After Transmigrating as a Demon, I've Been Adopted by Angels!

Chapter 272 - Personal Adoration

Chapter 272: Personal Adoration

Those dragon kings who did not have much strength and liked to play with power, in their eyes, had no need to exist at all.

Only strong people like the Dragon Queen were truly worthy of their followers!

As long as she was strong enough, all her shortcomings could be regarded as strengths!

The cruel rule was the only way to become a queen.

Zero tolerance for traitors was to better protect these dragon warriors who were loyal to the Dragon Queen and the Dragon Queen’s actions were all to improve her own strength. In the eyes of those dragon warriors, it was reasonable.

There did not need to be many strong people. As long as there was a Dragon Queen who was enough to support the Dragon Race, it was enough.

If Sarafini suddenly changed her mind one day and instead of increasing her own strength, she focused on increasing the strength of the Dragon Race warriors, they would find it strange.

There was no need to increase the strength of a group of trash.

As long as the strength of the Dragon Queen increased, under the stimulation and radiation of her powerful strength, the strength of the Dragon Race warriors would naturally increase to a huge level.

The bloodline power of the Dragon Race was originally very powerful. After being stimulated by the aura of the Dragon Queen, the weak dragon warriors would quickly increase their strength.

This was the secret of the overall strength of the Dragon Race.

It was also the reason why Sarafini was able to unify the entire Dragon Race in a short 20,000 years.

If the Dragon Princess Lilia was still waiting for their rescue, those dragon warriors even had the urge to give all their power to the Dragon Queen, Sarafini.

Now, Sarafini was like the sun shining in the sky, filling all the dragon warriors with hope and causing them to fall into a frenzy of personal worship.

Someone shouted, “I swear to be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen! I will never be a traitor to the Dragon Race!”

As soon as these words were said, it immediately caused all the dragon race warriors to shout out in excitement.

“I swear to be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen! I will never be a traitor to the Dragon Race!”

“I swear to be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen! I will never be a traitor to the Dragon Race!”

“I swear to be…”

The shouts continued without end.

Over 2,000 Dragon Race warriors shouted out with all their might, like the sound of rolling tides, it was extremely shocking and infectious.

Looking at those excited dragon warriors, Sarafini was also very touched.

She did not expect that the ordinary dragon warriors that she did not notice on a daily basis would still have that kind of unreasoning worship and loyalty toward her.

Under the influence of that kind of emotion, Sarafini shouted in a blank manner, “Stop.”

More than 2,000 dragon warriors instantly stopped their actions.

They were all well-trained.

This made the surrounding angels click their tongues in wonder.

It seemed that the reason why the Dragon Race had grown so quickly and became a strong neutral force had a lot to do with Sarafini’s charisma.

Sarafini continued, “To tell you the truth, I originally did not have much hope for you. It was because you did not have much actual combat experience, and your strength was low.

“The Dragon Race has always spoken with strength.

“However, the deaths and betrayals of those eight dragon kings made me realize a huge problem.

“That is, the Dragon Race doesn’t need any dragon kings.

“Their reliability isn’t even comparable to loyal dragon warriors like you.

“From now on, all the dragon warriors in the Dragon Race can only listen to my orders.”

After saying that, Sarafini raised both her hands.

Her palms were facing upwards, and a transparent energy appeared in her palms.

Following that, under the effect of her spatial spell, the transparent energy instantly enveloped all the dragon warriors.

The transparent energy not only helped the kneeling dragon warriors to stand up but it also stimulated their dragon bloodline.

In an instant, all of the dragon warriors felt a burning sensation.

In an instant, they had risen by at least a small realm!

There were originally over 20 level 9 cherubim, but now, they had become level 1 seraph angels.

Of course, the price to pay was huge.

All of the dragon warriors had been drained of 30% of their strength by Sarafini.

After she retracted the transparent energy, the energy from the dragon warriors entered her body.

Furthermore, the energy from the dragon warriors had been absorbed by Sarafini in an instant.

On the other hand, the power that had been absorbed from the four dragon kings had not been absorbed by her.

She quickly understood the reason.

Before the four dragon kings died, their bodies were filled with a strong resentment.

This caused their power to be contaminated by that resentment.

After their death, that resentment had resisted the absorption of the power of the four dragon kings.

However, the dragon warriors were different.

When they offered their power, they were full of gratitude and respect.

That was why their power was quickly absorbed by Sarafini.

As a result, although the four dragon kings had a higher realm, their power was not as useful as the power of the dragon warriors.

Therefore, Sarafini simply converted the strength left in the four dragon kings’ bodies into low-level strength and distributed it to the dragon warriors.

Converting high-level strength into other strengths was equivalent to adding water to wine.

Converting high-level strength into higher-level strength was equivalent to extracting alcohol from grapes.

Obviously, adding water was easier.

In an instant, Sarafini converted the energy left behind by the four dragon kings into energy for the lower-level dragon warriors.

At the same time, she extracted 20% of the dragon warriors’ energy.

A total of 50% of their energies were extracted.

In other words, each dragon warrior contributed half of their energy to Sarafini.

However, the feedback that the dragon warriors received from Sarafini was 100% of their strength.

In other words, not only did the dragon warriors not lose their strength, but they also gained half of their strength.

In addition, all the dragon warriors advanced by a small realm.

Sarafini’s lost strength was also replenished.

Although she was still far from reaching the upper limit of her current realm, it was enough for her to launch an attack on that demon.

After all, the strength of those dragon warriors was relatively low.

After transforming into that kind of transparent strength, there was not much.

Sarafini was giving up a portion of the strength that was difficult to absorb to stabilize the mood of the dragon warriors.

At the same time, it could also improve the strength of the dragon warriors.

Using the four dragon kings and their power to reward the dragon warriors was like using flowers to offer Buddha.

However, it made the dragon warriors even more grateful to her.

The dragon warriors were ecstatic.

Logically speaking, they were all the subordinates of the dragon kings.

Moreover, from the third dragon king to the eighth dragon king, they were all traitors.

According to what Sarafini had done in the past, they were very likely to be implicated by those dragon kings.

That was why they had always been in a state of fear and trepidation.

However, this time, not only did Sarafini not use the excuse to punish them, but she also helped them increase their realms and strength.

This was a reward that they had never received before.

Originally, according to their talent, it would take them hundreds of thousands of years to increase a small realm, let alone increase their strength after the realm increase.

However, now, in a very short period of time, they had obtained all of this and the cost of this was only half of their strength.

This caused all the dragon warriors to have a huge change in their views of the Dragon Queen.

It turned out that she was not a completely cold and heartless person.

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