Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 148: The Butler Contract Is Offered to You, Can You Prove Your Worth?

Chapter 148: The Butler Contract Is Offered to You, Can You Prove Your Worth?

The situation got way above my wildest imagination. The ordinary medallion I was about to give for that wicked bitch for fifty points only, had now escalated to reach thousands.

"Three thousand points."

"Four thousand points."

"Four thousand and one hundred points."

"Five thousand points."

Wow, I just wanted to ask Aria or Rog about the importance of these points, if they were really valuable, then I might assign myself as a bounty hunter only for those expelled players.

How lucky I was to stumble onto this opportunity without even realizing its importance!

Knowledge was power, that statement was really priceless. I needed to raise my knowledge about this game away from my friends. I would go back to the blacksmith association and ask Lady Nada about a way to gather any available info regarding this game.

Amidst my thoughts, the auction had reached another level, bidding by other things than the points. The one who did it was the master who just hit that bitch on her face and punished her, Ivort.

"Ten thousand points plus the right to issue a butler contract with this pre-expelled disciple of mine for one hundred years."

He just said it, and I literally heard a storm of angry sounds that came in waves. I didn't get the whole meaning of these words however all I could hear were fragments like:

"This is unbelievable!"

"Who could bid against that!"

"You are well known for your kind heart."

"What a shameless act of you!"

"Do you trade one disciple by another? This is a losing bargain!"

"This a hard punishment for this young impulsive lady."

"Withdraw your bid and I will compensate you."

Many words came in line like an unstoppable train. I couldn't understand why these masters were so obsessed by this medallion, however what I didn't understand was the offer of this Ivort.

This time I had to ask, and the one I asked was that cool assassin who I began to like his practical attitude with me. I liked that charming attitude of his.

'Rog, tell me what are they talking about? What is the importance of this butler contract?'

Rog didn't delay in answering my question as usual, I believed that the cool ace of mine would never disappoint me, not even for once.

A man like him was dependable, the type that could make you sleep calmly at night.

'This is big, that master seemed to be very mad of his disciple, so he will grant that disciple to you under butler contract. That's of course in addition to the ten thousand points, which is an astronomical price in my opinion.'

His words confirmed my previous guesses and assumptions, so I asked again while waiting for the ongoing master talkative battle to end.

'What is the butler contract exactly? This bitch has a grudge against me, Rog. It would be nice if I don't have to deal with her. I can't trust her this way.'

'No, don't think about it like that. Butler contract is a very special contract. Here in the game you can attract many NPCs to work for you, some would be your followers, others would be your companions, however the most harsh of all is the butler contract,' Rog replied.

'Why is that?' I asked.

'Because Butler is considered the replacement of the player, the player's right hand. It has very strict restrictions, more strict than a slave, and that's logic as the authority any butler holds is like the authority of a player himself,' Rog explained.

I thought about it. if an NPC was let to think while he had the authority to act like me, then it would be disastrous.

'Are you saying I will have a complete control over their actions?' I asked, trying to make sure of my guess.

'No, that's now what I meant. Any butler would have his personality locked up and never regain its freedom except after certain period of time,' Rog said.

'In my case, it's one hundred years right? But what after these years and that bitch regained her personality back, wouldn't she try to take revenge on me?' I expressed my doubts.

'No, it's not like that. First of all you after one hundred years would be no way in comparison to yourself today. In addition to that, her memories would be wiped out, and even if she could remember, her powers would stagnate at the current level of hers. She won't be a threat to you. 

If you are feeling paranoid of her, then you can simply kill her just before the end of that butler contract. After all her life and death is just in your hands to decide,' Rog explained it slowly.

This was a harsh truth of the reality of this game. At first I thought this game was a weaker version of reality, which made me not take this game seriously at first.

However the deeper I went in this game, the more confused I got about it. this wasn't a milder form of reality, this was reality.

I had no issue with that, if this bitch would be a threat to me in the future then I would easily order her to kill herself without any second thoughts.

Kind hearted people always ended miserably in this reality.

Just as I was about to ask Rog for the value of these points, the debate about the bidding was over. The ongoing voices stopped abruptly like someone pressed a button, and then Ivort spoke finally to me.

"Little disciple candidate, I know you already have a master, and that's something wonderful. So, I can't, neither anyone here, offer you a place to join us as a disciple. So I had to offer something unique, something you would help you a lot in your next adventures.

However, my fellow masters here see this opportunity to be way higher than yours, as many doubt your potential and the value of your future growth. After all giving a baby something devastating like this butler would be a waste and it might endanger that baby as well.

So, I want to ask you, my little disciple candidate, what can you offer to us here to prove your worth of this?"

*** I'm preparing for MASS RELEASE in three days from now"Currently Prepared 5 Chapters" , so I hope you can support me with Stones, Reviews, and Gifts, the more I receive the more chapters I will write and publish. ***

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