Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 169: Shin is Dead

Chapter 169: Shin is Dead

At this moment I was sure I would die, no matter what I could use or do. This wasn't a gap of level, it was a gap of strength. I was weak, so weak in front of this mad man, and in front of such strength nothing was useful.

This was his strength after some limitation from the game, I wondered what would happen if I faced his full strength then? Would I just die from his cry only?

Although I felt hopeless, I didn't lower my spear. If death was my fate, then I would rather welcome it with my spear.

"You have my credit for standing still in front of my aura. You are good, how unfortunate you ended up with that loser. Now just die."

The broadsword shone more brightly than ever as all I saw was just a flash of light that filled my entire sight.

I was doomed.

Just as I felt death holding my whole body, I didn't stand still as I waved my spear strongly towards that berserker's body. if I was going to die like this, then at least I would make him suffer.

I heard a loud clash of weapons, accompanied by a strong vibration in the air. The world seemed to be so quiet like there was no more life in it.

'Is this what death looks like?'

I muttered to myself as I waited for my body to dissipate and my soul be sent to the resurrection point. According to Terry, I would have irreversible damage to my soul which would make me much weaker and would take a long time to revive.

That was a harsh fate for me, however I didn't have an opinion about it. I just closed my eyes and waited, waited for the system prompt to notify me with my death.

However after a few moments nothing happened. I opened my eyes to witness something insane. That broadsword of that Terry was just a few centimeters away from my head, but it was held away by another sword that prevented it from moving an inch forward.


I muttered in disbelief, as the one who moved to rescue me was the butler I had gained not long ago. that undead looking lady had regained her former vitality and moved to protect me.

Miraculously she managed to prevent the inevitable. That unstoppable strike from Terry was stopped by the thin blade of Diana. That wasn't a fluke of luck, as I knew well how strong that strike was.

Diana wasn't weak, she was at my level in the game however her mystic art quality didn't decrease even a bit.

At this moment I realized why she was dealing with such arrogance with me, she was so strong to begin with. She might not be on par with masters, however under the game limitation forced upon Terry, he was now slightly weaker than her.

As for my spear, it managed to penetrate Terry's body and cause a deep wound on his right chest.

The final outcome of this confrontation was drastically opposite to what I thought, however I was content with that.

I didn't stop as I snapped my fingers to bring back my six spears to my side again, at the same time Diana waved her sword to push Terry a few meters to the back.

The situation got reversed in a dramatic way, and I didn't intend to let that person leave here without paying the price.

So I threw my spear out again, at the same time Diana moved in unison with my attack without any prior coordination and she began to lay hit after hit over Terry's body.

Terry became cornered by the two of us, and his body began to show many wounds mostly caused by the growing army of spears.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing with her?"

Terry was stupefied with the appearance of Diana, he didn't think there was someone stronger than him here. Diana didn't answer him as she kept attacking relentlessly, as for me I didn't plan to waste my breaths over him.

"Dragon head spear skill."

I aimed at once towards my strongest attack, as my spear got enlarged to form a huge dragon head. I was going to play with my strongest skill. I knew if I was alone, I couldn't pin that Terry in such a sorrow state, all this was done thanks to the pressure of Diana's sword.

I really felt appreciation for the offer her master gave to me. this butler was really priceless, and I knew her true value in the most desperate moment since I played this game.

I doubted I could really kill him, however I was angry, very angry and I needed to vent my anger over him. I didn't slack as I sent my dragon spears towards his chest, I aimed for his heart hoping I could do great damage to him.

Diana, on the other hand, tried to limit his movement, and she was doing a great job there. I knew she didn't regain her full power yet, so I didn't hope higher than causing some pain to this Terry.

Or else I would aim directly for his life.

Just as my spears penetrated his chest, he gushed out a big amount of blood from his deep wounds. At the same time I heard a system notification in my ears.

"System prompt: Player Terry attacked you in a violation of a cross worlds rules. he will be confined for a suitable amount of time matching his crime. You will get a suitable compensation out of his belongings. "

"System prompt: Player Terry will be moved now to his world, as he will be confined there for one year."

"System prompt: Player Agatha had the right to obtain five items from player Terry's Inventory. The five items will be delivered in less than ten minutes."

Suddenly, Terry's body got wrapped with black light as he would be sent away. He gushed another amount of blood before saying with extreme cruelty:

"This isn't over."

I didn't back down even an inch as I said threatening:

"Prepare yourself, after you exit your prison you either yield to my reign or die under my spear."

I followed my words with a throw of my dragon spears that moved in extreme speed towards Terry. My spears got deflected by the black sphere surrounding him, however that served my declaration well and clear.

I watched him disappear from the place, at the same time I watched Diana's body get weaker as she fell on the ground. I hurried to support her, as I knew she was overexerting herself to protect me.

"Pardon my incompetence, I failed to protect the lord. I deserve to die."

She said that with a weaker voice, however I didn't mind her words as I took out the small cube I bought for her. According to Lary, this cube was very useful to Diana's condition.

Once I took the cube out, it shone with strange light as the writings over its surface radiated bright silver light. The cube got itself freed from my grip as it fell slowly into Diana's body.

Once the cube entered her body, she closed her eyes as she lost her consciousness. I trusted lady Nada and trusted Lary, or else I would fear the worse.

I just held her in my lap as I looked towards Shin, as I was about to explode on his face with many words of anger. All of this was done by him, and without any prior notice or mention before which put me at great risk.

Even if he intended to help me, he should have weighed the risk before doing such a crazy act. Just as my eyes fell over him I froze, as a cold grip held my heart mercilessly at this moment.

In front of me, that cool swordsman who accompanied me on my journey here from day one till now, the one who helped me a lot and guided me on my first footsteps here, that man who was always beside me giving advices and aid all the time was fading away like a desert mirage.

I didn't know what to do as my mind was totally frozen and my body got paralyzed. His soft look and sweet smile was what was imprinted in my mind that moment.

"Don't be sad like this, the last weeks with you were really fun and great. However from this moment on you will have to continue walking on your path alone, and I'm sure you will do a great job and achieve your dreams."

I didn't feel my tears which flooded from my eyes without any warning or stop. I muttered with great difficulty and severe pain:


His sweet smile didn't leave his fading face as he said softly before vanishing:

"There can't be more than two competitors for the throne. I have given up my right to you, and now you are running for the throne next to Respon. I now feel great relief as everything has turned clear in front of my eyes.

I didn't die and revive all these times for myself, I was destined to save you not me. I'm glad that I could help you in such a way, and maybe when you get the throne you might find a way to free me from my prison.

I will wait for your triumphed return to the palace, as I'm sure you will beat that liar and his harem and supporters. Good luck my love, prove to them how worth you are. I will miss you, and that will be my only regret in this life."

His body then vanished in thin air like he never existed in the first place.

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