After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 173

The next day, the sun shone brightly.

It was the start of a new day.

Qi Huan rose early, changed into her tight-sleeved attire, and carried her repeating crossbow to the training grounds. Braving the cold wind, she practiced shooting for over two hours.

As she got into her rhythm, she aimed at the bullseye and released her final arrow. In that instant, a flash of inspiration struck her.

She put away her crossbow and ran back to the courtyard like a gust of wind.

In the yard, Li Shuchen was sitting under the veranda, basking in the sun and reading a scroll.

Hearing her footsteps, Li Shuchen immediately looked up, a faint smile gracing his cool features, his eyes as gentle as a spring breeze in March.

"Ah Huan, come here."

Qi Huan jogged towards him, plopping down on the steps beside him, panting heavily. "Ah Shu, I have something to tell you!"

Li Shuchen gave a soft "Mm" in response, closing his book. He took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead.

The winter sun cast its warm rays upon them, yet Li Shuchen's hands remained cold.

Qi Huan scooted closer to his legs, turned sideways, and rested her chin on his thigh. She took his hand and pressed it against her cheek, quickly cooling herself down.

"Ah Shu, do you have any skilled craftsmen under your command? There's something I'd like them to help me replicate."

Qi Huan pulled out the handgun she had acquired earlier and then said to the system, "Search the express delivery warehouse for all handguns!"

Whoosh whoosh—

Deliveries fell, piling up like a small mountain.

She swiftly opened them one by one, obtaining various types of handguns.

These included: electric toy guns, plastic BB guns, steel BB guns, soft bullet guns, bubble guns, and more.

After categorizing them, Qi Huan returned most of them.

In the end, she kept different models of steel BB guns, soft bullet guns, and marble guns, presenting them to Li Shuchen like precious treasures.

"Ah Shu, can you have your craftsmen disassemble all these handguns, study their structures, and then try to replicate them using fine iron? See if they can make some really powerful weapons?"

At this moment, the system kindly reminded her in her consciousness: "Host, your idea is nothing short of a pipe dream, a fool's errand, lacking common sense and incredibly naive."

"Why don't we just return everything? We could at least save some points..." The system accidentally voiced its true thoughts.

But Qi Huan was not discouraged: "Giving up at the first sight of difficulty will lead to nothing. Even if the chances of success are only one in ten thousand, as long as we dare to try, we might create a miracle."

"If everyone in the world were as timid as you, Madame Curie would never have discovered radium, and Robert Oppenheimer would never have invented the world's first atomic bomb."

"Living life means having dreams."

"Besides, I'm young and wealthy. I have enough money to support their research and enough time to wait for their success."

"Oh, my young and wealthy host," the system paused before finally revealing the cruel reality to her mercilessly.

"Even if the top craftsmen of Li Country could understand the structure of the guns, the current smelting technology is nowhere near the standard required to make guns."

"If the barrel material isn't hard enough, the chamber will explode."


"Search the express delivery warehouse for all steel products," Qi Huan's train of thought suddenly opened up.

Shortly after, she issued a second command: "Search the express delivery warehouse for all books on mechanical manufacturing and smelting technology."

Whoosh whoosh—

The sound of falling deliveries was the sound of the system's heart breaking.

The system watched helplessly as the wasteful host's point balance decreased more and more, until it reached 66,666 points.

It couldn't help but curse silently: "I can't believe you, you troublemaker. When will I ever level up with you?"

However, Qi Huan was busy unpacking deliveries and didn't hear its complaints.

Qi Huan organized everything and carefully explained their uses to Li Shuchen.

"Ah Shu, do you think it's possible?"

"It is."

A man can't say it's not possible.

Li Shuchen summoned Yan Jiu through mental communication and passed down the instructions. However, the books were more troublesome and needed to be transcribed before being given to the craftsmen.

While he was transcribing the books, Qi Huan hugged a medical book, pacing around the courtyard while reciting.

"Astragalus is warm in nature, stops sweating and stabilizes the exterior, promotes healing of sores, and is essential for qi deficiency.

Atractylodes macrocephala is sweet and warm, strengthens the spleen and stomach, stops diarrhea and eliminates dampness, and also dispels phlegm and fullness.

Poria is bland in taste, percolates dampness and opens the orifices, the white variety transforms phlegm, while the red variety promotes water metabolism..."

She had copied these medical books before, so she had some familiarity with them. For the characters she didn't recognize in the books, she had asked Li Shuchen in advance and added annotations, making her recitation particularly smooth.

"Angelica sinensis is sweet and warm, nourishes blood and heart, supports the weak and benefits the damaged, dispels stasis and generates the new.

Cassia seeds are cold in nature, clear heat and detoxify, clear the liver and brighten the eyes, and relieve constipation..."

The clear recitation drifted through the small courtyard with the cold wind. Yan Ge rubbed her ears and muttered, "Cassia seeds can treat constipation?"

Shen Jueming happened to be walking by and heard her words. He stumbled, nearly falling over.

To make matters worse, Yan Ge pursued the question: "Dr. Shen, can cassia seeds really treat constipation?"


Shen Jueming nodded with difficulty.

Out of his medical professionalism, he carefully added, "Those with weak spleen and stomach should not use it."

Hearing their conversation, Qi Huan rolled up her book and held it behind her back, walking over gracefully and asking with enthusiasm, "Who needs a prescription for constipation?"

"There are many formulas, such as Jichuan Decoction, Warm Spleen Decoction, Major Purgative Decoction, Minor Purgative Decoction, Yellow Dragon Decoction, and so on."

"Yan Ge, you can use herbs like rhubarb, mirabilite, immature bitter orange, magnolia bark, radish seed, cassia seed, hemp seed, and others. Decoct them in hot water and drink."

"But don't use them for long periods, or it may lead to dependence. You can eat more whole grains, more vegetables..."

"And there's that universal advice — drink more water."

Qi Huan rattled off a long list like pouring beans.

Her confident little demeanor amused everyone else in the courtyard.

Yan Jiu said, "Miss Qi, you've just started memorizing medical books today, and you can already prescribe?"

Yan Qing's eyes sparkled with admiration: "Sister Qi is the most amazing! From now on, if I have any headaches or fevers, I'll come to Sister Qi!"

Yan Ge rubbed her nose and said, "I don't have constipation... I was just asking for a friend."

Even Shen Jueming nodded: "Miss Qi speaks wisely. In the long run, for symptoms like constipation, improving lifestyle is better than taking medication."

Having received unanimous approval from everyone, Qi Huan was overjoyed. She puffed out her little chest and ran back to Li Shuchen's side with a smug expression, her eyes sparkling as she asked:

"Shu, am I amazing or what?"

The adoration in Li Shuchen's eyes was almost overflowing. He reached out to gently tap her cute little nose and spoke softly:

"My dear Huan, you are unparalleled in this world."

Qi Huan blushed slightly at his praise, feeling a bit embarrassed. She secretly made a resolution to study hard and live up to the phrase "unparalleled in this world."

The sunlight in the small courtyard was just right, and a warm atmosphere flowed between them, making others reluctant to disturb them.

In the end, it was Qi Huan who came to her senses and turned to urge: "Doctor Shen, come quickly and check on Shu. How is the cold poison in his body?"

Shen Jueming responded with a "Very well" and quickly walked over, carefully taking Li Shuchen's pulse.

After a thorough examination, he recorded today's condition in detail in the small booklet Qi Huan had given him.

To conceal his identity, Qi Huan had told him that Li Shuchen's name was Chen Shuli, so he addressed him accordingly:

"Master Chen."

"Your cold poison has been temporarily stabilized. You must not use your inner energy, and you should keep warm and drink plenty of hot water daily."

"Continue with the medicinal baths and detoxifying decoctions once a day. I'll come to perform acupuncture after lunch."

"Additionally, the poison has been temporarily forced into your legs. Although walking is painful, you must still practice moderately every day and massage frequently to prevent blood clots and muscle atrophy..."

Qi Huan stood beside them, listening intently. She jotted down his words in her little notebook, nodding continuously like a cute little chick pecking at grains.

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