After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 203: Song Jingcheng’s Confession

Chapter 203

Noticing her gaze lingering a bit too long, Young Madam Song touched her cheek and asked, "Is there something on my face?"

"Yes!" Qi Huan snapped back to reality and flirtatiously delivered a cheesy pickup line: "A bit of beauty."

Suddenly complimented, Young Madam Song burst into laughter.

At that moment, a brief exclamation came from outside the room.


Immediately followed by Song You'an's gentle voice: "Nanny, are you alright?"

"This servant is fine, thank you for your concern, Third Young Miss." Nanny Xu patted her chest and lifted the door curtain for her.

The cold wind took the opportunity to blow into the room, bringing a chill.

Qi Huan rose to greet Song You'an, who wore a shy smile, while discreetly glancing at Nanny Xu from the corner of her eye.

After exchanging pleasantries, she feigned curiosity and asked, "What happened to Nanny Xu just now?"

"...I startled Nanny," Song You'an said, fidgeting with her fingers. "Earlier, Nanny was imitating a gecko. I suddenly walked by, and she cried out in fright."

"Imitating a gecko?"

Hearing her candid description, Qi Huan could barely suppress her amusement.

Nanny Xu was clearly eavesdropping!

Qi Huan said with a teasing tone, "Nanny Xu has such unique hobbies."

At her words, a fleeting look of discomfort crossed Nanny Xu's weathered face.

"Miss Cousin is joking. This servant is just getting old and my hearing isn't as good. I was standing closer so I wouldn't miss it if Madam called for me."

Hearing this, Young Madam Song's eyes filled with emotion: "Nanny, why do you insist on doing everything yourself? You know you're getting on in years, why won't you take a good rest? Just have the young maids wait outside, they're young and have sharp ears."

Nanny Xu, who had just claimed to be old and hard of hearing, looked slightly abashed.

She quickly put on an expression of loyalty and replied, "The young maids are clumsy, I can't trust them. Madam is with child now, even more precious. Only by staying by Madam's side at all times can I feel at ease."

"Even if I have to endure some wind and cold, as long as I can serve Madam well, I'm willing to do it gladly."

Her words were earnest, and Young Madam Song hurriedly ordered Shuhua, who had followed them in, to fetch a hot water bottle for her.

"Nanny, you've been standing in the corridor for so long, quickly warm your hands with this hot water bottle."

Nanny Xu accepted the hot water bottle with feigned reluctance, expressing her gratitude repeatedly.

As they spoke, Qi Huan took the opportunity to look at Nanny Xu, examining her closely.

She saw that behind her simple facial expression, her eyes were quite lively.

Her brand-new cotton robe with auspicious cloud patterns made her appear quite plump.

With just a few words, she had managed to get Young Madam Song to reward her with a hot water bottle.

Of her hundred-odd pounds of weight, ninety-nine were cunning. Her rolling eyes were full of calculation.

Yet, she had raised Young Madam Song since childhood, and Young Madam Song trusted her implicitly. To reveal her true nature would require a gradual approach.

Beside them, Song You'an took the sewing basket from the maid's hands and invited Qi Huan to join her in keeping Young Madam Song company while doing needlework to pass the time.

Qi Huan began to focus intently on her battle with the needle and thread.

She wanted to embroider another sachet for Li Shuchen to change into.

The three of them chatted idly while sewing.

In reality, it was mainly Qi Huan and Young Madam Song talking, with Song You'an mostly responding with a simple "Mm."

Occasionally she'd add an extra syllable: "Mm-hmm."

Qi Huan first recalled the palace intrigue and family drama series she had watched in her previous life, then mixed in some plots about evil servants misleading their masters, weaving them into a story to tell them.

Finally, she took the opportunity to say to Young Madam Song, "Sister-in-law, these stories teach us that listening to multiple perspectives leads to clarity, while listening to only one side leads to bias."

"Besides listening to Nanny Xu's opinion, when you encounter issues, you can also ask others for advice."

"For example, Elder Male Cousin."

"Alright!" Young Madam Song was easily persuaded and immediately agreed.

When night fell.

She poked Song Jingcheng's chest, and as soon as she opened her mouth, her voice became a bit hoarse: "Husband, I'm with child now, so we can't share a bed. Do you need Shuyu......"

"No need."

In the dim room, Song Jingcheng's eyes were clear, and he firmly rejected before she could finish speaking.

He gently stroked Young Madam Song's hair and said tenderly, "Amin, don't overthink things."

"My heart isn't big, it only has room for you."

"Don't mention taking concubines again."

Hearing his resolute answer, Young Madam Song snuggled closer to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, and said softly, "Husband is so good."

Song Jingcheng lightly patted the back of her head, "Did you remember what I said tonight?"

"I remember, husband doesn't want Shuyu."

Song Jingcheng laughed, amused yet exasperated. He gently tapped her forehead with his knuckle and said, "Not just Shuyu. I don't want anyone except you."

The doctor had said that women tend to be more sensitive during pregnancy. Song Jingcheng thought for a moment and decided to bare his heart to her.

"Even before you were born, Mother often took me to the Gu Mansion to visit your pregnant mother. They always teased me, saying if your mother had a little girl, she would be my wife. If it was a stinky boy, he'd be my sworn brother."

"By then, I already had Song Che as my brother. I didn't need another brother, but I didn't have a wife."

"So I hoped your mother would give birth to a wife for me."

"Later, you were born, and sure enough, you were a girl. However, I burst into tears."

"Because when you were just born, you were all wrinkled, like a little old man. I hadn't expected my wife to look like that."

Recalling this, Song Jingcheng chuckled softly, but Young Madam Song punched his chest lightly.

He took the opportunity to hold her hand and continued:

"Perhaps because the first impression was so strong, I kept thinking about you. Soon, our families exchanged betrothal gifts."

"No matter whether you looked like an old man or not, at least I had a wife. Song Che didn't have one, and You'an didn't either. I was quite proud at the time."

"I urged Mother to take me to see you again. By our second meeting, you had already grown into a chubby, fair-skinned little dumpling. I even got to hold you, and you drooled all over me."

"I began to wonder, the next time I saw you, would you look different again? I eagerly awaited the day Mother would take me to the Gu Mansion to see your transformation."

"Later, your mother suddenly passed away. Mother worried you might be neglected at the Gu Mansion, so she would occasionally bring you to stay at the Song Mansion."

"Every time, before I had had enough of playing with you, your father would come to take you home. So I would ask Mother, when could you stay at our home for good?"

"Mother said, when I grew up, when you came of age."

"I started to eat diligently, trying hard to grow up."

"When I was young, I liked you because I enjoyed playing with you, liked seeing you toddle after me."

"Soft and sweet, adorable and innocent."

"Love begins without one knowing, growing deeper with time. Year after year passed, and gradually, my eyes saw only you."

"You are the wife I've been waiting for all these years, and you will be my only one in this life."

"Amin, you can try to trust me."

"When I say I won't take concubines, it's not an empty promise."

"I will let time prove it to you."

By the time he finished speaking, Young Madam Song's tears had soaked his clothes.

Miss Cousin was right, listening to only one side leads to bias.

She shouldn't have only listened to Nanny's suggestions.

Nanny is Nanny, husband is husband. They are different people with different thoughts.

Nanny's thoughts don't represent husband's thoughts.

Young Madam Song sniffled, the heavy stone pressing on her heart suddenly lifted.

"Husband, I will never mention taking concubines again... I want to have you all to myself."

"Good." Song Jingcheng chuckled softly, slowly patting her back to soothe her to sleep.

The next day.

After finishing breakfast, Young Madam Song summoned Shuyu.

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