Adopted Soldier

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

It has been exactly a year since the war between the Granado Empire and Berdonia started, and currently the Granado Empire held the upper hand . The Southern Union at this point still had some reservations regarding having an alliance with Berdonia . Even though the threat of the Granado Empire was evident some of the higher-ups in the Southern Union didn’t wish to send too much troops, less they themselves become defenseless .

Some of them even had delusions that they could wait and see how the war turns out . Even if the Granado Empire wins the war, they would still be exhausted making way for the Southern Union to take everything from them . That’s what some of those in high positions in the Government of the Southern Union were thinking about . Though most were sympathetic to Berdonia, and knew full well what will come if they don’t help Berdonia now .

So even with the mixed opinions, the Southern Union did send a significant amount of troops to help their neighboring country Berdonia . The current Berdonian president was still residing in the Southern Union and was protected by Saintess Anita a former Southern Union citizen, while her husband Lyner was out in the battlefield . The Berdonian President didn’t leave the Southern Union, no he wouldn’t leave the Southern Union, not until he could form a proper alliance with them . Cause right now the relationship between Berdonia and the Southern Union was not of allied nations, but that of a troubled neighbor and a neighbor who is there to somehow help .

The treaty of alliance hasn’t been sign since majority of the ones on top do not wish to take part in the war until it was absolutely necessary .

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Still even with the vague alliance with the Southern Union, all three of its Saints came to help the people of Berdonia . Unfortunately The third Saint has fallen in battle, which made the proposition of a true alliance even more shaky .

It wasn’t just the third Saint that had fallen, rumors of the Shadow the greatest assassin of Berdonia failing his mission of killing the Emperor of the Granado Empire has spread, causing morale to fall . If that wasn’t enough the SS rank merc of the Granado empire, had wreaked havoc in some major Berdonian bases .

Still it wasn’t such a one sided battle as two of the ten generals has fallen in the hands of Berdonia’s strongest merc Lyner . Not only that but there have been a huge increase in mercenaries since the war started, and Berdonia has seen an increase in skill in the low ranked mercs . One such merc is Niel Rayheart, who recently shot up to B rank and has been nicknamed the Smiling Devil, but most of the time is called the Angel of Death .

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At the moment most of the former northern cities of Berdonia have been captured by the Granado Empire, who had given an ultimatum to the citizens to either serve them or die . Most of the citizens decided to serve the Granado Empire for the sake of survival, but their humans rights have been revoked and are treated worse than animals .

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Berdonia had no chance to turn the tables and still continues to stay on the defensive, same as before . Yet unlike before this time the Granado Empire was playing to win, as they keep on marching forward with frightening tenacity .

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The Berdonian navy was having a better fight as they now control the eastern seas of the Granado Empire, still it was hard to keep that under their control .

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In the skies both sides were at a stalemate since both sides knew that the one who has air supremacy will have a better chance of winning . The Berdonian engineers have been trying to come up with a jet that could easily outmanoeuvre the Raptors of the Granado Empire . On the other hand the Granado Empire was trying not to improve their jet fighters, instead was trying to make more of them . Fighting quality with quantity, seeing that the Granado Empire has many trained soldiers that could take to the skies, but not enough jets for them to fight in .

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In a glance it would seem that the Granado Empire has the upper hand, which at the moment was the truth, but their tenacity and aggressive tactics won’t be able to last for long . Once they tire themselves out, Berdonia will be able to commence a counter attack . So all the Berdonian mercenaries and soldiers could do at the moment was try their best to defend their positions .

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While the war intensifies the fanatic group of the supposed brother of the founder Reghinald Berdonia, has been seen stealing from Southern Union bases . This made the situation with the negotiations of an alliance between the two countries even more difficult .

Now to combat this, Berdonia declared that the fanatics that follow Reghinald Berdonia were terrorist . The people who were part of this group were to be brought back dead or alive . In T . V’s on the internet a bunch of pictures were shown of the supposed terrorists, anyone related to to Reghinald Berdonia is to be either killed or captured .

When this order was issued some of the fanatics got scared and tried to remove themselves from the group, but unfortunately for them, Reghinald Berdonia doesn’t take kindly to traitors . Those who tried to leave the group were all hanged to death .

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While the three super powers of the continent were fighting each other, the smaller nations that surrounded them were mysteriously silent . It was as if something was happening within these nations, that no one could notice, since the all out war that was happening was too eye catching .

It was only Kei Kaido that noticed these mysterious happenings . Still no one but him cared about what was happening to those smaller nations, seeing that their very own country was in a state of national crisis . Kei on the other hand was a bit interested in what was happening, so he hired some mercs to do some spying in those different countries .

Kei somehow had a hunch that what was happening to the smaller nations, will be a deciding factor in ending the war .

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