Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 160: Finalizing The Plan of Mystic Art Test

Chapter 160: Finalizing The Plan of Mystic Art Test

This was obvious, as the end result of this would be reaching the critical mark of hunger value without any surprises. The roles of the cakes then will be extending my fighting time for a little more. I didn't know if that was acceptable to me, however Shin said before I could think of a way out of this:

"There is a solution to fix all that."

I looked at him instantly, while Gabri said:

"The increase in the mystic art user team? That would cost a fortune to do that!"

I rushed to say at this point:

"What do you mean? Can I increase the number of my twenty team players?"

"Yes, you can do it however you will need to pay a fee. For each extra player you need to pay ten gold coins. That's insane, as who would have all this wealth early in this game? we can't consider this option, we don't have a money tycoon here!" Rody said while shaking his head.

"Are there any upper limits to that? Any conditions for the players?"

I asked slowly as my mind was already formulating the plan to amass the gold coins needed for that, and the players I would recruit.

I didn't notice the weird looks from Gabri and Rody, in fact everyone here except for Shin and my old team looked at me in that suspicious way.

"T-There is no upper limit here, and you can bring any player you want as long as he plays in this game world," Gabri said with disbelief as his mind refused what he felt was going to happen.

As for me, my mind was busy running some calculations. If I had time to waste, then I would gladly wait for a month to prepare, however I didn't have that luxury here. I wanted to start this test as fast as possible.

So my options were limited, and the way I saw it I had to work harder and forge as many equipment as I could. The most effective way to do that was by farming for equipment while making others.

"Shin, I want you to form teams and send them into our special dungeon. Select the lowest level possible, and teach them about the tricks of this dungeon. The equipment they farm from there should be stacked by you and other vice leaders."

Shin looked to me in weird way before asking:

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, send as many players as you can send, however don't send anyone level thirteen or above. As for level thirteen they could go out and level up until they reach level fourteen. All players' level must stop at level fourteen, is this clear?"

They exchanged looks with each other, however they replied in unison:

"Yes princess."

"Good, now this will be your task until I finish my preparations. During that, look for any outstanding players that we can use in this test. After all, the place there seemed quite harsh and dangerous."

"Princess, what about new players?" Rody asked. I got his point, so I said:

"The door to our group will always be open for anyone, however any new player joining us will be tested by you. Replace your teams from the pool of players we will have, so your teams will be formed of elites, or players that have the potential to be."

Everyone nodded their heads showing their understanding of my words, I then stressed again over my previous crucial condition:

"Don't raise your levels to fourteen, or else I wouldn't be able to take you with me."

I exchanged silent glances with everyone here, and after I felt that my message was delivered successfully to them I ordered:

"Let's move, and I will inform you of the time of our gathering."

I stood up leading everyone outside this magical room. On the way down to the street, my new butler began to move following me like a shadow, without making any noise at all.

I wasn't used to someone following me like this, however I must get used to this. Her facial features began to show some improvements. It seemed Diana needed a couple of hours to regain her normal looks.

At the entrance of this restaurant we got our dishes, as I got my cake. Just from its fragrance I felt an irresistible desire to eat it, which took me some real effort to restrain myself from doing so.

At the doors of this restaurant I left my new team and moved alone towards the blacksmith hall with many thoughts in my mind. In fact I wasn't alone, as my butler was moving behind me like an after image of myself.

I tried to get used to her awkward presence, so I began to consider her like part of my body, like a new hand or leg for me. so I was alone going towards the blacksmith hall, with a great cake in my inventory covered in alluring transparent cover, and many plans about the future battle in my head.

Wars were fought by soldiers, however the main crucial life root of any war was money. Whoever had more wealth than the other side would win, or at least he would never lose.

I knew this fact very well, so I knew my biggest problem for now was to secure more funds to my ongoing war. If it was up to me, I would have chosen to wait for more weeks or even months, however that would be risky.

After all I couldn't stagnate my level all this time, and my trick needed to be leveled up as well. The memory of that swordsman's ability to control the course of his swords trick was still alive in my mind.

I needed to reach this level and go beyond it.

So it needed to be done soon, however that would limit my ability and future potential as I had a strong feeling about this test great opportunities were waiting for me there.

If I took a few players with me then I would regret it, so I was thinking how to amass more money without any reservations. I even thought about contacting Aria and Merwid and making future arm deals with them for advance payment now.

However I refrained from doing this, as who would have more than one hundred gold coins here except for me? I doubted they could give me more money that I already had.

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