Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 184: Follow my Orders and Live, Disobey me and Die

Chapter 184: Follow my Orders and Live, Disobey me and Die

My secret was so important, however I couldn't ask this much from my players, ask them to just blindly trust me.

I also didn't expect that inside the description of this artifact I would find my name and my secret would be revealed like this.

However I wasn't that regretful, after all this wasn't my top secret. I looked inside the eyes of each one of them. My message was clear, I wanted them to trust me like I trusted them.

What was in their eyes wasn't doubt but shock, as Rog suddenly said:

"I didn't expect to meet someone like you one day. Rest assured that your secret will die with me."

His words were straight and harsh, however I liked his reply. The others also nodded in agreement, so that part of the deal was over. They now were really called my friends.

"Good, now let's discuss what to do next. Do any of you know how long we can stay here?" I asked.

"We can stay here as long as we need, however time here is double the time at the game, so we shouldn't stay here that long," Diana was the one who spoke expressing her thoughts.

I looked at her, she didn't ask me about my artifact despite she must have guessed much from the reaction of my friends.

She was my butler, and she saved me a couple of times already, however I couldn't say she was yet my friend. After all she started at my enemy and the grudge between us was so deep.

So I had to take a step to the back when dealing with her. Time would tell if she was worthy of my trust or not. After all, trust between people was always mutual and based on sincerity.

"That means we have to be swift and decisive. I don't want our levels to decrease while we are playing here. our players need our attention as well the level fifteen dungeon needs to be conquered by us," I said as I looked towards the outside of the borders of this safe zone.

"We can level up here," Rog suddenly said.

"Yes, I heard that each demon we kill will give us some decent XP," Rody said.

That meant my primary concern was eliminated. My level was already higher than the rest of the players in the game, and I intended to keep my advantage forever.

"Good, let's go out now, and I will summon one thousand ex-players to aid us. You four have to arrange them," I said.

"What about you then? You need to have your own team after all," Elyo said.

"Don't worry, I will recruit higher level ex-players to be part of my team."

I planned to have at least twenty players level sixty to be on my personal team. Each player would cost me two hundred gold coins, and that was an easy cake for me.

I took the first step outside the place, and once my foot stepped over the borders, I felt like I was struck by a strong gale of wind that caused my body to tremble.

'Damn, the environment here isn't that nice to me,' I muttered as I knew that was the pressure exerted from these lands over mystic art users.

There were two more players with me who felt the same shock, Rog and Diana. As for the rest, they passed the border easily like they were talking a stroll over the town.

I sighed, why was there this disparity between the two of us? If mystic art powers were limited here, then why did the mystic art society have control over these lands?

In my opinion normal players should have their share from this place, after all they could exert their real powers here.

"Take care of your powers, as this place is hard to adapt," I said to Diana and Rog.

"Don't worry, I have been here a couple of times before," Diana said while Rog just stood there silently with a pale face, as his powers were very limited and that shocked him.

Diana's words made me aware of something, she had been here more than once, didn't that mean she had already her post?

"Do you have a post here?" I asked.

"No, as I was a lone wolf all my entire life," she simply replied without any details. I knew she must have experienced it harder than us. After all, I had the backup of my group, however she had none.

"That reminds me, we might meet many rogue mystic art users who came here on their own. If they expressed their desire to join us, I recommend you accept their offer," Diana added after a brief moment of silence.

Her words were logic, and I intended to heed by her advice in the future. After all, more mystic art players would be a great boost to me. Who would refuse such aid in this place?

Now as I was outside, I had to deal with my new army recruitment. At once I closed my eyes as the picture of that large stele appeared in my mind. I didn't waste any more time as I began to choose buying ex-players level fifty at once.

One thousand level fifty ex-players cost each one hundred gold coins, that meant I had to pay one hundred thousand gold coins. After I bought them, my wealth went down by a visible chunk.

I didn't stop there as I headed towards level sixty. Just before buying them I thought as I planned to buy a small amount of them, then why didn't I aim for higher levels then?

Level fifty ex-player was sold by one hundred gold coins, and level one hundred ex-player was sold by six hundred gold coins. Twenty level one hundred ex-players would be an awesome entourage and would help me a lot.

I made up my mind as I bought twenty level one hundred ex-players in one go. This cost me twelve thousand gold coins. Once I bought them I noticed how small their cost was, so I made a rash decision and bought another eighty.

Sixty thousand gold coins, that were all their cost after buying one hundred level one hundred ex-players. their appearance came suddenly to startle everyone, and they had all the right to feel so.

After all they didn't exceed level twenty yet, and in front of them stood one hundred teams of level one hundred ex-players. That was a sight to behold. Level one hundred players were really something, as their vibe alone was enough to cause all my players to step a few meters away from them spontaneously.

All except me, as I was used to dealing with dangerous soldiers when I was the leader of a huge army back in my kingdom. I stood my place as one of the one hundred ex-players said:

"Are you the one who summoned us?"

I didn't show any weakness as I replied back:

"Yes, from this moment on you will be my personal army."

"Team you mean, right?" he said, correcting me with a smug smile over his face. When I bought them, I had a new panel in my control window, as I had full control over every ex-player I just bought. I looked without care to him as I said:

"I don't like people correcting me, so from now on you will be my personal army."

He was about to open his mouth to say something, however before he could do so I chose the option of termination to this annoyingly arrogant ex-player. Once I did that, his face suddenly changed as he screamed begging:

"I'm sorry madam, please forgive my insult, ple"

He didn't have time to say anything more, as he burned alive in front of everyone. In less than a few moments he turned into ash and vanished from this life forever. I looked towards the eyes of everyone else I loudly declared:

"Anyone else out here wants to try his luck with me?"

I didn't say anything after this soon, as I moved my eyes over each and single one of them slowly and steadily. Gaining a strong force like them was awesome, but if you couldn't control them then this power would instantly backfire at you.

My stand was clear, and they knew who was in control here. However before I say anything else, I bought another player to replace the one who just died. The new player once arrived, he sensed something was off. The atmosphere here was thick and heavy and this wasn't because of the sacred lands but came from me.

So, he was wise and didn't open his mouth to say anything, at the same time I heard some whispers from some of them. they must be informing their new mate about what just happened and my fiery temper.

If they couldn't respect me due to my low level, then they had to be afraid of me as I wouldn't hesitate to kill any single one of them if I wanted.

"My name is Agatha, and I would be your leader from now on. you will be my personal army, follow my orders to the letter and you will live. If any of you improvised without returning to me, then don't beg for mercy when I punish you."

My voice wasn't loud, but it was perfectly clear to them. they at once nodded, as they feared of saying anything that might compromise any of them to danger.

Dealing with mysterious hot tempered crazy bosses like me would be harsh for them, however I wasn't that bad after all. With time they would get used to me and would know how to handle me.

And now I had to handle this test. I glanced at the others, as they started to arrange their teams at once. I now had one thousand two hundred and fifty players in total in my personal little army.

I knew this wouldn't be the end of strength, as I yet had to use my trump card, that artifact. As problems were solved one after another, I had to find a way to clear the most crucial problem for me.

"Do any of you know how to earn gold coins here?" I asked directing my question to these ex-players of my personal army.

**** Check the novel event for the Mass Release. Support Agatha with stones, reviews, and gifts and I will reward you with Mass Release. Check the event for more info please. ****

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