it still possesses terrifying power.”

“Nimi…what the hell happened in the past?”

“Let me tell you now. The identity of the bizarre Mujae you were born with and the plans of your foolish brother. Why did this happen?”

The savior nodded slowly. His face as he gazed at the giant contained all the joys and sorrows of human beings.

“It all started here.”

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