Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 138: Entering The Town in A Grandiose Way

Chapter 138: Entering The Town in A Grandiose Way

Just as I reached the frontline of my players, the players began to move on their own, creating a path that kept deepening till it reached the gate of the town. 

I didn't enter there yet, as I raised my spear up high in a motion to make them all silent. Obediently, all the loud cheers stopped abruptly as it began.

"Goda, Grendy, Heda, Snad, Mony, and Rody come forth now. Rody, bring the fifty team leaders with you too."

I didn't plan to step an inch forward before I got all my upper echelon ready to walk by my side. If my players were to know me here, they should also know their other leaders.

I couldn't get this far without all of them, no matter how small their contributions were. I needed to establish this unspoken appreciation rule from the start of my group.

I needed everyone to know I never forgot any player who helped me. That was their right and I intended to share my moment of glory with them as appreciation.

In less than a minute, all of them appeared one by one with astonishing looks over their faces. I nodded calmly to every one of them; they were my main pillars that I would build my legacy here upon.

As they all gathered, I opened my mouth for the first time speaking to my players as I said with loud voice:

"This day will always be remembered in our minds. We didn't just start today, we got challenged by two superpowers and we ended up dominating them both. This day shall be engraved in the annals of this game world history, not for the day of our establishment, but the day of our rise.

Let's rise together to the top, become a super power like no other power had become. Let's show to everyone here in this game world who we really are. We are fighters, we are strong, we are the bloodthirsty dragon group, and this will be the beginning of our glory."

I just finished and then turned around and waved my spear in a showy manner before throwing it towards the forest again. The scene that was seen from this close up distance for my players had really left a deep mark inside their hearts.

I should turn these new players and mold them into the heart of one person, me. I waited for my spear to reach the forest, causing some devastation there, before snapping my fingers to make them reappear magically behind my back.

I turned to look at the players, who got mesmerized for moments by what I said and did, before they erupted in more earth shattering cheers. This time, they were cheering the name of my group. The bloodthirsty dragon group's name echoed everywhere, even I felt the town walls tremble from their voices, or it might be the ground.

I didn't know, but I was satisfied. I began to walk slowly, enjoying every ounce of this moment with my top players, who followed my steps without saying anything.

I peeped a look at them once over my shoulders, and their faces were really funny with many shocking and great impressions and satisfaction written all over their faces.

At this moment, I felt like my real steps in this game world had already begun.

The journey of less than one kilometer to the town gate took me nearly quarter an hour, as I walked very slowly on purpose. Just as I passed the gate, I was met by a new crowd of players who were chanting the name of my group.

Wow, the numbers of my players really increased fast!

I knew what I should do first, as the most important thing right now was to register the name of my group officially, so it will be known to everyone in the game.

I headed faster now towards the adventure hall. The stream of players in this town got scarily escalated during the time I took to fight that battle.

That was alarming, though, as I needed to maintain my current level advantage and help my main team players to rise up as well.

There was no time to lose then, it seemed my moment of glory and celebration was fated to end fast, to end now. Sigh!

The journey to the adventure hall didn't take much, and along the way more players joined the cheering. I doubted many of them were part of my group from the start, or else it would be shocking to have all of them under my banner in just one day!

None of my main players following me had spoken a word, although I heard some whispering from time to time. When I reached the doors of the adventure group, I waited for some of my group players to move on and clear a path to me.

I was the queen of this group, so I should always act as such.

I stepped into the hall, with only my main players behind me, heading directly to one NPC up front who was available with no players standing in front of him.

As for other players here, once I stepped in the hall they all looked at me with weird looks carrying different intentions. I ignored them all, as any enemy was welcomed before friends.

"What can I do for you, adventurer?"

That NPC greeted me once I stood in front of him. I smiled as I replied:

"I want to register the name of my adventure group."

"Your adventure group? is it newly created? That one who accepted the legendary challenge not long ago?"

I chuckled despite trying not to, as being known even for NPCs made me happier.

"Yes, sir. It's me who accepted that challenge."

His smile got wider as he said with honesty:

"You are a brave young girl, I like you. For your knowledge, you can't name the adventure group before fulfilling one of the conditions at least. Let me check the current status of your adventure group for you."

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