Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 315

[ 315. Sunset, Sunrise ]



Ronan let out a puzzle. It’s been a long time, but it was a face I’ll never forget. The memory of fighting Brygia, an executive of Nebula Klazie, with only the upper half of his body on his back was still vivid.

“Oh my God, how long has this been?”

Ronan’s face brightened. At least until he died, he thought he would be stoned. Oh, since I’m dead now, did it end up similar? He strode out, took Sarante’s hand and shook it up and down.

“how have you been doing? It sure looks good with legs. Have you stopped being Ophelia’s pillow? No wait, the fact that you and the general are here… wasn’t I dead?”

I was so happy that the words came out more than usual. After all, they were comrades who risked their lives to fight together. Sarante was silent and staring at Ronan with a benevolent smile.

“But why haven’t you said anything since before?”

Feeling uncomfortable belatedly, Ronan tilted his head. The atmosphere was different from when we met before.

Should I say I’ve become more aloof? It was common for Jangsaeng species such as elves and dragons to show such behavior, but beyond that, I felt a mysterious impression that I couldn’t explain. Adeshan, who had been quietly holding her hands behind her back, opened her mouth.

“That person is not someone you know. corporal.”

“yes? What is that…”

“I just borrowed the appearance of someone familiar to you. Be polite.”

It was an unfamiliar sound. At that moment, Sarante’s appearance dissipated like mist and transformed into an amorphous halo of light. The overall bluish coloration was similar to that of a mother seen on an unknown planet.

“What the fuck…!”

Ronan’s eyes widened. It was before he did anything. The rushing light enveloped Ronan.


At that moment, memories that had never been experienced flowed into Ronan’s head. At the boundary between the universe and the stars, an unknown group of lights was fighting a certain giant. A species that has now disappeared along with Abel. He was significantly larger than other giants and had eight wings hanging from his back.


Ronan sighed. The hulking man fighting the halo was undoubtedly the former king of the giants. The existence that started the whole story by falling in the village of the savior. The various scars left on the corpse were carved at that time.

Memories ended with the king of giants falling to the ground. The cluster of lights gathered again and changed into the shape of Sarante. Ronan, who instinctively realized what the existence in front of him was, exclaimed softly.


Instead of answering, Sarante smiled. I’ve heard it many times since I lived my second life. A great soul that transcends time and dwells in will.

Sarante pointed to Ronan’s heart before he turned into a rock and said that Seniel dwelled here. Why did it only appear now? what’s going on?

It was in the midst of Ronan’s confusion at the question that raised his head inside out. Adeshan opened her mouth.

“Calm down, corporal. I will tell you everything.”

“Damn what the hell happened?”

“I don’t have time, so I’ll explain quickly. First of all, he is the one who gave me the orb to turn back time.”


Ronan’s face hardened at the shocking fact. I thought it was a secret that I would never find out.

“Seniel was predicting the disaster that would happen due to the giants. However, I exhausted too much power while fighting the giant’s ancestors. So, with the remaining power, he made a marble that could turn back time, and delivered it to a legitimate person who could prevent the destruction of the planet, that is, to me.”

“Are you asking me to believe it now?”

“I am just telling the truth. I happened to pick up this marble at the end of my first life. On a battlefield that has been devastated by giants…”

Adeshan nodded. Now it was a story of the distant past. Crawling across the battlefield with her limbs severed, she found the orb in a hollow where corpses and mud mixed.

She swallowed the marble, and from then on, her life to overthrow the giant began to repeat itself. Ronan, who discovered the idiot, shrugged his eyebrows.

“But the general… you didn’t know anything. Not to mention the king of the giants, the fact that there are only three of them…”

“I also received the full story of the incident a little while ago. Seniel didn’t help me with anything other than giving me a marble. I dare to infer that you did not have the strength to do so.”

Hearing those words, Sarante nodded. It probably hit the spot. It was quite nasty to put on a very faceless face.

“Then… what exactly is the identity of the author named Seniel? god?”

“I do not know either. Why don’t you tell me at all? I think it might be something similar, but…”

“You’re buying things very expensive. If you tell me, where will it go?”

Ronan mumbled. I wanted to know the exact identity, not the will or soul. At that time, Sarante’s body, which had been scratching his head, exploded again in the form of a halo.



Ronan and Adeshan were shocked. It was a violent movement I had never seen before. A voice indistinguishable from the gender resounded from somewhere.

【great. You deserve it.]

It was a sweeter voice than any voice I’ve ever heard. Wide scattered light swirled around. Soon after, unfamiliar memories began to pour into the two of them, just as Ronan had experienced a moment ago.

“oh my god.”

However, the scale was different this time. In just a few seconds, Ronan and Adeshan were injected with the history from the birth of the stars to the present. It didn’t take long. Adeshan, who was suffering from dizziness in the aftermath of the memory transfer, muttered while holding her forehead.

“The…soul of the world?”

“It kills me.”

Ronan also couldn’t stand it and shed admiration at the identity beyond imagination. It seemed like he knew why he struggled so hard to stop the giants. I don’t know what to say exactly because it’s such an esoteric existence, but to put it as simply as possible, Seniel was the soul of the star they live in.

“okay. So we…”

Adeshan dragged his horse. I never imagined that a star could have a soul. She was in the middle of muttering to herself after clearing up the last question. A voice resounded from somewhere in the halo.

【Then Adeshan. I’ll be waiting.]


Adeshan was about to say something. Faaa… the swirling particles of light disappeared as if they were melting. Surprised by the sudden exit, Ronan was in the midst of blinking. Adeshan, who twitched her lips, looked back at him.

“Anyway… it seems that time is up. ”

“What time is it?”

Ronan asked. The atmosphere was something unusual. Adeshan, who was staring at Ronan, opened his mouth heavily.

“It is time for us to part forever. Corporal I will disappear now.”


Ronan sighed. It was like a bolt of lightning had struck in my head. After barely regaining his composure, he asked Adeshan.

“That…what do you mean?”

“It is literally. As you may have noticed already, you are not dead yet. Seniel, who highly appreciated your credit, healed the body drifting in the dimension and returned it to the original world.”

Adeshan said calmly. She said that now Ronan’s body is lying on the battlefield unconscious. She met Ronan’s eyes and smiled.

“But the wound is too deep to wake up. So, I intend to surrender the remaining vitality to you and disappear.”


“Don’t worry too much. It won’t be a problem for your girlfriend. It’s a meager vitality, but it should be enough to make your heart beat again.”

“What the hell… what the hell are you talking about? You commanded so courageously. Weren’t we living together while sharing a body?”

Ronan asked in a trembling voice. I didn’t expect a breakup like this. Adeshan shook his head with a wry smile.

“In the first place, I was not whole. Only crumbs of thought remained and settled in your heart. I was lucky enough to borrow my body in this lifetime, but it was destined to disappear someday.”

“I can.”

Ronan sighed in shock. Her gradually fading body was destroying any hope. Returning alive was certainly something I wanted, but I didn’t want it this way.

Suddenly, my eyes began to blur. A drop of tear slipped down his cheek. Adeshan, who was looking at Ronan, slowly raised his hand.

“Corporal Ronan. You are too young for the night.”


Adeshan gently cupped Ronan’s cheeks with both hands. His calloused hands tingled. She lowered her head and pressed her foreheads against Ronan.

“I couldn’t face the night even after seeing the sunset three times. The resentment of not being able to achieve my goal in the end kept me from sleeping. Normally, I wouldn’t have been able to rest comfortably at the end, but you made my wish come true.”

“What kind of wish do you want… to be a tailor…I couldn’t even tell you…”

“Corporal. You did your best for me. I know how much trouble you’ve gone through for me. You have shown me that there are better lives than being back as a tailor’s daughter.”

Carefully moving her thumb, she wiped away the flowing tears. Ronan tried to say something, but his voice choked. Adeshan continued.

“Thank you for working hard for me. Meeting you in my third life was the luckiest thing in my life. I really have no time left.”

“…can’t you just stay?”

Ronan barely opened his mouth. Adeshan hugged Ronan instead of answering. The temperature that passed from bosom to bosom made her eyes redden again.

“I grew up as a good and bright child in this life. Originally, her face and body were usable, so this time she was reborn as a perfect being. So don’t miss it and be good to it.”

“Damn, are you kidding me at a time like this?”

“Ah, there are downsides too. Even so, I’m pretty jealous. There’s no way that would be the case, but don’t even think about wishing something like that. At that time, I… will go to kill you in the underworld.”

Adeshan’s voice was trembling. Compared to the moment before, her form was noticeably transparent.

Ronan, who couldn’t answer, raised his arm and hugged her tighter. A watery voice leaked out of Adeshan’s mouth after finally hugging him.

“You’ve got my words…you’ve got it…Ronan.”

Instead of answering, Ronan gritted his teeth. Adeshan’s face, which was revealed again, was a mess. Tears flowed endlessly from her beautiful gray eyes.

“…yes. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“good. That’s it. Then finally…”

Suddenly, Adeshan pulled Ronan by the back of his head. Their lips met in an instant. It was quite long and thick, but this time the beads didn’t come over.


Ronan’s eyes widened. Before long, Adeshan opened his mouth and laughed out loud.

“Ahaha… Compared to then, it hasn’t improved at all.”


“I’m glad it seems to be true that I never made a woman cry. It’s not enough to torture the owner’s body.”

It was in the midst of her patting Ronan’s shoulder. Suddenly, cracks began to appear in the all-white background. Adeshan, now almost invisible, shrugged his eyebrows.

“You are lucky. To be able to see you off until the end.”


was what Ronan was about to say. Suddenly I was speechless and no voice came out. The more cracks there were, the farther away he was from consciousness.

Ronan had a hunch. This was the moment of parting. All I can say is one word. Drawing out the remaining energy, he said as if squeezing it out.

“Let’s meet again.”

Adeshan did not answer. She was making a strange expression, neither laughing nor crying. The estranged consciousness was eventually cut off. Adeshan, who confirmed that Ronan’s existence had disappeared, murmured in a low voice.

“bye. my first love.”

The voices of those who left were ringing in her ears. I could feel the people who lost my mother and two older brothers on the battlefield coming out to meet me.

Adeshan, now completely invisible, turned her back. Soon after, she wiped away the tears and started walking towards the place where those who left had to go.






Surprised by someone’s cry, Ronan opened his eyes. My head was dizzy as if I had just woken up from a long sleep. As my blurry vision became clearer, the brightening sky entered my eyes.


The morning air was cold. I was used to the arrangement of the clusters of stars remaining in the sky. It seemed that he had really come back. Ronan, who was still looking at the sky, clenched his fists.


The moment of parting flickered before my eyes. Now that Seniel, who dwelled in his heart, had also disappeared, nothing remained to connect him with his first life.

The loneliness I felt for the first time in my life was the car I was trying to raise my head. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang from right next to me.

“They are alive! Ronan is alive!”


Ronan slowly turned his head. Asher was looking down at himself with watery eyes. Familiar faces came into view next to him. Everyone, including the friends from the limited-class adventure club, surrounded him.

“you idiot. I was worried…!”

Confirming that Ronan was awake, Marya covered her face with both hands. A trembling voice leaked out through the cracks between the fingers. Sheeta and Braum were already wailing like wild animals.

“Pal-wook! Boom woo!”

“Ughhh! Heh heh heh!”


Schlieffen, who had come to his senses before he knew it, was standing beside him. He hid his tears by turning his head the other way. At that moment, Erill jumped on top of Ronan, who was just about to get up.

“My little brother! Aaaaaang!”


“Are you okay now? do you have any pain? Yes, I’m afraid you’ll go wrong, sister…!”

Iril burst into tears as he hugged Ronan by the nape of his neck. My eyes were swollen from so much crying, but it was beautiful nonetheless. Butterfly Roze, who wiped his face once, spat out.

“…are you alive?”

“The name line is tough. bantling.”

Zaifa, who was right next to him, groaned. Dragons, including Navardoze and Orsay, were also keeping their seats. Suddenly, right next to Ronan, I heard a voice that I deeply missed.


Ronan’s eyes widened. As he slowly turned his head, Adeshan, who was sitting by his bedside, caught his eye. The traces of tears were clearly visible on her white cheeks.


“I’m glad you came back.”

Adeshan silently stroked Ronan’s head. A warm smile, like the one before, crept across her lips. Ronan, who had been looking at her quietly, opened his mouth.

“… did you leave?”

Adeshan’s expression hardened for a moment. It was not difficult to understand the intent of the question. Biting her lower lip, she nodded.


There were no more voices in her head. The general has completely left. Ronan, who seemed to conform, whispered as he embraced Adeshan.

“thank you.”

“me too. that Ronan. People are waiting.”

Adeshan laughed again. Ronan, who understood the meaning, stood up. As his vision increased, he could see the brutally destroyed wasteland and the Allied soldiers surrounding him.

“There. Aren’t you awake?”

“My God, really…!”

The soldiers who saw Ronan began to hum. They were all waiting for Ronan to wake up. His brows narrowed in the midst of the growing murmur.

“That… Damn it…”

The twinkling eyes of the soldiers were burdensome. I felt like I had to say something, but nothing came to mind. Damn, I’m not very good at public speaking.

Scratching his head, he spat out.

“…everyone had a hard time.”


thunderous cheers erupted from all directions. As if they had promised, they threw the objects they were holding high into the sky.

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