Adored Koi in the ’70s

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Qiao Zhen Jun called out twice, but no one answered.

It was a little strange. If his dad came, he would definitely respond.

However, he did not suspect that it was a thief or something. After all, it was daytime. No one would be so unbridled.

Besides, the pup, Pi Pi didn't bark. So the person who came over might be one of his eldest brother's kids.

Thinking of this, he relaxed his heart and continued with what he was just doing now.

During this time, the pain in his lumbar spine had completely disappeared. He can get up and sit for a long time every day.

He didn't mentioned this to his family yet because a lot of things happened at home during this time. And it was the New Year.

But in the past two days, he found that he can feel his legs!

When he woke up this morning, even that man part had feeling!

Though this topic was difficult to dwell on, there was no man who didn't care about this. He was living like an useless person. That feeling was really painful!

Since he was paralyzed, he faced his family with a smile every day. Only in the dead of night did he dare to let the pain show.

But now, he have the sense of touch!

Maybe his legs will be able to stand up one day. So he was leaning on the table next to the bed now, preparing to give it a go.

He moved towards the edge of the bed as he held on to the edge of the table with both hands. Slowly, he supported his body to stand up.

If it was before, he couldn't complete this action independently. But now he had!

Both of his feet were on the ground. And he hadn't collapse to the ground.

He stood up! He actually got back on his feet!

Qiao Zhen Jun's eyes revealed ecstasy. His eyes were wet!

At this moment, a delicate and gentle voice sounded from outside the house: "Zhen, Zhen Jun, I'm... Lin Hui. Is it convenient for you now? I want to go in and...with you..."

Qiao Zhen Jun didn't hear the rest of the words, because Lin Hui's voice became smaller and smaller and finally turned into the sound of mosquitoes.

At this moment, Lin Hui was standing outside the door. Blushing like a boiled shrimp, she grabbed the corner of her clothes with both hands. Almost rubbing the corners of her clothes to shreds. Her lips turned white from her bite.

Hearing Lin Hui's voice, Qiao Zhen Jun was stunned.

Although the two were from the same village, they had never spoken privately since they got married. The last time he saw her was half a year ago.

He still remembered that she was wearing a gray shirt with an ashen face. The bleak color couldn't hide the demure and gentleness on her face.

He turned around and left after just one glance. It wasn't until Fang Xiao Juan beat her up because of rumors last time did he remembered this person.

What was she doing here now?

Did she come here to find Da Qiao?

Lin Hui was so nervous that she was about to explode. The blood from her body rushed to her face. Every second she waited was a torment. And there was no reply from the inside.

Just when her courage was about to disappear, there was finally a movement inside: "cough...You're here to find Da Qiao? She went to town with her grandmother. You can..."

"No, I'm not here to find Da Qiao." Lin Hui interrupted him before he finished speaking, "I'm here to find you!"

Find him?

Qiao Zhen Jun's heart rippled like a stone thrown into the water. Thump thump thump, his heart rapidly started beating. The hand gripped the edge of the table so hard that the blue veins on the back of his hand were exposed: ", come in."

"Okay." Lin Hui subconsciously glanced outside the yard.

Seeing no one, she quickly entered.

When the wooden door was closed again, Xiao Qiao came out from behind the wall.

Her brows furrowed tightly.

Ever since she realized Da Qiao got a system to steal people's luck, she took a detour when she saw Da Qiao. She only chose to come here today since she knew that she was going to town with her grandmother.

Life at Wang's house was too hard. She felt like she couldn't persist it any longer!

Now, she regretted that she had acted too decisively. She should have kept a good relationship with Qiao Family. At least before Wang Xin Sheng became a ten-thousand-yuan household, she had to maintain a superficial relationship with Qiao Family.

This way, she can leave a way out for herself.

So she took advantage of the fact that when Da Qiao and her grandmother went to town. She wanted to come over to get in contact with her dad. Unexpectedly, she encountered Lin Hui seeking her dad.

It was just, why did Lin Hui come to find her dad?

And it happened to be when everyone wasn't present. There was something fishy at first sight!

She tiptoed over to prepare to go in and hide under the window sill to eavesdrop. But just at this moment, a sharp voice came from behind...

"Jiao Jiao'er, what are you doing there? The other party don't want you anymore, so why are you sticking to their cold bum?"

Xiao Qiao's foot halted in mid-air. A flash of irritability flashed passed her eyes.

With one hand supporting her back, Fang Xiao Juan's face displayed anger: "Still, not coming over!? Or do you want to go back to Qiao's house?"

After the divorce, Fang Family and Qiao Family became two families were sworn enemies.

Especially after Fang Family met with misfortune, Fang Xiao Juan felt oppressed and wanted to live better than Qiao Family.

Therefore, she felt betrayed to see Xiao Qiao running to Qiao's house at this moment.

Xiao Qiao gritted her teeth, turned around and walked over: "Mom, ei rang ti um an tea ma ad."

She wanted to say that she wanted to come and see her dad. But due to losing her three front teeth, her speech was very seriously. It sounded even more funny than Da Qiao's stuttering.

Xiao Qiao's face flushed red. There was another burst of resentment brewing in her heart.

Fang Xiao Juan felt irritated when she heard her effected speech: "I don't know what you are talking about! Anyway, I warn you, if you still want to recognize me as your mom, go back with me. Also, don't let me see you come here again in the future!"

Xiao Qiao glared at her mom's back. Her gaze was sinister and ruthlessness.

Fang Xiao Juan walked for a while and didn't hear any footsteps behind her. She couldn't help but get even more furious.

She turned back to scold her again. However, she meet with Xiao Qiao's eyes and her whole body shivered.

When she took a closer look, Xiao Qiao had returned to her usual cute and sweet appearance. As if it was just her illusion.

Xiao Qiao originally wanted to tell her mom that Lin Hui came to find her dad.

But her mom was the perfect incarnation of a pig teammate. If she told her about it, who knows what trouble will stir out.

Qiao Family would definitely hate her more. So she changed her mind.


Qiao Xiu Zhi was carrying 70 to 80 jins in one hand and Da Qiao's hand in the other. Her feets were like the wind.

Da Qiao tried her best to keep up with her grandmother's footsteps with her short legs. Fortunately, she had been practicing five-animal-exercise with her grandmother all this time. In addition to drinking jade bead water, she didn't have such a hard time.

But seeing her grandmother carrying such a heavy sack, she felt a little distressed: "Grandmother, are you tired, do you want to sit down and rest for a while?"

Qiao Xiu Zhi looked down at her: "Are you tired?"

Da Qiao shook her head and said softly: "I'm not tired. I'm worried that Grandmother is tired. How about I help Grandmother?"

Her strength was also very large. Even Elder Sister Dong He can't compare to her.

Qiao Xiu Zhi's heart melted. She rubbed her little bun with a smile, "Grandmother isn't tired. It's not a problem to carry you as well."

Ganoderma lucidum weighed 20 jins. Rice was 60 jins. The total of the sack was 80 jins. If someone else carries such a heavy thing for such a long journey, they will definitely be exhausted.

But to her, it was no different from carrying a seven or eight jins item.

Everyone said that she was born with supernatural strength. But actually, she wasn't. When she was first born, she was no different from ordinary people.

When she was four years old, she went to the forest to pick wild vegetables. Then she saw a colorful mushroom and thought it was very pretty. So she didn't even think and eat it.

Now that she recalled it, she was close to faint from hunger. She dared to put anything in her mouth. Soon she met with mishap.

She was in a coma for three whole days. Her family had already prepared for the worst. At that time, her parents almost fainted from crying.

Her dad used to be a hunter. However, he stopped hunting and became a farmer. Before her, her parents gave birth to five children, but none of them lived to five years old.

There were all kinds of rumors in the village. Many people say that their Qiao Family's feng shui wasn't good. Some people say that her dad killed too many lives, so the retribution was on the children.

Just when everyone thought she was going to die, she came back to life with an inexhaustible amount of energy.

Since then, she had chopped bricks with her bare hands, smashed boulders to her chest, and killed a wild boar weighing more than 200 pounds with one punch. None of them was an issue.

After walking for more than an hour, even if Da Qiao's physical fitness improved, he was still a little tired.

Qiao Xiu Zhi squatted down and put her on her shoulders and stated, "Hold on well. Don't fall!"

Da Qiao hugged her grandmother's neck tightly. Her eyes shone with twinkle.

Ride high!

Awesome! It was her first time riding high!

Pedestrians on the road saw this scene. Their eyes fell to the ground in shock.

This, this... woman's strength was simply too much, right?

Whether rushing or not, they finally arrived at the town.

Qiao Xiu Zhi didn't delay and marched directly to the supply and demand cooperative.

The uncle, who guarded the door, heard that Qiao Xiu Zhi was here to find her son and told them to wait at the door. He went in to fetch him.

Qiao Zhen Min didn't believe it when he heard that his mom had come. He didn't believe it until he saw the person at the door: "Mom, why did you come here? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

He often had to travel out and sometimes would be gone for a week or two. His mom didn't let him know in advance and missed him, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Da Qiao raised her head and called sweetly: "Fifth Uncle, Grandmother brought me out to buy stationery. While we are at it, we deliver you some food."

While we are at it...

Qiao Zhen Min suddenly had a buy-one-get-one-free feeling.

Qiao Xiu Zhi pulled him to the corner and asked in a hushed voice, "Is there anyone else in your dormitory now?"

Qiao Zhen Min shook his head: "No. The others are either at work or out delivering goods. Mom, why are you asking this?"

Qiao Xiu Zhi didn't answer his question and simply ordered: "Lead the way!"

Qiao Zhen Min: "..."

If someone else dared to talk to him like this, he would definitely punch him in the face. But this person in front of him was his mom. What else can he do?

Before, he lived in a single-room dormitory. Although it was only about ten square meters, he didn't need to share a room with others.

Since the arrival of the new leader, the single-person dormitory had been taken back. Now he can only squeeze in a room of twenty square meter with five people.

The feeling of shame couldn't get any better!

Entering the dormitory, Qiao Xiu Zhi took a look and saw that there were two beds in the room, one on each side. The six people slept on a wide bed.

She didn't say much and put down the sack on her shoulder. Then she instructed Qiao Zhen Min to close the door and window before slowly taking out the Ganoderma lucidum.

Qiao Zhen Min couldn't figure out what medicine was brewing in his mom's gourd. When he saw the ganoderma lucidum that was more than half a meter high, his mouth was so stunned that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

Seeing her fifth uncle's stupid appearance, Da Qiao couldn't help covering her mouth and laugh secretly.

"Mom, mom, mom..." Qiao Zhen Min was so shocked that he couldn't speak properly.

Qiao Xiu Zhi said with a solemn face, "What are you calling for? This is a hundred-year-old Mount Tai Ganoderma lucidum. Da Qiao and the kids dug it up on the mountain. Is there any way you can sell it?"

Qiao Zhen Min gulped, took a deep breath, and spoke, "Mom, don't tell me that this century-old Ganoderma lucidum was dug on that East Wood hill?"

Da Qiao raised her small paws and interjected softly: "I dug it in East Wood."

Qiao Zhen Min: "!"

How can this be possible?

East Wood wasn't big. What's more, there were so many people going in to dig wild vegetables and pick mushrooms every day. If there was such a big Ganoderma lucidum, it would have been discovered long ago. How can it wait for a few children?

However, his mom didn't seem like she was lying. What's more, there was no need to lie. He had to believe this fact.

"You can continue to be stunned after we leave. Tell me now, is there any way you can sell the thing?" Qiao Xiu Zhi urged.

Qiao Zhen Min took a deep breath again. He nodded and responded, "Can. No matter how much money one have, they can't get such a thing. As long as the news is spread, a lot of people will be fighting for it!"

He often travelled around, so he met a lot of people.

These people may not have much position, but they have a lot of connections and networks. There was absolutely no problem in selling the thing. Just give them some benefits when the time comes.

Qiao Xiu Zhi re-wrapped the Ganoderma lucidum with cloth and put it in the sack: "That's fine. I'll leave this to you and you can handle it yourself! There is one thing, I'd rather not sell it than be caught. Do you understand?"

In Qiao Xiu Zhi's view, money wasn't as important as life.

Hearing his mom's words, Qiao Zhen Min's heart warmed: "Mom, don't worry. I will be careful."

Qiao Xiu Zhi passed the Ganoderma lucidum to her youngest son and then took Da Qiao away.

Qiao Zhen Min watched the carefree departing back of his mom. The feeling of buying one, getting one free came up again.

Qiao Xiu Zhi felt the supply and demand cooperative didn't have enough things. She took Da Qiao directly to the department store.

At home, Wan Chun Ju made a sound of a slaughtered pigs while eating: " hurts to death!"

Qiao Zhen Guo said, "Wife, what's up with you now? Why do you like to learn scream like pigs so much recently?"


A laughter escaped out of Chen Qiao Qiao.

Wan Chun Ju almost vomited blood!

What liking to learn how to scream like pigs?

If he hadn't poked the bump on her forehead for no reason that night, what would she have groaned like that?

"I have a lot of core sore in my mouth. Look!" She opened her mouth to show her man.

She had counted it in the morning. There were seven or eight in toral.

Qiao Zhen Guo glanced at it before laughing like hyenas: "Long-tongued woman gets sores on her mouth. Wife, you have so many sores. So you have become the king of the long-tongued woman?"

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