Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 145: We Waited for A Trophy to End with A Trash

Chapter 145: We Waited for A Trophy to End with A Trash

They walked towards me and Aria directly with steady steps, three swordsmen, two knights, one magician, and lastly one assassin that wasn't using his stealth skill.

This didn't bode well, I could smell the scent of gunpowder from here even before they reached us. It was me who they were after, not Aria, so it was unfair to let her get involved in this.

'You can go inside your room, they want me not you,' I sent to her privately.

'You or me, what's the difference? We are sisters anyway, so let's welcome them together.'

She said that while moving one step to stand ahead of me. she took out her sword, the Elmante sword, that I gave to her from before and raised it above her shoulder in a careless manner.

She seemed to give the picture of not caring to the incoming players, or burdened by the threat they represented. She did deliver this picture perfectly, even though I believed her.

How could I be delayed than her?

I took a step forward while throwing my spear up in the sky. It fell gently over my fingertips, in a way that declared my identity and personality.

I wasn't a coward, I was a fighter, so if they wanted to press me hard using their strengths, they must reconsider this again.

I wouldn't bow my head to anyone of them, none was worthy to be an opponent to defeat me.

Our sudden responses didn't affect all of them, however some began to exchange silent glances. Aria sent to me just couple of meters before they stopped in front of us:

'Don't start fighting them, or else our end will be bad.'

I knew she wanted to warn me from being rushed, and I warned myself not to lose my calm and continue my control over my temper. This wasn't the right time or place to be explosive.

It was time to be smarter than the others by being the coolest one here.

"Oh, she is like what you said, Leli. A tigress wearing an armor and wielding a spear. I like her, if she wasn't preoccupied by our dear crown prince what a shame!"

One of the four players, the only assassin in that small group, spoke with his loud voice with a strange accent. I looked at him as he stopped, followed by the others.

So he was their boss, and this boss just tried to make fun of me. that said a lot about their purpose of this visit.

'Beware, he is the vice leader of the Godenal guild,' Aria tried to warn me, so I wouldn't lose my mind. That explained a lot, me and Godenal had a past history that was kind of complicated.

We were enemies, and enemies could recognize each other even from far.

"You have a point here, Artolo, however you missed the beauty thing, she has a big advantage there."

I looked towards the knight who said these words. Aria did the introduction at once as she said:

'He is Redicam, or Redi, the vice leader of the Moretine guild.'

I smiled as I said with loud calm tone:

"So, two of the front row are vice leaders of aristocratic guilds, while my dear friend Leli is in the back. That tells me a lot, so who are the other two in the front line? What guilds do you belong to?"

I asked Aria as I totally ignored them as if they weren't' even there. My move was good to irritate them, but not good enough to make them lose their temper.

"You described her best, a tigress. You know I was once described as a tigress before I was called by my lovely current name, do you know it ignorant tigress?"

She was the only magician, and the third player in the front. That meant she was vice leader of a guild, someone that couldn't be underestimated.

'She is the bloody Ory, vice leader of the Fasocar guild.'

Aria didn't delay to inform me with her identity, which was somehow interesting to me. As a girl, I was happy to see one of us standing shoulder to shoulder in the world of me.

"Bloody Ory, that's a nice name. I really admire a person like you, you know I didn't hire a mistress to help me in clothing, what do you think? Are you interested in working for the bloodthirsty princess, bloody Ory?"

My words made her smile, while others looked at her with weird looks. She raised her staff and pointed it to me as she said while laughing:

"Oh bitchy princess, I hope you prepare your neck for me. I love to see blood, and I haven't tasted royalty blood since ages."

I replied with a louder laugh while saying:

"I like you, what do you think Aria? Wouldn't she make a fantastic servant for me? Perhaps you can dance at night for my group and entertain them? the bloody Ory, the bloody dancer. I like that, let's do it Ory, you will be phenomenal."

"Hold it, Ory. She is trying to get the good side of you; just show her your bad side."

The fourth player, who was a knight, put his hand over Ory's arm to prevent her from doing anything foolish. Aria didn't delay to provide me with their news as she sent to me privately:

'He is Merad, or the wolf of Obselan. He is the vice leader of the Obselan guild.'

My smile didn't fade away as I welcomed the four guild vice leaders warmly:

"Welcome the vice leaders of the four aristocratic guilds. I just noticed that all of you are either long range players or dark players, or defenders. Don't you know any honor of direct battle? Don't you have any bravery or honesty at all? That's funny as I always thought being noble means to be an icon."

The four looked at me with suppressed anger; they managed to suppress their anger perfectly. Yet, I wasn't planning on letting them suppress it this easily. They were the ones who approached me looking for troubles, not the opposite.

So, I began to attack fiercely from there.

"Tell me, who is the one that will become my servant in this game?"

They raised their eyebrows while I added with doubt:

"What? Didn't my fianc, the crown prince himself, tell you to come here and serve me? He just promised me this, or you aren't here on his behalf?"

Ory, who was the one with the hottest temper, said at once:

"We didn't come here to entertain you, w"

I didn't give her time to continue her useless words, as I interrupted her by saying:

"Oh, so you are the trash that he mentioned. Do you know Aria that he told me there were some trash guilds and groups out there however he feared for my safety from them? it seemed we waited for the trophy to end with a trash."

***I'm preparing for MASS RELEASE next week, so I hope you can support me with Stones, Reviews, and Gifts, the more I receive the more chapters I will write and publish.

Thanks for your support so far.***

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