Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 124: Fighting A Mystic Art Swordsman - Part 1

Chapter 124: Fighting A Mystic Art Swordsman - Part 1

The distant memory of meeting that assassin was still fresh in my mind, as the deep fear of him was still lingering around my heart. That assassin gave me the impression that no matter what I did back then, I would have died.

Was this swordsman like him, or was weak and a beginner like me?

That was the question.

"Is it fair for thousands of players to attack a single weak female like me?"

I replied back without showing any signs of weakness. I hoped this player would be weak like me, or else this game would be as good as lost.

"Weak female player? C'mon girl, your fame is now earth shattering, like thunder echoing everywhere. Even those old monsters have heard about your name more than once."

He replied while keeping moving forward without pause. This swordsman was pretty confident in his ability to face me, which made me worry. Was I ready to fight such a person now? I couldn't answer that without giving this a try.

"I heard we can't face each other in the open, isn't this a rule of our community?"

I suddenly said that in a try to threaten him; however he sneered as he replied:

"What? Are you afraid of me? That rule applies only between different ranks, however me and you have the same rank. I wonder, which one of us is stronger? So I decided to come here today and see the results myself."

That was good; he was at least at my rank, a disciple candidate. That meant he wasn't far ahead of me, however his knowledge of mystic arts was way higher than me.

At least he knew the full rules, unlike me who knew nothing. I swore after finishing here, I must dig deeper about any possible useful info regarding this mysterious group. After all, I was now one of them.

"You know I won't show mercy on you just because we are fellow mystic art players."

"It's users not players, and I don't give a damn about your mercy. Let's just start fighting and see who is stronger."

His words were getting harsh the more he talked. I sighed, why was my luck this bad? At this critical moment I met this man, was this fate?

Once he reached a distance of one hundred meters, he started to act. I knew how deadly my spears were, however I knew nothing about my enemy.

So, the first step here was to gather more info about him.

'Male, in his mid twentieth, uses two swords and loves to fight. Arrogant with foul mouth. He acts like a mercenary, do you know him?'

I took a picture of this player and sent it with this short, yet informative description to Rog. At the same time, the two swords shone brightly to be covered with fire, then he waved them simply towards me.

A gale of strange wind emerged from his swords. I was completely focusing over that player, so once that wind appeared, I jumped to the side while yelling:

"Take cover and move as far as possible from here."

I was worried about my small team getting entangled with this fight. This fight was at a level way higher than their abilities to handle.

Once I moved to the side, I managed to get a better grasp of this attack. The wind wasn't just simple wind, as there was strange dark brown fire inside it.

This fire took the shape of a snake, as it moved fast hissing with a small voice towards my location. Strangely, the attack was directed straight forward towards my previous stand, however it followed my movement.

This was insane! He could control his trick after launching it! I couldn't pull that feat, yet my enemy could.

My survival chances had plummeted to the ground at this moment, as I knew I would get hit no matter what I tried.

'He is a well known mystic art user, who got himself kicked out of the mystic art community long time ago due to his lack of following rules. He is famous for using two sword attacks, known as the snake gale. He could control its direction, so no matter where you escaped, the attack would follow suit.'

Rog suddenly sent this info to me. I was shocked when I read that in haste, as this player was acting full of himself just now, while he was simply fired from my community. I felt great rage towards him right now, so I sent rapidly asking back:

'How can I evade his attack?'

'You can't, simply the more moves you take, the stronger his attack will be. The best option to face him is to make mutual sacrifice. He reached level fifteen sometime ago, as he boasted this on the forums yesterday. Try to not move a lot, or else the power of his attack would escalate to higher degrees that you can't handle.'

Knowledge was really power, that was a fact I admitted and engraved to my mind at this moment. This game was based totally on knowledge, as now I knew exactly what I should do.

Instead of jumping for the third time away from his attack, I jumped straight towards it. I embraced the attack like it was a lover who went missing for years and finally met him.

My move was sudden, as it startled everyone observing this fight, including that swordsman. Once I got hit, I felt strange burning pain all over my body, which vanished after one moment, with a small one hundred appearing above my head.

It was the first time someone could cause a three figure damage to me since I learnt my trick and raised my level this high. I had full HP before the fight, so basically I had nearly eight hundred HP points left. Eight attacks to kill me, however I would kill him before reaching there.

As he was stupefied, I moved. The distance between us was already one hundred meter, not close not far, so in less than two seconds I managed to cross one third of it, and this was when he snapped out of his shock to yell angrily at me:

"You bitch, how did you know my art? I underestimated you, however do you think it will be this easy to get me? let's see who is faster."

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