After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 170

The sky gradually brightened as the morning sun pierced through the thick fog, rising slowly and bringing warmth with its golden rays.

Qi Huan hid behind a tree trunk by the roadside, peering through binoculars and quietly observing the activity on the official road.

When she spotted a horse-drawn carriage gradually approaching in the distance, she slowly curved her lips into a smile.

Perfect, another chance to hitch a ride!

She moved the dry branches she had collected earlier to the middle of the road, then tossed her necklace nearby in a conspicuous spot. She entered her spatial dimension and waited quietly.

A short while later.

The voices of a man and a woman, discussing the necklace, filtered into her space.

"Ziling, we shouldn't take things we find on the road. It's not right to take what doesn't belong to us."

"...Only someone as naive as you, Senior Brother, would believe such nonsense."

Shen Jueming sighed softly, patiently coaxing, "When we reach Yunzhou City, I'll buy you any jewelry you want, Ziling. We shouldn't take lost items; the owner will be very worried."

As he lectured, Gu Ziling quickly stuffed the necklace into her bosom, raising an eyebrow disdainfully:

"Even if I don't take it, someone else will. So why shouldn't I?"

With that, she impatiently kicked aside the dry branches blocking the way and climbed onto the carriage.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade her, Shen Jueming resignedly pressed his temples, took out a silver ingot from his purse, and placed it by the roadside, considering it payment for the necklace.

"Huh, what a fool," Gu Ziling sneered.

She sat on the wooden board at the front of the carriage, arms crossed, her legs swinging idly as she hummed an unnamed tune.

The carriage swayed gently as it headed towards Yunzhou City.

Compared to walking, this was both time-saving and effortless.

She took out some biscuits and washed them down with mineral water, having a simple breakfast.

Beside her, Li Shuchen remained unconscious. Perhaps due to losing so much blood, his thin lips were colorless, and he looked as fragile as glass.

Qi Huan touched his dry lips, took a mouthful of water, and passed it to him mouth-to-mouth.

"Good deed +1, Points +100," the System prompted.

Hearing this, she gave him another mouthful.

"Good deed +1, Points +100."


After she had accumulated a thousand points, the System advised, "Host, don't be so beastly! Show some restraint! You've nearly kissed Li Shuchen's lips swollen!"

"Oh," Qi Huan pulled back slightly, looking down at Li Shuchen's lips, now moist and red from her kisses, momentarily lost in thought.

Shuchen lost so much blood, could he be anemic?

She used the thousand points she had just earned to search for and purchase an oral blood tonic made from donkey-hide gelatin.

Regardless of its effectiveness, she'd feed it to him anyway.

Soon, Li Shuchen was awakened by her kisses.

Before she noticed, he quickly closed his phoenix eyes again, quietly enjoying her ministrations.

"Good deed +1, Points +100."

"Good deed +1, Points +100."


For each mouthful she fed him, she gained a hundred points. The points came easily and pleasurably.

After feeding him, she wiped the corners of his mouth clean and murmured to herself:

"In fairy tales, a prince can wake Sleeping Beauty with a kiss, but I can't wake Shuchen with mine."

"Host, Li Shuchen is indeed Sleeping Beauty, but you're not a prince!" the System chimed in.

"...Maybe I should mute you."

Qi Huan tucked the blanket around Li Shuchen and anxiously waited for the carriage to enter the city.

On her watch face, the hands went around and around, until they reached four forty in the afternoon. Finally, the sound of guards questioning travelers filtered into her space from outside.

"Who goes there? What's your business in Yunzhou City?"

Shen Jueming handed over his travel papers and explained gently, "I'm a wandering doctor. I heard about the plague in Yunzhou and came to offer my assistance."

The guard glanced at the papers and casually replied, "The plague in Yunzhou City has already been contained. We don't need your help, but—"

He was halfway through his sentence when Gu Ziling interrupted with a cold laugh.

"See, Senior Brother? I told you so. Human nature is inherently evil. You traveled thousands of miles to help, and they don't even need you. They're even sending you away..."

"Ziling, mind your manners," Shen Jueming frowned, silencing her.

Then, he addressed the guard, "My sister speaks without thinking. Please don't take offense. It's getting late; might we enter the city for a brief rest?"

"Your papers are in order, so of course you can enter," the guard said, folding the papers and returning them.

He then looked at Gu Ziling and said, "Young lady, you're quite impatient. I hadn't finished speaking."

"On behalf of the people of Yunzhou, I thank you for your kind intentions, Doctor Shen."

The guard formally saluted Shen Jueming, then waved his hand and said with a hearty laugh:

"Go on in. Follow this road for about a quarter of an hour, then turn at the second intersection onto Yongqing Street. There are many inns on both sides offering food and lodging."

Shen Jueming returned the salute, expressed his thanks, and climbed back onto the carriage, urging the horse towards the city.

"Hurry up, Senior Brother. I'm hungry," Gu Ziling complained.

The distant tolling of the clock tower reached them, and a hint of worry crossed Shen Jueming's eyes. His voice was filled with concern:

"Ziling, there are some cakes in the bundle. Have a little to tide you over. We'll have a hot meal when we reach the inn."

"Oh, alright."

Gu Ziling dug out the cakes and began devouring them ravenously.

She couldn't stand the cold, nor could she bear hunger.

Even though her senior brother was the renowned medical sage Shen Jueming, he couldn't cure her of this condition.

After two quarters of an hour of swift travel, the carriage finally came to a smooth stop.

The sun hung low, and the evening breeze was chilly.

Shen Jueming raised his hand to wipe away cake crumbs from the corners of Gu Ziling's mouth and tightened her cloak around her.

"Let's go."

Seeing new guests arrive, the inn's attendant came out to greet them enthusiastically.

"Welcome, guests. Are you stopping for a meal or staying the night?"

"We'll take two of your best rooms. Also, bring us a table of your signature dishes. And please take our horse to the back courtyard and feed it with the best hay."

"Certainly, sir. Please, come in."

Soon, the food was served.

Gu Ziling once again ate with the speed and voracity of a whirlwind.

"Ziling, slow down," Shen Jueming cautioned.

Gu Ziling's pace remained undiminished. After quickly filling her stomach, she called for hot water to bathe.

Then, she burrowed into her blankets and fell asleep immediately.

As Gu Ziling's even breathing could be heard, Qi Huan silently left her spatial dimension.

Relying on her connection with the necklace, she quickly located it. After retrieving the necklace, Qi Huan tiptoed out of the room.

Then she broke into a run, racing towards the Yunying Caravan.

The night was clear and breezy, with lights shining brightly everywhere.

On both sides of the street, food stalls steamed with delicious aromas as vendors called out their wares competitively.

"Wonton~ Wonton~ Meat wontons with thin skin and generous filling~"

"Buns~ Buns~ Meat buns with even thinner skin and even more filling~"


The steamed bun shop and the wonton stand quickly began hurling insults at each other, affectionately inquiring about each other's mothers.

However, this was none of Qi Huan's concern.

She had dressed herself to look dirty and poor, so much so that even the street dogs would avoid her as they passed by.

She walked with haste, her steps brisk, following the direction etched in her memory as she quickly made her way towards the Yunying Caravan.

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out.


"I wonder if Sister Qi has any steamed buns to eat?"

Qi Huan turned around, looking at the two figures across the street - one big and one small - and called back loudly: "No!"

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