Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 179: Buying Interesting Items from The Auction

Chapter 179: Buying Interesting Items from The Auction

For me it was a race against time. if I moved early I would die, and if I waited later than I should be my players would die. I had to move exactly at the sml window which would guarantee my victory.

To do this,I depend on my players outside. Once they came nearby here then I would move. I looked towards Elyo as I muttered:

"It will be a close call. Be ready."

"I will," she simply replied.

"Are we done now?" that master said as he seemed quite irritated from the fact we discovered his trap.

"Yes, all you need to do is to send me to someone who can help with the auctions here," I replied in a try to stall for more time.

"I can help you myself," he answered.

"No, thanks. Just send for someone," I replied.

"Sorry, but I insist."

That man was really irritating. I had no other way to reply except by nodding my head. I moved following him towards the seats we sat upon when we entered here for the first time.

He pointed to them as he said:

"These seats had a button at their arms, use these buttons to navigate that whole menu. Do you want any help regarding specific items?"

His kindness was met by my refusal as I said:

"No thanks, I will look for what I need myself."

"I'm just trying to help," he shamelessly answered.

"I know, and you did it splendidly so far. Let's go Elyo, we have a full menu to look into."

I then moved and sat on my previous chair, as for Ely she sat beside me and Diana stood in her place behind me as usual.

To be honest I began to get used to her presence, and if not for the fact that she was my enemy, we would have become close friends.

"Do you want something specific? I could directly get the offers for you."

That man was becoming more shameless and annoying to the limits I couldn't bear, but I had to. I was trying to waste time, and he was trying to prevent me from doing it.

We were like two opposing forces facing each other. I didn't reply to him, as this was the only thing that kept me quiet. I began to scroll over the names inside this menu.

To my surprise, I found some interesting things here that I didn't expect to find, like advanced healing potions, even a healing tent. That tent tempted me to buy it, as it didn't only heal players fast, it also healed them in patches.

The price set for this tent was ten thousand gold coins, and each tent could accommodate a one hundred players team. That was interesting, as before I wouldn't even think about buying it, but now I didn't hesitate to buy five of such tents.

The only disadvantage was it couldn't be used in battles, and if the players were attacked while healing, they would be exited from it and toasted outside randomly.

For me it was a nice post war tool to help my players and future army to heal. Five wasn't a big number, but it was a good start for now. In the future I would look for more of these tents to buy.

As for healing potions, I gave Elyo the green light to buy as much as she could. I wasn't worried about our Inventory's capacities, as I had porins now that could help to solve this problem.

The second interesting thing I found was a war tool, a flag. This flag could radiate cloaking fog that would turn a certain spot invisible to any outsider. The coolest thing in it was this ability couldn't be bested by thieves or assassins.

This was a nice tool, and the area that could cover was one hundred meter radius. It was a nice area to hide a small team without being threatened by any danger, even in the middle of the enemy territory.

The duration for it was one day, then it needed to rest for two days to be used again. somehow that point made its price to be lower than I expected. I thought it would be like the tent, but it was half in its price.

So, I bought ten of it. like this one hundred thousand gold coins were depleted from me, plus twenty thousands more were consumed from Elyo on potions.

Any potion I met I didn't stop for a second to read, as I was sure Elyo would do a brilliant job in selecting what we really needed.

I flipped the pages looking for anything interesting. Most of the pages were full of equipment, a thing that I wasn't interested in right now. For me I was content with my current weapons, and with my team weapons.

In the future I planned to go and visit the secret dungeon again, as I would need to replace my current equipment, and I maybe aim for a complete set. That would be nice, right?

As I passed nearly half of the menu without finding anything interesting, I found something that attracted my attention. It was a horn, a strange looking horn that seemed very old and so weird.

The horn had two handles like it was so heavy. I didn't know why, but I figured it was so heavy that it needed two men to carry it.

'The destroyer's horn: blow it and any enemy in front of you will pale and run away no matter what.'

It was a simple, yet very effective tool if used carefully and in its suitable moments. The price of it wasn't that high, as it was sold for three thousand gold coins only, so I bought it.

After some pages, I began to feel bored. All the items sold here weren't suited to my taste, and that made me read most of it in a short duration. I had to find another way to spend time here.

While I was looking for items and thinking about this point, I found an interesting item. The item itself wasn't for much use to me, as it was an item dedicated for decreasing Mana consumption.

Form magicians and wizards this item would be priceless, and it was really expensive. Its price was one hundred thousand gold coins, as it could decrease the consumption by half permanently as long the player had it attached to his body.

I wasn't crazy to buy it, I would support my players, but not by spending so much for a single player. If this item affected a group of players then I would have considered buying it.

What was interesting wasn't the item itself, it was the category that item was listed under. It was called a special category item sale.

"May I ask what this special category item sale means?"

I opened my mouth for the first time after ten minutes of complete silence. The master's face changed as he replied:

"It's nothing, just a normal category but for special items."

His reply wasn't persuasive enough for me, as he seemed wanting to cover up something. I smiled as I said:

"Good, then show me the list of items sold under this category. I tried to check the list myself, but it said it requires some conditions and the approval of a staff member. All conditions are met, but I want the approval of the staff."

He seemed more and more tense as he said:

"Really? I don't know about that."

"Then go and bring me someone who knows, and take your time, don't rush. Rushing things isn't good for your health after all master."

He looked at me as he knew I guessed what this was about. This menu was like a private menu for VIP guests only. it required that I would have wealth over half million gold coins and spend over fifty thousand gold coins at their hall in a single day.

I already had done this, and my wealth was over that number. So, I only lacked the approval of the staff. For sure that man was able to clear that for me, however he didn't intend to.

He wanted to make me leave from here soon, so my only explanation was that this list would take more time for me to finish. He looked at me with hateful look as he gritted his teeth as he muttered:

"I give player Agatha the approval to view the special category item sale."

I grinned from ear to ear as I said:

"Thanks master, but you know looks can't kill anyone."

He just looked at me trying to prevent himself from attacking, although I hoped he would. I then began to examine the new list that appeared in front of me.

When I looked at it, I first didn't understand why he was so opposed to me viewing it. it was as I suspected, a list for VIP guests with higher priced items being auctioned here.

However, after I read some lines I stopped as I was stunned from what I saw.

'Son of b***, that's why you don't want me to enter here.'

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