After Being Bent by Reader

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Xu Chuanchuan initially felt a little sleepy. However, when she finished reading the three pictures' content, her body had inadvertently grown excited.

How shameful. It's so detailed that it's practically erotica.

The two characters in the short text were both characters she constructed. She wasn't a lesbian, either. Logically, her body shouldn't have had such a reaction.

While deluding herself, Xu Chuanchuan covered her head with her blanket. However, in less than ten seconds, she tossed the blanket aside and took in deep breaths. "It's so hot."

Xu Chuanchuan was alone in the house, yet her face still heated up, and her heartbeat accelerated. She had no choice but to admit that she was ashamed. Although she had already read that erotic text countless times, she still couldn't help but admire Ange. Not only did Ange have excellent writing, but she was even so bold in her writing.

In reality, the erotic text Xu Chuanchaun just sent to her reader didn't originate from her hands. Instead, it was a birthday present Ange gave her.

Initially, Xu Chuanchuan had gullibly thought that Ange had written her a love letter. However, when she opened the document and read its content, she nearly had a nosebleed.

The 1,000-plus words in the document depicted the bed scene between the two main characters of her book She's Sweet.

This was the first time Xu Chuanchuan had received a present from Ange. It was even a birthday present. Yet, it turned out to be erotica. It truly was an unorthodox gift.

After sending the present, Ange had even proudly proclaimed: "I dare say that aside from me, you'll never receive another present as unique as this in this lifetime."

While wiping the sweat on her forehead, Xu Chuanchuan replied: "Yes, yes, yes. You're truly kind. This present of yours has truly given me a scare."

Afterward, Xu Chuanchuan had taken a screenshot of the document and uploaded it to her Weibo, treating it as a bonus for her readers.

In her original post, Xu Chuanchuan had explained that she wasn't the erotica's author. She even tagged @Ange as the author. However, the readers paid no attention to this point. Instead, they began singing praises for the erotica after reading it.

Unfortunately, someone reported the post for being overly erotic afterward, and Xu Chuanchuan had no choice but to delete it. She had even publicly apologized for this matter.

Xu Chuanchuan exited her photo album as if she had just committed a crime. Sitting up on her bed, she took several deep breaths. As she waited for her heart to calm down, her phone vibrated.

She received a new message on QQ.

Ange: "Did this Passerby become your fan? She sent you a Deep-water in the middle of the night. It seems she's a potential tycoon. [Image]"

Enlarging the image, Xu Chuanchuan saw the word "Passerby" connected with her pen name.

The Deep-water Torpedo was the largest contribution one could make on jjwxc's platform. So long as a person sent one, the system would announce it throughout the platform, and everyone online at the time could see it. The image Ange sent was none other than the screenshot of this announcement.

Passerby says to the author I Love Malatang: "With love comes deep-water torpedoes! The meat was delicious. Author, not bad. I didn't expect this from you."

The first sentence was the default text generated by the system, while Passerby wrote the remaining sentences. However, Xu Chuanchuan failed to understand what the other party was trying to say.

Confused, Xu Chuanchuan asked, "Which book is this for?"

Ange: "She's Sweet."

Opening her jjwxc application, Xu Chuanchuan visited the book in question. Sure enough, she found the content of Ange's screenshot there.

The meat was delicious? What meat? She had never even written any meat before

Suddenly thinking of something, Xu Chuanchuan switched to Weibo and earnestly read the private message she received from her reader before. She then quickly typed out a message: "May I know if your jjwxc ID is Passerby?"

However, Xu Chuanchuan did not receive a reply even after a few minutes had gone by, so she guessed that the other party had already gone offline.

Xu Chuanchuan carefully compared the time when she received the Weibo private message and the time her book received the Deep-water Torpedo. The more she thought about the matter, the more she felt that "There Exists No Poem in a Girl's Feelings" was "Passerby."

Unable to come to a conclusion on her own, Xu Chuanchuan shared her thoughts with Ange. Ange then responded: "It seems this Passerby has quite the heavy taste! Since she likes it, why don't you try writing more meat to please her in the future? She might toss you another Deep-water if she's happy. You'll earn a fortune that way. [Smirk]"

Xu Chuanchuan: "Are you trying to get me to sell meat for a living? [Fear]"

Ange: "You're just writing meat. It's not like you're selling your actual body."

Xu Chuanchuan: "I don't want to!"

Ange: "No need to be shy. You'll get used to it after doing it once or twice."

Xu Chuanchuan: "No! I won't do it! Also, I'm not bent!"

Ange: "I have some resources on my computer. I have both live-action and animations. Why don't I send you a few for research?"

Xu Chuanchuan: "No! Absolutely not!"

What a joke. She could barely stand reading erotica. She would lose her mind if she tried watching pornography.

Of course, Xu Chuanchuan also knew that Ange was just teasing her.

After ending her conversation with Ange, Xu Chuanchuan visited the following list of "There Exists No Poem in a Girl's Feelings" and thought to herself, Since she's given me so many Deep-waters, she clearly likes my writing. So, why hasn't she followed my Weibo?

Could she have guessed wrongly, and the two IDs belonged to two completely different people?

Unable to help herself, Xu Chuanchuan switched back to jjwxc's application and reread the donation comment.

If "There Exists No Poem in a Girl's Feelings" really was "Passerby," then what was this person trying to express with her comment?

Was this person praising Xu Chuanchuan for her well-written erotica???


But that wasn't her writing!!!

Xu Chuanchuan went to work as usual the following day. However, before she managed to even sit down, the Engineering Department's chief entered the office in a hurry and said, "Everyone, stop what you're doing for now and head to the conference room with pen and paper. Management is going to give us a lecture on safety knowledge."

Hearing the chief's words, Zhou Gong asked, "Safety knowledge? What are they trying to pull?"

In response, the chief said, "People from the government's work safety bureau suddenly paid us a visit yesterday afternoon. They found a lot of safety hazards and want us to rectify them. We don't have all of the appropriate documents and procedures on hand, so we have to make a last-minute effort!"


The conference room was full of people. There were so many people that some even had to bring their own chairs into the room. When Xu Chuanchuan looked toward the screen at the other end of the room, she noticed a woman with long, fluttering hair seated on Murong Mingkun's right. From Xu Chuanchuan's perspective, she could only catch a side view of the woman's face.

Just when Xu Chuanchuan wondered about this woman's identity, she heard some people whispering beside her.

"Who's the woman sitting beside Manager Murong? Is she his new secretary?"

"What secretary? That's his niece. Can you not tell?"

"You're saying she's Miss Murong? My god. I've always seen her with her hair tied up. Now that she has it down, I really can't recognize her."

Overhearing the whispers, Xu Chuanchuan grew even more puzzled. That's Murong Shi?

At this time, the long-haired woman slowly turned around and scanned the room with her phoenix eyes, revealing her attractive facial features to everyone in the room. Despite her gaze not carrying any threat, everyone still fell silent when her gaze landed on them.

It was Murong Shi.

Although Xu Chuanchuan couldn't get a clear look because of the distance, she felt that something was different with Murong Shi today, and it wasn't because of Murong Shi's hairstyle.

The one giving the PowerPoint lecture for this conference was the Administration Department's director, Old Chen. Old Chen's appointment as the speaker had been impromptu, so he didn't come prepared. And although he was just reading off of the manuscript provided, he still made a mistake, causing everyone in the room to burst into laughter.

The company had always lacked management, so nobody placed much importance on this so-called safety knowledge lecture. Hence, once the room grew noisy, the noise continued ceaselessly.

At this time, a stern voice entered everyone's ears, "Do you think this is funny? Whoever thinks Director Chen's speech is bad can come on stage to take his place."

Murong Shi was none other than the person who spoke. Her voice was as cold as her personality. It was neither too loud nor too soft. One also couldn't sense any joy or anger in her voice. However, because of Murong Shi's identity, nobody in the room dared continue laughing after she spoke.

Revealing a slightly troubled look, Murong Mingkun cleared his throat and said, "Old Chen, you may continue."

The lecture lasted for over two hours, and it was both dull and boring. However, nobody dared interrupt the lecture because of Murong Shi's previous words.

When the lecture ended, the top brass left the room, and everyone else in the room breathed out a sigh of relief.

Someone among the crowd then softly complained, "This is the first time I had such a serious meeting. I nearly suffocated."


The top brass hadn't gone far yet, so nobody in the room dared to agree with this person's complaint.

Many of the company employees had been working here for a long time now, so they weren't afraid of Murong Mingkun. They were, however, fearful of Murong Shi, who had only arrived recently. Their reaction was understandable as the former was their boss's brother-in-law, while the latter was the boss's daughter. The difference in statuses was obvious.

Before everyone in the conference room had dispersed completely, the work safety bureau's inspectors arrived once more. Their arrival caught the several company leaders, who had just left the conference room, off guard.

Meanwhile, Xu Chuanchuan carried the chair she brought and left the conference room together with the crowd. When she passed by the top brass, she heard a familiar voice speaking in an exhausted tone, "Linda, you deal with them."

Immediately afterward, Xu Chuanchuan saw Murong Shi turning in her direction.

The two of them had a face-to-face meeting.

Xu Chuanchuan immediately froze in place. She then forced a smile onto her face and indicated for Murong Shi to go ahead of her.

Murong Shi simply took a glance at Xu Chuanchuan before leaving without a word.

Linda seemingly still had something to say to Murong Shi. However, when she turned around, she found that Murong Shi had already left. She then caught sight of a familiar face nearby and called out, "You there, Xu... Xu... What was your name again?"

Stunned, Xu Chuanchuan asked, "Me? My name is Xu Chuanchuan."

"Oh! Little Xu!" Holding onto Xu Chuanchuan's hands affectionately, Linda said, "Can you do me a favor? Miss Murong still has a fever, and she hasn't taken her medicine yet. Can you help me bring a cup of hot water to her office? Also, the medicine and granules[1] are on my table. I still can't leave this place, so please help me with this! Thank you!"

Without waiting for an answer, Linda quickly strode away to entertain the safety bureau's inspectors.

Xu Chuanchuan looked toward the other end of the corridor and just so happened to see Murong Shi entering her office. Murong Shi's long hair fluttered gracefully in the air and disappeared into the room in the blink of an eye.

Xu Chuanchuan was a little dazed.

Murong Shi is sick?

No wonder she looked different today.

TL Notes:

[1]granules: Granules refer to Chinese medicines that can be taken with boiling water, and are generally made of Chinese herbal medicines. It is a new Chinese medicine type developed on the basis of decoction and syrup.

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