After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 198: New Year’s Eve

Chapter 198

As the year of the 16th Longshun Era comes to a close, snowflakes begin to flutter down from the sky, blanketing the outside world in a stormy sea of white. Within the warm embrace of her house, Qi Huan rouses herself reluctantly from under the covers. Quickly, she dresses herself in the new robe sent over by the Rainbow Garment Pavilion a few days prior.

This soft, pink, cotton dress, featuring cloud and wild goose motifs, accentuates her gentle and charming demeanor.

As usual, Tao Su can't help but shower her with compliments. Her mother once said, "Praising others comes at no cost. Thus, always be generous with your compliments."

Amused by her antics, Qi Huan laughs heartily. She then retrieves a prepared red silk purse with a green thread - a talisman for good fortune - from her drawer, gifting Tao Su with a ten-liang silver reward.

“Thank you, Miss Qi Huan!”

Upon receiving the purse, Tao Su winks at Yan Qing, her triumphant expression seemingly declaring, "See? My mother was right, wasn't she?"

However, Qi Huan subsequently opens a redwood box filled with red envelopes, calling for all the maidservants of the Qinghuan Court:

"Everyone has conscientiously performed their duties throughout this year. As we approach the end of the year, each of you will receive a red envelope. Let's welcome the New Year with joy and continue to work hard in the coming year. Each festive occasion that follows will come with its own rewards."

“Thank you, Miss Qi Huan!”

Led by Xu Nanny, all the maids thank her in unison, their eyes wrinkling into jovial crescents as they divvy up the red envelopes amongst themselves.

In that moment, clutching her purse, a realization dawns upon Tao Su.

The silver reward from Qi Huan reflected the work done over the year and was not merely given out of fanfare.

She understands now, that earnest work forms the substance of value; flattery, though appreciated, is merely the icing on the cake.

Tucking the purse away in her room, Tao Su returns, more eager than ever to prove her worth.

By afternoon, the New Year’s vibe thickens as door gods and couplets are put up. Within the Song Mansion, joyful festive atmosphere pervades. Kitchen chimneys belch out delicious aromas as servants and maids, light on their feet and sporting bright smiles, bustle about.

This is the most lively New Year that Qi Huan has experienced since she crossed over to this world.

Her only regret is the absence of Ah Shu by her side.

As a prince, he is obligated to attend the palace banquet, and thus, will likely not be able to celebrate New Year's Eve with her.

However, apart from love, there remains family.

Adjusting her mindset, Qi Huan, with a beaming smile on her charming face, leisurely makes her way towards the Qingsong Court.

Inside the main hall, Elder Madam Song and Young Madam Song are bustling around Old Lady Song, keeping her spirits high.

As Qi Huan steps in, she catches Old Lady Song’s eye.

“Huan, come here. Your aunt was just saying, after today, your obligatory mourning period will almost be over. With New Year visits around the corner, we should start scouting eligible bachelors for you.”

Old Lady Song started listing out the attributes: “Firstly, he should be kind to you!”

“Secondly, he should only have eyes for you!”

"Thirdly, he should be handsome, ambitious, and capable of protecting you..."

Old Lady Song began to run out of fingers as she listed all the way to eleven, much before she could finish her comprehensive list.

A pair of hands felt woefully inadequate!

Elder Madam Song, who was attentive, began to regret ever agreeing to take on the task of finding a suitor for Qi Huan in the first place.

Given the stringent standards set by the matriarch, it seemed that such a man could only exist in a dream.

Yet, Qi Huan seemed to highly approve.

Listening to her aunt's criteria, she nodded along like a pecking chick.

In her eyes, every detail matched her Ashu.

Qi Huan's heart was filled with sweet honey-like pleasure. During dinner, she ate two large bowls of rice and numerous vegetarian dishes with a hearty appetite.

After dinner, everyone moved to Qingsong Court to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

The charcoal basin released threads of heat, warming the entire room like spring.

Qi Huan was immersed in a sea of laughter and joy. Her heart felt warm. This must be the feeling of home.

Ximen Ye, who shared this feeling, was also called by Elder Madam Song for the family reunion.

He wore a mask, his fringe covered half his eyes, and he occasionally coughed.

Every time he coughed, the Song family frowned sympathetically.

Qi Huan forced a concerned expression to fit in, though internally, she scoffed at Song Jingche's award-worthy performance.

Elder Madam Song, full of concern, commented, “Jingche, your mother didn't consider your health properly. I was so excited that you could finally celebrate New Year with us since Qi Huan gave you a mask, but I overlooked your health issues.”

The supposedly unwell Ximen Ye immediately ceased his coughing, still putting up a show of weakness.

His act fooled everyone in Song Mansion, and he returned to Qingfeng Court to sleep soundly.

Although he loved the warmth of the Song family, pretending to be sick was too exhausting—especially pretending to have a disease that could potentially 'cough him to death' at any moment.

He had no intention of making the Song family worry. But if he suddenly recovered, he would need a suitable reason.

The medicine from Qi Huan that was meant to cure him, he gave to an under the table supporter suffering from tuberculosis— a last-ditch effort, not holding much hope.

There was no news from that end yet, most likely meaning it was of no use.

After his departure, the ambiance was immediately lifted again by Young Madam Song.

“It’s a long night, how about we play mahjong?”

"Sounds good!”

Old Lady Song was excited; it was her time to shine!

The maids quickly gathered the mahjong tiles.

The Elder Master and Old Master Song swiveled around then finally decided to sit on either side of Qi Huan, offering suggestions and strategies.

They heard that Qi Huan lost terribly last time, and they were determined to help her win a few rounds tonight to cheer her up.

The father and son watched the game intensively; Qi Huan couldn’t throw the game even if she wanted to. She won one round after another.

The joyful laughter filled the Qingfeng Court.

Under the same sky was Li Shuchen, feeling cold and desolate.

Being a crippled crown prince, most officials shunned him.

The undercover officials who were on his side needed to avoid suspicion in public.

So, there he was, eating his meal in silence.

In the royal banquet hall, the emperor held the recently awakened Second Prince on his lap. The Second Prince’s mother, Imperial Consort Yao, sat beside them.

They were the centre of attention, and the feast was lively. But none of it concerned Li Shuchen.

Finally, the emperor remembered that he needed Li Shuchen to ward off disaster for the Second Prince, and graciously rewarded him with venison.

Prematurely dismissing the Second Prince with a feigned disgust, he seemed to be more concerned about Li Shuchen.

The court was taken aback. How could the emperor switch faces faster than flipping pages in a book!

Recalling the emperor's feckless and extravagant behavior, the courtiers quickly changed their expressions, and one after another, they turned to greet Li Shuchen.

Li Shuchen's smile did not reach his eyes, and the corners of his mouth hooked up in a slight mockery.

The loyal ministers and generals of the past have long been purged by the emperor.

The officials present were either flatterers or those who were hiding their light under a bushel, waiting for a wise monarch. Some were the emperor's most trusted confidants, who he believed to be loyal to him.

Li Shuchen was deeply disgusted by the murky political arena and had even thought about secretly eliminating the usurper who had started all this—the current puppet emperor, and directly ascend the throne.

However, he lacked military power.

Once the emperor died, the balance would be broken. Holding no military power would be like a child holding gold, defenseless, only to prepare the wedding dress for others.

So he could only plot slowly.

On the one hand, he was secretly rallying usable people, while inserting flexible talents into the political court.

On the other hand, he was eroding military power.

The military power of Li Country was half controlled by the Marquis of Xuanping, the second prince's maternal grandfather, and half by Prince Shun, who was constantly supplying the emperor with money.

Using the marriage of Li Yuanxiu, he tickled the relationship between the two parties again, causing them to create trouble for each other. After a part of their manpower was lost, he arranged for his subordinates who were mixed in the army to fill in.

Li Shuchen retracted his thoughts, and a deep chill rose in the depths of his eyes.

Since the emperor kept him to shield the second prince from disaster, he had to show some worth.

So, he spat out a mouthful of black blood.

Yan Wu by his side immediately shouted, “Your Highness! What’s wrong?!”

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