Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 327

[Abduction 11. Geomseong (1) ]


The summer wind was hot. Cumulonimbus clouds, heavy like battleships, crossed the sky over the blue islands. Zaifa took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

“It’s been a long time. A challenger other than Nabi Rose.”

“Schlieffen Sinivan de Grancia meets the Sword Saint.”

Schlieffen sent an examination. He was dressed in battle uniform bearing the family seal. Her beautiful dark blue hair gleamed in the hot sun.

They stood facing each other in the middle of the vast arena. The circular space covered with pure white paving stones was huge enough to fit an entire rural village. It was the Grand Circle, the largest arena in the Empire.

“This is the first start since the war.”

“I never thought I’d see Jaifa and the Empire’s morning star come together… I think I’ve used up all my luck.”

The spectators who had come to watch the unprecedented game were making a fuss. Despite the increasing heat, the audience seats in the Grand Circle were filled without a chance to set foot. Everyone was a crowd of people who came to see the Sword Master match.

“I was expecting that either you or that kid named Ronan would come. Has he lost to you?”

“no. I didn’t participate at all. It seems that he had no interest in the position of the Sword Saint in the first place.”

“Hehehe…Anyway, he’s a cheeky bastard.”

Jaifa groaned. In fact, this was also expected. Ronan didn’t seem to be interested in an honorary position like the Sword Saint in the first place. At that time, a voice mixed with annoyance resounded from the VIP seats.

“Your old man talks a lot. I’m busy enjoying my newlywed life, but I should be grateful for even coming.”

“Were you there?”

Zaifa turned his head and smiled. Ronan was proudly occupying the best place in the Grand Circle along with Adeshan. The seats around him were filled with his friends, including Asher and Marja.

“Come to think of it, you were married. It’s a good time.”

“Amazing. Did you forget all the alcohol at the reception and left?”

Ronan chuckled. He was officially married to Adeshan just a few days ago. According to Adeshan’s wishes, most of the people they had been related to came to the wedding, which was held in the plaza of Phileon Academy.

Zaifa was one of the first guests to arrive. After leaving a short message of congratulations, he finished off the alcohol for the reception and went back. Of course, they sent as a gift enough wine to cover the entire wedding cost, but that was after the wedding was over.

“Do you know how hard I struggled to recover? How much the dragons love alcohol… As usual, you were killed by Navardoze’s sister and Orsay!”

“Shouldn’t you have left it alone? I don’t know about the mother of fire, but I wanted to have a try with that demon dragon.”

“Anyway, I won’t say a word. Schlieffen! Blow away that unlucky cat!”

Ronan shouted, cupping his hand over his mouth. Nabi Rose, who was sitting in the back seat, nodded as if agreeing.

Instead of answering, Schlieffen turned his head to look at the audience. Illil was staring at herself with her hands together. Her big eyes, like those of a deer, were filled with worry.

“Sir Schlieffen.”

Erill murmured. I was well aware of Schlieffen’s skills, but it was a different story when the opponent was Zayfa.

The greatest swordsman of all time. He tried to dissuade him by saying that he didn’t have to fight, but in the end, Schlieffen came to this place to keep the oath he had made to himself. Schlieffen looked back at Zaifa and opened his mouth.

“I have no intention of losing.”

It wasn’t just for her, it was for everyone. Then, a middle-aged man in fancy clothes walked out onto the podium. The noisy hall became quiet as if cold water had been poured on it. It was the 44-year-old Balon, the emcee of this match and the emperor of the empire.

“Oh, look at the gray hair. You must have suffered a bit.”

“Shh Ronan…!”

Only Ronan whistled in admiration. Adeshan, sitting next to him, covered his mouth. The all-white hair reminded me of the hardships the emperor went through after the war with Nebula Klagie. He slowly looked around the arena and opened his mouth.

“To be able to see this scenery again. Your feelings are innumerable.”

“Meet Your Majesty.”

Schlieffen and Zeifa bowed on one knee. The Emperor smiled softly. Clearing his throat a couple of times, he continued.

“There will be no one who does not know your deeds and names, so I will not speak at length. I hope you will do your best as this is the place where the Imperial First Sword will be decided.”

“what. Could that be the end?”

“I look forward to the best match.”

After saying those words, the emperor turned his back. Ronan laughed at the absurdly simple speech. Next to the emperor who returned to his seat were the elders who supervised the sword festival.

“Then when do we start…”

Ronan murmured in a questioning voice. The blurry shape of Zaifa shot forward. It was the moment Schlieffen reflexively raised his sword. Aaaaaang-! A thunderous roar rang out. Zaifa laughed as he saw the sword and the Pale Road running in front of him.

“You’re not getting pushed out now.”


Schlieffen replied. Despite Zaifa’s surprise attack, he was not pushed back even one step. Compared to the first time I was greeted, it was a great improvement indeed. The audience, who noticed the situation belatedly, started talking.

“What just happened to the bar?!”

“oh my god…!”

In their eyes, Jaifa seemed to disappear for a moment and then reappear. Then the blades fought against each other and the battle resumed. Caan-! The flying sword rose high and fell toward the top of Schlieffen’s head.


Schlieffen, who twisted his shoulder, avoided the sword attack by a single piece of paper. bang! The heavy blade pierced the pavement made of special material like tofu. Schlieffen grabbed the hilt. The bluish blade of the Pale Road turned into the wind and disappeared.

It was as Jaipa was about to pull out the spear blade stuck in the ground. As Schlieffen swung the hilt horizontally, the wind hit Zaifa. Viscount Chow! The wounds that seemed to have been scratched by dozens of birds of prey were carved all over his body. The wind that Schlieffen handled was like a famous sword with sharp strands. Blood gushed over the black fur and soaked the floor.

“A kid.”

Zaifa’s eyes narrowed. Schlieffen, who had landed a valid hit, launched a series attack. However, Jaifa didn’t care about the injury and pulled out the moon sword and swung it. bang! A heavy blow that flew faster than expected hit the Pale Road.


Schlieffen gritted his teeth. I couldn’t breathe well because the pushed knife belly hit my ribs.

‘The pain of being cut by the wind must have been considerable.’

Indeed, it was the spirit of an undefeated swordsman. However, Schlieffen also had no intention of passing easily. Immediately straightening his posture, he burrowed into Zaifa’s arms. Pale Road’s blade had returned to its original form.


Jaipa frowned. The speed of digging was faster than expected. The distance between him and Schlieffen was too close for Rich to respond with a long twitching sword. It was the moment when Schlieffen was about to attempt a stab. Zaifa, who pretended to wield a spear, unexpectedly kicked. Pan-! Schlieffen, who jumped up as if he had been waiting for it, stepped on his knee and leaped again.


Zaifa’s eyes widened. All I could say was that it was predictable. Schlieffen, who used his knee as a stepping stone to leap again, soared nearly 10m.


“It’s awesome.”

The audience was astonished at the height that transcended common sense. Zaifa was not taken aback and straightened his posture. It was good to read his number, but it was difficult to avoid the attack from below while floating in the air like that. Of course, there was no way Schlieffen would not know that much common sense.

“Let’s see your skills.”

To hold this position was to say that we should stick together with swordsmanship. Zaifa, who was clattering, grabbed the spear pole. The black mana that spread from his hand was wrapped around the spear blade. His space-cutting aura played the same role as swordsmanship. Schlieffen, which had reached its peak, began to fall. He swung his sword wide as he descended with his feet in stance.


A spirit of elation rang out. At the same time, two half-moon-shaped swords crossed and fired. It was a sword long and wide enough to cross the arena from end to end. Nabi Rose, who was watching the game, admired a little.

“Have you already reached there?”

It was almost the same size as his own sword skill. The power would also be enormous. At that time, Zaifa’s arm, which had been watching the sword, disappeared from sight. At the same time as the curved sword returned to its original position, a black line was drawn in front of Schlieffen’s eyes.


Ronan’s eyes widened. I had seen them before when we were hunting wyverns together. It was a crack in space that would tear everything apart. Schlieffen’s swordsmanship, which touched the black line, was cut off in vain. Kwakwang! bang! The sword that was divided into pieces caused an explosion by hitting the arena floor instead of the jaiper. Ronan jumped up and shouted urgently.

“Avoid assholes!”

Probably everyone in the audience would have agreed with that statement. Unlike Ronan, Schlieffen could not cut mana. But instead of dodging, he accelerated even more. His face was just about to touch the black line. Shirik! A sudden gust of wind twisted Schlieffen’s trajectory down just a tiny bit. The rift in space passed through his body and hair.

“It’s complicated.”

Jaifa laughed. I liked the guts to break through head-on. However, he, who had demonic dynamic vision, was confident that he would destroy Schlieffen no matter how it came out.

Looking at the gripping method, I think I’m going to shoot a short and quick shot. Zaifa, who had come up with an answer in an instant, was about to launch a counterattack. Great! Suddenly, dozens of cutting lines were drawn on the spearhead of the Eonwoldo he was holding.


Zaifa let out a bewilderment. The spear pole fell to the floor. Schlieffen has consistently damaged him since the first match, and the result has only come out now. He threw the spear and tried to retaliate with his bare hands, but it was too late. hooked! The fail rod pierced Jaipa’s tail and slammed into the ground.


Jaipa growled. The cold air emanating from the sword, imbued with bitter cold, froze the entire tail of Jaipa and the nearby floor. It was at this moment that he turned around with the intention of removing his tail. As he let go of the hilt, Schlieffen leaned back and muttered in a low voice.

“It’s a storm.”

There was nothing to say. Aaaah-! A whirlwind that appeared tearing the ground engulfed the jaypha and surged. Each strand was as sharp as a razor blade, piercing a huge hole in the cumulus clouds passing over the arena. A thunderous cheer erupted from the quiet audience.


“Schlieffen you bastard…!”

Ronan clenched his fists and called for joy. It was an awesome fake. The shape of Zaifa, swallowed by the wind, was not even visible.

Considering the cases of enemies who had been affected by Schlieffen’s aura, it was unlikely that they would be safe. It was in the middle of expecting a decision like this. Chew! Suddenly, a black line was drawn over the whirlwind, and the wind tore left and right.


Schlieffen’s face hardened. It was before he felt threatened and even took a defensive stance. Jaipa, flying like a flash war, appeared in front of him. Kwajik! At the same time, a black fist hit him in the stomach.


Blood gushed from Schlieffen’s mouth. I was obviously hit in the stomach, but it felt like my spine would be crushed. bang! He bounced off in a straight line and crashed into the arena wall.

“Sir Schlieffen!”

Erill screamed. Zypha, which blew up Schlieffen, stopped in place. After escaping the whirlwind, his body was literally in a mess. With every step he took, a dark red puddle was forming at his feet. Black skin was exposed under the fur, which had been torn off more than half.

Of course, Zaifa didn’t look tired at all. The speculation that bloomed over his wide shoulders was rather thick.

Ten claws that had slipped out before I knew it were flashing on my black fingers. It was the true sword of Zaifa that even sank Nabi Rose. bang! Schlieffen, who had been staggering, raised his body as if he were bouncing. Seeing this, Jaifa smiled eerily.

“It’s fun, isn’t it?”

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