Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 167: Meeting Sir Terry, The Bloody Warrior

Chapter 167: Meeting Sir Terry, The Bloody Warrior

I began to check the list of goods in front of me. To be honest, I was ignorant to all of these goods, however each one of them had a detailed description beside it.

The first group of goods were related to equipment. I didn't read any of them as I scrolled rapidly to the next section, which was about designs and potions and other lifestyle basic goods like architectural layouts and engineering drawings.

These designs really captivated me, especially when their levels were above fifty and their grade was dark gold at least. When I looked into the price needed for them I felt astonished, the cheapest was sold by fifty thousand gold coins.

What an extravagant price for such a blacksmith design! I was sure I could make dark gold designs once I exceeded level fifty. Although I felt somewhat tempted by these designs, I didn't rush to buy any as my wealth wasn't even enough to buy any of them.

When I scrolled after that, I was met by things that opened my mind to the new world, the war equipment.

During my era as a great general of my kingdom, I usually used forts and fortified points to defend and fight. At open space wars I usually depended on my soldiers.

However in front of me right now I found many things that I didn't know existed before. There was a flying fort, a flying fortress that could accommodate hundreds of thousands of players to fight anywhere anytime I wanted.

There were many portable defending towers, artificial trenches, even mine fields that would cause any area to be prohibited for the enemy troops.

These were like a new world to me, so I began to read and learn. Of course the prices were extravagant, especially for that flying fort. Its owner asked for fifty million gold coins plus some strange named items. 

The most reasonable prices were for the artificial trenches, then for mine lands, and finally the towers. Although I knew I couldn't buy a portable tower right now, as at least one of them cost at least one hundred thousand gold coins.

Why were things here this spicy?!

I sighed as I went on to read about unique objects. Things like special scrolls, treasure maps, lost world gates, and other stuff that were strange and very hot on price.

What was frustrating though was the fact these prices were just the basic price set by the owner. Which meant each one of them might be sold at the end with a higher price, double or even triple prices wouldn't be strange here.

Why didn't I have special items like these? I sighed, as my luck wasn't as good as I thought it would be.

In a deep frustration I closed this window, how could I be happy when I wanted to buy all of these goods and I could buy none right now?

I then began to look around me trying to expel these thoughts from my mind. I wasn't interested in my team opinion about this list, as I was sure there would be nothing we could buy there.

I then began to raise my hopes over the limits I originally expected. If this place had all these high prices, then it was fair and logical to think my own equipment would be sold at the same value.

What my gears lacked in level would be compensated by the amount I was selling right now. As for the grade and rarity of them, I believed they weren't lower than any other gear sold here.

I had a shot to obtain anything that might help me in the upcoming battle. I hoped I could buy any portable tower, or even some mine lands or trenches added to it.

While I was fantasizing about these thoughts, Mody had returned with his big body while saying:

"May I say I have a really nice offer to make?"

I was attracted to him at once; however I noticed there was someone standing beside him, a few steps behind so that I didn't notice his slim body from before.

He was like hiding behind the big body of Mody. This person was an old looking man, with sharp eyes and stern face. He gave me a bad feeling, this wasn't a simple man at all.

"What do you want to offer?" I asked without looking at Mody, as my gaze was still fixed on this stranger, who was in turn looking straight at me.

His gaze was calm, so calm that made my heart palpitate.

"If it isn't Sir Terry, it's a great surprise to see you here in flesh. How are you doing lately, sir bloody warrior?"

This time it was the voice of Shin that made me escape this fear. I didn't meet fearful men a lot, however I knew anyone of them was dangerous, very dangerous.

It seemed that Shin noticed my reaction so he decided to interfere. I felt some gratitude to him, as now I knew who that man was and why I felt some fear of him.

He was a warrior, and if I was right he was also a mystic art user, or even a master.

"Oh, it's you Shin. What are you doing here?"

First of all, he didn't call Shin the crazy prince like everyone of the noble families I met so far. He also spoke to him in a friendly way, it seemed the two of them knew each other well and might be friends.

"I'm doing great, after your last betrayal to me I was forced to come here and play for my life. what are you doing here?"

"It's a shame, you know I had no choice in that. You were a loser back then and you were destined to fall. Don't blame me then for giving you the small push to end your suffering. Are you with player Agatha?"

Well, they knew each other, not as friends however as enemies. I felt some weirdness in their behavior, there was no grudge or hatred in their talks. They were both speaking like old friends. That was strange.

"Yes, she is my leader now. What business do you have here? Do you plan to make your guild participate here as well?" Shin asked.

"Let's say I'm planning to do something like that. The price I took from your head was really big, so I plan to establish an adventure group first then a guild. What do you think?" he said while looking at me.

I wasn't stupid, I understood his meaning. He wanted to buy my group, which was something unacceptable. He also seemed to know about my possession of a guild master token.

He was a man who betrayed Shin before, and now he wanted to buy my group and make me a mere pawn in his hand. Of course my answer was obvious, however Shin preceded me by saying:

"You can forget about it, she is under my protection," Shin replied with a chuckle.

"Your protection? You can't even protect yourself!" Terry said.

Actually he had a point here, to me Shin was the one under my protection, not the opposite.

"Don't forget I never used my right to establish a guild yet, right?" Shin simply replied, and before Terry could say a word he added, "And as I can recall you swore an oath to be under me when I establish my guild. Wasn't that the oath you used to justify your betrayal back then?"

Well, I had to admit that Shin was talking about things I knew nothing about. However from the reaction of Terry I guessed he was speaking the truth here. My mind began to speculate things, as a big plot started to take shape in my mind.

After all, it seemed Shin wasn't that lousy naive clumsy looking crazy prince. If my doubts were confirmed, then it seemed he didn't yet abandon the fight for the throne, and perhaps he was using me to reach it.

I didn't open my mouth as I let the two of them speak to each other. I watched calmly however I had a boiling anger accumulating inside me. if my assumptions were true, then this Shin would face a terrible burst of anger more than the one I had with Respon.

If he was playing me, then he brought this upon himself.

"Without the guild master token you can't claim that right, and you know that finding a guild master token isn't that simple. Or perhaps you plan to backstab your friend?" Terry said.

That was what was going in my mind, this was it, the moment of truth. I waited with a calm face and anxious soul for Shin to reply, as it would define everything.

"I don't plan anything for me, I lost the throne and by that I have no chance in claiming it again, and you know that. As for that old oath, I will hereby pass all the oaths from me to Player Agatha, she will be the new owner of all of your oaths," Shin said.

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