Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 150: Gaining A Great Deal From Master Ivort

Chapter 150: Gaining A Great Deal From Master Ivort

"Are you sure? This master seemed to be a swordsman master," Rog said, as he was an assassin and he wanted to be a disciple under an assassin master.

"Don't worry, something tells me this isn't an issue here," then I turned to Aria as I whispered again, "the medallion please."

Aria was still shocked by my actions, and crazy thoughts, however she at the end gave me her medallion. Once she got out the medallion, the whole world seemed to hush from excitement and surprise.

It seemed it wasn't normal for two medallions to appear in a single day.

Then what about three?

I was crazy to think about this idea at the start, however this was the only way I got right now to impress them.

If I wanted to win the favor of this master then I had to play it big. I thought about using my trick however who didn't have a trick like mine? What would be special about my trick to leave a good impression?

I fought with some mystic art player who could control the direction of his attacks, he was way better and more special than me.

So I had to think irrational here, and improvise if I wanted to win this master's favor. At the same time I could secure a master for Rog and Aria at the same time. so I could solve this current problem about Solaris group and strengthen my growing group as well.

So, I took out my medallion that I was reserving for Rog. Three medallions were now in my hand, as I raised them high in the air while saying:

"Master, you offered me a great deal so I have no objection in accepting this bid of yours plus two medallions as a bonus, however I have a slight condition of mine."

I had to impress them, especially him, however I had to be clear from the start. If a misunderstanding happened here then everything would be lost.

"I know your condition, and I agree in accepting the two players behind you as my predisciple candidate on condition that they learn the mystic art recorded inside the two medallions."

The master didn't disappoint me, as he already figured out my intentions. However at this moment, other masters couldn't hold themselves anymore.

"Wait, you can't just take three medallions on your own, Ivort."

"There is one assassin here, just give him to me and I will train him well."

"No, this assassin will be treated best under my care, you know me Ivort, we are already friends."

"And I'm his ally, so back off already."

Suddenly the small auction turned into a battle of words between masters. I felt it wouldn't take much for them to actually fight. As I was fearing that, Ivort suddenly dropped that bomb to me as he declared:

"Let's show control over ourselves please, after all we aren't alone here. let's give the owner of the three medallion the right to decide what's best for her medallions and companions. I will support any decision she will take."

Bastard! That master was trying to scheme me! I felt anger as I thought of every bad way to end in here. this road he just showed me was a trap, full of traps, a road full of mines.

'Don't hesitate and try to think of a suitable answer, this is important.'

Suddenly the long silenced Shin decided to take part and help me out. He sent me this short vague message which I couldn't understand what the hell was he talking about. However I had no time to inquire for more.

I felt many eyes were focusing over me, as the time was short and the tension in the air was really unbearable, I decided to speak out the first thing that came in my mind:

"I don't have any other arrangements, I will give up the ownership of these medallions to master Ivort and he has the full right in dealing with them. my only condition is related to my friends and allies here, so other than that any arrangements by master Ivort is acceptable for me."

I spoke what I had in mind, as the more I spoke, the more I felt secure. This was the most simple, however safe answer I could come up with in this short period of time. in addition, it was simply the truth.

I only cared about Rog and Aria, other than both I had no other requests or arrangements in my mind.

Seconds passed in complete silence like hell over me, as I felt the tension increasing in the air without any signs of stopping.

Was my answer this bad? Were they going to fight now? Were these three medallions worth this struggle?

For my good luck, the three medallions didn't worth the battle between the masters here, as Ivort announced their final decision:

"According to the master council present here today, I Ivort will be responsible for acquiring three medallions from player Agatha, in addition to that I pledge in nourishing player Aria under my direct care as predisciple candidate.

As for player Rog, I will trust him to my friend, Armondo, as he will be responsible for raising him well. As for player Agatha, I will reward her by the Butler contract with my punished disciple, Diana, for one hundred years.

The contract will be signed now by myself, and I will send it to player Agatha in person. Does player Agatha agree on that decision?"

Why should I disagree? I wasn't stupid or retarded, so I yelled with great excitement:

"Of course I do agree."

The whispering voices that erupted all the time from the private rooms in this roof suddenly got silenced. At this moment, I was destined to be well known all over the world of the game, as I was the first one to acquire a Butler contract in this game server.

At this moment, I didn't realize how important that was, however in the next months to come I learnt. It was a milestone in my upcoming future, and a cornerstone so story that no one would dare to try and break it.

Diana, my sweet butler, would be the first stone I acquired towards achieving my aim, which was to be a guild master.

Just as I was happy and excited by this, I witnessed the sudden appearance of a middle aged man in front of me. He was tall, in fact he was very handsome, with no speck of fault over his face.

This man was really prettier than many girls I have met in my kingdom, however I didn't let that charming look of his deceive me. This was a master, one ruthless man who didn't hesitate to punish his disciple when she broke the rules.

Yes she deserved this punishment, however that meant he wasn't someone I would love to play with. So when he appeared I regained my composure as I put away my spear while saying:

"I assume you are master Ivort."

"Yes, this is our first time meeting each other, however I had to say that Sam is really lucky to have you as his disciple."

I smiled from his praise, when he added:

"Do you think I'm praising you on no ground? Young predisciple candidate, the two medallions that you gave to me will always be under your name. That means Sam got himself one disciple who owned another two disciples under her.

And me, only ended with one medallion, and one punished rogue disciple that needed to be punished for a long time. tell me, don't you deserve this praise or what?"

I actually was surprised by his words, so I opened my mouth without knowing how to respond. My look seemed to be really funny and weird as he smiled while saying:

"Don't worry, I'm not here to pressure, however, to congratulate you. I have great news for you, first we need to finish what we just agreed upon, what do you think of this contract?"

I looked at the piece of paper that he handed to me. It was a scroll that had many writings on it. it wasn't like the traditional contracts I had seen so far in the game. I took the scroll as I asked:

"May I ask what this is?"

Ivort answered calmly as he explained:

"This contract is special for the special butler you are going to have. No ordinary contract can hold this rogue disciple of mine."

I nodded as I understood the general theory of this contract. He was afraid of his disciple to get out of control of the normal contract's powers, so he tried to give me a safeguard.

That was so sweet.

I took the contract and began to read it silently with concentration. As my gut feeling told me, there was an issue with this contract.

"May I ask why the choice of the growth pattern of the butler is marked on the fixed, high leveled option?"

***I'm preparing for MASS RELEASE in two days, 5 CHAPTERS ARE READY, so I hope you can support me with Stones, Reviews, and Gifts, the more I receive the more chapters I will write and publish.***

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