Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 140: Black Swan Restaurant

Chapter 140: Black Swan Restaurant

I suddenly recalled Shin's statement about exhaustion and the need to rest. Right now all I needed was to get this rest, as my body, my mind, and my soul perfectly understood what exhaustion meant.

I sat there, without any more interruption for my moment of peace for nearly two hours. I wasn't bored, however my mind was set on one thing, cakes!

Just as I was about to move from the hall to roam the town looking for any shop selling cakes, I found my fifty-seven top players coming at me. Finally, I was already bored.

"Why did you take that long?"

That was what welcomed them, as I was really bored right now. I needed to eat cakes!

"Sorry princess, now we are ready to move out."

I looked towards Shin, who seemed to take the hold of things in this group of my elites. I moved towards the door of the hall as I said:

"Let's go, where will we continue our talks?"

I asked without turning around, as I wanted to leave here and buy any cakes from any shop I would meet in our way.

"There is a good restaurant, the lady restaurant, we can head there."

This time it wasn't Shin who talked, he was Rody. I turned towards him as I said:

"Do they have cakes there?"

Rody didn't get it, no one here got it except for Rog, who just looked away and then vanished in thin air.

This assassin feared I would ask them to buy me cakes?! I wouldn't ask that from them, not yet. When they have earned it well here, I might enforce taxes in the form of cakes, but not now.

"It's a well known restaurant in many game worlds already with over tens of thousands of branches, so I believe they have good quality cakes. However"

Rody paused, as I got what he was worrying about. I replied with utter confidence:

"Don't worry about the money. Just lead the way."

They all moved behind me, except for my knight in shiny armor, who moved up front as he turned his head to say:

"Well, it's pretty much expensive there, and our target is to rent a room inside the restaurant, which would cost around twenty gold coins."

Whispers with gasps of astonishment appeared from everyone, all except me. Twenty gold coins were really considered nothing in my eyes. I had more than that, and if I wanted to gain more than I could easily sell some of my excess Elmante equipment and get more money.

"If you want, princess, then we can gather this up from each other. We have over fifty here, so if ea"

Rody was about to get in complicated mathematical issues that I wasn't a fan of, so I had to interrupt him by saying:

"Can you just stop there, please?"

He then stopped looking to me weirdly as I added:

"First of all, my name is Agatha. Being one of my top players here in the group gives you the privilege of calling my name directly if you like. As for this room thing, I got it. just lead the way to the restaurant."

Rody, who was moving up front, turned to look seriously to me as he said:

"It's nothing related to pride, princess. We are now part of the same group, so that makes us like a family. A family should stick to each other and help one another."

Oh, that was sweet. I liked that knight more; however he misunderstood the meaning of my words.

"I totally agree with you here, however twenty gold coins are nothing to me."

Rody shook his head as he continued walking up silently. He didn't believe me, neither most of the players here. they thought I might be overprotective, silly players.

"She is a blacksmith, real blacksmith. Money isn't an issue for her now."

This time, the help came from Shin, who spoke these words casually, however I appreciated his help. Everyone's looks changed once they heard him. it seemed they all knew how important being a blacksmith was, especially early on in this game.

"If that's true, then twenty gold coins are really nothing to you."

Rody said it with a laugh in a try to hide his embarrassment. Everyone laughed with him, which made me sigh. There was still a long road we needed to travel together with my players if I wanted them to be like Shin, Goda and the others.

The journey to the restaurant was free from any surprises, as everyone tried to know each other during the way. Initially I gathered two main groups of players, however what I discovered from their words was there were four groups, not just two.

The fifty one players belonged to three groups, as each had a leader. Rody was the leader of one of them, and Elyo was the leader of another. As for the last one, a swordsman named Gabri was the leader of it.

So, we headed towards that restaurant, which had a very nice name that I liked. The black swan restaurant was five stories high, which made it stand amidst many buildings in the town.

The restaurant had many levels, with each level divided into main building rooms, and outdoor tables and corners. At the front of it, there were ten swordsmen NPCs, wearing full sets of black equipment. They acted as the guards of this place.

We had to deal with them if we wanted to enter there, which seemed weird to me. Wasn't any restaurant like this aimed for players and NPCs to eat at it? It seemed to me this place selected its customers, not the opposite.

That was weird.

"Hello adventurers, do you want to reserve a table at our restaurant?"

A new person appeared suddenly amidst those swordsmen. He was a tall NPC with a kind face that made me feel secure. He was supposed to be the waiter here, or the manager, or anyone to help guide us in this weird place.

Something seemed off; however I didn't act suspiciously as I said:

"We want to reserve a room."

"Sure, my lady has a good taste to come here and ask to reserve one of our rooms. So, the most suitable room for your number is a level two room, which will cost you twenty gold coins and you can use it after six hours."

There was really something odd going on here. The town had many players right now, however a very scarce number of them would have enough money to rent such expensive rooms at such an extravagant price.

So, there was only the other answer, NPCs. What made NPCs gather here in secrecy and such a strange manner?

'Rody, have you ever gone to this restaurant before?'

I sent this message on the general chat of our team, as Rody replied instantly as he understood my meaning:

'This is the first time I meet such a tight security here.'

'Something seemed off, princess. Let's look for another place to meet.'

Shin suggested the same thing I was thinking about. Just as I was considering this, one of the ten swordsmen said with a sneer:

"Why don't you leave now and come after six hours? That would be the best for all of you."

I didn't know if he was advising or threatening us, however what he said confirmed my guess. I just finished a big battle, and didn't need another battle just after it. So, I decided to move.

'Let's move, is there any nearby restaurant?'

I asked in the team chat, when Rog was the one to reply:

'There is another restaurant, that is four stories building out there. It's not directly looking at here, however if we headed up the top then we could easily monitor here.'

'What are you talking about?' Elyo asked.

'The two of them want to spy on this restaurant,' Rody said while looking at me.

He wasn't the only one looking, as everyone looked strangely towards me, as I said to everyone in the chat:

'Why the long faces? Let's head there first and have a meal, I'm really starving.'

I started to move away from the door of that restaurant. Just as I moved, my players moved with me, however I managed to hear multiple smirks and sneers coming from behind me.

If I wasn't in a good mood today, I would have returned and made some trouble. Although they were NPCs, however something fishy was going on there. It just needed a little push for this mystery to be revealed.

We crossed the road intersection before we turned to the right heading towards the other restaurant.

'We are being followed.'

Just simply like that, Rog explained our current situation. That was weirder, as why would they send someone behind us?

'Assassin?' I asked.

'Twenty assassins,' Rog replied.

'That's a hell of just making sure we don't make any trouble,' Rody said.

'Is it safe inside that restaurant?' I asked the main issue right now.

'As long as we are inside, we are protected, in theory. However reality proved nothing is totally safe in this game,' Rog replied with his usual way, every word he said carried valuable info.

I liked that cool assassin; he was my ace assassin after all.

'So, we need to be ready for any battle, is there any more info about them Rog?'

I wanted to know more about their levels, as if they were way higher than us, then we need to reconsider facing them.

'Their levels are just like us, with the highest of them is only fifteen.'

'That's weird.'

'Yes, that's for sure very weird.'

Many exclamations like this appeared in the chat, which made me ask:

'Why is it weird?'

'Because the lowest level of any NPC in any town is twenty five.'

That was the response I got from the swordsman named Gabri. This time, it was my turn to join them as I said:

'What you just said is really weird.'

*I'm preparing for MASS RELEASE next week, so I hope you can support me with Stones, Reviews, and Gifts, the more I receive the more chapters I will write and publish.

Thanks for your support so far.*

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