Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 313

[ 313. Sunsets are beautiful at the end of the day. ]



Abel, who had been stabbed in the chest by a sword, vomited blood. A dimensional rift swallowed the two men. The constant fall began with the feeling of the intestines floating.

“What the hell…!”

Abel gritted his teeth. The scenery of the battlefield disappeared completely and an amorphous space covered the surroundings. The rift they entered was already so far out of sight.

It was an isolation dimension that Alibrihe had created with great care. It was enough to confine Navardoze, so if he continued like this, he would be confined here forever.

It was the car that Abel was in the middle of devising a means. Kwajik! Suddenly, Ronan raised his face and bit the nape of his neck. 『



It was an incomprehensible act. It was like a trained hound dog that stuck its fangs deep and didn’t let go. Abel raised his fist and started punching him in the face.

『A filthy thing…what are you doing!

』 Ugh!”

『I can’t let go right now!』

My fists were sharp, perhaps because I received the power of the giants. He could hear the sound of his cheekbones and his nose breaking, but Ronan didn’t relax his jaw. Unable to bear it, Abel raised his sword.

[…Damn it!]

Now, rather than dealing with Ronan, he had to escape from this space. Gathering power from the source, he swung his sword under his feet. Chow ah! The shimmering space was torn apart, and a new dimension crack appeared.

‘That’s it.’

Ronan’s eyes widened. A cool breeze was blowing through the cracks. It was a passage that led to another dimension.

‘Is the seal useless anyway?’

It was an astonishing force. I can’t imagine it would tear up the space arbitrarily. The two who fell were naturally swallowed by the crack. bang! The two people who were falling landed on the white sandy beach.



The height was so high that the blow was considerable. All the fine sand was dyed an unpleasant white. There was the sound of crashing waves somewhere.

‘here is…?’

Ronan, who happened to look around, raised his eyebrows. If the end of the world existed, it seemed like this would be the scenery. They were standing on a beach. Beyond the white sandy beach, the blood-red sea roared.

There was no sign of life in the crimson water. The cloudless sky was brilliant with clusters of stars. The celestial body dozens of times clearer than the night sky that I always looked up at, was telling me that this place was a completely different world.

‘It’s familiar somewhere.’

Ronan narrowed his eyes. In a way, it had a similar impression to the headquarters of Nebula Clazie. Abel, who had come to his senses at that moment, burst into an angry roar.

『How long do you plan to stick with this guy!』

Abel, who held the sword in reverse, tried to stab Ronan. I had to avoid this. Only then did Ronan lift his mouth from the nape of his neck, twisting and pulling the hilt of his sword and leaning back. Chow ah! Blue blood gushed out from the spot where the sword body had been pulled out.


Abel’s face twisted. It wasn’t fatal, but it was pretty deep. Just as he could do damage to Ronan, Ronan could also do significant damage to him.

“…I could have been in big trouble. Alibrihe, that traitor will surely be killed painfully.”

But apart from that, Abel was relieved. From his point of view, being almost trapped in the quarantine dimension was a bigger crisis than Ronan, who could be removed at any time. Ronan, who landed while spinning the lot, opened his mouth.

“If you can… uh, try it.”

The corners of his mouth were covered in blue blood. Abel twisted his lips. As if shaking off the sword, he turned it around and threw a question.

“I couldn’t understand it at all. Why are you struggling so much? Do you really think you still have hope?

” Did your balls shrivel as a side effect of absorbing power?”


Abel sighed at the childish provocation. It was pitiful to see him not being able to grasp the subject matter. Although they got hit by the two women’s interference, there was a gap that could not be bridged between the two in the first place.

Ronan’s trembling legs were proof of that. It’s been a long time since he reached his limit.

He was bluffing as much as he could, but his body had no intention of matching it. Abel suddenly lowered his sword and opened his mouth.

“I will tell you how stupid you are. nephew Do you know where this is?』

“I’m not interested.”

“Don’t do that, just listen. This is the star that the giants once swept away.”


Ronan frowned. Confirming that his attention was focused, Abel continued.

『I noticed it as soon as I stepped on the ground. This is the characteristic of the planet that was hit by them. Losing all life and becoming a pale, bloodless corpse. All the creatures that once roamed the stars have become souls and live here.”

Abel tapped his chest. Ronan didn’t answer. Anyway, that’s why it felt familiar to be a star that was attacked by giants.

“So what are you saying?”

『This is really great power. Because the intelligent beings of this planet broke at once the bondage of destruction from which they could never escape. Look over there, nephew.”

Suddenly, Abel raised his sword and pointed it at the night sky. Countless stars were dancing in the direction where the sword raised its head.

It was the moment when I wondered what Ronan wanted to see. A thin, white beam of light emanated from the tip of Abel’s sword. A ray of light extending deep into the night sky pointed to a bluish dot.

『Can you see? That is the star we live in.”


『Even the world that seems infinitely wide is just dust when viewed from a distance. Don’t you think it’s pathetic? Being trapped in such a mess and not understanding each other and trying to kill each other…”

Abel clicked his tongue. I could feel his hatred in the twisted brow. Hatred for the foolishness of destroying the brightest things that have been deposited like strata.

『What you are trying so hard to protect is just such a speck. If you leave that alone, you will surely destroy yourself. But if you give up your lingering attachment to mortality even now, you will. No, we can protect all the visible light

right now.”

“no. is to protect From the fate of self-destruction.”

Abel said firmly. He lowered his sword and looked back at Ronan.

“So give up even now. I swear I’ll finish it without any pain. Don’t waste your few remaining lives to protect something insignificant.”

In his serious eyes, a lifelike flash flashed. Ronan didn’t answer.

His sunset-colored gaze was still on the star he had lived on. It was exactly as Abel said. It was small and insignificant. To the extent that the expression dust is a waste.

Ronan, who had been silent, opened his mouth.

“Yeah… It’s definitely not a big deal like you said.”

『I guess I realized it now…』

“To be honest, it was heavy. Everyone praises the hero, the dawn of the empire and all, but I’m just a swordsman. Save the world… Damn it now, when you think about it, that’s a ridiculous order.”

Ronan chuckled. Memories of the past passed through my mind like a kaleidoscope. Abel tilted his head at the Ark’s unexpected answer. 『…why

are you saying that all of a sudden?』

I can keep one of those. Suddenly , Ronan

slowly raised his arm. He brought the star between the index and middle fingers of his outstretched right hand. The faint blue light was beautiful.

“It’s only the size of one hand.”

Ronan, who smiled, clenched his fists as if trying to catch a star. The mother star hidden in her hand has disappeared. Realizing that no persuasion had worked, Abel clenched his fists.

『…It seems that my head was worse than I thought.』

“Try it if you can.”

Ronan lowered his gaze and glared at Abel. It was pretty good, but that was it. Abel smiled bitterly.

『Poor nephew, I’ll send you to my brother right now.』

Ronan’s luck ran out the moment he couldn’t be killed in one blow. I had no intention of showing any more mercy. After a brief mourning, Abel spurred on the ground.

Kwaaang-! As soon as the sand he was standing on exploded, his form disappeared.

‘It’s too slow.’

Abel laughed. It was the only thing that maintained the original speed in the time that slowed down as if it had stopped.

The foam of the waves and the sea wind that tangled in her hair had all stopped. Ronan was doing something similar at least, but he was just at the stage of raising his sword and stance.

“Don’t be too resentful. Everyone will be living inside of me anyway.”

Abel muttered to himself before striking a slash. The blade, which fell in a wide arc, was about to touch Ronan’s neck. Kaaaang-! A sudden metallic sound echoed through the frozen time.

『What the heck!

Abel’s eyes widened. Ronan raised one corner of his mouth. His sword, which had risen before he knew it, was engaged with his own sword.


It was impossible. It was the moment when he was embarrassed and showed a gap. Ronan, who corrected his posture, immediately launched a counterattack. bang! After pushing Abel away, he poured out sword strikes.


Ronan was moving at the same speed before he knew it. Abel responded urgently. Kagagak! Hundreds of sparks flew into the air as invisible slashes intersected.

“What did you do!”

Abel shouted, but Ronan silently swung his sword. It was the moment when the engagement, which had become increasingly violent, reached its climax. Kaaang-! The two bounced off with a roar and landed on the floor.

Abel’s face was much more serious than before. After taking a breath, Ronan opened his mouth.

“Whoa…as expected, my prediction was correct.”


“It was very sweet. Your baby’s blood.”

Ronan giggled. Abel, who soon realized the meaning, was stunned. Ronan suddenly bit his neck to suck his own blood.

『Certainly you are cursed…』

“Okay…Now it seems that all the chaff that was pooling at the bottom is gone. Thanks to you.”

That was the reason why he didn’t open his mouth even when his nose was broken. In order to increase the odds even a little, it was necessary to completely extinguish the curse remaining on the body.

It was a strategy to promote Haeju by drinking the blood of Abel, who had become the same as the current giant king. Fortunately, it worked, and now it was time to make a decision.

“I’m done with this once. Not twice.”

Ronan took a deep breath and grabbed the hilt with both hands. Thanks to the recovery of energy to some extent, it seemed that he would be able to try the secret technique he was trying to use against the king of giants. Seeing his arrogance, Abel growled.

“Seeing that you talk a lot, it seems that your time to die is approaching. You should know that nothing will change if I do that, right?”

Judging from the fact that he was also bad at managing his facial expression, he seemed quite angry. In fact, Abel was right. Even if the curse itself melted away and the skill itself boiled, the condition of the body was not too good.

‘If I had known it would be like this, I would have kissed her and come.’

Suddenly thinking of Adeshan’s face, Ronan twitched his lips. Why do you think of the unlucky rumor that the person you love fades away when it is time to die?

die on the ground Even if you win, you die. Even so, I fight because I can’t back down. Abel, who was thinking about something, took the same posture as Ronan.

“good. let’s get along I’ll finish it this once.]

“Thank you for that.”

Ronan laughed. As the two of them closed their mouths, the sound of the waves was loud. Standing facing each other, Ronan and Abel raised their swords.

“Then let’s meet as one,”

said Abel. When I focused my mind, the time stretched out. At the same time, the figures of the two disappeared from sight. grasp! Two explosions erupted over the quiet sandbar.

The two rushed towards each other. But we couldn’t see each other’s faces. It was only instinctively felt that the opponent existed and was getting closer.

Before long, moments crossed. There was no metallic sound. Time began to flow as it should, and the two people who had disappeared appeared. It was the moment when the stationary wave collapsed.

Blood gushed out of Ronan’s mouth.


Ronan stumbled. I ended up cutting my stomach. The blood gushing out of the affected area was unrealistically red. Abel’s laughter came from behind.

“haha. Look at that.”

My eyes were blurring. It was the moment when Abel looked back with a victor’s smile. Ronan, who straightened his posture, spoke in a cracked voice.

“You… are the setting sun.”


“I’m afraid of losing, so I draw the light of the world… That’s why I planned this crazy thing. I am afraid that the people who gave my heart will perish… To remain forever in the most beautiful burning moment…”

What the hell are you talking about?

Abel asked, but no answer came. In front of Ronan’s eyes, who had turned hazy, the memory of watching the sunset from the hill of the four seasons with Adeshan was playing. Taking a breath, he continued.

“Don’t be mean. let the sun go down After the night has passed, the morning always comes. The sunset is beautiful because other times in people’s lives exist…”

Abel narrowed his brows at the incomprehensible voice. It was the car he was about to land the finishing blow, judging that it was nonsense on the verge of death. Chew! A blue line was drawn across Abel’s neck.


A belatedly creepy sensation ran through his body. I wasn’t even aware that the blade had touched it. It had already been cut when they just competed for sum.


In fact, there was not much difference when it comes to trumpet skills. I was just doing the most confident thing. The simple act of drawing a knife and cutting it faster than anyone else.

Took. Abel’s head slid across the section and fell to the floor.


Ronan dragged on. Pooh! The blood that rose like a fountain soaked the sand. Dropping the knife, he muttered lowly.

“Enough, Abel.”

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