After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 182

Qi Huan nodded emphatically.

Last night, she purchased all the medicines she had searched for, reviewed their instructions, and recorded their effects in her notebook. She then returned the ones she didn't need immediately.

In the end, she kept rifampicin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide.

The system informed her: "These are all prescription drugs, but there's nothing you can't buy on TaoBei if you put your mind to it. With a doctor's diagnosis, you can purchase medicine online."

"The host worked hard in her past life, and her truck was big enough to hold lots of deliveries. Keep working hard to earn points, host, and you can unlock even more unexpected items!"

"Work hard, work harder, work hardest!"

"Clap, clap—"

"Strive, strive harder, strive hardest!"

"Clap, clap—"

As the system said this, it played applause for itself, sounding very much like a morning meeting at a real estate office.

However, Qi Huan was more concerned about the prices of these drugs.

Rifampicin, one bottle of 100 tablets, 22 points.

Isoniazid, one bottle of 100 tablets, 7 points.

Pyrazinamide, one bottle of 100 tablets, 15 points.

(Prices referenced from TaoBei.)

All were of good quality and reasonably priced.

Thus, Qi Huan came up with the idea of promoting these drugs, not only to save countless people suffering from tuberculosis but also to save numerous broken families.

She planned to cooperate with Shen Jueming, using his Xinglin Hall to sell the medicine. At the same time, she would give up part of the price in exchange for points.

For every pill sold, she would earn one point, making it a stable profit.

Moreover, for every patient cured, it would be equivalent to saving a life, earning an additional 50 points.

Having made up her mind, Qi Huan decided to use "Song Jingche" to make a name for herself. This would also force him to recover, preventing him from continuing his act and sparing the Song family from worrying and spending money on him.

By using some pills, she would ultimately kill two birds with one stone.

Not a bad deal.

Qi Huan took the medicine pouch from her waist and handed it to "Song Jingche," playfully saying, "Second Young Master, take your medicine."

Ximen Ye took the pouch and, under Madam Song's eager gaze, swallowed the pill, but felt no unusual effects in his body.

After everyone left, he handed the pouch to Zhu Yan, instructing, "Find someone to test the medicine."

When tuberculosis patients started taking the medicine, Qi Huan suddenly began receiving points: "Good deed +1, Points +1."

"Good deed +1, Points +1."

"Good deed +1, Points +1."


Qi Huan frowned. Why was she gaining points?

Wasn't "Song Jingche" not sick?

She hurriedly finished her lunch and called for Yan Qing: "Have you found out where Dr. Shen's clinic is located?"

"Yes, it's on Mingde Street."

"Good, let's go out."

Qi Huan left immediately, taking Yan Qing and Tao Su with her to seek an audience with Elder Madam Song. The cold wind blew her skirt as she gracefully walked towards Qingxi Courtyard where Elder Madam Song resided.

After the maid announced their arrival, Elder Madam Song herself came out to greet them, saying affectionately, "Huan Huan, isn't it cold outside? Why have you come?"

"Aunt, I've been thinking carefully, and I realized I was too rash this morning. Giving the pills to my cousin to try without testing them first was really inappropriate. So I thought I'd go out now to have the Medical Sage take a look, and also invite him to come and check the pulse of my cousin and grandmother..."

Elder Madam Song's smile froze on her lips.

So her dear Che'er was being used as a guinea pig?

They hadn't even tested the medicine before giving it to Che'er to eat. And she had even urged Che'er to take it on the spot...

Elder Madam Song suddenly felt terrible.

Fearing the medicine might be problematic and harm Che'er, she silently cursed herself several times. Huan Huan was young and didn't know better, but how could she, at her age, be so careless?

Elder Madam Song hurriedly said, "Good, good, go quickly and invite the Medical Sage."

Having received permission to leave the manor, Qi Huan boarded the Song family's carriage and slowly made her way towards Mingde Street.

Half an hour later, the carriage gradually came to a stop, and the driver respectfully reminded her, "Young Miss, we've arrived."

Yan Qing lifted the curtain, and Tao Su helped Qi Huan out. After disembarking, the three of them entered the clinic, one after another.

The driver and guards stood watch by the door, occasionally glancing inside.

Perhaps due to the falling snow, there weren't many people in the clinic. Shen Jueming was engrossed in a medical book.

Hearing footsteps, he looked up: "Miss Qi?"

"Dr. Shen, long time no see."

Qi Huan smiled, her eyes curving: "Do you have time for a house call?"

"Yes, please have a seat and wait for a moment." Shen Jueming put down his book and got up to pack his medical kit.

While he was busy, Qi Huan asked in a low voice, "How is Young Master Chen's cold poison?"

"Same as before. The poison has been temporarily forced into his legs, so there's no immediate danger to his life. But with this cold weather, it's not easy for him. The poison my junior sister made is too complex. It takes time to analyze its components and prepare an antidote."

The smile on Qi Huan's face froze, and her heart ached dully.

She lowered her eyes dejectedly, vaguely forming an idea.

After suppressing it for now, she looked up at Shen Jueming again: "When does Young Master Chen usually come for treatment?"

She wanted to chance upon Shu.

Even if just to catch a glimpse from afar.

To her surprise, Shen Jueming replied gloomily, "In the middle of the night when no one's around."

This Young Master Chen appeared and disappeared mysteriously, always coming around midnight or later, waking him up when he was sound asleep.

Qi Huan let out a soft "Oh" and pressed her lips together.

Shu met with the young doctor at night, but not with her.

She shook her head, no longer thinking about these things, and led Shen Jueming back on their return journey.

When the news reached the Song manor, Ximen Ye employed his usual trick. He had a tuberculosis patient with a similar build come up through the secret passage, cover his face, and lower the bed curtains, inviting the doctor to check his pulse.

Upon hearing it was tuberculosis, Shen Jueming hesitated briefly, then put on the mask Qi Huan handed him and walked forward resolutely.

His diagnosis aligned with the previous doctors' opinions.

Qi Huan raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Song Jingche" was really sick?

Elder Madam Song grieved for a moment, then her eyes suddenly lit up as she looked at Qi Huan: "Doctor, to be honest, my niece's grandfather once cured tuberculosis. Today, she also said she has developed pills to treat tuberculosis. Could you please take a look and see if they are effective?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Jueming looked at Qi Huan in disbelief, both surprised and delighted: "You can cure tuberculosis?"

"It all depends on how the patient responds to the medicine..."

Elder Madam Song's lips twitched. So they really had used her Che'er as a guinea pig...

"Huan Huan, do you have any more of the pills you made? Why don't you take them out for Dr. Shen to examine?"

"Just a moment."

Qi Huan returned to Qinghuan Court and prepared some more medicine to give to Shen Jueming, though she held no real hope in her heart. These were Western medicines, and Shen Jueming would certainly not be able to figure them out.

Shen Jueming accepted the medicine and was then asked to check Old Lady Song's pulse. Old Lady Song's illness was purely due to worry and anxiety, an ailment he was well-versed in treating.

After reviewing the previous prescriptions, he wrote a new one with more nourishing ingredients and handed it to Elder Madam Song: "Please prepare the medicine according to this prescription. Simmer it over low heat daily, and take one dose in the morning and evening. After a month of this regimen, I'll return for a follow-up examination."

"Thank you for your efforts, Doctor Shen," Elder Madam Song said as she took the prescription and carefully put it away. She then instructed Jin Chuan to present the consultation fee and see Shen Jueming out of the mansion.

Qi Huan stayed behind to keep Old Lady Song company for a while, only returning to Qinghuan Court after dinner. After bathing, she dismissed her maids and took out a gold ingot from her space, patiently waiting for "Song Jingche" to arrive.

Unexpectedly, Li Shuchen came instead.

Yan Wu, who accompanied him, was responsible for using sleeping powder to knock out any interfering maids and servants.

Yan Qinghe's task was to throw him into Qi Huan's chambers and guard the door after closing it.

Inside the room, a single lamp cast a faint glow.

The moment Qi Huan saw Li Shuchen, a smile instantly spread across her face. She flew into his arms like a bird returning to its nest, greedily inhaling his fresh, pine-like scent.

Considering Li Shuchen's leg condition wasn't suitable for standing for long periods, she quickly released him and led him to sit on the edge of the bed. She coyly chided, "You finally remembered me! Why aren't you having your nightly meeting with the young doctor tonight?"

"Mm, tonight I'm having a nightly meeting with my little wife instead," he replied.

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