Accidental Love

Chapter 15: You Need to be Responsible for Me

Chapter 15: You Need to be Responsible for Me

Zheng Shuyi didn't expect everything to go so smoothly. She felt as if this was all a dream.

The next morning, she still felt a bit hard to believe. After opening her eyes and lying on the bed for a while, she took out her phone and went to check out Shi Yan's Moments.

Damn it, only visible for three days1WeChat Moment's function, where you can choose to let some of your friends see the pictures, texts, videos, etc. you post only in the past three days, none at all, or everything.. But this is also like his style.

Zheng Shuyi sat up happily and sent him a message while brushing her teeth.

Zheng Shuyi: Morning~

Zheng Shuyi: Finger-heart.jpg"leaderboard_btf" data-pw-mobi="leaderboard_btf">

Hmm, he got up pretty late.

Zheng Shuyi: Don't forget the concert tonight.

sylucky: Ok

The concert would start at seven o'clock in the evening. Before that, Zheng Shuyi wanted to ask Shi Yan if he wanted to dine together.

But after thinking about it, she decided it was best if she didn't go too far. Just progress little by little.

So, she started putting on makeup quite early, chose clothes for a long time, and even bought a brand new pair of high heels.

She went out feeling refreshed.

It was just six o'clock; before dusk. The setting sun was sitting on the horizon and the leaves filled the streets.

However, the entrance of the stadium where the concert would be held was already crowded with people. The scene was very lively.

In the square, a lot of people were sitting on mats selling all kinds of stuff, such as banners, glow sticks, and various headbands.

Zheng Shuyi walked around for a while. At first, she didn't buy anything, but she suddenly noticed some interesting cartoon headbands.

According to the law of idol dramas, cute headbands were always the best.

If she can get Shi Yan to wear it with her, then her goal of being the aunt would be just around the corner.

Zheng Shuyi thought of the scene in her head and almost laughed out loud. She was really looking forward to it and carefully picked two Mickey Mouse headbands.

It was windy in an open space like this, so she wrapped her scarf tighter and stood in a corner to wait for Shi Yan.

At the concert, it was all groups of friends or couples. Single figures like Zheng Shuyi were relatively rare.

She stood there and checked the time every once in a while. She wanted to remind Shi Yan but still controlled her temptation.

Until six-thirty, when the staff began to arrange for the audience to line up and start entering the music venue, Shi Yan still hadn't arrived yet.

Zheng Shuyi sent a message to tell him to hurry up and walked towards the front doors.

As soon as she got to the side of the road, a Porsche slowly stopped in front of her.

Probably only Shi Yan would drive a car like this.

Zheng Shuyi placed a smile on her face immediately. But as the car door opened, a slender leg came out of it.

The leg was also wearing long boots.

Zheng Shuyi blinked and watched Qin Shiyue get off the car.

She held her bag, took off her sunglasses, looked towards Zheng Shuyi, and also smiled.

Zheng Shuyi did not expect Qin Shiyue to come as well.

But it wasn't too unusual, after all, Song Lelan was popular.

Zheng Shuyi continued to smile as she said, "What a coincidence."


Qin Shiyue asked, "Didn't you invite me to come?"

Zheng Shuyi:?

I invited you

Did I?

I invited Shi Yan

Wait, Shi Yan?

At that moment, Zheng Shuyi's mind was like a comet hitting the earth, knocking her soul into ashes.

Fortunately, she calmed her emotions down quickly and figured everything out as hints started to appear in her head.

sy, Shi Yan.

It can also stand for Shiyue.

It turned out that the person she was talking to last night was Qin Shiyue.

Haha, indeed, what a coincidence.

What a fucking coincidence.

Zheng Shuyi rubbed her forehead and forced out a smile, "Yes, yes. I was just telling you to hurry up and now you're here."


Qin Shiyue felt that Zheng Shuyi seemed to be a bit unusual, but couldn't figure out why, so she also just smiled awkwardly.

Speaking of which, she was also confused last night.

Qin Shiyue was not an extremely extroverted person. After she asked the editor-in-chief for Zheng Shuyi's WeChat, she was really thinking about how to start the conversation. Unexpectedly, Zheng Shuyi started to greet her enthusiastically as if she knew who she was already.

She even invited her to watch a concert together.

Although Qin Shiyue was surprised, she suddenly remembered that Zheng Shuyi did talk about this concert in the office a few days ago.

At that time, she said that she had an extra ticket and asked Kong Nan if she wanted to go with her. Kong Nan originally agreed, but yesterday she had an emergency interview and couldn't make it.

When she told that to Zheng Shuyi, she was quite disappointed.

Therefore, after receiving Zheng Shuyi's invitation, she agreed without much thought.

The order was well managed at the scene, and the two entered the music venue very easily.

Until halfway through the concert, the two of them didn't talk much. They just sat quietly and occasionally waved their glow sticks and show a subtle awkward smile.

Although the reasons for their awkward smiles were different, all the other audiences at the scene were incredibly hyped.

During this period, Zheng Shuyi didn't listen to the song seriously, her mind was full of Shi Yan.

At a certain moment, she unwillingly took out her phone and glanced at it.

Okay, it's really Qin Shiyue, not Shi Yan.

Ahhhhhh Shi Yan go kill yourself!

At the same time, she raised her head and saw Song Lelan sitting on the suspended swing singing. Her eyes also kept glancing towards them.

Song Lelan was singing a Japanese song "I Once Thought About Ending It All".

Zheng Shuyi couldn't understand the lyrics, but she felt that the song felt very miserable, really miserable.

But still not as miserable as herself.

The atmosphere grew more intense and many listeners even started crying.

Yet Song Lelan was still looking in the direction of Zheng Shuyi, making her feel like Song Lelan was singing this song specifically for her.

After the emotion sank in, Zheng Shuyi unknowingly also felt as if she was about to cry.

Qin Shiyue secretly watched Zheng Shuyi several times. She kept feeling like something was wrong.

After the song ended, Qin Shiyue finally couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

Zheng Shuyi turned her head and stared at her.

As the atmosphere of the scene grew more and more exciting, Zheng Shuyi explained everything among the screams of everyone around.

Beside her was Qin Shiyue. She didn't know why, but she felt like it was okay to explain everything to this intern whom she doesn't even know well.

"Did you know that I just broke up not too long ago?"

Qin Shiyue nodded, "I heard about it."

The stadium was in a sealed space with AC. As the cold breeze blew across her cheeks, Zheng Shuyi sniffed her nose, and her voice even began to tremble.

"He has been chasing me for a very time. At the time, everyone thought that we would end up together, but after a while, he just turned a hundred and eighty degrees and cheated on me."

Qin Shiyue opened her eyes wide and took a deep breath.

It was hard to imagine that someone would leave a person like Zheng Shuyi.

"The other woman doesn't even look that good."

"Then why?" asked Qin Shiyue.

"It's because that woman has a lot of money. Her uncle is quite a figure, replied Zheng Shuyi.

Zheng Shuyi went on to talk about how her ex-boyfriend spent time with the other woman, and her show-off expressions toward her, which made even Qin Shiyue hate her.

"Gosh! Such people don't even deserve to live a happy life!"

"I know right!"

At this point, Zheng Shuyi even decided to tell her the little secret she had, "I was pissed, so I decided to revenge. His uncle seems to be a bit interested in me, so I'll take him down and become their aunt!"

Qin Shiyue nodded repeatedly and said excitedly,

"Yes, marry her uncle and become their aunt!"

I will not be called Zheng Shuyi if I don't succeed.

"GO! Sister Shuyi!"

As the concert was about to end, an unexpected guest appeared on stage. He was a famous Internet star with millions of lady fans.

This was something that none of the audience excepted. At the moment of appearance, all the audience screamed in excitement, even Qin Shiyue was dumbfounded.

After two songs, the guest singer left the stage, and Qin Shiyue was still restless.

She looked around, her eyes flickering, and finally stared in the direction of the backstage for a few seconds, and then said, "Sister Shuyi, my friend want me to do something, I'll have to go now."

Zheng Shuyi was still immersed in the songs as she waved, "Be careful on your way back."

Qin Shiyue put on her sunglasses and lowered her back as she went out.

So in the end, Zheng Shuyi still ended up listening to everything alone.

By the time people started leaving, it was already almost midnight.

The entire road outside the stadium was packed, making it impossible to even get a taxi.

Zheng Shuyi waited for a long time before the cars could finally start moving slowly again.

So she walked to the side of the road and called for a taxi.

There werent many people around her. Zheng Shuiy let out two breaths of cold air as she stretched her neck to look at the taxi that was supposed to come.

After a while, she didn't see the car she was waiting for but instead saw a very eye-catching sports car.

Zheng Shuyi's eyes locked on it and couldn't look away.

Through the windshield, she could also recognize Shi Yan in the car.

The flow of traffic was slow. Shi Yan had one of his hands on the steering wheel and his face looked very calm as if he didn't care at all what was happening.

But the moment he raised his eyes, someone caught his eyes.

He glanced over and saw Zheng Shuyi slowly walking towards him.

Suddenly, Zheng Shuyi accidentally staggered.

The new shoes didn't fit very well and the heels were too thin. She didn't notice while they were seated, but now that she started to notice.

She only staggered a little bit, but at that moment, an idea flashed across Zheng Shuyiss mind.

So she looked straight at him, tip-toed on to one foot, and then just stood there.

Because she knew that Shi Yan had already saw her.

And as far as she knew, he wouldn't just ignore her like that.

Sure enough, the car drove forward slowly and stopped beside her.

When the car window was rolled down, Shi Yan had his hand supporting his chin and just looked sideways at Zheng Shuyi.

The two just looked at each other like this, as if both were waiting for the other side to speak first.

A few seconds later, Zheng Shuyi bit her lips and said slowly, "Mr. Shi, I sprained my ankle."

Shi Yan continued to look at her coldly and waited for her to continue.

"It's all because of you," continued Zheng Shuyi.

She stepped forward and got closer to the car, "You need to be responsible for me."

Shi Yan slowly raised his head, rested his head against his hand, and studied Zheng Shuyi.

"What do I have to do with it?" he asked.

"After seeing you, my eyes won't look at where I'm going anymore.


The car in front had already driven away, and the flow of cars behind his were all honking their horns.

Shi Yan sneered softly, looked away, and drove off.

Zheng Shuyi: ""

WTF! Is he still a man?!

Zheng Shuyi was so angry that she stood upright, stomped her feet, and crossed her arms across her chest. She wasn't sure what to do anymore.

The driver of the taxi she called happened to call her and told her it wasn't convenient for him to park where she was at right now, and request her to meet at the intersection.

She could only start walking.

As she walked, she suddenly missed a step.

Zheng Shuyi's eyes widened, and before she realized what was happening, she suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from her ankle.

As she suddenly fell towards one side, fortunately, a passing girl rushed up to help her keep her balance.

"Are you alright?"




The girl crossed the road and left Zheng Shuyi standing there. She tried moving her feet, but the only response was pain.

But since the driver couldn't come to her, she could only limp forward slowly while cursing.

In front of her, Shi Yan saw this scene in the rearview mirror.

He looked up, tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, and then turned around at the intersection.

This road didn't seem to have an end. Wearing high heels, Zheng Shuyi dragged her feet while walking. As she walked, the cursing in her mouth didn't stop.

"You heartless Shi Yan."

"You blind bat."

"A heartless devil. A senseless rat."

"Am I not beautiful enough? Am I not good enough?"

"Are your eyes allergic to beautiful women? If so, why not donate them to the hot pot restaurant."

"I bet you were a dumbass in your previous life too"

Suddenly, she seemed to notice something had changed, and she stopped in place.

Something didn't seem right.

She slowly turned her head.

Less than half a meter away from her by the roadside.

Shi Yan's car window was lowered down, and he was looking at her.

Zheng Shuyi: ""

She swallowed hard.

"I think I can explain after I get into the car, what do you think?"

  • 1WeChat Moment's function, where you can choose to let some of your friends see the pictures, texts, videos, etc. you post only in the past three days, none at all, or everything.

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