Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 307

[ 307. I will keep it. ]


“I… don’t.”

Schlieffen said. Adeshan, who met his eyes, hardened like a stone statue. The storm that swirled around the Pale Castle had subsided before anyone knew it.

It meant that the fierce battle had finally come to an end. Adeshan, who had maintained his cool since his personality was replaced, let out embarrassment for the first time.

“You really against the archbishops…!”

Instead of replying, Schlieffen made a gesture of throwing something. Took. A sphere flew in a parabola and landed at Adeshan’s feet. It was the head of the last Archbishop, Le Tansie, who was killed.

The cut surface was clean. Her beautiful face hardened into a mixture of anger and astonishment. The savior behind me muttered with admiration.

“This is a face I know.”

Le Thanxie, a witch who has been infamous for hundreds of years. Among the archbishops of Nebula Clazier, he was one of the strongest. Adeshan swallowed a thick saliva and continued.

“…really killed them all. five people.”

I couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t there, but she was aware of the aura that was transmitted from the top of the tower. The five archbishops who received the power of the starlight were clearly stronger than Schlieffen.

It was a result that could only be called a miracle. The appearance of Schlieffen, now covered in blood and becoming a walking rag, evidenced the terrible battle. Breathing heavily, he reached out his hand toward Adeshan.

“Or… please come here.”

Schlieffen’s gaze stayed on the bottle containing the savior’s blood. Adeshan, who managed to regain his composure, shook his head resolutely.

“no. Healing wounds comes first.”

“Miss Iril…doesn’t harm people.”

“That’s right. But now you would die just by brushing against me.”

Adeshan shot. As she said, Schlieffen’s condition was very serious. It wouldn’t be strange if he collapsed and died immediately.

I had to force myself to rest. It was the moment Adeshan was trying to take control of his mind. Shirik! A strong wind from behind her blew away the bottle in her hand.


The bottle flew in a straight line and landed in Schlieffen’s grasp. It was the wind through his ability. Schlieffen put the bottle in his inner pocket and opened his mouth.

“Believe me….”

“Stubbornness…! Anyway, if you get within a certain range, you will definitely become an idiot like everyone else. Indulging in false happiness that you will never have.”

“…No, it is not. I bet that.”

Adeshan frowned at the incomprehensible words. Instead of explaining why, Schlieffen looked at Iril again.

“Don’t come near me…!”

She was still slicing through the oncoming pursuers to the point of not dying. She had beautiful flowing silver-white hair. Schlieffen, who was staring at Lee, smiled lightly.

“Because I’m already…happy enough.”


Adeshan laughed. It was absurd nonsense. However, Schlieffen’s eyes were burning with a resolution he had never seen before.

It was the car in which she had been dazed for a moment. bang! Schlieffen, who took advantage of the gap and turned his back, spurred the ground and ran out.

“Wait a minute!”

Adeshan hurriedly reached out, but it was already too late. It was surprising that such energy remained. Watching Schlieffen move away quickly, she clicked her tongue.


Now, even if I wanted to dry it, I couldn’t. Adeshan estimated the distance between Iril and him with a nervous feeling. A thousand steps…seven hundred steps…


Adeshan’s eyes, which had been measuring the distance suddenly, widened. Schlieffen did not stop even though he was within the range of Iril’s ability.

He was enduring hallucinations that neither Jaifa nor Lorhorn Orsay could overcome. In an instant, he reached Iril’s vicinity and stopped in place. Iril, terrified, pointed the point at him.

“Who else is here?! Why do you keep torturing us…?”

“…Ms. Lee.”

It looked like a frightened cat. It was the moment when Schlieffen took another step. Iril’s arm disappeared from view and a storm of slashing swept around.


Adeshan shouted. At the same time, about 50 pursuers around Schlieffen fell out all at once, spraying blood. Chow! The rock walls magically installed by the dragons crumbled like trimmed carrots.

I didn’t even see him wielding a sword. It was surprising to Schlieffen, who did not know that Iril had such a talent. A faint smile appeared on his lips, which had hardened for a moment.


Iril’s sword did not reach him. Instead of moving closer, Schlieffen put his hand on his hip. He carefully drew his sword and let go of the hilt. Caan…! The fail rod fell to the floor.


“…I’m leaving now.”

Adeshan and the savior, who were watching the situation, breathed in vain. The defenseless Schlieffen began to move slowly.


“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa of it”

Erill picked up a rough breath. Hundreds of men and women were strewn about at her feet, clutching a broomstick.

“Why won’t you leave us alone…?”

Erill murmured. These assailants had suddenly burst into Nimburton and tried to separate themselves from the children. Contrary to appearances, it was fortunate that he was weak and fell out in one blow with a broom.

“sister. are you okay?”

young Ronan asked. Iril, wiping the sweat with his sleeve, turned his head. My brother and his friends were huddled together, trembling.

“Sister… I’m so scared.”

Little Marja wept. Iril, who had struggled to shake off the hardships, smiled brightly.

“It will be fine now. Don’t worry too much.”

“Why are these people here? What did we do wrong?”

Ronan grumbled. After making sure there were no more intruders, Iril turned his back. She said, hugging the little ones at once.

“are you okay. I will protect you.”

Erill laughed. As I was doing this, it reminded me of the old days. It was short, but it was a difficult time for her too.

It was around the time my father left and my mother passed away from illness. No matter how good Nimburton is, it was not easy for a young girl to raise a baby alone.

– hey! this orphan Where else are you rushing around like that?

– Gee…it must be heartbreaking to hear that both of your parents passed away. Could I help you manage the property? Do you know what property is?

– You are really pretty. Looking forward to the future. Uh-huh…would you like to go with Mr.

Moreover, the concept of evil people existed around her at the time. It was because he had not yet awakened to the ability to materialize his wishes.

During the years that it took for her abilities to awaken and the people around her to become sages, Illil had to endure all the trials on her own. It was really hard a few times, but I was able to endure it because I had a younger brother to protect.

‘I’m glad I grew up right.’

Suddenly, as she looked at Ronan’s face, her eyes became hazy. I didn’t do anything, but I was just grateful that I grew up to be so dignified. Young Ronan tilted his head.

“Is your sister crying?”

“no it’s okay.”

Erill shook his head. The figures of the fallen assailants were disappearing. The destroyed house was also being restored to its original state.


Again, an uncontrollable feeling of happiness was welling up in her heart. As long as I could live here with my children, I was satisfied with that. It seemed to be able to endure any hardship.

I felt like I had forgotten something important, but it didn’t matter. It was just as she was about to say something to the children. thump thump. A knock on the front door echoed through the house.


Illya shook his head hurriedly. Someone was standing outside the door. Picking up the broom again, she pointed it at the front door.

An unfamiliar but familiar voice came from beyond the door.

“Ms. You must wake up.”


“Don’t come any closer…”

“…Ms. You have to come to your senses.”

Schlieffen said firmly. The gap between the two had completely narrowed. Iril staggered in a dream right in front of him.

“Don’t interfere with my happiness…”

Erill muttered, clutching at the hilt. He seemed to know what he was looking at even without an explanation. The blissful illusions of brainwashing were overshadowing her sufferings.

“What you’re seeing right now… Cool, everything is a lie. Even if it’s hard… you have to see the truth.”

“No…I have children…here in Nimburton…”

Erill muttered to himself. It was painful, but I had to wake up. Schlieffen slowly took out the bottle from his waistband.

“Here’s your mouth…”

Inside the transparent glass bottle, the savior’s blood was splashing. He brought the bottle to Iril’s mouth with a careful motion, as if handling a jewel.

“No… no…”

Iril shook his head. The hand holding the hilt looked like it would shoot out at any moment. Schlieffen opened her lips in a natural, unforced motion.

“…oh my god.”

Adeshan, who had been watching, closed her eyes tightly before opening them. It was radiating from its entire body an intense life force that would make a normal human faint or go crazy at once.

Cold sweat ran down his cheeks. I was so nervous I couldn’t see properly. Even if Iril’s judgment was slightly twisted now, Schlieffen would become a cold corpse.

Then Schlieffen carefully tilted the bottle in his hand. The savior’s blood slipped down the bottleneck and entered Iril’s mouth. gulp. She accidentally swallowed a sip and started coughing violently.

“Coke! Kaak! Kaaaaagh!”

“This sheep…!”

A look of bewilderment crept over Schlieffen’s face. It was a deep cough, as if it were going to regurgitate the intestines. He supported Iril, forgetting about his own situation. A few seconds passed that seemed like an eternity.


Iril, who was coughing, raised his head. Nimburton and the children were not yet visible in the blurry vision. Rubbing her eyes a couple of times, she shrugged.

“Such Schlieffen…?!”

A familiar face was in front of me. The memory was sparsely interrupted. Behind Schlieffen’s scarred shoulder was a completely different landscape.

“What the hell happened…?”

The luxurious room had turned into a bloody and smoky battlefield. I couldn’t remember anything after putting the strange tiara on my head. At that time, a tear ran down Schlieffen’s cheek, who was clenching his teeth.

“Are you okay? Tears…”


Instead of answering, Schlieffen wiped his eyes with his sleeve. The dripping water was melting the burnt bloodstains. He looked at Illil again and opened his mouth.

“It’s fortunate…”

There was not a single wound left on Iril’s body that came to his senses. The pain she had suffered since the moment she was kidnapped had subsided. The memory of the promise he had made with Ronan to protect Leel was running through his mind.

The mind that had reached its limit was collapsing. Schlieffen, who had finished wringing out his tears, suddenly grabbed Iril’s hands. The main voice escaped from between his parted lips.

“I love you…”


Erill’s eyes widened. She showed a look of bewilderment, but Schlieffen still did not let go. The blood that drained to the point of stupor was helping him to speak the words he had been holding back all this time.

“It’s an insignificant life… but I’ll give my life… for the rest of my life… to protect you.”

“What are you saying all of a sudden…I’m a commoner, and Mr. Schlieffen…no, it hurts more than that…!”

Lily’s face turned red. At least, it wasn’t a story worth telling in a place and situation like this. She was also confused, but she could tell that the Schlieffen in front of her was not normal.

Iril, who managed to get his hand off, was trying to tend to Schlieffen’s wound. He took one more step forward and hugged her as if he were about to collapse. It’s pretty strong too.


Iril’s eyes widened. Warmth was transmitted through the arms that touched each other. In a world where all sounds except for the beating of the heart were blocked, Schlieffen murmured.

“Please…marry me.”

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