After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 251: Palace Banquet

Chapter 251

The Longshun Emperor's eyes were rimmed with dark circles, his steps slightly unsteady. His cloudy eyes rolled as he observed the young ladies kneeling in the hall, seeing only a sea of bowed heads. Uninterested, he quickly walked to the seat of honor.

"Rise," he commanded.

Imperial Consort Yao nestled against him, feeding him a freshly peeled grape. She giggled coquettishly, "Your Majesty has finally arrived. Let's help our son choose a suitable princess consort."

The Longshun Emperor chewed the juicy grape and replied perfunctorily, "I will make the decision."

Meanwhile, his eyes gleamed as they scanned the hall.

"Your Majesty, who are you looking for?" asked Imperial Consort Yao.

"...Why hasn't our son arrived yet?"

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

The eunuch outside the hall announced in a shrill voice: "Prince An has arrived!"

The Longshun Emperor's brow furrowed, his expression displeased.

How dare Li Shuchen arrive even later than him?

What's worse, all the young ladies in the hall turned to look at Li Shuchen in unison, instantly stealing his thunder!

Li Shuchen sat in a wheelchair, pushed slowly into the hall by Yan Wu. "This son's legs are not well, causing my late arrival. I beg Father Emperor's forgiveness."

The Longshun Emperor glanced at his wheelchair, his gaze gradually softening. "You are forgiven. Take your seat quickly."

He was just a cripple after all, not worth fussing over.

Since the deaths of Prince Zhong and Prince Shun, Yu had not experienced any further incidents, so there was no longer a need for Li Shuchen as a shield.

However, when Li Yuanshan rebelled, he revealed the truth about the real and fake emperors. Rumors about his illegitimate claim to the throne never ceased in the imperial city. Some even brought up how he had insisted on deposing Li Shuchen and exiling his only legitimate son, using it as evidence that he was an impostor.

The Longshun Emperor had no choice but to bide his time and let Li Shuchen carry on for a while longer.

"Your Majesty, now that your son has arrived, shall we begin the banquet?" Imperial Consort Yao suggested.

After the Longshun Emperor grunted in assent, Imperial Consort Yao exchanged a glance with the head eunuch of Xi Yao Palace. The shrewd Eunuch Dong immediately understood and instructed the musicians: "Play the music!"

Amidst the sound of strings and woodwinds, Imperial Consort Yao suggested to the Longshun Emperor, "Today, I've invited noble ladies to appreciate chrysanthemums. Why don't we make chrysanthemums the theme and have them compose poems?"

If anyone wanted Li Shuchen dead the most, it would be Imperial Consort Yao.

Li Shuchen, as the eldest legitimate son, overshadowed her own second prince.

Although he was crippled, she remained uneasy and specifically requested two distant nieces from her father, intending to place them by Li Shuchen's side to monitor him.

Imperial Consort Yao proposed a game of "Passing the Flower."

Under Eunuch Dong's direction, her niece Liu Yiyi recited a pre-written poem with practiced ease.

The game continued, and Zhuang Jingxian, the capital's most talented young lady, also improvised a poem.

Qi Huan hunched her shoulders, trying to blend in, silently praying: Please don't stop in front of me.

In her past life, she feared being called on by teachers.

After transmigrating, she still couldn't escape it at banquets...

Just as the drum stopped and she breathed a sigh of relief, the Longshun Emperor said, "Is Cloud Brocade County Princess present?"

Qi Huan stood up and curtsied, "This subject is here."

"Come, compose a poem," the Longshun Emperor commanded, brooking no refusal.

He had to give her a chance to shine, to smoothly arrange her marriage later.

However, Qi Huan only wanted to curse him silently, while frantically searching her mind for verses about chrysanthemums.

"When autumn comes on the eighth of the ninth month, my flowers bloom after all others wither. A heavenly fragrance permeates Chang'an, the entire city adorned in golden armor."

She silently thanked Huang Chao's "Ode to Chrysanthemums" for saving her life.

After she finished reciting, the Longshun Emperor took the initiative to applaud and asked Li Shuchen, "What does our son think?"

"It's passable."

"Which young lady's poem does our son think is the best?"

"...Miss Zhuang's 'Ode to Chrysanthemums' is quite good."

Zhuang Jingxian glanced at him in surprise, her expression unchanged, but the corners of her lips curled into a faint smile.

The Longshun Emperor snorted coldly, "No taste. I think Cloud Brocade's poem is better!"

His adopted son chose to praise Zhuang Jingxian, surely to curry favor with the Minister of Rites!

He, being clever, would absolutely not let him succeed!

Zhuang Jingxian, eliminated!

After the poetry recitation, Qi Huan thought the talent showcase was over, but she didn't expect this was just the beginning of the Longshun Emperor's madness.

After the general's fourth daughter, Wang Hongling, finished singing, the Longshun Emperor called for Qi Huan to sing as well.

Qi Huan wanted to retort: Don't drag me into this!

However, under imperial authority, she had no choice but to bow her head and resignedly sang an ancient-style song.

The Longshun Emperor again took the lead in applauding her and continued to ask Li Shuchen, "Who does our son think sang better?"

"...Miss Wang."

"No taste."

The Longshun Emperor thought to himself: This bastard must be eyeing General Wang's military power!

Can't let him succeed!

All three daughters of General Wang, eliminated!

A short while later.

When Liu Yiyi changed into a water-sleeved costume and began to dance gracefully, Qi Huan felt very nervous.

Surely the Longshun Emperor wouldn't make her dance too?

Fortunately, the Longshun Emperor's attention was completely captivated by the young ladies in the great hall.

Willow-like waists, so slender they could be grasped with one hand. Graceful figures, radiant and alluring.

Such peerless beauties couldn't be given to Li Shuchen!

Liu Yiyi, eliminated, to be his!

Imperial Consort Yao watched anxiously, but she still had another trick up her sleeve.

Soon, it was time for Imperial Consort Yao's second distant niece, Liu Er'er, to perform.

She wore a red ceremonial dress, as alluring as fire, with delicate high heels that accentuated her tall, slender figure.

Her slender jade fingers picked up a jade flute, playing a melody that was haunting and ethereal, clear and beautiful.

The late Empress Yan's favorite instrument had been the flute, and the piece Liu Er'er played was one she often performed during her lifetime.

As the music faded, the lingering notes seemed to hang in the air.

Li Shuchen's fingers suddenly gripped his teacup tightly, a cold smile flickering in his eyes.

Indeed, the flute's sound evoked his most beautiful memories.

But this woman played terribly, not even close to his mother's skill.

The Longshun Emperor didn't feel the same way, however. The flute's melody carried his thoughts to the distant past.

He seemed to see the breathtakingly beautiful Empress Yan again, her expression cool, her eyes aloof, an air of detachment that made one want to pull her down from the heavens.

The Longshun Emperor sat up a little straighter, looking at the red-clad young woman in the hall, thinking to himself: This dress is quite unique, accentuating the girl's curves.

Not bad!

The palace banquet proved quite fruitful for the Longshun Emperor.

He had Liu Yiyi on his left arm and Liu Er'er on his right. Behind him, Imperial Consort Yao was nearly tearing her handkerchief to shreds in anger.

Remembering that Li Shuchen had praised Zhuang Jingxian and Wang Hongling, Imperial Consort Yao kept them behind, attempting to persuade them to be her spies.

As for Qi Huan, whom Li Shuchen had "disdained," she didn't spare her a single glance.

Qi Huan returned home without any obstacles.

After dinner, she fell into bed and immediately drifted off to sleep.

She was awakened by a ticklish, tingling sensation.

"Shuchen, stop teasing," she murmured.

Li Shuchen's thin lips retreated as he pulled her into his embrace. "Were you angry earlier today?"

"Yes!" she answered firmly.

Hearing her resolute response, Li Shuchen's heart suddenly tightened. His dark lashes lowered as he looked down at her. "I'm sorry, Huan. Your poem was the most accomplished. Your song was the most melodious and moving. I came to explain this to you."

"In public, the more indifferent I appear towards you, the safer you are."

Qi Huan burrowed deeper into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his lean waist. Her voice was soft and sweet with drowsiness: "I'm not angry with you. I understand everything."

"I'm angry at that dog emperor."

"I don't want to recite poetry, I don't want to sing, I don't want to perform..."

Hearing the annoyance in her voice, Li Shuchen's chest rumbled with a muffled laugh. His hand slowly patted her back. "Alright."

"...After this year, no one will dare force you again."

In the distance, the faint sound of night watchmen could be heard. Clouds had imperceptibly covered the moon, and Qi Huan's breathing gradually evened out as she fell into a sweet dream.

In her dream, there were no teachers calling on her, and no Longshun Emperor...

The next day.

She had just finished washing up when a little maid came running in hurriedly: "County Princess, the Old Madam asks you to come to the front hall to receive an imperial decree..."

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