After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 175

"In simple terms, male virtue is all about the Three Obediences and Four Virtues!"

"The Three Obediences are: Follow your wife's ideas, obey your wife's orders, and blindly agree with your wife even when she's wrong."

"The Four Virtues are: Be generous when your wife spends money, be patient when your wife is getting ready, be tolerant when your wife is angry, and remember your wife's likes and dislikes."

Qi Huan's red lips moved animatedly as she spoke, her voice clear and confident, stunning the group of keen-eared people in the courtyard.

Yan Jiu gaped in astonishment, "Is this how Minister Qi teaches his daughter?"

Yan Ge was also shocked but seemed more accepting, "It might not be Minister Qi's teaching. It's quite possible our Prince has spoiled her this way."

"Haha, how could that be possible? If the Prince agrees with her, I'll eat ten pounds of shit."

No sooner had he finished speaking than they heard Li Shuchen calmly say, "Ah Huan is right. I've taken note of it all."

Yan Jiu froze on the spot.

Taking advantage of his daze, Yan Ge grabbed the back of his collar, attempting to drag him towards the latrine. She couldn't resist reminding him, "A gentleman's word is his bond. Ten. Pounds. Of. Shit. Oh~~"

After they left, the courtyard fell quiet, with only the sound of the cold wind whistling by.

Li Shuchen and Qi Huan sat side by side at the writing desk. He read intelligence reports while she studied medical texts. Though immersed in different worlds, they kept each other company, making even the words on the page more appealing.

As dusk fell, a sudden urgent knock at the door broke the tranquility.

Yan Ge entered to report, "Your Highness, we've received Yan Wu and the others. They're quite badly injured, and Doctor Shen is treating them now."

After speaking, Yan Ge turned her gaze to Qi Huan, "Miss Qi, Doctor Shen asked me to inquire if you'd like to observe how to treat external injuries?"

"Of course!"

Qi Huan immediately set aside her book, pushed Li Shuchen's wheelchair, and followed Yan Ge to the neighboring courtyard.

Inside the side room, the last rays of the setting sun filtered through the window lattice, joining the flickering candlelight to illuminate the room brightly.

Hearing the sound of the wheelchair, Shen Jueming looked up from his busy work, explaining to Qi Huan while tending to Yan Wu's wounds.

Qi Huan skillfully pulled out a small notebook and a pen from her satchel, listening and taking notes.

The sound of the pen scratching against paper drew the attention of Yan Ge and Yan Jiu.

"Miss Qi, what kind of pen is that?"

Yan Jiu jumped in with an answer, "It makes a scratching sound when writing, so it must be called a scratch pen."


Qi Huan gave them an amused look and improvised, "This is imported from the West. It's called a fountain pen."

While they were chatting, Li Shuchen turned his head to instruct Seventeen Yan, "Cover everything except the wound area."

"Yes, sir."

Seventeen Yan checked Yan Wu's injuries, then put his clothes back on, tearing holes around the wound areas to expose only what was necessary while covering the majority of his chest.

Shen Jueming paused his work, frowning in confusion, "What's the meaning of this?"

Seventeen Yan's mind raced, coming up with a clever response, "Yan Wu is shy. He doesn't want to be seen."

Yan Wu: ......

Facing his Prince's cool gaze, he reluctantly played along, "I'm shy."

Yan Jiu immediately teased, "Haha, you're such a sissy!"

Yan Wu, his face ashen, cursed back, "Your mouth is so foul. Have you been eating shit?"


"Quiet, all of you get out," Shen Jueming shooed them all away, leaving only Qi Huan in the room to learn.

After Qi Huan finished assisting him, she walked out and met Li Shuchen's deep gaze.

"Ah Shu, in a doctor's eyes, there's no distinction between men and women."

Li Shuchen gave a faint "Mm," as if completely unconcerned.

When night fell and she came to massage his legs, he deliberately loosened his collar, "It's a bit hot."

"...Big brother, it's November, and you're suffering from cold poison. How can you be hot?"


In the blink of an eye, three days flew by.

Qi Huan packed her belongings and stored Li Shuchen and his medicines in her spatial dimension.

As she boarded the carriage, Yan Ge reluctantly handed her a paper package, "Miss Qi, these are the meat buns you often eat. Please take them for the journey."

Qi Huan accepted the hefty package wrapped in cowhide paper, smiling gently, "Thank you, fair-skinned and beautiful long-legged sister Yan Ge. We'll meet again."

The warmth of the buns seeped through the packaging into her palm, conveying not just the warmth of food but also the warmth of human kindness.

As the carriage set off, Qi Huan leaned out the window, waving goodbye to them.

Only when the distant figures had shrunk to mere dots did she lower the carriage curtain.

Yan Qing sat obediently beside her, eyeing the meat buns in her hand with undisguised longing.

"Sister Qi, if you don't eat them soon, they'll get cold."

Qi Huan chuckled and handed the package to her, "I'm not hungry yet. Would you mind eating them for me, Qing Qing?"

"Also, please help me keep this necklace safe, and wake me when the carriage stops."

"Mm-hmm!" Yan Qing responded eagerly, quickly accepting the necklace and reverently putting it around her neck, then swiftly opening the paper package to feast on the buns.

Meanwhile, Qi Huan entered her spatial dimension.

She immediately met Li Shuchen's intense gaze.

"Ah Shu, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Do you want to eat meat buns too?"

"Should I go out and see if Qing Qing has finished, and get one for you?"

She had barely finished speaking when Li Shuchen grasped her wrist.

"No need for such trouble."

Li Shuchen skillfully reached for her waistband.

"W-what are you doing?"

"You're injured at the waist, and we're in a carriage. Don't be reckless!"

She struggled in panic, suddenly finding her red lips sealed with a kiss.

Qi Huan was truly angry now!

She bit Li Shuchen hard, but he still didn't let go. She had no choice but to use her trump card.

Quickly searching her mind for classic lines from TV dramas, she cried out dramatically, "You brute, you scoundrel, you shameless..."

The system clicked its tongue twice, "Host, the Oscars owe you a little golden statue."

"Do you still want merit points or not?"

"System shutting down..."

At this moment, she came back to her senses, meeting Li Shuchen's calm and restrained gaze.

His cool fingers wiped away her tears, his voice slightly hoarse with a hint of panic.

"Don't cry, Ah Huan."

Qi Huan immediately stopped the tears she had managed to squeeze out, pouting as she asked him, "Why did you suddenly act like this?!"

Li Shuchen handed her the diary beside them, his voice low and affectionate as he reminded her:

"On the fourth day of the tenth month in the 15th year of Longshun, ten months and two days since Ah Shu and I fell in love, I lured him onto my kang bed......"

"On the seventh day of the tenth month in the 15th year of Longshun, today I pinned Ah Shu against the wall, and Ah Shu pinned me down on the bed...... What does 'pin' mean?"

After asking, he continued reading......

"On the seventh day of the ninth month in the 16th year of the Longshun Era, Ah Shu said he wants to be my *mount in the future......"

The suggestive words kept coming, and Qi Huan's face turned as red as blood.

What should I do now that the risqué things I wrote in my diary have been discovered?

Waiting online for urgent advice.

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